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专员办会计信息质量检查长效机制建设是提高会计监督工作的科学化、精细化水平的必然要求。本文在阐述专员办会计信息质量检查长效机制建设必要性的基础上,论述了会计信息质量检查长效机制建设的总体目标和原则,并提出了相关制度设想。  相似文献   

会计信息质量检查,是财政部门对会计领域进行财政监督,整顿和规范市场经济秩序的重要方式。本文从当前会计信息质量检查存在的问题入手,对如何强化会计信息质量检查进行探讨。  相似文献   

郑伟 《财政监督》2020,(3):20-24
1999年我国会计信息质量检查制度正式建立和实施。在历年会计信息质量检查的同时,上海市长宁区重视案例和调研工作,从问题查原因,从原因找对策,从管理体制、政策扶持和健全内控等多个方面开展调查研究。针对查处的问题,先后撰写大量工作信息和调研报告,较好地反映了会计信息质量中存在的问题,提升了检查成果的利用效率。展望未来,应深化会计监督检查成果利用,将会计信息质量检查与财政管理有机结合,同时加大部委联动,以查促公共行业的财政政策改革。  相似文献   

1999年以来,财政部门开展会计信息质量检查已有十年。十年探索,会计信息质量检查走向规范,占据了会计监督工作的半壁江山,促进了会计监督工作稳步发展;十年跋涉,会计信息质量检查与会计师事务所执业质量检查有机结合,有力地打击了会计造假和舞弊行为,为整顿规范市场经济秩序、确保财税政策执行发挥了巨大作用。值此会计信息质量检查十周年和2009年度会计监督工作交流会召开之际,本刊隆重推出会计信息质量检查十周年暨2009年度会计监督工作交流会专题,以浓墨重彩宣传会计信息质量检查与会计监督工作,系统总结十年来的成功经验做法,谋划会计信息质量检查科学发展之路;展现会计信息质量检查的巨大成效,让社会各界更多地了解会计监督工作、参与会计监督工作、支持会计监督工作。  相似文献   

根据财政部《关于开展2008年会计信息质量检查和会计师事务所执业质量检查的通知》要求,南天津专员办牵头,山东、山西、内蒙古、甘肃、河南专员办组成的联合检查组。完成了对某公司2007年会计信息质量检查工作。联合检查作为开展会计信息质量检查新模式的一种尝试,各专员办领导高度重视,在财政部监督局的具体指导下,以科学发展观为指导,  相似文献   

日前,财政部发布了《中华人民共和国财政部会计信息质量检查公告》(第十二号),引起了社会各方面的广泛关注,为此,财政部监督检查局负责人接受了本刊专访。财政部从1999年以来已连续八年在全国范围内开展了会计信息质量检查,先后12次向社会发布了会计信息质量检查公告。这位负责人表示,从检查情况看。近年来企业会计信息质量和会计师事务所执业质量总体上有所提高,但会计信息失真问题仍然存在,少数企业甚至存在严重的会计造假行为,综合治理会计信息失真任重而道远。[编者按]  相似文献   

潘玉欧 《公共支出与采购》2009,(12):F0003-F0003
为纪念河北省开展会计信息质量检查十周年,河北省财政厅于12月7—8日在廊坊召开了全省纪念会计信息质量检查十周年表彰暨财政监督高层研讨会。会上对会计信息质量检查工作先进集体和先进个人进行表彰,  相似文献   

我国企业信息披露存在严重漏洞,财政部2004年1月8日发布的第九号《会计信息质量检查公告》,显示了2002年度的会计信息质量情况。我国对企业信息披露存在的问题,一直都高度的重视。2007年高级审计师考试中有一道考题就是”试析会计信息失真的原因及治理对策”。此问题已引起了全社会的广泛关注,本文就此问题作一简要分析。  相似文献   

会计信息质量检查公告是会计监督工作的一个环节,建立会计信息质量检查公告制度、完善会计信息质量检查公告模式是加大会计监督检查力度、综合冶理会计信息失真的重要手段。2006年11月3日,财政部发布了第12号会计信息质量检查公告,通报了部分企业存在严重的会计造假行为和部分会计师事务所执业质量低下的情况。公告指出,会计信息失真问题仍然存在,个别企业甚至存在严重的会计造假行为。公告的主要内容被广大媒体转载,社会影响广泛。虽然会计信息质量检查公告对于加强会计监督、扩大社会影响起到了重要作用,但是总体来看,现行公告模式95有待完善。[第一段]  相似文献   

近年来,白城市财税监督检查局通过宣传贯彻新《会计法》和开展会计信息质量检查工作,会计信息质量失真状况逐年好转。但是,在会计信息质量检查中也发现,在一些地方和单位还不同程度地存在着违纪问题,其违纪手段主要有以下十八种:  相似文献   

Although double‐entry accounting has been used for more than 600 years, today’s era of disruptive technological change utilising blockchain and FinTech has led to the emergence of another promising accounting method: triple‐entry accounting. This paper explores triple‐entry accounting, from its conception to the current state of play, using three case studies. We find that: (i) in a blockchain ecosystem, for some accounts, business entities will only need to perform a single entry internally and the opposite entry will be recorded in a public shared ledger; and (ii) triple‐entry accounting is a new and a more efficient way to address fundamental trust and transparency issues that plague current accounting systems. Triple‐entry accounting with blockchain, when properly implemented, can fundamentally improve accounting.  相似文献   

本文运用既发行A股又发行B股的公司(以下简称AB股公司)2001年会计准则改革前后的经验数据,分别从国际化的结果和过程的角度,就会计盈余质量进行定量研究,从而对改革效果做出实证性分析,籍此评价改革的合理性。研究表明:从国际化结果来看,AB股公司分别在中国会计准则与在国际财务报告准则下的盈余质量不存在显著性差异,说明了在我国目前的现实环境条件下完全采用国际财务报告准则也不能显著地提高会计盈余质量;从国际化过程来看,两种准则体系下盈余质量差异的绝对值变化显著且逐年减少,说明了我国会计准则国际化改革形式上协调促进了实质上的协调,提高了会计盈余质量。  相似文献   

The new accounting research has been devoted to illuminating the social and constitutive aspects of accounting. This has been done, however, in many cases, in the setting of micro managerial accounting. The effects of financial and macroeconomic accounting on modern economic society have not been examined in depth from an epistemological and critical viewpoint. This article attempts to develop a hypothesis that financial accounting (particularly, that of macro economic entities) has been centrally implicated in the process through which economic ideas and economic management have become ubiquitous in modern society. Accounting's power and the reason for its steady growth are sought in its various formalities rather than its representational capacity. Several factors that are considered to constitute the formalities form a self-perpetuating apparatus that facilitates the prevalence of accounting in modern economic society.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is: (1) to discover which services are offered by external accountants serving small and medium‐sized enterprises (SMEs); (2) to study the factors that are associated with the degree of diversification of the services offered by these accountants; and (3) to investigate if there are differences between self‐employed accountants and accounting firms on the previous two points. This study has some interesting conclusions: (1) the heterogeneity of internal staff is not significantly associated with the degree of diversification; (2) a homogeneous internal staff with an accounting background is particularly important for accounting firms that diversify their services in the accounting and tax area; (3) collaboration with other service providers is an important factor associated with more diversification of the services; (4) marketing is only important for self‐employed accountants; (5) accounting firms offer fewer non‐accounting‐related services if they serve more micro clients (fewer than 10 employees), whereas self‐employed accountants offer more accounting and tax services if they serve more micro clients (fewer than 10 employees); and (6) accounting firms that diversify in accounting and tax services mainly serve more micro clients (fewer than 10 employees), whereas accounting firms that diversify in non‐accounting areas serve more larger clients (more than 10 employees).  相似文献   

Return on Investment (ROI) is widely regarded as a key measure of firm profitability. The accounting literature has long recognized that ROI will generally not reflect economic profitability, as determined by the internal rate of return (IRR) of a firm’s investment projects. In particular, it has been noted that accounting conservatism may result in an upward bias of ROI, relative to the underlying IRR. We examine both theoretically and empirically the behavior of ROI as a function of two variables: past growth in new investments and accounting conservatism. Higher growth is shown to result in lower levels of ROI provided the accounting is conservative, while the opposite is generally true for liberal accounting policies. Conversely, more conservative accounting will increase ROI provided growth in new investments has been “moderate” over the relevant horizon, while the opposite is true if new investments grew at sufficiently high rates. Taken together, we find that conservatism and growth are “substitutes” in their joint impact on ROI.  相似文献   

本文以我国2000至2007年期间IPO公司财务报告为样本,以2003年我国由证监会遴选执业会计师出任股票发行审核委员会(简称"发审委")委员的身份公开为背景,研究被证监会遴选执业会计师出任股票发审委委员的会计师事务所是否有动机提高审计质量,以维护来自政府认可的信任声誉。实证研究发现,这些会计师事务所审计的IPO公司财务报告的盈余质量,无论横向比较还是纵向比较均有显著提高。据此推论,来自政府认可的会计师事务所声誉与源于市场口碑的会计师事务所声誉一样,对享有这些声誉的会计师事务所提高审计质量有明显激励作用。  相似文献   

This paper traces the financial developments of the desalination plant in the State of Victoria in Australia. The desalination plant was built via a public–private partnership (PPP) vehicle, and commissioned at a time when water storage levels in the state were low. Subsequent rainfall has meant that no water has yet been ordered by the Victorian Government from the plant. In the paper an analysis is undertaken of the impact of the manner in which accounting treatment has been used in valuing this infrastructure asset. It is concluded that the applied accounting policy choices and treatments for this infrastructure asset are not consistent with conventional accounting theory, the Conceptual Framework for accounting or generally accepted accounting principles.  相似文献   

马骏 《会计研究》2005,24(8):15-20
我国的会计制度改革是为满足国企改革的需要而启动展开的,是我国体制转轨中的一项基础性制度建设。在改革起点上,首先是解决市场会计规则的制定和施行问题,通过新、旧会计制度转换,为国企产权改革提供支持。当国企进入以现代企业制度建设为目标的改革阶段之后,随之出现的大面积会计行为失范和会计秩序混乱,从反面提出了加强会计监管的改革需求。本文认为,在我国体制改革初期制定的会计监管框架与委托代理关系的企业制度存在脱节和错位,会计监管之所以成为制度瓶颈,原因在于对现行会计监管安排的路径依赖。  相似文献   

The dramatic technological revolution that has taken place in the last decade makes it imperative for students to emerge from their undergraduate education technologically proficient, comfortable with technology, and ready to pursue their chosen fields. Computers, like pencils and notebooks, have become an integral part of the college experience. In the last five years there has been an emerging national trend to require laptop computers for accounting majors as well as in other disciplines. A laptop computer requirement can be extremely beneficial to accounting majors. While courses in accounting information systems have typically required students to gain hands-on experience using software such as Microsoft Access, Peachtree, QuickBooks, Great Plains and others, incorporation of technology into the other accounting courses has generally been more limited and has varied from programme to programme. The implementation of a laptop requirement necessitates a thorough analysis of the entire accounting curriculum and should result in the incorporation of information technology in all accounting courses. This also requires that faculty become technologically proficient and thus able to incorporate the laptop use into the curriculum so that the value of the laptop computer is realized. This paper: (1) examines the laptop requirement trend for accounting majors and the related aspects/characteristics in a sample of US institutions accredited and not accredited by AACSB International, and (2) provides a case study of the implementation of a laptop requirement for undergraduate accounting majors in an AACSB-accredited institution and feedback based on student evaluations of the requirement over a two-year period.  相似文献   

This paper examines whether the relevance of conventional (earnings focused) accounting information for valuation has declined in Australia over a recent period of 28 years. Motivation is provided by the anecdotal concerns of financial analysts, accounting regulators, and a cluster of US centric academic research papers that conclude that the relevance of financial accounting (and earnings in particular) has declined over time. After controlling for nonlinearities and stock price inefficiencies, we find that the value relevance of core accounting earnings has not declined. A possible exception is found for small stocks. We also observe that net book values are relatively less important in Australia when compared to the USA. Our results are informative for investors who require feedback on valuation issues and the International Accounting Standards Board regulators in any further moves towards a balance sheet focus.  相似文献   

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