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在企业购并中的一个值得关注的问题就是被购并企业高层管理人员的流动问题 ,它对于购并后企业的业绩有着重要的影响。高层管理人员的流失对于企业有何影响 ,在何种情况下适宜撤换 留任被购并企业的原高层经理 ,是值得讨论的课题。  相似文献   

Loan Officer Turnover and Credit Availability for Small Firms   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper presents empirical evidence on the role loan officers play in facilitating small firm access to commercial bank loans. If loan officers use soft information (for example, assessments of character, information from customers and suppliers) to make lending decisions that would not otherwise be made on the basis of hard information (for example, tax returns or financial statements), then, frequent turnover in loan officers should be associated with an adverse effect on credit availability. This relationship is confirmed empirically using survey data of U.S. small firms in 1995 and 2001, where loan officer turnover is positively related to the turndown rate on the most recent loan application. Although loan officer turnover could be influenced by the turndown rate (for example, an owner changes banks and gets a new loan officer as a result of a recent turndown), its negative effect on credit availability persists under several different tests.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the relationship between firm size and growth for UK manufacturing and services over the period 1991 to 1995. We test for size effects on growth, using models which incorporate the influences of previous growth and industry membership. The results from the analysis suggest that for both manufacturing and services, small firms tend to grow faster than larger firms. The growth of manufacturing firms appears to persist over time, whereas this is not the case for service firms. Small firms tend to have more variable growth rates than their larger counterparts in manufacturing and services. This suggests that large firms may enjoy advantages associated with diversified operations which make them less susceptible to periods of extremely high or low growth.  相似文献   


If one considers that public accounting firms are involved in a labor-intensive service, dependent on staff members for their input, the seriousness of high employee turnover levels becomes evident. Thus, it is imperative that public accounting firms find a means to retain experienced accountants if they are to successfully service clients. This requires a change in philosophy for accounting firms. Previous research has focused primarily on determining the reasons employees give for leaving/remaining with a firm. This is generally where the process ends. Few accounting firms lake the next step which involves the development of an internal marketing plan to reduce turnover.  相似文献   

Since 1980, the United Kingdom has experienced a dramatic growth in firms and employment in information-intensive business services, such as management consultancy and market research. This article reports the results of the first substantial nation-wide investigation into the nature and causes of small professional business service firm growth in Britain, undertaken in 1991. It reveals marked differences in the characteristics, markets and competitive requirements of such firms, compared with small manufacturing firms. The demand for their services comes predominantly from large companies, and is more focussed on financial and other services and government. But small firms are also making increasing use of business services. Specialised expertise, reputation and educational and professional qualifications are essential prerequisites for the establishment of new business service firms. Their success is also being enhanced by increasing use of informal networking, collaborative partnerships, and subcontracting.  相似文献   

This paper examines the influence of board composition on growth intentions of high‐growth firms. We hypothesize that gender diversity and a high proportion of independent directors on the board will reduce a firm's growth intentions, whereas founder duality will increase a firm's growth intentions. Using survey data from 773 high‐growth Norwegian firms, we find that gender diversity has a negative effect on growth intentions. A high proportion of independent directors do not facilitate further growth in high‐growth firms. Furthermore, our results indicate that the founder's presence in the decision‐making group increases a firm's growth intentions.  相似文献   

《Business History》2012,54(4):46-64
The clothing industry was one of the most important sources of employment in the UK economy prior to 1914, especially for women. Yet, apart from the supposed dominance by sweaters, little is known about it. The article considers the long-term development of the industry by providing new estimates for industry output and productivity growth over the period. The 1860s and the 1890s are shown to be the two periods when significantly higher gains in efficiency were generated compared to any other period before 1948. The 1860s was the decade when sewing machine sales began. The 1890s was the decade when sales of sewing machines in the UK peaked, as previously unpublished evidence shows. The article concludes that the industry was almost certainly transformed by the introduction of the new and improved sewing machine of the 1880s and 1890s.  相似文献   

China's focus on the sustainable development and efficient usage of natural resources echoes Daimler-Chrysler's idea of long-term growth, Li Jie, Vice-President of Daimler-Chrysler China Ltd. (DCCL), said recently in Beijing.  相似文献   

This study examined the effects of the factors involved in the start-up situation and the first seven years' development on the subsequent high growth of firms. The criterion of success used in this study was high growth in business during the first seven years. The subjects were Finnish metal products manufacturing firms and business service firms established in 1990. The results indicated, firstly, that it is the internal networks of firms that bring about competitive advantage, innovations and efficiency. In these entrepreneurial team-driven firms a group of people participate in the strategic management of the firm. It was also found that co-operation between firms and changes in external personal networks contributed to a high rate of growth. The empirical results showed that new firms had equal chances for growth irrespective of their locality. On the other hand, growth was affected by changes in a new firm's competitive situation and by changes in strategic factors. The results also clearly indicated that high growth firms were characterised by rising productivity of labour at the same time as they were generating new jobs.  相似文献   

Strategic and Business Planning Practices of Fast Growth Family Firms   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Fast-growth family firms were surveyed about their business and strategic planning practices. Of the 65 fast-growth family firms surveyed, the majority prepare written formal plans. The business plans are in sufficient detail to enable the business to tie planning to actual performance and to adjust management compensation accordingly. The majority of the firms regularly share information with employees regarding comparisons between actual company performance results and goals or planned performance. Further, the majority of the firms describe their business strategy as a high quality producer strategy rather than as a low-cost or time-based strategy. Further, when bringing new products to market, these fast-growth family firms adopt a first mover or early follower strategy. Implications of these findings for growth-oriented family firms are presented.  相似文献   

The study aims to explore the financial aspects of the Palestinian industry, and to investigate productivity and efficiency of small scale industry compared with large scale firms. In order to help policy makers in industrial planning in the new emerged Palestinian state. A special instrument has been used to collect the financial and quantitative data for the related manufacturing firms from a random sample of 215 Palestinian firms. The one way analysis of variance test was used to examine whether the mean scores differ significantly among scale sizes of the Palestinian industry concerning the selected performance measures. In addition, the Scheffe test was used as a post hoc comparison way to identify which scale size firms' performance differs than the other two scale sizes.The research revealed that small scale firms in Palestinian industry have higher labor productivity values than large scale firms, while large scale firms accomplished higher net profit margin compared to small scale industry. Creating an additional job in large scale Palestinian industry needs less cost than creating a job in small scale industry, and large scale firms have better opportunity in getting external financing than small firms.  相似文献   

This study explores the homogeneity of small firms that have achieved and sustained high growth. Using a recent population of the 50 “Best Managed” Canadian firms identified as achieving high business growth for three or more consecutive years, firm homogeneity in terms of current management challenges is analyzed. In contrast to the rich body of literature available regarding the heterogeneity of managerial challenges and patterns during small business growth and development, this study finds that once small businesses begin to sustain high growth, their reported management challenges converge. We find that, controlling for location and performance, the high‐growth small firms in our population experience similar management challenges regardless of the specific firm size, revenue level, or industry. Our results challenge the “received wisdom” that suggests the managerial challenges faced by small firms during their business growth and development always vary. Management implications and future research directions are discussed.  相似文献   

Vertical coopetition describes a situation where a firm has a vertical exchange relationship with a direct competitor. Drawing on resource‐based perspectives and resource dependence theory, we examine specific characteristics of vertical coopetition that affect the sales growth of young and small firms. We propose that the size of the competitor and mutual dependence as well as overdependence among the cooperating rivals affect the growth potential of young and small firms differently. Our research makes a contribution to the literature by disentangling some of the benefits and threats related to vertical coopetition for young and small firms.  相似文献   

This paper examines the relationship between human and financial capital and firm performance for women- and men-owned small firms in the service and retail sectors. Results indicate that human capital variables, including education and experience, had a positive impact on the profitability of women-owned firms, whereas measures of financial capital had a greater impact of the profitability of men-owned firms. The ability to secure financial capital also had a positive impact on the growth rate of men-owned firms, but did not appear to affect the growth rate of women-owned firms. These findings suggest that the growth aspirations for women-owned firms may be driven by factors other than human capital or the ability to secure external capital.  相似文献   


Results of a survey of accounting firms suggests that market penetration is the preferred strategy among accounting firms followed by market development, service development and diversification. Using the Miles and Snow typology, prospectors were most aggressive in their preference for any strategy, followed by analyzers, defenders and reactors. Most small accounting firms were self typed as defenders or reactors suggesting their use of marketing concepts and strategies is limited.  相似文献   

《Business History》2012,54(3):122-141
This paper examines the role played by Canadian chartered banks in the banking crises that occurred in the United States during the period from 1870 to 1914. The particular hypothesis investigated is whether Canadian chartered banks, through their US branch offices, increased their share of total US deposits during these crisis periods because they were perceived as being relatively safer than US banks. Strong empirical support is found to support the hypothesis. This finding may help to explain the large presence of Canadian chartered banks in US financial markets. The reputation for stability that these banks earned during this period undoubtedly facilitated their expansion into the US market.  相似文献   

We present an empirical analysis of the determinants of growth for a sample of Italian small and medium sized firms. We show that, when investigating a sample which includes firms between 10 and 50 employees and a set of variables larger than those usually considered in the literature, growth – net of industry characteristics and ex ante market power – turns out to be significantly affected not only by size and age, but also by state subsidies, export capacity and credit rationing. By adopting a multivariate approach we also show that these findings are confirmed after controlling for heteroskedasticity, survivorship bias and serial correlation. Our results suggest that the hypothesis of independence of firm growth from the initial size and other factors (usually referred to as Gibrat's law in the literature) is not rejected for large firms, while it does not hold for small and medium sized firms under financial constraints in a "bank-oriented" financial system in which access to external finance is difficult.  相似文献   

The unification of both Germanies and the introduction of the market economy in eastern Germany came as a shock to existing firms and led to an enormous boom in the establishment of new firms. The first section of this paper shows that during the period under observation (January 1991--June 1995) the number of firms nearly doubled and in 1995, nearly 50% of all jobs were to be found in firms established after 1991. Shortly after unification, a kind of "start- window" existed during which the conditions for establishment, growth and survival of firms were extraordinarily good. The next section deals with the determinates of the growth of these newly founded firms. Most determinants have been selected on the basis of the most recent studies by Brüderl, Preisendörfer and Ziegler (1996), and Storey (1994). The analysis included not only establishment characteristics but also strategic factors such as the technological status of the establishment, the proportion of sales in interregional markets, and a corporate competitive strategy indicator. A comparison of these results with other studies shows that the determinants that affect employment growth in new firms in eastern German are apparently the same as in western Germany and Britain, albeit to different extents.  相似文献   

This paper examines the innovative ability of small firms in the semiconductor industry regarding their exploration of technological diversity and their integration within local knowledge networks. Through the analysis of patent data, we compare the innovative activity of start-up firms and larger firms. We find that small firms explore new technological areas by innovating in less crowded areas. The analysis of patent citation data reveals that small firms are tied into regional knowledge networks to a greater extent than large firms. These findings point to the role of entrepreneurial firms in the exploration of new technological spaces and in the diffusion of their accumulated knowledge through local small firm networks.  相似文献   

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