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Sustainability is a complex multidimensional concept that entails economic, environmental, and social aspects. The sustainable value (SV) method developed by F. Figge and T. Hahn [Ecol. Econ. 48(2004) 173-187] is one of the most promising attempts to measure sustainability performance of firms. SV measures corporate contributions to sustainability by valuing resource use based on the opportunity cost, which must be estimated. This paper critically examines Figge and Hahn's estimator for opportunity cost, and shows that the proposed estimator rests on a number of strong, unrealistic assumptions. Evidence from Monte Carlo simulations conducted by authors shows that the proposed estimator performs very poorly even under ideal conditions. Having identified shortcomings in the SV method, we review some econometric approaches with a proven statistical foundation, which might be usefully applied in the present context.  相似文献   

The paper offers a novel interpretation and affirmation of theopening arguments of Capital, answering the fundamental butneglected question of why labour is the substance of value.Marx's arguments require that two philosophical threads, oftenseparated in the literature on value, be woven together. Theargument that value is the intrinsic ‘content’ makingcommodities exchangeable employs the thread of realism. Theargument that abstract labour is the emergent ‘socialsubstance’ of value employs the thread of dialectics.This interpretation develops the materialist and dialecticalphilosophy of E.V. Ilyenkov and deepens the approach to valuetheory initiated by Ben Fine.  相似文献   

Never before has the American business community been challenged to justify and support its ethical standards as today. Hearings before government agencies, attacks by public interest groups, and emphasis on consumer interests have raised serious questions concerning the moral code of industry, the social responsibility of the business community, and what lies ahead for the business firm as it behaved in the past. Somehow much of the public believes that corporate responsibility has been compromised, and that regard for profits has become a way of life that overlooks humane and societal considerations. Management must recognize that it is invested with a definite ethical and moral, as well as legal, responsibility to demonstrate the highest traits of business leadership in its stewardship role. Anything short of such a standard may be catastrophic for the future of the American enterprise system.  相似文献   

In this article I propose to reconsider Hugh Townshend's contribution in terms of the assessment made by George Shackle that Townshend proved the indeterminacy and nihilism inherent in the General theory. What I shall show, however, is that Townshend did not conclude that asset prices were indeterminate, but rather that they fell within a range of determinacy depending upon the relative magnitude of certain conventional criteria. And whilst it is true that Keynes clearly felt that an econonmy would be unpredictably unstable when these conventions broke down his motivation was to focus on the conditions by which the instiutional and conventional generative mechanisms could explain the relative stability of an economy when the prospective yield of assets were uncertain.  相似文献   

学术界对艺术商品的价值多从收藏、历史价值和投资增值等方面深入分析,对艺术商品的投资研究多以定性描述为主,且主要从艺术学和美学的角度,很少有从经济学角度入手进行投资研究和价值分析的。从马克思劳动价值理论的视角并综合西方经济学的效用理论,分析艺术商品的特点和价值决定,对艺术商品的价值增值进行研究和探讨。  相似文献   

This article investigates the implications of devalorisationof fixed capital in Marx's value theory. It shows why an exact,algebraic value theory is impossible. It also indicates howanalysis of devalorisation provides a basis for understandingthe nature of crises.  相似文献   

信息劳动创造价值,如何在马克思剩余价值理论视角下研究信息商品增值是一个新的研究课题。信息劳动是复杂劳动,创建期投入巨大,一些信息商品具有独特形式。将信息生产的不同时期的区分引入复杂的劳动过程和价值增殖的研究:信息商品创建期和扩大生产期都属于生产过程,在生产中获得价值增殖的潜力,而通过流通过程,创造出巨大数量的消费受众,从而实现了剩余价值的获得。巨大的规模投资、极高的技术门槛和政府政策保护使信息企业获得超额剩余价值。  相似文献   

This paper examines the determination of exchange values, income distribution, output and population in a Ricardian stationary state with fixed capital under less restrictive assumptions than previous studies. A fully determined and internally consistent model is derived with differing capital/labour ratios between sectors, with emphasis on showing that the assumptions made are drawn from Ricardo's writings. The model is extended to include gold and foreign trade.  相似文献   

This article aims to offer a reply to Steedman’s critique of Marx’s labor theory of value. Although this critique having been there for about three decades, the anti-critiques from Marxists are up to date flawed with fatal limitation, losing sight of an important dimension of labor theory of value, i.e., without taking it as a theoretical tool of understanding the uncertainty rooted in capitalist mode of production. The first part of this article reviews the controversy initiated by Steedman. Part 2 discusses Marx’s dual theory of market value and Rubin’s interpretation. Our view is that, if Rubin’s interpretation is accepted, a refutation of Steedman’s critique towards Marx will be impossible. Part 3 of this article explores the possible reconstruction of market value in the perspective of the dynamics in the pivoting of market value. We concludes that, the relationship between the standard condition of production and value is not, as argued by Steedman, of deterministic and one-directional character. For Marx, labor theory of value is applied to analyze the uncertain relation between the means and the end, the condition and the result of capitalist production. Meanwhile, another reply is attempted towards the negative comment on labor theory of value made by contemporary evolutionary economist such as Hodgson. In our view, Marx’s labor theory of value is not irrelevant as claimed by Hodgson to the main topics of evolutionary economics such as variety and “natural selection.” It is through labor theory of value that Marx explains the co-evolution of technology and economy.  相似文献   


This paper defends Adam Smith against his critics on his ‘additive’ theory of value as well as his theory of ‘falling rate of profits’. It argues that Adam Smith did not forget the raw materials, and so forth, in his resolution of the price into wages, profits, and rent, and that the constraint binding on the total income was also taken into account by treating rent as the residual. It further argues that there is no fallacy of composition in Smith's explanation for the ‘falling rate of profits’. It was explained on the basis of rising real wages and the farmers’ inability to shift the burden of the rise in wages from profit to rent in the context of a growing economy.  相似文献   

关于用人单位对大学毕业生需求行为的研究报告   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13  
用人单位对大学生的需求模式已经发生转变 ;用人单位对大学毕业生“工作能力”的评价高于“工作态度” ;“简历”在用人单位招录大学毕业生中的作用十分明显 ;大学生的就业“难”从人力资本投资的角度看其实质就是一个人力资本投资回报率不断下降的过程  相似文献   

This paper uses duality theory to simplify and extend previous work which characterized technologies which have present value decreasing in interest rates. For “unbounded” interest rate sets, value nonincreasing is equivalent to truncation never being desirable. For bounded interest rate sets, the result is true if truncation is replaced by limited truncation, appropriately defined. Similarly, for equal forward rates, undesirability of geometric truncation characterizes nonincreasing value. Another result shows that if truncation is undesirable at an internal rate of return, then the internal rate of return is well behaved, even if value is not decreasing everywhere.  相似文献   

In this article we examine whether extreme risk has increased in the agricultural commodity market during the period 1995–2013. We add to the literature on food price volatility by analysing the tail segment of futures price return distributions. Food price variability is a concern for governments and regulators worldwide, as most nations trade in food. High food price variability can contribute to poverty and malnourishment, in particular for people in less economically developed economies. We find no indications of systematically increasing tail-risk for the commodities in our sample. Analysis of estimated shape-parameters of the Generalized Extreme Value distribution further supports the conclusion that there is no general systematic change in the extreme risk associated with these commodity investments.  相似文献   

李继樊 《经济纵横》2001,(12):44-47
本文依据马克思劳动价值理论 ,阐述了在新的时代背景下马克思主义劳动价值理论的新发展。  相似文献   

Financial risk modelling frequently uses the assumption of a normal distribution when considering the return series which is inefficient if the data is not normally distributed or if it exhibits extreme tails. Estimation of tail dependence between financial assets plays a vital role in various aspects of financial risk modelling including portfolio theory and hedging amongst applications. Extreme Value Theory (EVT) provides well established methods for considering univariate and multivariate tail distributions which are useful for forecasting financial risk or modelling the tail dependence of risky assets. The empirical analysis in this article uses nonparametric measures based on bivariate EVT to investigate asymptotic dependence and estimate the degree of tail dependence of the ASX-All Ordinaries daily returns with four other international markets, viz., the S&P-500, Nikkei-225, DAX-30 and Heng-Seng for both extreme right and left tails of the return distribution. It is investigated whether the asymptotic dependence between these markets is related to the heteroscedasticity present in the logarithmic return series using GARCH filters. The empirical evidence shows that the asymptotic extreme tail dependence between stock markets does not necessarily exist and rather can be associated with the heteroscedasticity present in the financial time series of the various stock markets.  相似文献   

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