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政府、海关、走私商寻租行为的博弈分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
走私活动导致国家资源的浪费和产生腐败,本文通过经济学的寻租理论,借助于博弈论作为分析工具,讨论了打击走私和海关腐败官员参与寻租的成本、概率以及惩罚力度等因素对纳什均衡解的影响,最后给出寻租腐败现象的治理对策。  相似文献   

The purposes of this paper are to produce more precise estimates of the effect of rent control on homelessness using microdata on housed and homeless households and to provide evidence concerning the mechanisms through which rent control might affect homelessness. Our results suggest that rent control does increase homelessness by decreasing the rental vacancy rate and increasing the rental price of housing in the uncontrolled sector but that these effects of rent control are offset by other effects that decrease homelessness. We cannot reject the hypothesis that rent control has no net effect on homelessness.  相似文献   

This paper investigates how rent control affects mobility in the Danish housing market. We apply a proportional hazard duration model, that encompasses both the presence of left truncated tenancy durations, right censored observations and allows for a very flexible specification of the time dependency of the hazard rate. Tenancy mobility is severely reduced by rent control. For a typical household in the private rental sector tenancy duration is found to be more than six years longer if the apartment belongs to the 10% most regulated units than if it belongs to the 10% least regulated units.  相似文献   

This paper applies the theory of consumer choice to investigate the variations in the value of a marginal reduction in commuting for motorists. Two models are developed: Model I includes leisure and goods in the utility function and Model II adds commuting time to the utility function. Model I predicts that the value of a marginal reduction in commuting time increases as income or commuting time increases and decreases as commuting time saved increases. Model II does not have clear qualitative implications. The empirical tests generally support Model I.  相似文献   

住宅的市场流通存在住宅出售(房屋买卖市场)与住宅服务(租赁市场)两种形式。住宅出售是一次性实现其价值,所有者转移消费行为或收回其投资,获取利润。房价就是在住宅买卖市场中产生,本文中所提的房价主要指开发商出售新房形成的房价。出租则是在住  相似文献   

王杉 《价值工程》2014,(22):107-108
本文简述了空余房地产租赁管理历史背景,查找了目前管理中存在的问题,以促进空余房地产租赁正规化管理,提出了推行集中统管、加强盘活利用、强化租赁管理、积极适应市场等对策,最后分析了瓶颈问题和发展前景。  相似文献   

中国革命与建设的伟大历程 ,中华民族的伟大复兴都必须坚持马克思主义与时俱进的理论品质 ,必须坚持解放思想 ,实事求是的思想路线。  相似文献   

久盼的奥运终于如期来了,所有人都松了一口气,不仅北京的空气质量被积极净化到国际标准,北京的奥运气息也浓到可以醉人的程度:主干道两边的广告牌上都换上了福娃的巨大头像旗杆上都插上了“同一个世界,同一个梦想”的小旗;环路的快速道被刷上了奥运的五环标志,从早6点到晚24点,这条道路只允许奥运车辆行驶……  相似文献   

This paper develops a theoretical model for analysing the effects of rent control. The model incorporates the roles of optimal long-term contractual arrangements and the responses of individual agents to rent control in determining the economic characteristics of the controlled market equilibrium, and can help to explain the wide variation in empirical results observed across jurisdictions. Necessary and sufficient conditions for a complete contract equilibrium, where the characteristics of the competitive and controlled solutions are identical, are established. It is shown that housing quality, new construction, and the distribution of wealth may not be affected by rent control.  相似文献   

公租房作为一种新型住房保障模式,对解决住房困难问题具有重要意义,但现阶段运行中的监管制度还存在诸多缺陷,不利于公租房的发展。本文对比分析了发达国家和地区的住房保障监管制度,指出我国公租房运行中监管制度存在的问题,并提出了相应的完善建议。  相似文献   

完善公共租赁住房定价机制是保持公共租赁住房建设与管理可持续发展的重要内容。本文在实地调研杭州、湖州、嘉兴、绍兴、台州、丽水等地区公共租赁住房开发成本状况的基础上,选取了较有代表性的几个地区,对公共租赁住房的成本租金进行了测算,并通过比较公共租赁住房租金定价的国际经验,对浙江省公共租赁住房的租金定价提出了建议。  相似文献   

This article shows that even when the tenants can acquire the information about rents at no cost, it is possible to get rent dispersion if there is uncertainty about the demand in the market. The equilibrium with rent dispersion has the property that rents rise with the arrival of new tenants. However, even though identical units are offered at different rents, each unit generates zero expected profits. This is because a unit offered at a high rent has a smaller probability of being rented than does a unit offered at a lower rent. If demand uncertainty is resolved sequentially, then rents reveal an increasing trend through time because units with lower rents are rented before units with higher rents. Vacancies are also possible in the current model because some of the units with higher rents might not be rented depending on the realization of total demand in the market.  相似文献   

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