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家庭老年照料对女性劳动就业的影响研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文基于1991—2011年"中国健康与营养调查"数据,采用面板数据和工具变量方法,实证检验了为父母公婆提供家庭照料对女性劳动就业的影响。研究发现,照料活动与女性的劳动参与率和提前退休决策之间存在内生关系;每周提供20小时以上高强度照料会使女性难以兼顾照料和工作,产生"门槛效应",劳动参与率显著下降7.31%;对于仍然劳动的女性,照料责任会使其每周减少劳动时间2.8—4.8小时;每月劳动收入减少7.21%;对于45—49岁的城镇女性,家庭老年照料并没有显著提升其提前退休的概率。此外,照料责任对劳动力市场供给的影响在居住安排和劳动力自身竞争力方面存在异质性。据此本文推断,家庭老年照料对于女性劳动力供给产生抑制作用。这些经验发现为今后我国制定家庭照料者支持政策及劳动就业政策提供了依据。  相似文献   

自从1978年改革开放以来,非农就业已经成为中国农村家庭收入增长的主要来源。然而,男性和女性对非农经济活动的参与机会存在不平等。考察了农村女性的家庭幼儿照料责任对此所产生的影响。在农村贫困地区,缺乏稳定可靠的幼儿看护机构是母亲非农就业的主要障碍。2001年四个国定贫困县592户调查数据的回归分析结果证实,拥有6岁以下幼儿使女性农业生产的参与率增加1.94个百分点,而非农私营活动和挣工资活动的参与率分别下降1.22和0.7个百分点。  相似文献   

多代直系家庭成员之间紧密的社会经济联系是我国家庭文化的重要特征,因而老年人在家庭照料等方面具有重要的社会价值.文章利用2010年、2012年和2014年中国家庭追踪调查数据,构建面板模型并实证分析了老年父母的隔代照料及料理家务活动对子女劳动供给的影响.结果发现,老年父母的隔代照料显著提高了子女的劳动供给,其中男性劳动参与率提高了6.3%,女性提高了14.3%,并且女性的工作时间增加幅度远大于男性.此外,隔代照料对农村居民劳动参与率的影响大于城市居民,而对城市居民就业的影响主要体现在工作时间上,公共服务不均等以及就业能力和工作性质的差距是异质性产生的重要原因.文章从老年人影响青年人劳动力供给的角度,验证了老年人的社会价值,也从侧面说明了中国女性为何有条件更加“勤劳”.  相似文献   

自我国实行以市场为导向的改革开放以来,城镇女性劳动力的劳动参与率发生了显著下降,劳动力市场的性别不平等问题引起了社会各界的广泛关注。教育是影响女性劳动参与的重要变量,既有促进女性参与市场劳动的一面,也有降低女性劳动参与率的一面。一方面教育能够增加女性的工资收入,提高女性的健康水平,增加女性的预期工作时间,在其他条件不变的情况下,能够提高女性的劳动参与率;另一方面随着女性的教育水平的提高,女性在婚姻生活中的议价能力也会不断提高,这又使女性乐于享受家庭生活,倾向于不参与市场劳动。  相似文献   

中国农村老人的劳动供给研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
本文利用2000年农户抽样调查数据,测算了中国农村50岁及以上人口的劳动参与率并分析了影响农村老年劳动力劳动供给的因素。研究发现,农村老人的劳动参与率较高;影响老人是否工作的因素主要是年龄、健康状况、所承担的责任、性别、居住方式和土地等家庭因素,与经济因素关系不大。分析结果表明,随着农村家庭的核心化和青壮年劳动力向城镇流迁,农村传统的家庭养老模式正面临冲击,必须在农村建立社会养老保障机制。  相似文献   

家庭收入与中国城镇已婚妇女劳动参与决策分析   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
姚先国  谭岚 《经济研究》2005,40(7):18-27
在中国经济的转型期间女性劳动参与率出现了明显下降,这种下降趋势在年龄较大以及教育程度较低的妇女群组中表现更为突出。与此同时我国的男女收入差距也在不断扩大。然而丈夫收入并不能充分解释女性劳动参与率的变动。已婚妇女劳动参与率下降最大的家庭并不是丈夫收入增长最快的家庭。1995—2002年间丈夫收入仅仅解释了整体已婚妇女劳动参与率变动的12.87%,以及低收入家庭中已婚妇女劳动参与率变动的7.74%。与其说我国女性劳动参与率的下降是家庭收入提高从而家庭重新分工的自主选择,不如说是严峻的就业形势所迫。  相似文献   

中国农村老人的劳动供给研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文利用2000年农户抽样调查数据,测算了中国农村50岁及以上人口的劳动参与率并分析了影响农村老年劳动力劳动供给的因素。研究发现,农村老人的劳动参与率较高;影响老人是否工作的因素主要是年龄、健康状况、所承担的责任、性别、居住方式和土地等家庭因素,与经济因素关系不大。分析结果表明,随着农村家庭的核心化和青壮年劳动力向城镇流迁,农村传统的家庭养老模式正面临冲击,必须在农村建立社会养老保障机制。  相似文献   

女性劳动参与对家庭储蓄率的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
尹志超  张诚 《经济研究》2019,54(4):165-181
中国家庭的高储蓄是一个广受关注的问题,本文试图从女性劳动参与的角度对中国家庭的高储蓄给出解释。首先从理论上探讨了女性劳动参与和家庭储蓄率之间的关系,然后利用2017年中国家庭金融调查数据对此进行了实证检验。为克服内生性的影响,采用同一社区、同一年龄段的其他已婚女性劳动参与率作为家庭中已婚女性劳动参与的工具变量,实证检验已婚女性劳动参与对家庭储蓄率的影响。研究结果表明,已婚女性劳动参与显著增加家庭储蓄率。异质性分析发现,已婚女性劳动参与对20岁到30岁女性家庭、大学及以上教育水平和有二孩意愿家庭的储蓄率有显著影响。进一步研究发现,已婚女性劳动参与促进家庭储蓄率增加的原因是,家庭的收入水平显著增加,而家庭消费水平未发生显著性改变。同时,现阶段中国女性劳动参与没有显著降低家庭预防性储蓄动机,反而进一步提升了家庭储蓄率。本文为理解中国家庭的高储蓄提供了新的视角,可以为未来制定政策提供参考。  相似文献   

借助中国家庭金融调查2011—2013年数据,以及最低工资标准在不同区县不同时间上的差异,在分别考察最低工资标准上涨对工资、就业的影响后,本文重点考察了最低工资标准上涨对劳动参与,尤其是已婚女性劳动参与的影响。回归结果显示:(1)最低工资标准上涨10%,员工的雇佣工资显著增加6.6%,被雇佣概率下1.2%,但在10%的统计水平下不显著。(2)最低工资标准上涨主要增加已婚女性的劳动参与率。最低工资标准每上涨10%,已婚女性劳动参与率显著增加1.86个百分点,且以从事非农工作为主。对工资收入处于最低25%的已婚女性,劳动参与率更是显著增加3.03个百分点。(3)综合考察最低工资标准上涨对已婚女性劳动参与以及进入劳动市场后就业概率的影响发现,最低工资标准上涨10%,16—55岁已婚女性中就业个体的占比显著增加2个百分点。(4)从异质性上看,最低工资标准上涨主要影响中年、低教育水平或来自西部地区的已婚女性。在劳动供需发生根本转变的情形下,通过激活劳动力存量,上调区县最低工资标准对短期内缩小中国劳动力供需缺口有重要作用。  相似文献   

家庭结构对青年群体劳动参与率的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
家庭结构对青年群体劳动参与率有影响。基于CGSS2008数据,通过Probit和IV Probit模型实证分析发现:从总体看,多代同堂的家庭结构对青年群体的劳动参与产生抑制作用,而男性青年的就业参与受家庭结构的影响程度却高于女性青年劳动参与的影响程度;从户籍看,农村青年的就业参与受家庭结构的影响程度高于城市青年劳动参与的影响程度。重视青年群体的家庭特征差异,配套实行就业促进措施,是我国政府解决青年群体就业难的着力点。  相似文献   

Part-time employment may be viewed as a bridge between nonemployment and full-time employment or as an alternative to full-time employment. For married women with young children, part-time employment represents an efficient labor market solution to balancing the responsibilities of career and family. This paper estimates the probability of part-time employment for married women by utilizing a multinomial logit model for data extracted from the Panel Study of Income Dynamics [2000]. The paper focuses on the analysis of qualitative dependent variables to predict the probabilities for three distinct labor market decisions. The sample is further stratified to capture the effects of age on a married woman's labor market decision. A clearer picture of part-time employment should provide important insight into the labor market decisions of married women.  相似文献   

Central Asia has low labor force participation rates for women, despite high levels of poverty in the non-oil producing countries. Female labor force participation is related to competing uses for women’s time, especially in a context of poor infrastructure and limited availability of purchased replacements for household labor. We examine factors affecting women’s participation in employment and reproductive household work in Tajikistan, drawing on the 2003 Tajikistan Living Standards Survey. We incorporate specific conditions in Central Asia, including the prevalence of extended family households, norms about how women share household work, an absence of market substitutes for caring and reproductive labor, employment in family enterprises and poor infrastructure, especially in rural areas. We estimate the system using a Generalized Maximum Entropy (GME) approach. We find that few individual and household characteristics are related to time in employment. Time in noncare reproductive work decreases if a woman receives direct remuneration for her employment (compared to working in a family farm or enterprise but receiving no direct remuneration), but increases if the woman has less access to infrastructure. Rural women spend more time in both employment and non-care reproductive work than urban women, but less time in care work. Lack of infrastructure may leave women with few choices with respect to non-care reproductive work, while overall levels of time poverty create pressures on care time.  相似文献   

The European employment strategy initiated in 1997 is critically dependent upon the further integration of women into the labor market. The European Union has set a specific target employment rate for women of 60 percent by 2010 and is also committed to providing more and better child care facilities. This gender focus is reinforced by the requirement for gender mainstreaming in all aspects of European employment policy. There is an implied Europe-wide, universal policy of encouraging female labor-market participation and reducing the care work performed by domestic labor. However, the European Commission continues to have limited competence in areas of family, social, and welfare policy. As a result, these common employment objectives for women are thus being pursued against a background of quite different systems of social, family, welfare, and indeed labor-market organization. These systems have different economic and employment implications, such that the outcomes of the common European employment strategy will also be highly variable.  相似文献   

我国老年人以非正式照料为主,妇女承担了主要的照料责任。政府减少对非正式老年照料的支持以及老年人口的快速增长将会加重家庭中女性的照料负担。利用1997、2000、2004和2006年中国营养与健康调查(CHNS)数据和Ordered Probit模型来研究城镇已婚妇女照料父母及其自评健康的关系。在我国城镇,与不照料父母相比,照料父母的已婚妇女更倾向于报告较差的健康水平,并且"自评健康状况非常好"的概率减小,而"自评健康状况一般"的概率增大。应该关注日益繁重的照料责任,以及工作与家庭照料之间的激烈竞争可能给妇女的心理、身体和社会福利带来的负面影响。  相似文献   

This article estimates the long-term legacies of female labour force mobilization on women’s family formation outcomes such as marriage, age at first marriage and divorce. We identify the long-term marriage effects of female labour force mobilization by exploring postwar mandatory employment in Germany. Using difference-in-differences analysis, we find that participation in postwar reconstruction efforts increased women’s probability of being currently married, ever married and marrying at younger ages. We also find that postwar employment had no differential effect on divorce rates of the affected cohorts of women. These results persist after accounting for the potential changes in the composition of the population, demand for female labour, war relief payments and postwar state-specific policies.  相似文献   

依据2002年中国家庭收入项目(CHIP)数据,本文应用微观经济计量方法估计了城镇居民的就业方程和工作时间方程。研究结果表明,随着教育年限的增加,个体就业概率不断增加;随着家庭其他收入的增加,个体就业倾向逐渐降低,工作时间逐渐减少;随着家庭人口数的增加,就业个体的工作时间逐渐增加。低收入群体女性和男性工作时间的工资弹性分别为-0.3237和-0.3167,而女性中高收入群体工作时间的工资弹性为0.1429,说明倒S型劳动供给曲线在2002年中国城镇劳动力市场是存在的。因此,政府部门应结合经济发展水平适时地提高最低工资标准,完善社会保障制度,同时加大对低收入群体教育和培训投入力度,促进低收入群体社会福利水平的改善。  相似文献   

This study examines the correlation and reverse correlation between fertility and female labor force participation in Japan during 1950-93. The model is logarithmic and follows earlier studies by Cheng (1996) and Hsiao's (1981) version of the Granger causality method. Data were obtained from the Japan Statistical Yearbook on total fertility rates and female labor force participation rates. Tests for cointegration revealed no cointegration between measures of fertility and employment. Findings indicate that the presence of children had a strong negative effect on labor force participation. Findings are consistent with the study by Yamada and Yamada (1986) and inconsistent with the study by Hamilton (1984), who found that fertility was positive and not significantly related to female labor force participation in Japan. Findings indicate that female labor force participation had a negative and insignificant effect on fertility. These findings support findings from studies by Sprague (1988) and Maddavi (1990) and contest findings of Hamilton (1984) and Yamada and Yamada (1986) that showed negativity and significance. The authors view their findings as correctly specified and supportive of a causality that favors fertility affecting labor force participation without feedback. Findings indicate that employment does not prevent or reduce the probability of having more children. Having young children at home does strongly discourage women from seeking employment outside the home.  相似文献   

The feminization U theory claims that women’s labor force participation drops during the initial phase of industrialization and rises once a certain level of development is reached. This paper is the first to exploit the diversity in economic structure across municipalities to consider the shape of the feminization U in a developing country. Using data from South Africa’s 2007 Community Survey, this study investigates whether a feminization U exists. Results reveal a U-shaped relationship between the share of nonagricultural employment and women’s probability of being in the labor force. Results show that the exclusion of informal urban employment leads to an overestimation of the U slope and part of the decline in women’s labor force participation during early structural change is likely related to household and care constraints. A U-shaped relationship is not found between the share of households with electricity and women’s probability of being in the labor force.  相似文献   

This Dialogue presents the views of four authors, from the US, the UK, and Norway, on the best policies to help lone mothers. Lone mothers face an inevitable dilemma in allocating their time between earning income and caring for their children. The low-earning capacity of women in an unequal labor market exacerbates the problem, causing material hardship for many lone mothers and their families. The policy solutions proposed lie along a spectrum, ranging from those that seek to enable all lone mothers to take employment to those that aim to let mothers choose whether to take employment or care for their children themselves. Other policies discussed concern ways to value and support caregiving, improve the low-wage labor market for women, and provide a set of income supports that would both boost income and provide time to care for children.  相似文献   

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