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This paper extends the analysis of managerial share price concerns by allowing informed trading in the stock market. It is shown that because they decrease the manager's information advantage vis-à-vis the stock market, individual investors who trade on private information improve the efficiency of corporate investment. This improvement does, however, fall short of first-best efficiency. Moreover, a stronger managerial share-price concern increases the expected profit from informed trading. Hence, by encouraging individual investors to collect information about corporate decisions and trade on it, managerial myopia tends to automatically bring forth a partial solution to the problems that it causes.  相似文献   

We examine whether the choice of earnings management strategies employed by managers of overvalued firms depends on the degree of market overvaluation. By distinguishing between substantially overvalued (SOV) and relatively overvalued (ROV) firms, we find that SOV firms significantly inflate earnings using both accruals-based and real earnings management. In contrast, managers of ROV firms do not engage in accruals-based earnings management and their firms’ accounts tend to report higher discretionary expenses. The reported higher discretionary expenses of ROV firms are comparable to the discretionary expenses of firms in the expanding stage of their business life cycle, a pattern consistent with ROV firms increasing discretionary expenses to finance growth and hence justify the high market valuation. Overall, we show that the existing evidence on income-increasing earnings management by overvalued firms is mainly driven by the pressure to sustain the high market valuation of firms that are substantially overvalued.  相似文献   

In this study, we examine whether managerial ability moderates the association between product market competition and real earnings management. Prior literature largely supports the disciplinary effect of competition, suggesting that competition reduces real activity manipulation. We argue that this association is different depending on the level of managerial ability. Based on the reputation hypothesis, we argue that able managers negatively moderate the association between competition and real activity manipulation. Using a sample of US listed companies from 1997 to 2016, we find evidence to support our moderating assertion. A battery of robustness tests validates our original findings.  相似文献   

We examine whether the demand for conditional conservatism produces unintended real consequences that are exacerbated by managerial incentives to report higher earnings. We document a robust positive association between conditional conservatism and real earnings management (REM), particularly for firms whose CEOs face greater compensation incentives and capital market incentives to report higher earnings. Using mediation analyses, we find that conservatism has a negative indirect relation with future returns via REM over the next 1–3 years. In additional tests, we find that the relation between conservatism and REM is attenuated for firms with higher debt-to-equity, which suggests that debtholders moderate the negative relation between conditional conservative reporting and REM. Our findings suggest that, in contrast to its monitoring benefit, conditional conservatism can exacerbate managerial myopia, resulting in negative consequences for future firm value.  相似文献   

We examine whether more effective boards in terms of size, experience, shareholding and independence, as discussed in the 2010 UK Corporate Governance Code, limit excessive short‐term risk taking or short‐termism. We use a state‐of‐the‐art asset pricing model that enables the disentangling of short‐term risk (related to short‐term returns) and long‐term risk (related to long‐term returns), and use the former as a proxy for short‐termism, where the short‐term component not only represents the time horizon for which we are interested but also the risk that is not related to fundamentals. We examine 916 firms in the UK over a possible horizon of 18 years, January 1992–December 2010, and find that more effective boards are associated with lower levels of short‐term risk and this result is robust to various types of short‐term risk (overall, downside) and specifications.  相似文献   

Environmental uncertainty induces variability in an organization's reported earnings, and accentuates the information asymmetry between its managers and outside stakeholders. Managers operating in an environment of high uncertainty, therefore, have an incentive to reduce such variability by smoothing income numbers. We investigate the stock market response to earnings smoothness for firms operating in an environment of high uncertainty. We measure income smoothing by the negative correlation of a firm's change in discretionary accruals with its change in pre-managed earnings as per Tucker and Zarowin (2006). Using future earnings response coefficient (FERC) methodology to measure the informativeness of smoothed earnings, and two measures of environmental uncertainty, this paper documents that current stock price incorporates more information about future earnings for firms operating in high uncertain environments, thus supporting the informational value view of income smoothing.  相似文献   

Berkman, Dimitrov, Jain, Koch, and Tice (2009) document a negative relationship between differences of opinion and earnings announcement returns, and this relationship is more pronounced when short‐sale constraints are likely to be high. These findings are interpreted as support for the theory in Miller (1977) that binding short sale constraints cause pessimists to be underrepresented in price formation. We conjecture that accounting information (i.e., earnings news) is likely to play a role in this returns pattern. After controlling for the level of earnings news, we find that the relationship between differences of opinion and stock returns is either eliminated or opposite from what is predicted by Miller's theory. Further, we present evidence that suggests the confounding effect of earnings news can be explained by (pessimistic) management earnings guidance. Our findings offer an alternative explanation for why low differences of opinion stocks earn greater abnormal returns around earnings announcements.  相似文献   

We study the link between measures of stock options’ volatility and firms’ real earnings management (RM). We hypothesise that RM causes uncertainty in the value of a firm’s common stock and, as a result, increases the volatility spread and skew of the firm’s options. Spread and skew proxy for investors’ uncertainty in the value of the options underlying a stock. Consistent with our hypothesis, we find an association between a firm’s use of RM, and the volatility spread and skew in the firm’s options, more precisely in its put options. We also study the link between short selling and the extent of RM but do not find a consistent relationship between the two.  相似文献   

Prior research provides evidence consistent with managers using real earnings management (REM) to increase earnings. This study examines whether short sellers exploit the overvaluation of firms employing REM. I find that firms with more REM have higher subsequent short interest. The positive relation between REM and short interest is more pronounced in settings where the costs associated with accrual‐based earnings management are high, such as when a firm has low accounting flexibility or faces greater scrutiny from a high quality auditor. I also find some evidence that short sellers respond to REM more than to other fundamental signals of firm overvaluation. My inferences are robust to the use of propensity score matching. Collectively, my evidence suggests that short sellers not only trade on REM information, but they also trade as if they understand the substitutive nature of alternative earnings management methods. This study provides additional insight into the important role that short sellers play in monitoring managerial operating decisions and overall earnings quality.  相似文献   

We investigate the impact of top investment banks (hereafter top IBs) on the pricing of forecast revisions through the investors' attention channel by examining the distraction effect and confirmation bias theories. The distraction effect theory predicts that investors' attention shifts to consensus revisions that align with revisions from top IBs, resulting in inattention to other revisions. This theory implies that top IBs primarily benefit investors by directing them to high-quality revisions. In contrast, the confirmation bias theory predicts that top IBs magnify market reaction to forecast revisions and benefit investors by partially offsetting investors' initial underreaction to revisions. Our findings indicate the presence of confirmation bias. We further examine the potential effects of the information content of revisions, analyst agreement, news sentiment, and information uncertainty to test the robustness of our results. Our findings suggest that top IBs ultimately contribute to the price discovery process by attracting investors' attention and this effect does not channel through the quality of consensus revisions.  相似文献   

We examine whether policy uncertainty triggered by presidential elections pushes the future back by reducing the extent to which current prices reflect information about future earnings. We estimate future earnings response coefficients (FERCs) for the years 1975–2013, a period that covers ten presidential elections. We find that FERCs are significantly lower (by 11.8%) during presidential election years compared to other years. Additional analyses using pseudo election years, ex‐ante polls, contract prices from the Iowa Electronic Political Market, and cross‐sectional firm characteristics provide corroborating evidence that the lower FERCs during election years are related to policy uncertainty. We also investigate potential explanations for the lower FERCs during election years. We find that the lower FERCs relate to forecasting difficulty rather than to changes in the discount rate or in the amount of noise trading. Finally, we find that market prices move toward future earnings to a greater degree during presidential election years compared with other years once the policy uncertainty is resolved. A trading strategy based on this drift yields significant abnormal returns. Overall, we contribute to the literature by providing the first empirical evidence that shocks to policy uncertainty influence the pricing of earnings information.  相似文献   

Abstract:  This study addresses three research questions relating to total exclusions, special items, and other exclusions. Are each of these pro forma exclusion components forecasting irrelevant? Are each of the exclusion components value irrelevant? Are the valuation multiples on the exclusion components justified by their ability to forecast future profitability as predicted by the Ohlson (1999) model? Findings are generally consistent with the market-inefficiency results presented in Doyle et al. (2003) . Total exclusions are valued negatively by the market despite the prediction that total exclusions will be valued positively. Valuation results also suggest that stocks with positive other exclusions are overpriced.  相似文献   

We examine the relationship between performance measurement systems and short‐termism. Hypotheses are tested on a sample of senior managers drawn from a major telecommunications company to determine the extent to which the diagnostic and interactive uses of financial and non‐financial measures give rise to short‐termism. We find no evidence to suggest that the use of financial measures, either diagnostically or interactively, leads to short‐term behaviour. In contrast, we find a significant association between the use of non‐financial measures and short‐termism. Results suggest that the diagnostic use of non‐financial measures leads managers to make inter‐temporal trade‐off choices that prioritise the short term to the detriment of the long term, while we find interactive use is negatively associated with short‐termism. We find an imbalance in favour of the diagnostic use over the interactive use of non‐financial performance measures is associated with short‐termism. Overall, findings highlight the importance of considering the specific use of performance measures in determining the causes of short‐termism.  相似文献   

Abstract:  We investigate the effects of the introduction of Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 131 (SFAS 131) on the market's valuation of foreign earnings. Thomas (1999) documents that investors discount the value of foreign earnings for US multinational companies. He conjectures but does not test the possibility that this finding is due to poor disclosure related to foreign operations. We find strong evidence that the introduction of the standard is positively associated with the pricing of foreign earnings. In addition, we use both the Mishkin (1983) test and a zero-investment hedge portfolio test and find that investors' mispricing of foreign earnings lessens (and in fact disappears) after SFAS 131. This study is one of the first attempts to show that improved disclosure reduces mispricing.  相似文献   

盈余透明度作为企业盈余质量是否有效传递的关键,连接着资本市场与企业。在未来更加市场化的股票发行注册制下,盈余信息直接关系着投资者的判断与决策。盈余透明度的提高减少信息不对称,有利于抑制企业机会主义行为,有效保护投资者权益。但盈余透明度提高在有利于资本市场发展的同时,能否给企业自身发展带来好处呢?本文以我国2009-2018年A股上市公司为样本,探究盈余透明度与企业投资行为的关系,找出盈余透明度对企业投资效率的正向影响,证明提高企业盈余透明度是一种双赢的行为,既是机会主义行为防治的有效手段,优化资本市场环境,又是企业健康发展的有力助推因素。  相似文献   

基于委托代理理论,运用社会网络分析方法,依据2007-2018年我国A股上市公司数据和公募基金数据,探究公募基金抱团行为对我国上市公司投资效率的影响。结果表明:基金抱团行为对上市公司投资效率产生了消极影响,盈余管理具有中介作用;与国有企业相比较,基金抱团对非国有企业投资效率的影响力更大。鉴于此,应强化对基金团体交互行为的识别和监管,从而发挥基金团体的外部治理作用,促进企业投资效率的提高。  相似文献   

This paper investigates whether short-sale deregulation improves analysts' independence in an emerging market where conventional mechanisms mitigating conflicts of interest are either ineffective or absent. Short selling reduces the effectiveness of analysts' favourable opinions in creating or sustaining overvalued stock prices, thus decreasing the incentives of institutional clients of brokerages to exert pressure on related analysts to initiate coverage and issue biased opinions. Using a difference-in-difference approach, we find strong evidence that stocks that are eligible for short sales experience a greater reduction in coverage by related analysts than stocks that are ineligible for short sales. When covered firms become eligible for short sales, the quality of forecasts and recommendations issued by related analysts improves considerably. Further analyses show that shortable firms with a significant reduction in related analysts' coverage are more likely to underperform and to experience stock price crashes in the future. Altogether, our results are consistent with short selling effectively restoring related analysts' independence in emerging markets.  相似文献   

采用2003~2008年中国沪深股票市场的A股上市公司作为研究样本,在市场非理性背景下研究投资者情绪对上市公司投资行为的影响。区分市场情绪低落和高涨时期,发现只有在市场情绪高涨时期公司投资才对投资者情绪敏感;而在市场情绪低落时期,上市公司通过盈余管理导致错误定价配合公司投资决策。作为投资者短视代表的换手率对上市公司迎合投资行为的影响呈倒U型,说明并不是换手率越高,公司投资对投资者情绪的迎合越明显。  相似文献   

Lacking specific knowledge, the public perceives technical risks based on their trust in the authorities. This article explored the role of shared value in the process of trust judgment and risk perception of genetically modified (GM) foods. Study 1 showed that social trust was a mediator between shared value and risk perception. Higher value similarity between individual and spokesperson resulted in deeper trust in the institution; moreover, social trust effectively reduced public risk perception of GM foods. Study 2 demonstrated that shared value improved in the care and competence dimensions of trust. The two dimensions of trust were positively related, but only competence had a significant influence on risk perception. Implications for risk communication are discussed.  相似文献   

机构投资者作为证券市场中的重要力量,越来越受到理论界和实务界的关注。论文对宾夕法尼亚大学沃顿商学院会计学教授布赖恩-布希(Brian Bushee)的论文"The influence of institutional investors on myopic R&D investment behavior"(机构投资者对企业短视研发投资行为的影响,以下简称Bushee(1998))进行评价并提出相关的建议和研究方向。  相似文献   

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