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This paper examines the links between operations management principles developed in manufacturng industry and problems presented by service industries, such as the hospitality industry. The value and applicability of O.M. perspectives is discussed and several examples of recent and potential application are given.  相似文献   

This paper examines the popular view that the growth of services (and in particular, hospitality services) is both inevitable and desirable. It considers the terminological confusion surrounding the term ‘services’ and examines whether there is sufficient evidence to justify the continuing emergence of the ‘service’ as opposed to manufacturing-based economy. The view that the prosperity of the U.K. depends more on manufacturing than it does on services is considered, and conclusions are drawn for the hospitality industry.  相似文献   

Low recognition and concomitant characteristics of a union presence are key factors associated with very low union membership in the British hospitality industry (HI) but there may be exceptional factors in the HI that render it more amenable to union membership after standard explanations are accounted for. Although the lessons for unions are to seek greater employer legitimacy at the same time as securing membership, recognition rates would have to increase by six times to double the rate of union density in the HI and satisfy ‘frustrated’ demand for unionisation. Questions are also raised about the utility of the statutory recognition procedures and current union organising and retention strategies.  相似文献   

The development of a computerised data base capable of modification and updating together with both statistical and behavioural studies of market structure, conduct and performance offers a theoretical and empirical framework within which the hospitality service can be analysed and the businesses within it. This paper sets out a methodology for measuring one aspect of market structure — concentration — in one of the component sectors of tourism as a first step in this process. The computer programs are already developed and successfully run in measuring concentration in another service industry, namely retail distribution.  相似文献   

A study intended to compare the U.S. hospitality industry employees' work attributes, demographics and lifestyles with employees in four other industry groupings found out that in all three major areas hospitality employees were typified by very specific characteristics. In demographic characteristics these employees came from minority groupings and large families and perceived themselves to be of lower social class. They were less satisfied with their job and life in general and did not think their job to be an important element in their self-accomplishment.  相似文献   

This paper examines political debate and rhetoric attendant on those issues perceived as germane to the hospitality sector by industry operators at the time of the 1992 UK General Election. By extensive use of secondary, mainly journalistic, sources, an analysis of such issues is undertaken, located in the specific context of the various conservative ideologies that are shown to be associated with the hospitality industry. The paper's main theme is that far from endorsing a commitment to the agenda of the Conservative government, the hospitality industry's conservatism reflects more a form of special pleading comprising demand for particular economic privileges based on a form of protectionist corporatism. It is concluded that rather than representing a model of the vanguard of free-market culture, the hospitality industry in the UK represents the last gasp of conservative corporatism, bent on the maintenance of economic privilege rather than offering a commitment to economic liberalism.  相似文献   

The main aim of this study is to examine the influence of the two domains of hospitality—local hospitality and commercial hospitality—on behavioral intention in the cultural heritage tourism context. This study anticipated that the above relationships were mediated by the tourism experience quality. A total of 500 foreign tourists visiting the Malaysia’s first World Heritage City, Malacca City were surveyed using structured questionnaire. The results revealed that both local and commercial hospitality have positive relationships with experience quality, and experience quality fully mediated the relationships between each of the two domains of hospitality and behavioral intention.  相似文献   

The main objectives of this paper are to examine the effect of hotel hospitality on the satisfaction level of foreign guests in the context of the hotel industry, as well as to explore the moderating effect of national identity (country-specific hospitality) on the relationship between hospitality and guests’ level of satisfaction. In this study, “national identity” refers to the distinctive cultural elements of a specific country that are incorporated into the hotel’s service design. This study, involving 315 foreign guests at Malaysian hotels, used survey administration as the main data collection method. Hierarchical moderated regression analysis was performed and statistical support for the effect of hospitality on the patrons’ satisfaction with their hotel stays, as well as the moderating effect of national identity on satisfaction levels, were found. This study also proposes a new scale to measure “country-specific hospitality”.  相似文献   


Business on the Internet and in the MICE industry are both experiencing rapid development. The construction of dedicated-convention centers, usually by the public sector, in large cities reflects this trend. In order to obtain a return on investment in the competitive MICE market, centers must competitively market themselves on the global stage, and the World Wide Web has provided the ideal vehicle. Findings from this study indicate that while the Internet and the Web are providing branding and information services, to date, clients still prefer printed promotional material and personal interface as a way of doing business. In the MICE market, marketing collateral appears to have a very short shelf life, with updates having resource implications for each center.  相似文献   

In this paper the need to base the design and marketing of nutrition in the hospitality industry upon consumer segmentation of the market is discussed. Characteristics of existing programs are summarized as are the factors contributing to their success or failure. An understanding of how to market nutrition programs successfully in the hospitality industry is essential, as nearly all hotel chains and many independent and chain restaurants have developed nutrition promotions or will be implementing nutrition programs in the next two years.  相似文献   


This research concerns the satisfaction of lodging sales and marketing executives on different job attributes. Respondents were asked about their satisfaction with pay, current position, and their profession. Significant differences were found based on the size of hotel, marital status, personal income, and gender. A comparison of the respondents of this study to financial and technology professionals conducted by DeFranco and Schmidgall (2001) suggests that Sales and Marketing executives are somewhat more satisfied than their counterparts in Accounting/Technology.  相似文献   

Web-based permission marketing: Segmentation for the lodging industry   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Permission marketing is becoming an important tool in maintaining relationships with travelers via the Internet. Its growing importance can be seen in tourism marketing, specifically in the lodging industry. With an increase in industry use, the effectiveness of this technique needs assessment. This paper initiates this process by examining current methods used to collect contact information for the purpose of permission marketing. Three segments of the market are identified and compared based upon their willingness to supply contact information. Significant differences were found in socio-demographics, online habits, trip characteristics, and website design preferences. Implications for lodging marketers are presented and future research topics are discussed.  相似文献   

This study attempts to explain the influence of personal and hotel factors on the expectation level of hotel hospitality as well as to propose a scale to measure commercial hospitality for hotel services. A total of 101 local and international hotel guests were involved in the study. The results revealed that the expectations of hotel hospitality are influenced by personal factors such as gender, purpose of stay, nationality, and private domain of hospitality. The hotel's star rating is the only hotel factor that might have strong association with hotel hospitality.  相似文献   


This research concerns the perceptions and decisions of lodging sales and marketing executives in dealing with ethical marketing issues. Respondents were given ten vignettes, representing ethical dilemmas in the five categories of ethical behavior (coercion and control, personal integrity, physical environment, paternalism, and conflict of interest) identified by previous researchers. They were first asked to determine whether each issue was a question of ethics or not. Next, the respondents were asked what action they would take given the dilemma. The findings did not reveal any consistent pattern of respondent perceptions or actions. All of the vignettes embodied ethical choices. Results indicate a need for lodging sales and marketing executives to develop and adhere to ethical guidelines for the unique situations they face.  相似文献   

Five hundred and ninety-four Australian high school students were surveyed so as to investigate basic work values and tourism and hospitality industry job-attainment criteria. The most highly ranked work values were self-development, creativity and management, whereas the most highly ranked tourism and hospitality industry job-attainment criteria were motivation, positive attitudes and personal appearance. Females were found to rank highly criteria such as motivation, positive attitudes and a liking for people, whereas males are found to rank highly the contacts of the applicant. Prospective tourism and hospitality industry employees generally associated the work value-self development with a range of tourism and hospitality job-attainment criteria, though not formal education and contacts. The work value regarding management was, however, associated with personal appearance, practical experience, good references and positive attitudes. Implications of these results for prospective tourism and hospitality industry employees, careers counsellors and the industry are examined.  相似文献   

内部营销视角下饭店员工忠诚度研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
目前随着饭店行业竞争的不断加剧,人才保留和员工忠诚受到了管理实践者的极大重视.本研究从内部营销视角出发,以中国饭店业为研究对象,分析员工信任、满意和组织承诺对饭店员工态度和行为忠诚的递推影响作用.实证研究发现,员工信任和满意通过组织承诺影响员工态度忠诚,最终影响员工行为忠诚.因此,饭店行业的管理者在强调通过物质利益树立员工忠诚度的同时一定不能忽视员工心理状态对于忠诚度的影响作用,更要充分利用组织承诺的效能来降低员工流动率.  相似文献   

This paper records the findings of a survey into employment and labour costs within enterprises in the hospitality industry in Victoria between 1978 and 1984. The hospitality labour market is characterised by considerable part-time and casual employment and by large female and youth participation. Consistent with aggregate data, our survey reveals that employment growth between 1979 and 1984 has been almost entirely in the casual category. An examination of the causes of this casualisation identifies three complementary forces at work: (i) the total hourly cost (both wage and non-wage) of employing casuals is lower than it is for both full-time and part-time employees; (ii) considerable changes in industry characteristics and consumer tastes and preferences has expanded the demand for the products and services of the hospitality industry, particularly during non-standard hours, and (iii) there has been a major increase in the participation of females and young workers at non-standard hours of work.  相似文献   

In 1974, in an effort to stimulate discussion on the role played by the Licensed Residential Establishment and Licensed Restaurant Wages Council, Mitchell and Ashton (1974) posed the following question; ‘Wages councils: do they matter?’ The article below attempts to provide a contemporary answer to this question and to widen the scope of the discussion to include the other wages councils which operate within the hospitality industry. The passage of a decade would appear to mark a suitable point at which to carry out such a review. Furthermore the timing is appropriate in that the imminent expiry of an International Labour Office convention has initiated a debate over the future status of the whole of the wages council system in Britain. Consequently it is interesting to consider how the hospitality industry stands in relation to this debate particularly in view of the recent attempts made by the Employment Minister to influence the latest award made by the L.R.W.C.  相似文献   


There is little doubt that renovation is a costly, ongoing and an essential requirement for hotels to stay competitive in the market. At any one time almost every hotel has recently been renovated, is under renovation, or is waiting for renovation. An examination of the literature uncovers that product innovation and property renovation are inseparable in the hotel industry. This is due to the fact that various levels of innovation can be attained through renovation. Therefore, it is the intention of this paper to concentrate on the process of property renovation in the hospitality industry and its role as a strategic marketing tool for product innovation. This is undertaken through presenting an analysis of a survey of hotel general managers in Egypt.  相似文献   

The growing importance of travel and tourism to the economy of the United Kingdom is widely acknowledged. The increasing contribution made by travellers from Japan to the income of this industry has also been acknowledged. The authors review the guidance given in the literature to those responsible for negotiations with representatives of the Japanese market and compare this with their own findings obtained from interviews at senior management level in London hotels for which the Japanese market represents a significant proportion of their business. It emerges that certain guidelines can be identified which will help managers in the hospitality industry prepare themselves for negotiations with the greater probability of a successful outcome.  相似文献   

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