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This article examines the association between state regulation of accounting practices and municipal borrowing costs. The results demonstrate that stringent accounting regulations do have an effect on borrowing costs after abstracting the effects of other explanatory variables. The direction of the observed effect is difficult to assess due to presence of multicollinearity in the model. However, lower borrowing costs are suggested by the analysis.  相似文献   

This paper examines the association between state government accounting practices and creditor decisions. Creditor decisions were surrogated by yield premiums and variances of the premiums on general obligation debt securities. Accounting practices were summarized from the Council of State Governments Survey. In addition to these practices, accounting ratios and bond ratings were included as independent variables in regression models. The results demonstrated that accounting practices were not directly associated with the bond risk and return measures but may have been indirectly related as a result of their effect on bond ratings.  相似文献   

Accounting standards have been suggested as a means of requiring reporting by corporations that would enhance managers' concern for their shareholders and/or society. The analysis presented in this paper, however, leads to the conclusion that this role for accounting standards is not likely to be beneficial. The conclusion is based on the fact that the required measurements for useful standards cannot generally be made. This inherent limitation is absolute with respect to social responsibility concerns. With respect to corporate governance, accounting standards might be useful, primarily for reporting potentially fraudulent dealings and similar misuses of shareholder's assets by corporate managers. But even then, the cost of an accounting standard, ex ante, is likely to exceed its benefits to shareholders.  相似文献   

The external auditor's role and relationship with an audit client are not purely matters of private concern between the two parties. The rationale for the external auditor's work—indeed a primary justification for the existence of the public accounting profession—arises from the need for reliable financial information in order for our economy to operate smoothly. Thus the auditor, in certifying financial statements, performs a quasi-public function. The necessary relationship between auditor and client is one of complete independence. In recent years public policymakers including the U.S. Congress have questioned the propriety of auditors' performing nonaudit services for their clients. This paper reports the results of an empirical study of U.S. corporate directors who considered the propriety of allowing a firm's auditors to perform various nonaudit service engagements.The results show, especially in the case of systems design, increasing director concern and a lack of overall consensus as nonaudit services approach 40 percent of the firm's audit fee. Policy implications of the findings are considered.  相似文献   

Traditionally, public policy formulation has been accomplished through political compromise. In recent years, growing public pressure for austerity and accountability in the use of public resources has made the analytical approach to policy formulation and evaluation increasingly important. This exploratory study illustrates how the human resource accounting model can contribute to an objective and systematic evaluation of a complex public policy issue. The study considers the attrition of commissioned officers from the U.S. Army as a loss of human resources and examines the relative investment in human resources from two primary sources of commissioning. This type of systematic analysis provides valuable information for the policy maker in making logical decisions on human resource development.  相似文献   

This study examined the international differences in reporting and disclosure adequacy and relates these differences to the economic and political environment of each country. The main hypothesis was that the reporting and disclosure adequacy is likely to differ with differences in the political, economic and demographic environment from different countries. While the results were not significant the paper indicates the need for research in a relatively unexplored area.  相似文献   

This empirical study in the nursing home industry attempts to delineate factors, and thus acquire insights, as to capital expenditures, and address a critical issue regarding governmental reimbursement policy and the economic viability of health care institutions. Combinations of financial performance, financial structure, and institutional context associated with high capital investment nursing homes differ from combinations associated with low capital investment homes. A multivariate analysis of data obtained from 185 nursing homes shows that although there was some difference between the two groups of nursing homes in basic financial and institutional characteristics, only a small subset of the variables were statistically significant discriminators. The hypothesis was then examined within each of the three major nursing home segments—for-profit, not-for-profit, and country homes. Neither financial performance, financial structure, nor institutional context alone is sufficient to explain differences in capital investment behavior. Perhaps more importantly, the extent to which these combination of factors do contribute to explaining capital investment strategies differs within each of the major segments of the industry. Also, these combinations of factors generally differ across the major industry segments as they relate to capital investment strategies.  相似文献   

The Dingell Hearings currently under way in the House of Representatives may be the most likely opportunity for a major alteration in the structure of accounting control in the United States since the passage of the Securities Acts in 1933–1934. One should assume that the subcommittee is serious about its objectives of providing for tighter SEC control over the accounting function and for increasing the effectiveness of auditing. In the following pages, I will offer my views on the crucial issues being considered by the subcommittee looking at the SEC and the accountants, and I will conjecture on the possible alternatives for congressional action. Finally, I will speculate on what these changes might mean to the structure of accounting practice and government regulatory activity, and I will make suggestions regarding some possible areas of future research into accounting institutions and policy.  相似文献   

During the past decade, there appears to have been an alarming decline in the flow of investment capital into ventures with uncertain returns. One factor which may have contributed to investor aversion to such investments is an increase in the perceived instability of the tax laws. This study examines the effect which this increase in the perceived instability of the tax laws may have on the two representative consumption-investment decisions of an owner-manager of a closely held corporation, namely: 1) the optimal periodic salary to draw from the corporation, and 2) the optimal time horizon for planning corporate affairs. These decisions are analyzed in the context of multiperiod optimization models. The study reveals that: 1) under certain conditions, increased tax rate uncertainty causes an increase in salary, and 2) increased tax rate uncertainty may cause a decrease in the time horizon for planning corporate affairs.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on models of political behavior that implicitly or explicitly form the foundation for empirical economic consequences studies in accounting. The studies that have appeared adopt a single-period of single-agendum-item perspective. This paper discusses differences in rational political behavior that arise naturally in single-period versus multiperiod settings. The behavioral implications of varying configurations of available information on agents' “ preferences” are also considered. Because of the tremendously complex empirical domain being studied, examples are relied on heavily to motivate the discussion rather than engaging in a formal modeling exercise.  相似文献   

If there are serious constraints on investors' abilities to process information, as well as to syndicate and share information, a uniform accounting system may convey substantial benefits to investors. After describing the potential benefits of a uniform accounting equilibrium, this article examines, using core theory, whether an unconstrained competitive environment with unrestricted coalition-formation possibilities amongst firms is likely to yield a uniform accounting equilibrium, or whether an accounting rulemaker is necessary for obtaining uniformity. It shows that an unconstrained competitive system may not yield a uniform accounting equilibrium even though it may be in every firm's (and security holder's) interest to have a uniform system. First, the core of the negotiations game among firms to set up a uniform system may be empty. That is, there may be no allocation of gains among firms resulting from an overall uniform accounting system which satisfies both individual and group rationality. Second, a uniform accounting system may have public goods characteristics which make a competitive uniform accounting equilibrium less likely. Both reasons serve to rationalize the accounting rulemaker.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the usefulness of current municipal pension accounting disclosures for assessing municipal bond risks and returns. An empirical assessment of the association between various pension ratios and bond ratings, bond yields, and market risk revealed little explanatory power in the pension variables. We posit that the results probably stem from current practices that reduce the relevance and reliability of pension accounting numbers. Thus, standardization of practices and increased disclosures as proposed by the NCGA may have positive effects on the usefulness of pension disclosures for creditor decisions.  相似文献   

This study examines the impact of culture on the motivation for, and mode of involvement of, the corporations and the government in accounting policy determination in Japan. Three propositions are developed and evaluated against the events that occurred in the formulation and implementation of the 1976 ordinances on consolidation. Data are derived from source documentation and personal interviewing. Cultural determinants are seen to position the corporations and bureaucracy as influential and conflicting interest groups in accounting standard-setting in Japan and to predetermine a mode of conflict resolution in policy determination that maintains the “balance of forces” between those parties.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to test the association between the surplus/deficit of selected Minnesota municipalities and the net interest cost of the general obligation bonds issued by these municipalities. This objective was accomplished by employing a pooled time-series design.A two-way analysis of variance was used to determine if there was a significant difference in the effect of net interest cost between positive and negative forecast errors. The ANOVA results of both tests indicate that the surplus/deficit is not correlated with increases/ decreases in the net interest cost of the bonds issued by a municipality. The results were unaffected by the exclusion of bond ratings as an independent variable.  相似文献   

This study explores possible effects of municipal accounting practices on asset-acquisition decisions. Theoretical decision models are developed using expenditure and depreciation accounting for reporting performance. The models suggest that expenditure accounting may lead to uneconomical leasing. Case studies of three cities focused on comparing present values of their leases to purchase alternatives and on interviewing department administrators. Significant uneconomical leases were found. The case studies suggest that a complete model of municipal administrators' acquisition decisions include consideration of accounting methods used to report performance; perceived risk of obsolescence; restrictions of grantors, third-party reimbursers and higher management; and administrators' background and training.  相似文献   

The Federal Trade Commission's Line of Business Report Program requires some 440 of the largest U.S. corporations to gather and report detailed data. The program's compliance costs were and are a major issue between the reluctant respondents and the FTC. Analysis of the estimates made by the parties reveals why and how a government agency tends to underestimate costs severely. Principally, the agency does not recognize that a company must prepare data that can withstand hostile scrutiny: inexpensively prepared estimates will not do. The analysis reveals that the estimates used by the FTC are based on very questionable procedures and evidence. A procedure is suggested to avoid or resolve differences in cost estimates claimed by the parties.  相似文献   

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