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This paper examines the impact of the governance environment on SME performance, concentrating on differences between innovators and non-innovators. A poor environment is related to lower profits and sales for SME innovators than non-innovators. Using a complementary indicator, SME innovators tend to have higher sales and profits when courts are perceived to be strong. On the other hand, the governance environment does not impact large innovative and non-innovative firm performance differently. Latin America and the Caribbean is a region with many entrepreneurs but few innovators. The region also has a larger proportion of smaller firms compared to other regions. In this context, lessons on SME constraints related to governance are important for developing enabling policies.  相似文献   

中小企业基于网站的网络营销方法探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由于资金实力薄弱,中小企业无力承担传统广告费,通常对传统广告望而却步,但网络营销借助网络的力量使得中小企业可以跟大企业一样让自己的产品或服务得以“广而告之”,面向受众客户,从而增加产品或服务的知名度,进而增加销售额。介绍四种适合中小企业的基于企业网站的网络营销方法:搜索引擎营销、交换链接、许可Email营销以及网络会员制营销,从而为中小企业进行网络营销提供参考。  相似文献   

Small firms, through their flexibility advantages and closeness to customers, potentially can increase their sales volume in economic downturns. The decline in U.S. housing construction (beginning in 2006) provided an opportunity to develop and test four hypotheses predicting the attributes and marketing actions associated with successful companies supplying housing markets. Smaller firms and those producing made‐to‐order products were most likely to have realized increased sales volume. These successful firms were not engaged in several marketing actions hypothesized to increase sales volume in a declining market. Small firm competitiveness was based more on working closely with customers to produce fully customized products.  相似文献   

Having the right products alone will not be enough to ensure success in the Single Market. Winning new business will demand the capability to treat customers across a wide swathe of Europe as if they were just down the street. Former national firms need to reach out beyond their borders with sales and service strategies capable of combining pan-European efficiency with adjustment to local needs. This requires new types of partnerships with established channels as well as increased investment in local sales, distribution and service subsidiaries. The rewards are both additional sales today and faster corporate learning about new markets which will bolster advantage tomorrow. Looking at established networks, it is clear that some companies are already well ahead in the race to establish cross-border sales and service support. On average German firms also tend to be ahead of their British, French and Italian cousins. As Europe becomes the strategic market for more and more businesses there is no time to lose in closing this gap.  相似文献   

黄冈市由于缺乏有效的市场渠道,营销观念不强,市场开拓不足,致使资源丰富的农副产品商品率低、市场知名度不高的状况长期得不到扭转。黄冈市应把具有黄冈特色,凝结黄冈历史、风情、地理、民族特色以及具有实用、美观、可藏等特点的黄冈土特产品,按中、高档次进行分类,锁定目标客户,建立电子商务平台,实施网络销售策略,通过搜索引擎营销、论坛营销、软文营销、视频营销等手段,引领黄冈农副产品进入国内国际市场,进而促进黄冈农业产业化发展。  相似文献   

Partitioned pricing effects on price perceptions have been studied in the consumer (B2C) market context, but not in the business (B2B) market, and particularly not in the small- and medium-sized enterprise (SME), context. The current research investigates SME managers' affective and cognitive (e.g., price fairness perceptions) responses to partitioned pricing and extent of relationship with the selling brand. The first of three experimental studies finds that a partitioned price generates greater price fairness perceptions than an all-inclusive price. Study 2 finds that SME buyers elicit the greatest positive affect and the lowest negative affect when the buyer's firm has an established relationship with the brand and the seller partitions the price. The third study further examines the effects of relationship with the brand by separating brand mandate (i.e., when the buying firm requires employees to purchase from a specific brand) and relationship longevity.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the impact of governance mechanisms on small and medium‐sized enterprise (SME) cash holdings from 2000 to 2009, employing static and dynamic panel data analyses. We find no evidence that firm governance index and insider ownership affect cash holdings. This might indicate that governance mechanisms in SMEs are relatively weak. We also report that chief executive officer compensation has a positive effect on cash holdings. Firm‐specific factors such as firm size, leverage, and liquidity negatively affect cash holdings, whereas the research and development ratio and operating risk are positively associated with them. Finally, SMEs have target cash holdings and adjust to these.  相似文献   

As COVID-19 persists, a new normal has emerged in our lives and consumption patterns. The rapid rise in demand for online consumption without physical contact is a prime example of this shift. Online platform-based markets have evolved into retail channels, allowing consumers to purchase both search goods and experience goods without contact. The platform provides an environment where customers can encounter a diverse range of customer-generated content (CGC) and gain insights into the purchasing experiences of others. However, despite the growing trading volume and diversification of products traded, relatively few studies exist on purchasing tangible experience goods in the online platform-based market. Therefore, this study investigates the impact of CGC (i.e., content and valence) on the market performance of experience goods, such as sales and sales rank in the platform-based market. We first examine the customer experience-related content in CGC in this market and then investigate the effect of CGC on market performance, such as sales and search ranks. We use crawled data from a platform that sells and rents artwork for empirical analysis. LDA topic modeling findings reveal that CGC has three primary topics (i.e., basic, artist, and style). The regression analysis results show that only style-related content improves performance, whereas basic-related content negatively affects search ranks. The valence of CGC does not significantly impact either performance measure. Additionally, we consider the role of rental services in this market and find that rental volume and search rank have an inverted U-shaped relationship. This study has important implications because it proposes a research framework and empirical model for examining the impact of CGC on performance in the online platform-based market for experience goods. It also has important managerial implications for platforms and sellers looking to enhance their market performance by monitoring CGC.  相似文献   

In this study, we investigate the effects of firms' internal control weakness (ICW) disclosures on their customers. We hypothesize that ICW disclosure adversely affects customers' perceptions of firms' ability and incentive to honor implicit commitments to customers, and as such, customers are less willing to buy from such firms. We thus expect a decline in firms' sales growth after ICW disclosure. We find a significant decline in sales growth subsequent to Sarbanes–Oxley (SOX) Section 404 ICW disclosure after controlling for firms' past sales growth and other factors affecting sales performance and internal control. This result is robust to the consideration of selection bias in ICW disclosure. We also find that the decline is more pronounced for firms with company-level ICW disclosure, with industrial customers, in the durable goods industries, with high research and development (R&D) intensity, or without subsequent remediation of ICW. Taken together, these results are consistent with the argument that ICW concerns customers more when the implicit contracts between the firms and their customers are more intensive.  相似文献   

An entrepreneurial firm's relationships with customers, suppliers, investors, universities, and other organizations have a significant and long-lasting impact on the survival and success of the firm. Yet, little research has focused on how the management of these relationships influences outcomes for entrepreneurial firms.This paper focuses on the customer relationships of new, technology-based firms (NTBFs). We aim to contribute to the literature on the governance of exchange relationships between NTBFs and their customers. Further, in so doing, we seek to explore the implications of such governance for the performance of new firms.Because of their small size, their “liabilities of newness,” and their highly specialized, knowledge-intensive resources, NTBFs are able to maintain only a limited number of close customer relationships. Consequently, NTBFs often become highly dependent on one or a few of their customers. In this study, we focus on the relationships between NTBFs and their single largest customers. We refer to the customer that accounts for the highest proportion of an NTBF's total revenue as the “key customer.”Strategic management literature, resource dependence theory, and transaction cost economics emphasize the risks associated with being dependent on an exchange relationship, focusing on the opportunistic use of power by the exchange partner. These perspectives suggest that firms can minimize their external dependencies and protect themselves against opportunism through the use of contracts. The present paper expands this view by also examining how flexibility in exchange governance may unlock potential benefits or dampen potential dangers that an NTBF faces in its commitment to its single largest customer, e.g., sharing the costs and risks of R&;D with the customer, improving the reputation of the NTBF, and realizing savings in sales and marketing costs. We examine the extent to which the realization of the potential positive and negative outcomes of a high level of dependence are moderated by the flexibility of the exchange partners' attitudes toward contractual agreements. The research question that we seek to answer is: Does the manner in which a contractual agreement is implemented affect the outcomes of a customer relationship for an NTBF at high levels of exchange dependence on the key customer?We develop a set of hypotheses that examines how the governance of the key customer relationship affects the NTBF's new product development, reputation, and sales costs when exchange dependence on the key customer is high. We use the term “contractual governance flexibility” to refer to the extent to which the exchange partners are willing to adjust to changes in the relationship instead of relying on the contract. We test the hypotheses with survey data from 195 NTBFs in the UK. The results of regression analyses reveal that contractual governance flexibility moderates the relationship between exchange dependence and outcomes. In relationships with a high level of exchange dependence, greater contractual governance flexibility was associated with greater new product development and sales cost advantages. No such benefits were realized for relationships in which exchange partners relied heavily on the contract.These findings are important because they suggest that by relaxing formal contractual mechanisms governing a relationship, NTBFs can derive benefits from key customer relationships that are characterized by a high level of dependence. Our findings suggest that at high levels of exchange dependence on key customers, NTBFs can benefit when greater contractual governance flexibility is present. Our data indicated that, interestingly, NTBFs tend to do just the opposite: at higher levels of exchange dependence, NTBFs are inclined to rely increasingly on the contract. By so doing, they may fail to realize the potential benefits of the relationships, such as gaining access to complementary resources and reducing costs. These outcomes, which may be derived from dependent exchange relationships by means of contractual governance flexibility, can have a significant influence on the long-term development and competitive advantage of an entrepreneurial firm.  相似文献   

In the international business-to-business (B2B) setting, a firm's salespeople often have more direct, prolonged, and intimate contact with the customer and market environments than any other employees of the firm. In fact, for customers in many B2B markets, the salesperson is the face of the firm. The sales function can be characterized as an inherently entrepreneurial activity. Entrepreneurship is founded on knowing or seeing something others do not see, and the sales force has long been recognized as an important source of knowledge about a firm's customers and environment. However, there has been relatively little work linking entrepreneurship to international sales performance, especially in the B2B context.This paper focuses on the intelligence-gathering role of salespeople to firms practicing corporate entrepreneurship in the international B2B setting. More specifically, drawing on the theories of corporate entrepreneurship and the knowledge-based view of the firm, the authors develop a conceptual model that proposes international sales performance for firms practicing corporate entrepreneurship will be enhanced when salespeople practice customer-oriented selling and the firm's absorptive capacity is stronger. Recommended methodology for testing the proposed model is a single-informant survey of sales managers with firms in the domain of interest, using structural equation modeling with moderator tests. The paper concludes with implications and directions for future research.  相似文献   

The impact of international expansion on the success of small and medium enterprises (SME) has been extensively studied, particularly with respect to the performance implications of expansion into foreign markets. Yet, the literature is still unclear on the consequences of the SME's geographic scope (i.e., the number of countries a firm operates in). Drawing on the contemporary internalization theory, we build a theoretical framework suggesting that SMEs’ geographic scope positively impacts firm growth rate, yet makes it less reliable, i.e., a positive effect on both the mean and the variability of growth. We also suggest that this relationship is highly context-dependent. The positive benefits of the increasing scope materialize only when the firms can manage the rising complexity of operational governance through leveraging the managerial international competencies (obtained, e.g., through international education and international experience) and constraining the geographic expansion to their home region. The framework is empirically tested on data from Swiss SMEs engaged in international operations, employing the multiplicative heteroscedasticity regression model specification with endogenously modeled scope.  相似文献   

Traditional proximity-concentration models of the decision to serve foreign markets through exports or FDI sales tend to overemphasize physical transport costs and market size while underemphasizing the cost of transmitting information. I augment those models with the importance of interacting with customers and communicating complex information within firms and use these characteristics to predict the location of production. Goods and services requiring direct communication with consumers are more likely to be produced in the destination market. Activities requiring complex within firm communication are more likely to occur at the multinational's headquarters for export, especially when the destination market has weak institutions. These predictions are tested using firm-level data from the Bureau of Economic Analysis US Direct Investment Abroad Benchmark Survey of Multinationals combined with task-level data from the Department of Labor's Occupational Information Network. The approach developed in this paper performs well for both manufacturing and service industries and is robust to a variety of specifications.  相似文献   

Research at the subnational level typically uses borders which are politically determined or arbitrary, and hence not necessarily based on the markets which foreign firms target in their international business strategies. The current paper extends the international business literature at the subnational level by using markets identified through the profit maximizing lens of a host-country retailer, which is a conceptually more appealing methodological approach for firms wishing to enter a local market through exports. Evidence of home bias reversals at the catchment area level provides important insights for more refined market entry strategies, which may be missed at other subnational units of analysis. This study therefore establishes the importance of subnational analysis at the catchment area level and uses the reversal of domestic-country bias effects as an example to prove the importance of this methodological approach. The benefits of such an approach are tested using the sale of domestic and imported alcohol across catchment areas for a multi-location retailer in the province of Ontario.  相似文献   


This article considers ‘pricing’, that is, offers and requests for the price of sales items, as a communicative practice deployed by vendors and customers during sales interaction on street markets. It examines the organisation of sales interaction by pursuing the question of how and when market participants, vendors and customers alike, embed offers and requests for price information within their interaction. The analysis suggests that pricing is deployed as a technique to manage the ‘floor’ and the interaction at the stall. For example, offers for items are being tailored to customers’ display of interest and commitment to particular items, and requests for price information are deployed in ways that challenge anticipated offers, that is, offers that are about to be made by a vendor. The data, field observation and video-recording have been gathered at market stalls in London and Berlin.  相似文献   

Online retailers are increasingly using third-party online marketplaces (e.g., Amazon, Taobao) as an alternative sales channel to their website. While cross-channel sales elasticities have been established for many sales channel combinations (e.g., adding bricks to clicks), we lack an understanding of whether the use of third-party marketplaces grows or cannibalizes a retailer's sales. Practitioners argue that firms can build their e-commerce business through acquiring customers by selling on the marketplace. Indeed, a marketplace could complement a retailer's offering (e.g., acquiring new customer segments), although inventory effects might mitigate this complementarity. Alternatively, cannibalization might occur from losing customers from one's website to the online marketplace. The present research investigates which of the two opposing forces prevails using a time series of category sales data from one of the largest global marketplace sellers. The authors use vector autoregressive modeling to show that marketplace sales increase sales on a retailer's website (0.014% for every 1% in marketplace sales). This effect is strongest for categories with large choice and low product prices. Acquiring customers through the marketplace might be cheaper than through other sources (estimated at 24% of initial sales). However, online retailers should be aware that this strategy strengthens the marketplace and may have potential negative long-term consequences (e.g., through marketplace control of the customer relationship).  相似文献   

This study explored differences in the effects of perceived utilitarian and hedonic shopping values on customer satisfaction for the two separate groups of the agricultural product marketing channel: farmers' markets and specialty food stores. Empirical data were collected from customers of agricultural product retailers located in Taiwan (N = 412). The results show that different agricultural product marketing channels provide different values to their customers. Farmers' market customers experience a greater hedonic value, and specialty food store customers experience a greater utilitarian value. In addition, the perceived utilitarian and hedonic shopping values of farmers' market customers are more highly positively associated with customer satisfaction than are those of specialty food store customers.  相似文献   

Virtual manufacturing has 2 characteristics as an agent-based electronic commerce environment: dynamic nature of resource status and variety of agents' decision-making (i.e., scheduling) model. To reflect the characteristics, a relevant negotiation protocol should be designed and an appropriate decision-making model should be developed. In this article, from the perspective of a sales agent that is a middle man between customers and manufacturers in a virtual manufacturing environment, we provide a case study that suggests a time-bound framework for external negotiation between sales agents and customer agents, and internal cooperation between sales agents and manufacturing agents. We assume a job shop as the production model of a virtual manufacturing enterprise and formulate the optimal order selection problem with mixed integer programming, but its computation time is not acceptable for real-world problems. For this time-constrained decision making, we develop a genetic algorithm as an anytime problem-solving method for the scheduling of the production model, which shows a reasonable computation time for real-world cases and good incremental problem-solving capability.  相似文献   

We consider a continuous‐time framework featuring a central bank, private agents, and a financial market. The central bank's objective is to maximize a functional, which measures the classical trade‐off between output and inflation over time plus income from the sales of inflation‐indexed bonds minus payments for the liabilities that the inflation‐indexed bonds produce at maturity. Private agents are assumed to have adaptive expectations. The financial market is modeled in continuous‐time Black–Scholes–Merton style and financial agents are averse against inflation risk, attaching an inflation risk premium to nominal bonds. Following this route, we explain demand for inflation‐indexed securities on the financial market from a no‐arbitrage assumption and derive pricing formulas for inflation‐linked bonds and calls, which lead to a supply‐demand equilibrium. Furthermore, we study the consequences that the sales of inflation‐indexed securities have on the observed inflation rate and price level. Similar to the study of Walsh, we find that the inflationary bias is significantly reduced, and hence that markets for inflation‐indexed bonds provide a mechanism to reduce inflationary bias and increase central bank's credibility.  相似文献   

Corporations now face the oftentimes daunting task of integrating the interests of multiple stakeholders. The general intent behind this multiple stakeholder focus has been to ensure that corporations operate for the benefit of society as a whole, with corporate governance in the oversight role for all activities. Our research suggests doing business in an emerging economy is confounded by the fact that rules, regulations, and marketplace expectations of the home market do not apply. Due to their evolving nature, the environments in emerging economies are uncertain and complex. Governance is not just an oversight issue related to making the most appropriate decisions. Instead, responsible governance in emerging markets entails governing bodies understanding the characteristics of the unsettled environment in which the company is, or will be, operating. Four major characteristics (demographic trends, technological development, natural resources, and political/legal unease) of emerging economies have led to significant challenges and stormy passage with respect to governance. The continual evolution and understanding of these factors must, of necessity, shape a company's governance process in the developing marketplace.  相似文献   

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