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人民币均衡汇率实证研究文献综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
徐群 《商业研究》2008,(4):83-87
人民币均衡汇率研究对于完善我国汇率理论,指导汇率调整和汇率制度改革具有重要意义,特别是在人民币连续升值的背景下尤为必要。近年来,人民币均衡汇率成为国内外专家学者关注的焦点,相关研究文献不断涌现。对国内外人民币均衡汇率已有研究文献进行梳理和评述,以明确该领域研究的最新进展,将对今后进一步研究提供铺垫。  相似文献   

We empirically investigate the relationship between business cycle synchronisation and the role of value‐added trade focusing on a panel of 12 Asian countries from 1995 to 2011. In addition, we propose the inclusion of two novel determinants, for example external value‐added trade intensity and exchange rate volatility and also saturate our empirical model with other common determinants found in the literature. Our findings first confirm that value‐added trade intensity, rather than gross trade intensity, has a sizable, positive and statistically significant impact on synchronisation among East Asian countries. Second, the exchange rate volatility has a significant negative effect on the business cycle synchronisation, which verifies that the exchange rate volatility is another important determinant of business cycle synchronisation. Our findings have important implications for the monetary cooperation in the region: strengthening trade linkage could reduce the costs of monetary cooperation by increasing the incidence of symmetric shocks.  相似文献   

Price measurement is always important in the economic analysis. Both the consumer price index (CPI) and purchasing power parity (PPP) belong to the scope of price statistics, and the former is a temporal price index, while the latter is a spatial price index. Consumer price survey accounts for more than 70% in the coverage of the international comparison program (ICP), constituting the main part of the catalog of ICP specifications. The similar calculation method, data investigation, and compilation process also suggest that there should be an intrinsic linkage between CPI and PPP. On this basis, an approximate quantity equation is derived for them in terms of price measurement. The empirical analysis with a sample of 178 economies ranging from 2000 to 2013 found that the CPI and PPP are positive correlated significantly, and there is a long-term equilibrium relationship between them. In short run, the CPI may lead to a deviation from the equilibrium state of PPP, but the error correction mechanism makes this deviation come back gradually. Meanwhile, PPP has a price pass-through effect on CPI. The inherent relationship between CPI and PPP provides support for the integration of the CPI statistical system and the global ICP project.  相似文献   

贸易不确定性对中国企业的冲击体现在对中国企业对外贸易量、产品价格和利润、创新和产品质量以及企业效率和产品附加值等方面的影响。中美贸易摩擦发生以来,虽然双方贸易额还没有出现明显下降,但加征高额关税抬高了中国企业进入美国市场的门槛,使中国企业获得先进技术的难度增加,并面临着市场转换问题,带来的人民币汇率下跌也影响着中国企业进出口。应通过深化供给侧结构性改革推动经济高质量发展、深化创新驱动战略提高企业产品附加值、加快推动“一带一路”倡议构建中国主导的生产链、继续扩大对外开放加速融入经济全球化等措施,有效应对贸易不确定性带来的影响。  相似文献   

The paper studies the impact of changes in Tunisia's exchange rate on the net external position of the agricultural sector. It shows that substitutability on production and consumption among domestically produced goods leads to an ambiguous impact for reasons that go beyond the Marshall-Lerner condition. Using cointegration techniques to disentangle the long and short-run impact of changes in the exchange rate on the net agricultural trade balance, we find that the depreciation of the domestic currency leads to a deterioration of the net external position of Tunisia's agricultural sector in the long-run.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the relationship between the US net external position and the exchange rate regime. I find a structural break in the US net external position at the end of the Bretton Woods system of fixed exchange rates that changed both the mean and variance of the series. On average, the US changed from a creditor to a debtor position and the variance of the external position increased during the floating period. This increase is to a large extent due to the valuation component of external adjustment that accounts for 54% of the variance of the US external position during the floating period but only 29% during the fixed exchange rate period. Further analysis shows that the exchange rate regime mainly affects the valuation channel of external adjustment. There is also evidence of another structural break in the US external position around the time of the introduction of the euro. Finally, I document asset pricing implications from the relationship between the exchange rate regime and the external adjustment process, as external imbalances predict the foreign exchange once the exchange rate regime is taken into account.  相似文献   

Findings reported in this paper provide improved explanation as to what factors are correlated with price levels across a large sample of 152 countries. The results are obtained from using a new set of variables called economic freedom indices, covering 19 years. Prior studies used income, trade openness, and productivity, which led to results with much less explanatory power compared to findings reported in this paper. We apply advanced panel data econometrics to obtain robust estimates of parameters, which, in our view, led to results with substantially high coefficient of variations close to 90%. The findings show that all the nine dimensions of economic freedom used in this study significantly account for the variations in national price levels.  相似文献   

This paper identifies the determinants of China's bilateral trade balance using a new measure based on international input–output data, the so-called ‘trade in value-added’ (TiVA), which can prevent double counting in the estimation of bilateral trade balance. Our results show that using a measure based on gross exports, rather than TiVA, causes relatively large overestimation of the impact of the RMB exchange rate on China's bilateral trade balance. This overestimation is mainly because that the increasing production of exports may require increasing intermediate imports as a consequence of international fragmentation of production in global value chains. In addition, our results also show that the impact of FDI inflows on China's bilateral trade balances depends on the position and role of China and its trading partners in GVCs.  相似文献   

This paper analyses changes in the exchange rate arrangements and policy and their impact on the long-run real exchange rates of the Asian Four Little Dragons. It is found that purchasing power parity is a basic guide in formulating the exchange rate policy of the Four Little Dragons and that exchange rate regimes are very responsive to the effect of major external disturbances on prices. Thus, the exchange rate policy and arrangements are important factors in shaping the behaviour of the real exchange rates of the FLDs, which tend to return to the long-run average value. To test the null hypothesis that purchasing power parity does not hold between the Four Little Dragons and the United States, two cointegration tests, the augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF) test and the Johansen test, are applied. As the symmetry and proportionality conditions are not supported by the data, the tests are conducted in a trivariate system. While the ADF test does not support PPP, evidence of cointegration is found by the Johansen test.  相似文献   

文章采用1985-2010年人民币实际有效汇率和福建省FDI及出口贸易结构的年度数据进行协整分析,结果表明,福建省出口贸易结构与人民币实际有效汇率之间存在长期的稳定的均衡关系,人民币汇率稳步升值将有利于我国贸易结构的优化升级。  相似文献   

从长期来看,购买力平价对人民币汇率虽然具有一定的解释作用,但有很大的局限性。汇率的变动不仅仅与物价水平相关,还与一国的生产力发展水平、利率、资本流动等其他经济变量以及该国施行的货币政策、财政政策和汇率政策有关。因此,必须对购买力平价计量检验模型进行修正,以期更好地解释人民币汇率的变化并指导其调整。  相似文献   

This paper investigates the impact of ringgit/yuan volatility on Malaysian trade with her largest trading partner, China. The short- and long-run impacts are estimated using bounds testing approach to cointegration analysis and disaggregated bilateral trade data by industry over the period of 1985–2010. Specifically, we considered a total of 151 importing and 24 exporting industries in Malaysia that traded with China. Our finding indicates that cointegration existed in 94 Malaysian import industry models and 16 Malaysian export industry models. Among these cases, exchange rate volatility has short-run effects on majority of the models. However, the short-run effects shift into the long-run effects in 46 out of 69 industries in import models and 5 out of 10 industries in export models. Results indicate that the exchange rate uncertainty has positive effects on majority of these industries.  相似文献   

近年来,随着中美经贸关系的进一步发展,人民币汇率问题逐渐成为中美争论的焦点之一。随着国际经济关系日趋政治化,人民币汇率问题也出现了明显的政治化倾向。在这样的背景下,中国需要发挥"四体联动"机制应对中美贸易摩擦;调整对外投资战略,减少资本项目顺差;进一步深化人民币汇率制度改革以应对中美人民币汇率问题的挑战。  相似文献   


This study aims to bring further evidence on recent developments of the J-curve literature by employing linear and nonlinear autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) approaches for Turkish bilateral trade data with respect to 18 European Union member countries over the period from 1990Q1 to 2017Q3. Findings obtained from the nonlinear ARDL model yield more support for the J-curve phenomenon compared to the linear model. This result provides evidence of an asymmetrical impact of appreciations and depreciations on the Turkish bilateral trade balances and suggests that allowing for nonlinearity in the adjustment process gives better results in terms of the J-curve effect.  相似文献   

Using an enhanced data set on the population share of overseas Chinese in 1970 and 1990, this paper analyses the impact of the Chinese diaspora on facilitating China's bilateral trade during the period 1973–2013. Our findings suggest substantial trade creation effects resulting from the presence of ethnic Chinese in the trade partner population. Diaspora impacts on Chinese bilateral imports are in general higher than those found for exports. Coethnic networks play a larger role as long as the partner country does not have an RTA with China in place. Among export sectors, effects found were strongest for food, as well as for machinery and transport equipment. In regard to imports, coethnic networks matter mostly for raw materials, machinery and transport equipment, and chemicals.  相似文献   

This paper follows a non‐linear ARDL error‐correction approach to examine the presence of the J‐curve in the commodity‐level trade between the United States and China. The analysis disaggregates the US–China trade flows by commodities and separately examines the trade balance responses of 97 commodities to the changes in the real yuan–US$ exchange rates. The analysis at the commodity level alleviates potential aggregation bias that is present in earlier studies offering little evidence for long‐run asymmetric effects of exchange rate on the China–US trade balance. We find strong support for short‐run asymmetric effects in the case of two‐third of the commodities, whereas significant long‐run asymmetric effects are present in the case of one‐third of the commodities including those commodities which command large shares in the China–US trade.  相似文献   

Processing trade is an important exporting mode for many countries developed by the export-oriented industrialisation such as 1960s Japan, 1990s Korea and 2000s China. Exporters who rely on processing trade for foreign profits do not enjoy much market power, and hence care more about exchange rate changes. We develop a model to illustrate how processing trade affects exporters' responses to exchange rate fluctuations. The model suggests that the elasticity of export price with respect to exchange rate for processing-trade exporters is greater than that of the ordinary-trade exporters, while the elasticity of export quantity of processing-trade exporters is smaller compared to their ordinary-trade counterparts. Most developing countries' governments offer processing-trade exporters better tax/tariff reduction policy to encourage exporting, which grants processing-trade exporters additional advantage to adjust more on export price and less on quantity when facing changes in exchange rate and therefore causes their different responses to exchange rate fluctuations. We find strong empirical supports by studying the data from China, which is the largest developing country and biggest processing-trade exporter.  相似文献   

A classic argument for a fixed exchange rate is its promotion of trade. Empirical support for this, however, is mixed. While one branch of research consistently shows a small negative effect of exchange rate volatility on trade, another, more recent, branch presents evidence of a large positive impact of currency unions on trade. This paper helps resolve this disconnect. Our results, which use a new data-based classification of fixed exchange rate regimes, show a large, significant effect of a fixed exchange rate on bilateral trade between a base country and a country that pegs to it. These results suggest an economically relevant role for exchange rate regimes in trade determination since a significant amount of world trade is conducted between countries with fixed exchange rates.  相似文献   

Exchange rate volatility is said to affect trade flows in either direction. When increased volatility is separated from decreased volatility, asymmetric analysis reveals even more support for the fact that both increased volatility and decreased volatility affect trade flows in either direction. We add to this new literature by considering 57 industries that trade between Japan and the US. In addition to providing evidence of asymmetric response of their trade flows to a measure of exchange rate volatility, our approach identifies industries that could benefit from increased exchange rate volatility and those that could be hurt. Similarly, we identify industries that could benefit from decreased volatility and those that could be hurt. The overall conclusion is the adverse effects of dollar–yen volatility on the trade between the two countries.  相似文献   

人民币国际化的现实基石、主要障碍及推进路径   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
人民币国际化是人民币在国际范围内发挥货币功能,成为主要的贸易计价结算货币、金融交易货币以及国际储备货币的过程。中国20世纪90年代初的汇率改革开启了人民币国际化的萌芽和发展,现阶段中国快速增长的对外贸易、对外直接投资、区域影响力的提升等为人民币国际化提供了强大的驱动力。但由于对外贸易结构的不合理、人民币国际结算的失衡以及"霸权货币"的抵制,使人民币国际化面临不少困难。我们应完善和推广自由贸易区建设,形成本土离岸人民币金融中心和人民币回流机制;深化金融体制改革,完善金融市场机制,加快国际金融中心建设;协同推进渐进式的资本项目开放与利率市场化、汇率自由化;进一步扩大双边本币互换的范围和规模,以东亚货币合作为基础,推进国际货币合作。  相似文献   

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