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本文通过分析顾客价值的内涵与重要性,进一步探讨了企业实现顾客价值所需的营销策略和方法,同时为企业提高消费者满意度与忠诚度,实现企业营销目标提供了相关建议。  相似文献   

电子商务与顾客价值的创造   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
电子商务对顾客价值的影响呈现一种"双刃剑"效果,网络和电子商务在有助于顾客价值的创造、感知和实现的同时,也在一定程度上削弱了企业原有的某些顾客价值创造能力,增加了企业构建顾客价值优势的难度。企业应注重潜在顾客价值和顾客感知价值的提升,注重互联网络服务营销潜能的开发,加强与顾客的交流与沟通,借助于网络整合与优化企业价值链,实现顾客价值的提升。  相似文献   

随着医疗市场竞争的日益加剧,顾客有机会对医疗服务产品进行"精挑细选"。如何满足顾客的需求,赢得顾客的忠诚,已成为现在医院营销策略的重点。本文重点从提升顾客总价值策略、降低顾客总价值成本策略、促进顾客价值循环的动力因素和减少价值墙屏蔽作用等几个方面阐述基于顾客价值的医院营销策略。  相似文献   

顾客价值决定着企业的成长和发展,因此受到越来越多的关注.文章通过对顾客购买行为和企业的经营策略进行博弈,指出企业应进行策略调整,以提升顾客价值.  相似文献   

顾客价值是感知利益和感知付出的比较,是购买产品能够带给顾客各个方面的好处,它具有因人而异、动态变化、比较、多元判断、实践习得等一系列特征。所以,企业应基于顾客价值特征,运用调查、细分、定位、沟通、综合等各种有效的营销策略和手段来增加顾客价值,促进顾客购买。  相似文献   

林艳 《商场现代化》2006,(34):70-71
本文以体验管理的理论为指导,探索性构建了顾客体验价值创造模型,并在此框架下,探讨了顾客体验价值主张、体验价值形成、体验价值提升途径。  相似文献   

丁雯 《商业时代》2006,(12):57-58
随着市场营销领域“以顾客为导向”思想的建立,市场营销理念出现了从顾客满意、顾客忠诚向顾客价值转变的趋势。顾客价值已被视为企业竞争优势的新来源,如何为顾客提供优越的顾客价值成为企业追求的新目标。本文从研究顾客价值内涵出发探讨了顾客价值与顾客满意之间的关系,在此基础上为企业顾客价值的创造提供了新思路。  相似文献   

体验式营销影响着顾客对消费体验的总体感觉和评价,以创造更多的顾客价值为目标。同时顾客感知价值的获得,又提升和丰富了顾客的购物体验。在体验经济时代,顾客购物不仅是购买商品,更多的是购买体验,企业应该从关注顾客情感需求、设计体现"生活理念"的产品、鼓励顾客的体验互动参与以及为顾客创造知觉体验等方式来建立良好的顾客体验。  相似文献   

顾客价值的核心是企业从顾客的角度来看待其提供的产品和服务的价值,在企业为顾客设计、创造、提供价值时应该遵从顾客导向,保证顾客价值的实现。网络化“独我”消费相应的使企业营销演变为网络化个体营销。而建立在高度信息化基础之上的网络互动个体营销模式则从满足顾客需要及建立密切关系方面直接提升了顾客价值。  相似文献   

顾客在企业关系营销中占有核心地位。顾客既是企业建立和发展的基础,也是企业核心竞争力形成的重要资源。一个企业的营销策略是否成功,顾客价值能否得以实现是其关键所在。本文结合中国企业的实际情况,提出“顾客满意”战略:以顾客满意度为指针,从顾客的角度,用顾客的观点而非企业自身的利益和观点来分析消费者的需求。  相似文献   

心理模型对消费者的购买决策影响巨大。基于心理模型下的模糊营销,应依据消费者所处场合,匹配性宣传产品,适当性投放产品以建立和顺应模糊心理模型;隐喻心理模型则是依据消费者的心理去塑造商品形象,明确企业的核心竞争力和核心创意,并实践企业的核心创意;潜意识心理模型是依据消费者潜意识的趋同效应、环境效应和促销等购买动因来制定营销策略,从而有利于企业根据不同的心理模型制定相应的营销策略,在激烈的市场竞争中顺应消费者心理,促进消费者做出积极的购买决策。  相似文献   

金鑫  王一 《北方经贸》2013,(2):40-41
众所周知,当今世界女性消费者已经成为市场上的消费主力军,在购买活动中起着举足轻重的作用。女性的社会消费在当前的消费大潮中正在从温饱型消费向发展型、享受型消费发生着根本性变化。女性作为社会消费的一个特殊群体,有着不同于社会其他消费群体的消费心理和消费行为,其随着社会的发展而发生了重大变化,表现出更趋于个性化和高级化等多方面特点。在目前大部分市场处于饱和、竞争空前激烈的情况下,认真研究并探索现代女性独特消费心理特点以及消费行为的变化,能够为企业制定有效地营销策略,提供有益的建议,成为市场上最具潜力的竞争企业。  相似文献   

Honey is one of the important non-timber forest products consumed in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and, as such, an important source of income for many households. However, poor knowledge of buyers’ preferences in the marketing of honey presents a major challenge to the profitability of the honey enterprises. The research presented in this article identifies key consumer characteristics that influence the preferences of honey consumers in the DRC. The primary data source used in this analysis is drawn from a survey of 214 consumers. Results show that consumers who are married and have reached at least the level of secondary education have a strong preference for local forest and savannah honey. Those between the ages of 30 and 50 do not prefer honey from beekeeping, but would rather have it imported. We conclude that segmentation of the honey market and increasing consumer awareness must go in tandem in order to develop a good marketing strategy.  相似文献   

荣晓华 《商业研究》2002,(23):154-156
与有形产品消费者行为的特征相比,服务市场的消费者行为有其独特性,主要表现在消费者收集信息的方法、消费者对风险的感知、品牌忠诚以及对服务质量的评估与购买后失调等方面。了解服务市场中的消费者行为特征,有助于提高企业的服务质量,提高企业的综合竞争力。  相似文献   

This study investigates how the value of consumer ethnocentrism (CET) and ethnocentric marketing affect consumers' purchase intentions for domestic and foreign brands in China. In predicting ethnocentric consumer behavior, past research has tended to focus on consumers' ethnocentric values rather than ethnocentric marketing stimuli. In addition, this study examines how the consumer value of individualism and collectivism (IC) affects ethnocentric choice behavior. An experimental study was conducted on 220 Chinese millennials, using fictitious advertisements. The study found that the CET value has moderate effects on consumer purchase intentions for foreign brands, while it strongly influences consumer purchases of domestic brands. In addition, the findings suggest that ethnocentric advertising may not encourage purchases of domestic brands, but can discourage foreign brand purchases. More significantly, individualistic consumers were found to show a greater preference for foreign brands and also their brand choices were less affected by the CET value and ethnocentric advertising.  相似文献   

新消费者的消费行为研究与营销策略   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
把握和分析消费者的心理与行为是吸引消费者的制胜法宝。随着新经济时代的到来和消费者群体经济重要性的发展,我国消费者在心理与行为上发生了根本性的变化,呈现出一批新的消费者群体(简称"新消费者")。商家对新消费者资源的争夺使激烈的市场竞争日趋白热化。要想在竞争中立于不败之地,商家必须对他们加以重视,分析和研究他们的心理与行为,并据此采取有针对性的营销策略。  相似文献   


Consumers increasingly turn to the marketplace in search of spiritual well-being. In this introduction to the special issue, we unpack the concept of consumer spirituality. We define consumer spirituality as the interrelated practices and processes engaged in when consuming market offerings (products, services, places) that yield 'spiritual utility'. The market offerings are purposely designed to quench consumers’ thirst for meaningful encounters with one’s inner self or a higher external power. We identify three vehicles – materiality, embodiment, and technology – that consumers engage with to access consumer spirituality. By unpacking the concept of consumer spirituality along three themes - (1) shaping markets for consumer spirituality, (2) the means for accessing consumer spirituality, and (3) making sense of and researching consumer spirituality - we provide a future research agenda to advance scholarly explorations of consumer spirituality and to facilitate a systematic development of this nascent body of literature in marketing and consumer research.  相似文献   

Youth consumption has been an area of research interest as well as societal concern. Globalization and proliferation of media have been cited as the main reasons for rise in consumption, especially among youth. This paper has examined how the Indian Urban youth represent their Consumer Identities through their narratives. In 1991, India opened up to Globalization and its effect on the youth consumption is now wide spread. Studies in other parts of the world have shown youth to be ‘Raving Hedonists’ and ‘Squanderer’ as well as Rational and Economical Consumers. An empirical approach was taken to establish the typology of Indian Youth Consumers. Empirical data for this research was collected by conducting in‐depth interviews in 2013, covering various states of India, with students in the age group of eighteen to twenty three years, who are financially dependent on their parents. Forty in‐depth interviews, representing thirteen distinct linguistic identities were conducted and analysed. Studies done in other parts of the world such as UK, Finland, Norway and Belgium have established typologies of youth consumers such as Hedonist, Squanderer, Rational and Economical Consumer Identities. While these Consumer Identities exist among Indian Urban Youth, the researchers have identified additional Consumer Identity Typologies of Reluctant, Dependent and Aspirant Consumers. The youth in India is somewhat similar to youth elsewhere and yet has its own distinction as consumers. The fact that India has a very high youth population makes this study significant.  相似文献   

Patterned on crowdsourcing and crowdfunding, a new crowd practice has emerged in recent years: crowd logistics. In this paper, we propose a first conceptualization of this growing phenomenon. Crowd logistics is a novel way of providing logistics services that taps into the dormant logistics resources and capabilities of individuals, using mobile applications and web‐based platforms. Although crowd logistics has been widely discussed in the business world, it has not yet been the subject of any academic publication. Following an exploratory case study approach, we review the websites of 57 crowd logistics initiatives around the world and highlight the main distinctive characteristics of crowd logistics, as compared to traditional business logistics. We introduce a segmented analysis in which crowd logistics solutions are classified according to four types of service offered. Finally, we introduce six theoretical propositions on the future development of crowd logistics. At a theoretical level, our findings contribute to enriching the service‐dominant logic perspective in the logistics field by conceptualizing the crowd as a co‐creator of logistics value. At a managerial level, our findings contribute to identifying which types of crowd logistics services are more likely to threaten or disrupt traditional business.  相似文献   

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