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Due to prevalent demographic factors, long-term care is an issue of increasing concern to American workers. The cost and time involved in ever-expanding long-term care responsibilities for many employees has resulted in increased indirect employer costs. The authors argue that providing' long-term care as part of the employee benefit plan is an efficient and effective way to manage these increasing costs for both the employer and the employee. The article offers discussion of plan design for long-term care, including issues to be considered and strategy for plan management.  相似文献   

Integrated employee benefit decision making helps employees use their benefits more wisely and identify opportunities to balance their immediate benefits needs (such as health care) and future benefits needs (such as retirement). This article discusses how employers can overcome employees' behavioral barriers to making integrated employee benefit decisions by changing the ways benefits are communicated and employees are presented with action decisions. Undertaking these steps allows employers to not only improve their employees' overall financial perspectives, but also furthers plan sponsors' goals of actively promoting personal responsibility with respect to retirement funding and changing employee behavior with respect to controlling health care costs.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Do managed care health plans truly control costs more effectively than nonmanaged care plans? Recent evidence suggests that employees are getting used to the managed care idea and that managed care is responsible for the sharp slowdown in health-care costs. This article examines recent changes in the delivery, financing, and consumption of health care from the perspective of a large multiple-site American corporation to see whether its health-care costs are controlled and whether this control occurs at the expense of employee satisfaction. A unique aspect of this study is that managed care was implemented more slowly and in phases at one of the six sites analyzed. The results suggest the following. First, the Study Corporation's health-care costs have not significantly increased four years following the change from an indemnity to a managed care plan. The authors interpret this result to mean that managed care has controlled costs because before the change, plan costs were increasing 15 percent per year. Second, the site with the underdeveloped network did not have higher costs than the other sites based on the analysis. Third, the authors show that employee satisfaction increased after implementation of the managed care plan. Moreover, satisfaction was higher at sites with more employees, higher usage, and higher health-care costs. Last, the results suggest that plan participant satisfaction increases as the managed care network becomes more developed. Policy and benefit manager recommendations are made on the basis of these reported findings.  相似文献   

Physicians are known to play an important role in the rise of health care costs. But patients--the other side of the chain of health care systems--have been given little attention. The present study utilized the outpatient claims (in the belief that the outpatient hospital visits are mainly decided by the patients) from a health insurance organization in Japan (the Fukuoka Prefecture public service mutual aid association for government employees who serve in small cities, towns, and villages) to analyze the employee behaviors in the use of hospital care and the costs associated with these behaviors. Number of diseases diagnosed for an employee, number of claims an employee submitted for one disease, number of hospitals an employee visited, number of claims an employee had from one hospital, and the total number of claims an employee submitted were used to describe the hospital use behaviors. Results showed that some employees exhibited unusual behaviors, characterized by having an extremely large number of diseases diagnosed, visiting a large number of different hospitals, having a large number of claims, etc. Higher medical expenditures were associated with such behaviors. The findings of this study suggest that the patients' role in the rise of health care costs cannot be ignored, and cost-containment strategies targeting modification of patient behaviors in the use of hospital care may prove to be very useful.  相似文献   

Many employers have begun moving toward health care consumerism strategies designed to encourage employees to take more responsibility for their health care and the cost of that care. Recent surveys suggest ways employers can ensure their consumerism strategies succeed in engaging employees and, ultimately, encourage employees to change their behavior. This article describes what those surveys reveal about employer and employee perspectives on consumerism and suggests steps employers can take to align their interests with those of their employees in order to manage the demand for and use of health care.  相似文献   

Denial of health benefits may result in devastating financial problems for the consumer. Given the complexities of the system, more and more employees turn to attorneys for help. Litigation and the resultant costs, in turn, further exacerbate the cost of providing benefits to employees and the burden to the employer. The law governing employer-paid health care and benefit plans is a blend of third party beneficiary contract law, trust law and administrative law. This article provides an overview of the federal litigation resulting from a third party payer's denial of coverage.  相似文献   

For most employers, a small percent of the employee/participant population accounts for a large percent of health care costs. However, the population of this high-cost group changes from year to year. The fundamental problem is keeping employees out of the high-risk/high-cost segment, something plan design changes cannot address but that integrated health risk management (IHRM) can help achieve. This article explains how employers can implement an IHRM program to significantly lower health care costs to a degree unattainable through traditional cost-control strategies, while simultaneously raising workers' productivity and well-being.  相似文献   

Employers need to do much more to change some of the deep-seated employee attitudes and behaviors that are driving health care costs. This article debunks common employer misconceptions about employees' attitudes and behaviors with regard to health care. It then discusses the results employers can obtain by taking specific initiatives that provide employees with the motivation and resources they need to effectively manage health risks and make informed health care decisions.  相似文献   

Each year health care fraud drains millions of dollars from employer-sponsored health plans. Historically, employers have taken a rather tolerant view of fraud. As the pressure to manage health plan costs increases, however, many employers are beginning to see the detection and prosecution of fraud as an appropriate part of a cost management program. Fraud in medical insurance covers a wide range of activities in terms of cost and sophistication--from misrepresenting information on a claim, to billing for services never rendered, to falsifying the existence of an entire medical organization. To complicate matters, fraudulent activities can emanate from many, many sources. Perpetrators can include employees, dependents or associates of employees, providers and employees of providers--virtually anyone able to make a claim against a plan. This article addresses actions that employers can take to reduce losses from fraud. The first section suggests policy statements and administrative procedures and guidelines that can be used to discourage employee fraud. Section two addresses the most prevalent form of fraud--provider fraud. To combat provider fraud, employers should set corporate guidelines and should enlist the assistance of employees in identifying fraudulent provider activities. Section three suggests ways to improve fraud detection through the claims payment system--often the first line of defense against fraud. Finally, section four discusses the possibility of civil and criminal remedies and reviews the legal theories under which an increasing number of fraud cases have been prosecuted.  相似文献   

In 2005 large U.S. employers spent an average of almost $7,400 per head on health care benefits, a 73% increase in the last five years. If the current trend continues, American companies may find it difficult to compete in a global marketplace where international competitors provide labor with heath care at a fraction of U.S. costs. This article argues that effective reform of the U.S. health care system will require major efforts from all major “stakeholders,” starting with the federal government and state and local governments and including insurance companies and the “consumers” of health care services. By far the important role, however, is reserved for private‐sector employers, which have been the incubator for recent innovations in American health care and are in the best position to coordinate and drive health care reform. But incremental steps in cost‐sharing, small‐scale pilot projects of consumer‐based designs, and employee awareness campaigns will not be enough. Employers need to take radical steps to break through the inertia that has built up among all stakeholders over the past 50 years. Chief among the author's proposals for employers are the following:
  • ? In choosing a health care plan for employees, use value‐based purchasing criteria that consider more than just the price and access to services.
  • ? Help consumers by demanding information from providers and insurers about the cost and efficacy of health care services, and of alternative treatments, before the choices are made.
  • ? Encourage “consumerism” by setting up benefit plans that have a Health Reimbursement Arrangement (HRA) or a Health Savings Account (HSA) component.
As the author states in closing, “Let these reforms begin with employers as the organizing force to drive needed change across the system. That may very well be the only way to save our employment‐based model.”  相似文献   

In preparing for retirement, employees need to consider not only their pension benefits but also the challenge of financing their retirement health care needs. Various trends evolving in our society indicate that future retirees will be increasingly dependent on their own retirement savings. Evidence suggests that employees are not fully aware of the significance of health costs in retirement and must be educated to the need to save for retiree health care expenses. This article discusses the issues of Medicare reduction and retiree health benefit cutbacks and the relative communication and education challenges such issues pose to employers.  相似文献   

When selecting a health insurance carrier for international employees, it is advantageous to recognize that valid assumptions made when selecting domestic benefits simply do not apply in the international realm and can lead to costly errors. This article examines some scenarios and cultural anomalies that invalidate commonly accepted domestic health insurance practices. It explores strategies for simplifying benefit design, providing access to quality care abroad, assessing costs, minimizing overseas risks and understanding the cultural impact on health care delivery.  相似文献   

The trend of increasing health care costs over the past several years shows no signs of slowing down. While employers have attempted to address the issue with various cost-shifting and cost-sharing initiatives to relieve the burden, those attempts have often fallen short. In today's fiscally scrutinized benefits environment, the emphasis needs to be more strategic. The management of employee health and productivity needs to move to a more encompassing organizational view that addresses the most expensive drivers of these costs head-on, with prevention, education and employee responsibility as key tenets. Organizations that make the move--by implementing programs to maintain, improve and manage their population's health--will enjoy substantial cost savings and enhanced employee productivity.  相似文献   

The article examines employers’ responses to rising insurance costs using Census Bureau Medical Expenditure Panel Survey–Insurance Component data from 1997 to 2005. The findings confirm that employers did not take dramatic actions to reduce benefit in response to the rising insurance cost during our study period. Most employers did not drop health insurance coverage, reduce workers’ eligibility for insurance, or substantially scale back their health insurance coverage. Instead, companies controlled the insurance cost in more subtle ways by adopting cost‐efficient health plans and requesting employee contribution to the insurance premium and out‐of‐pocket expenses for medical treatments. Our results show that the effect of those tactics was limited. The share of employee spending did not rise along with the growth of insurance premiums. Employers absorbed a large portion of the increased insurance cost.  相似文献   

We use large increases in unemployment insurance (UI) benefits to study the effects of expected retaliation costs on employee whistleblowing. Increases in UI benefits reduce the costs that arise from a job loss, one of the costliest forms of retaliation. We find that increases in UI benefits increase the number of facility-level employee workplace safety complaints filed with the regulator. Furthermore, UI benefit increases also result in more violations and more penalties. The effects are concentrated in firms where retaliation is more likely as measured by weaker employee relations, internal controls, and monitoring. Our findings show the importance of reducing retaliation costs to tap into employees’ knowledge of misconduct.  相似文献   

The total cost of employee absence for many employers is high, and the correlation between employee health and disability is clear. This article reviews several challenges employers face in managing employee health and absence in a well-integrated manner. Although such an undertaking is not easy, the additional cost national health care reform may bring makes the interrelationship between employer profitability and employee absence, health and disability more crucial than ever for employers to recognize and manage.  相似文献   

Spousal surcharge programs help employers whose goal is to provide "above-average" health benefit plans by limiting the potential "financial leakage" liabilities from covering the spouses of employees who are eligible for other health care coverage. Spousal surcharge programs are just one alternative available to help employers manage the rising cost of providing health care coverage to dependents. This article explores the prevalence, plan design, financial implications, administrative and other considerations in implementing a spousal surcharge program.  相似文献   

Today, the idea of placing more choice on employees "consuming" health care and giving them more responsibility and incentive to control health care costs and utilization is alive and thriving in the form of consumer-driven health care. This article examines the evolution of consumer-driven health benefits--including the experience of the first generation of "defined contribution" health care participants (i.e., retirees) and the results of different approaches employers have taken to early consumer-driven plan designs. The author then describes what's needed to answer the question: "Can consumer-driven health care control health cost?"  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider three types of embedded options in pension benefit design. The first is the Florida second election (FSE) option, which has been offered to public employees in the state of Florida since 2002. The state runs both defined contribution (DC) and defined benefit (DB) pension plans. Employees who initially join the DC plan have the option to convert to the (DB) plan at a time of their choosing. The cost of the switch is assessed in terms of the ABO (Accrued Benefit Obligation), which is the expected present value of the accrued DB pension at the time of the switch. If the ABO is greater than the DC account, the employee is required to fund the difference. The second is the DB Underpin option, also known as a ‘floor offset’ or a ‘Greater-of-benefit’ plan, under which the employee participates in a DC plan, but with a guaranteed minimum benefit based on a traditional DB formula. The third option can be considered a variation on each of the first two. We remove the requirement from the FSE option for employees to fund any shortfall at the switching date. The resulting plan is similar to the DB underpin, but with the possibility of early exercise. We adopt an arbitrage-free pricing methodology to value each option. We analyse and value the optimal switching strategy for the employee by constructing an exercise frontier, and we illustrate numerically the difference between the FSE, DB Underpin and Early Exercise DB Underpin options.  相似文献   

This study examines benefit awareness of employees in two companies. Contrary to previous research, the results show that employees are generally accurate in their perceptions of the benefits available to them. However, the results also show a lack of awareness of unemployment insurance and disability insurance as benefits. In addition, employees were somewhat uncertain regarding costs of benefits to employers. These findings suggest that employers should monitor employee awareness of benefits and target communications to specific problem areas.  相似文献   

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