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This article applies the Band‐Threshold Autoregression (Band‐TAR) model to investigate whether the law of one price (LOOP) holds in Taiwanese wholesale hog markets during the period from May 1987 through December 2003. We find evidence of a nonlinear mean reversion in deviations from the LOOP for relative hog prices. Our empirical study confirms the presence of thresholds and provides strong evidence in support of the view that the regional hog markets have been tightly integrated in Taiwan and that the wholesale hog market in Taiwan is an efficient market economy. Furthermore, the estimated half‐lives from the nonlinear generalized impulse response analysis are as short as four months.  相似文献   

Soil erosion, in its various forms, is caused or aggravated by agricultural activities. Mitigation of surface erosion comprises the construction of shelterbelts, fencing, riparian buffering, and stock reduction. Mitigation of mass‐movement erosion, in turn, takes the form of spaced planting of trees to maintain a persistent, healthy, and complete ground cover. In this article, we assess the economic implications to agriculture of the adoption of mitigation alternatives for erosion control in the Waikato District, New Zealand. The Waikato District presents a spatial pattern of erosion that affects profitability of dairy, and sheep and beef enterprises. We use the Universal Soil Loss Equation and the New Zealand Empirical Erosion Model to estimate erosion figures that are then fed into an economic‐focused, nonlinear, partial equilibrium mathematical programming model of New Zealand land use. Different scenarios are constructed for surface and mass‐movement soil erosion targets ranging from 0% to 50% below baseline levels. We find that achieving surface erosion targets is more expensive than mass‐movement targets, and results in different responses in regional‐level costs, land use, enterprise net revenue, and adoption of mitigation alternatives.  相似文献   

This paper considers the effects of real exchange rate depreciation on stochastic agricultural producer prices in low-income agriculture. Conventional wisdom, that real depreciation achieved through nominal currency devaluation stimulates tradables production, does not universally hold in the presence of stochastic prices. In fact, real depreciation is only stimulative in two cases–importables that remain importable and nontradables that become exportable. GARCH estimation of time-series price data on several commodities from Madagascar support the hypotheses generated by the analytical model.  相似文献   

Access to transport infrastructure generates a range of benefits to the agriculture sector; many of which are difficult to measure directly. In this study, we use hedonic regression analysis of farm‐level data to examine the contribution of transport infrastructure to the value of farmland traded between 2009 and 2011 through its impact on farm productivity. We show that a one per cent reduction in the cost of transportation between farms and ports leads to a 0.33 per cent increase in land prices, and there is no significant difference between rail and road transportation at the aggregate level. Moreover, the benefits generated by particular types of infrastructure services vary between industries and with farm size, suggesting there are multiple channels through which public infrastructure influences agricultural production. Our findings help to inform future investment decisions in Australia and in other countries by providing new evidence regarding the benefits of existing transport infrastructure.  相似文献   

Determining the value of legumes as soil fertility amendments can be challenging, yet this information is required to guide public policy and to incentivise prescribed land‐management practices such as conservation agriculture. We use a directional input distance function (DIDF) to estimate shadow prices for symbiotic nitrogen and the technical efficiency for mixed maize‐legume production systems in Malawi. The shadow prices reflect the trade‐off between fertiliser nitrogen and symbiotic nitrogen required to achieve a given quantity of output. Our results reveal considerable technical inefficiency in the production system. The estimated shadow prices vary across farms and are, on average, higher than the reference price for commercial nitrogen. The results suggest that it would be beneficial to redesign the current price‐support programs that subsidise chemical fertilisers and indirectly crowd‐out organic soil amendments such as legumes.  相似文献   

In a world of high food and energy prices, Africa has an imperative to do a better job feeding itself and ensuring that its people are food secure. At the same time, there is a new business opportunity to work with the private sector in developing the continent's potential to produce significantly more food, raw materials, and biofuels for regional and world markets. A challenge for African policy makers is to find the right balance between a food security and a business agenda, and to ensure that the business agenda engages with large numbers of small farms. Agricultural development requires many things, but the fundamentals for Africa are developing markets, increasing agricultural productivity, and managing volatility. This cannot happen at sufficient scale and speed without strong public sector leadership, enabling policies and investments, and well‐focused implementation strategies.  相似文献   

The land‐use optimisation framework, NZFARM, has been promoted as a tool that can be used to assess the economic and environmental impacts of policy on regional land use. This paper outlines how methodological limitations presently restrict its capacity to provide meaningful insight into the relative value of alternative land‐use configurations. The model is calibrated using positive mathematical programming, which has been shown in the literature to result in models that yield arbitrary output outside of the calibrated baseline. There is a high likelihood that this is the case, as no validation appears to have been carried out. Significant model development will be required before NZFARM outputs can be used with any confidence to inform future policy development. We conclude with suggestions on how NZFARM and models of its kind can be further developed to improve their capacity for meaningful simulation.  相似文献   

近年来,市场价格的剧烈波动对我国大菱鲆养殖生产者的经营决断和收益情况产生了很大影响。基于对我国鲆鲽类养殖主产地及主要消费地市场进行跟踪调查所获得的基本素材的梳理,本文重点分析近五年内我国大菱鲆产品的价格运行状况,探讨价格波动的周期性规律及其与养殖周期的关系,讨论供求关系变化对价格波动的深层次影响,并总结提取年度间具有规律性的月均价格波动趋向,为产业界预测和把握大菱鲆价格走势及制定生产经营策略提供参考。  相似文献   

This article analyses co‐movements in a wide group of commodity prices during the time period 1992–2010. Our methodological approach is based on the correlation matrix and the networks inside. Through this approach we are able to summarize global interaction and interdependence, capturing the existing heterogeneity in the degrees of synchronization between commodity prices. Our results produce two main findings: (a) we do not observe a persistent increase in the degree of co‐movement of the commodity prices in our time sample, however from mid‐2008 to the end of 2009 co‐movements almost doubled when compared with the average correlation; (b) we observe three groups of commodities which have exhibited similar price dynamics (metals, oil and grains, and oilseeds) and which have increased their degree of co‐movement during the sampled period.  相似文献   

我国农用土地使用中存在一些生存问题,农用土地规划是解决这些问题的有效措施。只有将农用土地规划提高到法律的高度。以法律作为农用土地管理宏观调控的手段。才能最大限度地实现农用土地规划的目的。《农用土地规划法》涉及面广,综合性强,制订它必须从科学角度出发。并应遵循4项原则。  相似文献   

This study provides evidence on the impact of a heavy-rail-based transit station on house prices by employing quantile regression method on a dataset that inventories sales transactions of single-family houses during the January 2000–April 2018 period, and within eight kilometers (five miles) of the Warm Springs station of the San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit system. The station is located in Fremont, CA. The results show that a) the station increased house prices across the entire price spectrum, and b) the price increase began more than ten years before the rail service commenced. On a larger note, this study should strengthen efforts to a) provide or extend heavy-rail-based rapid transit systems in areas of high need and b) explore the use of value capture tools to fund transit.  相似文献   

Here we review published research on the costs of weeds to New Zealand’s pastoral, arable and forestry sectors, and propose an alternative dynamic approach for future research. The studies reviewed had little in common methodologically, often contained guesswork, or were outdated. Their aggregation resulted in a conservative estimate of the cost of weeds to New Zealand’s agricultural economy of $1658 million (2014 NZD). To address deficiencies in previously used methodologies, a dynamic approach is developed and applied to a case study on giant buttercup in dairy pastures. This approach accounts for probable temporal changes in both the geographic extent of the weed and in producer prices and indicates annuitized costs (over the period 2012–2030) of $166 million, $259 million and $592 million for rates of spread of 144, 60 and 20 years for giant buttercup to invade all dairy regions in New Zealand. Comparing the aggregate cost of all weeds to the three productive sectors estimated from the historical data with these ‘dynamic’ estimates for the one species in dairy pasture, indicates that the historical data provide a substantial underestimate of the true aggregate cost of weeds to New Zealand’s agricultural economy.  相似文献   

In this paper, the results of a nation-wide survey of New Zealand sheep and beef farmers are presented. Multivariate statistical techniques are used to identify groups of farmers who differ in their risk management practices. Five groups are identified. They are labelled income risk reducers, capital managers, part-timers, debt and market risk managers, and production managers. These groups differ in their perceptions of risk sources and in some farm and farmer characteristics. Reasons for these differences are identified and discussed in the context of deregulation.  相似文献   

The aim in this article is to measure the scale efficiency of the New Zealand dairy industry and to examine the relationship between farm size and technical efficiency. Data envelopment analysis (DEA) is applied to a sample of 264 dairy farms. The results suggest that 19 per cent of these farms are operating at optimal scale, 28 per cent at above optimal scale, and 53 per cent at below optimal scale. On average, the optimal size for New Zealand dairy farms is estimated at 83 hectares with a herd of 260 animals. Average technical efficiency is estimated at 89 per cent.  相似文献   

In the present paper, the impact of genetically modified (GM) food production on producers, consumers and trade in New Zealand is simulated under various scenarios using the Lincoln Trade and Environment Model (LTEM). The LTEM simulates, against various assumptions of proportions of GM/GM-free production, the impact of various scenarios relating to preference for or against GM production. The results from this preliminary analysis show that the greatest positive impact on New Zealand income is from following a GM-free strategy, where it is assumed such markets as the European Union and Japan have a large switch in preference away from GM food, followed by the scenario when there is a 20% preference for GM-free.  相似文献   

This study assesses the potential impact of rising world food prices on the welfare of Ugandan households. While Uganda experienced sharply higher food prices in 2008, as a landlocked, food‐exporting country the causes of those price changes were mainly regional and indirect rather than directly transmitted from global markets. Using trade volumes, food prices, and household survey data we describe how Uganda, unlike some other countries, is partially shielded from direct impacts of global food price movements. Although the majority of Ugandans are net food buyers, the adverse impact at household‐level of rising global prices is moderated by the relatively large quantity and range of staples consumed that come from home production. Moreover, several of these are not widely traded. Some population groups in Uganda are vulnerable to rising food prices, however, primarily those for whom maize is an important staple, including those dependent upon humanitarian relief and the urban poor. Only a relatively small group of Ugandan households will benefit directly and immediately from rising food prices—the significant net sellers of food crops constituting between 12% and 27% of the population. In this assessment we do not estimate the level and extent of wider second round effects from these higher prices.  相似文献   

A recent paper by Doole and Marsh (2013), questioned the validity of using the New Zealand Forest and Agriculture Regional Model (NZFARM) for New Zealand agri‐environmental policy analysis. We respond to their critique by clearly describing the model structure, explaining the NZFARM parameterisation, calibration, and validation procedure, and presenting estimates from a series of nutrient reduction policy scenarios to highlight the utility of the model. In doing so, we demonstrate that NZFARM generates logical and intuitive results that can be used for robust agri‐environmental policy decision‐making.  相似文献   

在全球气候变暖的严峻形势下,发展低能耗、低污染、低排放的低碳农业取代传统高消耗农业势在必行。本文运用层次分析法确定了各项指标的权重,结构模型分三个层次:目标层为黑龙江发展低碳农业制约因素;中间层包含农业经济、农业资源、农业社会和农业环境四个因素;决策层包含农业科学技术、政府财政投入、农业基础设施、农民教育程度。计算得到各决策方案的重要性排序依次为政府财政投入,权重为0.453112;农业科学技术,权重为0.226042;农业基础设施,权重为0.214718;农民教育程度,权重为0.106129,为政策制定者提供有利的借鉴。  相似文献   

This paper examines the newly constructed geographically scaled economic output measure, Gross Cell Product (GCP), of Australia and New Zealand to quantify the impacts of climate change in the region. The paper discusses advantages of using the GCP instead of the Gross Domestic Product. The paper reveals that the GCP falls sharply as temperature increases in the region. A 1°C increase in temperature would decrease the productivity with an elasticity of ?2.4. A 1 per cent decrease in precipitation would decrease productivity with an elasticity of ?2.3. However, forest vegetation on the coasts will benefit from initial warming. We find that the changes in climate means are potentially more harmful than changes in climate variability. In the long term, a 3.4° warming coupled with 6.6 mm decrease in rainfall would decrease the GCP by 34 per cent by 2060. The damage is largely accounted for by population effects. The paper confirms that Australia is highly constrained by climate and geographic factors.  相似文献   

There is a widely held industry assumption from microfinance institutions that agricultural loans have poorer repayment rates, which has resulted in many loans being provided for small businesses as opposed to agricultural purposes. Using data from a sample of 100 borrowing groups from a south Indian Microfinance Institutions (MFI), this study challenges this belief by analyzing the repayment efficiency of borrowing groups and reflects on the implications for agricultural microfinance loans. The analysis is run using Bayesian stochastic frontier estimation with an exponential hierarchical prior on the efficiency term. Our results indicate that the average efficiency of the borrowing groups analyzed was approximately 75% and that having a higher percentage of agricultural loans increased borrowing group efficiency while gains in efficiency also rose as the size of the borrowing group increases.  相似文献   

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