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第十二个,又一个富士康员工跳楼了,数字也许还会攀升。这个事件深深刺激着农民工费实(化名),同样在大城市打拼的他,时刻关注着农民工这个他最熟悉的群体。费实年龄其实不大,才35岁,但现在身边的同事大部分是80、90后,所以大家都习惯喊他老费。老费老家在四川农村,如今在上海一家小车床厂上班。1995年,年仅20岁的老费就已经出来打工了,第一站就在温州。那 相似文献
不久前,总部设于美国的一家全球综合性专业服务公司——奥迈(Alvarez & Marsal)将它的第29家分支机构建在了中国上海。标志着这家在重组、并购领域经验丰富的国际公司正式进驻中国。施圣文(Stephen J.Scott)及杜威(Jim Dubow)将共同领导上海办事处。施先生也将与香港的Neill Poole先生共同主管争议分析及调查(Dispute Analysis&Forensics(DA&F))的亚洲业务,将奥迈这项核心业务的服务范围扩展到中国。施先生的任务是向中国的企业及投资者提供商业情报及调查服务。杜先生则负责领导上海办事处的运营及业务优化,奥迈与其他综合性专业服务公司最大的区别是:他们注重实战,亲临企业一线,帮助企业摆脱财务困境或营运困境,改善绩效。那么,奥迈究竟能给中国企业、给投资机构带来哪些有价值的帮助?奥迈在项目中是怎样实施其独特的领导能力和执行能力的?奥迈在中国的策略计划有哪些?为此,我们在奥迈全球CEO Tony Alvarez二世来华之际,专程赴沪采访了这位著名的国际并购、重组专家[编者按] 相似文献
梳理互联网发展的基础数据,分析互联网发展中所存在的一些失信问题,归纳了网络平台经营者、第三方机构以及政府部门在应对网络失信问题上的探索,提出了治理网络失信问题的对策建议,包括推行互联网实名制、运用技术手段提升监管效能、加强信息互通共享、大力推进联合奖惩. 相似文献
Kent D. Bimson Linda Boehm Burris James A. Terrel 《International Journal of Intelligent Systems in Accounting, Finance & Management》1992,1(2):77-91
Commercial project management systems focus on preproject planning and after-the-fact documentation, but not on the dynamic problem solving required in day-to-day project management. Yet the need for risk-oriented management is clear. To understand and control project risks, managers must be able to identify problems as they occur, immediately assess their downstream impacts, and plan a course of action. The Advanced Risk Management System (ARMS) is a prototype system built to address the issues of identifying, analyzing, prioritizing, monitoring, and controlling project risk. ARMS uses expert systems, data base management, and hypermedia technologies to capture and classify project schedule problems, to determine their semantic impacts to future activities, and to alert appropriate project personnel in advance of problem occurrence. 相似文献
本文对当前广西生源地助学贷款制度进行了分析,指出广西生源地助学贷款制度存在的问题,并通过借鉴世界各国成败的经验,为我国处于起步阶段的生源地助学贷款制度提供了参考。 相似文献
随着新冠肺炎疫情的爆发,降低中小微企业运营成本、减少实体经济负担已迫在眉睫。为了进一步将支付降费工作落实到位,切实加大疫情防控工作金融支持的力度,本文提出了建议。 相似文献
对利用权证解决股权分置问题的分析 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
廖旗平 《中央财经大学学报》2005,(9):19-23,45
本文在认沽权证和认购权证下对非流通股股东和流通股股东基于自身利益最大化在权证市场和股票市场上进行了博弈分析;通过分析,从理论上验证了引入权证在我国股权分置改革中的可行性,并且也指出了在理性的假设下非流通股股东设计权证的最佳策略和流通股股东在权证市场和股票市场上最佳投资组合,同时也为市场监管者提出了相应的监管建议. 相似文献
当前流动性过剩已成为我国经济运行中的突出问题,我国所面临的经济过热和轻度通货膨胀等现象都与之有密切关系.本文将从开放经济的角度出发,通过分析来说明积极发展我国的对外直接投资也是解决我国流动性过剩问题的有效途径之一,并对现阶段中国如何发展对外投资提出一些政策建议. 相似文献
当前我国部分地方政府存量债务偿还压力大、偿债能力弱,尤其是县级政府收支矛盾突出,新增债务接续难度大,政府投融资平台融资渠道窄、资金成本高。其成因除了历史体制因素和政策环境变化外,主要在于地方政府金融运作意识有待提高、融资平台市场化运作能力偏低、社会资本参与地方建设积极性较弱。为此,在地方政府积极创新融资模式的同时,省级政府应主动统筹施策,建立三级融资平台互通共济机制、成立省级纾困基金、规范PPP模式、发挥省级政府机构的组织协调作用、推进融资平台分类管理与市场化运作改革、构建金融专才调配机制、定期评估地方政府债务风险,以有效增强地方政府的融资能力。 相似文献
关于解决海南省中小企业融资难问题的调查研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
中小企业发展壮大已成为推动国民经济快速发展的主导力量,但受全球金融危机的影响,宏观经济金融状况持续恶化,国内部分中小企业濒临财务危机。本文从政府、金融机构、企业等三个层面提出了积极探索创建特色融资渠道,优化金融服务,完善工作流程等思路,以期从根本上切实解决中小企业融资难等问题。 相似文献
王家辉 《上海金融学院学报》2011,(2):47-53
中小企业贷款难是一个世界级的金融难题,在中国显得尤为突出。本文运用博弈理论从商业银行的角度分析得出,信贷市场的信息不对称使得缺乏抵押或者担保的优质中小企业很难从银行体系获得资金支持。解决中小企业贷款难问题绝不是商业银行单方面的事情,首先需要中小企业稳健经营、诚信经营,培育良好的企业文化,累计良好的信誉;其次,需要政府出台政策加大对中小企业的扶持力度;金融监管部门要进一步优化金融环境,推进信用体系建设,增进优质中小企业的信用级别;商业银行应该积极转变经营方式,实施差别化的经营模式,加大对优质中小企业的信贷支持。 相似文献
Robert J. Myers F.S.A. F.C.A.S. F.C.A. A.I.A. 《North American actuarial journal : NAAJ》2013,17(3):113-116
Abstract The problem of allocating responsibility for risk among members of a portfolio arises in a variety of financial and risk-management contexts. Examples are particularly prominent in the insurance sector, where actuaries have long sought methods for distributing capital (net worth) across a number of distinct exposure units or accounts according to their relative contributions to the total “risk” of an insurer’s portfolio. Although substantial work has been done on this problem, no satisfactory solution has yet been presented for the case of inhomogeneous loss distributions— that is, losses X ~ F X| λ such that F X|tλ (X) ≠ F tX| λ (X) for some t > 0. The purpose of this article is to show that the value-assignment method of nonatomic cooperative games proposed in 1974 by Aumann and Shapley may be used to solve risk-allocation problems involving losses of this type. This technique is illustrated by providing analytical solutions for a useful class of multivariatenormal loss distributions. 相似文献
跨职能团队的管理控制问题:一个理论思考 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
跨职能团队作为科层组织内衍生的横向混合组织,在新产品开发、降低成本及提高组织运营效率等方面,均发挥着积极作用。跨职能团队的构建与运行需要进行管理控制,否则将影响其作用发挥。本文在文献回顾基础上,试图对跨职能团队所面临的管理控制问题进行理论梳理与归纳,这些问题主要包括:跨职能团队的"项目立项"管理及决策权配置、"职责不清、团队卸责"及管理控制、团队业绩评价与激励、非正式管理控制等。本文旨在提出问题,以为后续研究提供启示。 相似文献
股份制商业银行组织架构改造与扁平化管理 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
对商业银行来说,建立合理的组织架构是保证业务平稳、高效运行的基本前提.我国商业银行股份制进程虽然起步较晚,但是,由于组建时吸取了国有银行实践工作中的经验教训,吸取了国外银行业部分先进经营理念,因此在组织结构和经营机制方面拥有一定优势.然而,与发达国家商业银行成熟的组织结构相比较,我国股份制商业银行的组织结构仍较为繁琐,大部分银行管理人员的思想还较为保守和落后,块块管理的组织结构仍欠合理,"统一管理、分级经营"的经营理念未充分体现,分行仍类似"行中行"拥有过大的行政权力,这一切严重制约了银行进行管理创新、服务创新和技术创新的步伐,无法应对金融业全面开放外资银行在资本、管理、服务和技术方面发起的挑战. 相似文献
1913年福特汽车创立了汽车装配流水线,使汽车制造采用流水线作业,实现了大批量生产,生产成本大大下降,装配速度提高了近8倍,实现每10秒钟生产一 相似文献
Kenneth S. Corts 《The Rand journal of economics》2007,38(2):467-479
Many organizations are structured so that workers are jointly accountable for performance, even though there exist alternative organizational structures that align incentive compensation more closely with each worker's tasks. I develop a multitask agency model that demonstrates that such organizations may be optimal when multitask problems are severe or risk considerations are not too important. I also show that, in some circumstances, it may be optimal to share poorly measured tasks among several agents, contrary to the results of the existing multitask literature. 相似文献
The focus of this paper is a subset of income trusts called business trusts, a Canadian financial innovation that has experienced remarkable success in the Canadian market, but not in the U.S. At theendof2005, there were more than 170 business trusts (most of them in Canada, but a handful in the U.S.) with an aggregate market value of over $90 billion. Like income trusts generally, which include REITs and oil & gas trusts, business trusts are designed in large part to avoid taxation at the corporate level by distributing a substantial proportion of a business's operating cash flow. The business trust structure provides investors (called “unit holders”) with what amounts to a combination of subordinated, high‐yield debt and high‐yielding equity. But unlike the subordinated debt in most highly leveraged transactions (HLTs), the “internal” debt in a business trust unit is effectively “stapled” to the equity part of the security. And this kind of “strip financing” (which was a common practice in U.S. LBOs during the‘80s) means that, besides providing stable cash‐generating companies with a tax‐minimizing way of paying out excess cash, the business unit structure also limits the “financial distress costs” associated with HLTs. In the event of financial trouble, the unit holders are likely to be much more cooperative than ordinary subordinated debt holders in restructuring interest payments since the benefits of so doing accrue to the equity portion of their units. The original income trust structure has also been used by a number of U.S.‐based companies that listed their shares on the TSX. But, in the attempt to make the securities suitable for listing on the AM EX, and in response to auditor demands intended to address potential IRS concerns, the instruments were modified in ways that sacrificed one of the important benefits of the original structure. The changes were designed to make the subordinated debt issued as part of a package with equity look more like external, third‐party debt. And in so doing, the low‐cost restructuring feature built into the Canadian version was lost, and the U.S. trusts failed to gain acceptance. 相似文献