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近年来商品过度包装现象愈演愈烈,不仅损害消费者的切身利益、助长社会奢侈之风,而且违背我国发展循环经济、创建节约型社会和落实科学发展观的要求。本文通过对商品过度包装成因与危害的深入剖析,提出政府调控商品过度包装的几项举措。  相似文献   

石家庄严查商品过度包装 本刊讯 为保护商品生产经营者和消费者利益,河北石家庄市质监局前不久在全市部署开展了商品过度包装计量监督专项检查。对商品包装计量检查不合格的企业,该局将依据《中华人民共和国标准化法实施条例》的有关规定予以处理,并要求企业限期整改和复检。  相似文献   

王永莲 《管理观察》2011,(18):70-71
适度的商品包装,既能保护和美化商品、促进销售,又可以丰富人们的经济生活.但我国目前出现的商品过度包装,既侵害了消费者的利益、影响企业的持续发展,又浪费资源、污染环境.因此,我们应充分借鉴国外的成功经验,从国家、企业、消费者等方面入手,共同治理商品的过度包装.  相似文献   

3月31日,国家质检总局、国家标准委批准发布了<限制商品过度包装要求食品和化妆品>国家标准,标准自2010年4月1日起开始实施.该标准规定了限制食品和化妆品过度包装的基本要求、限量要求和限量指标计算方法,对食品和化妆品销售包装的空隙率、层数和成本等三个指标做出了强制性规定,其发布实施为治理商品过度包装工作提供了技术依据.过度包装的虚华外衣,将在新国标的规范下返璞归真.  相似文献   

中国产品包装从“不善”到“过度” 20多年前,我国的商品还因为“傻大黑粗”而在对外贸易中吃过不少哑巴亏,每年因不懂产品包装而造成巨大的损失,所谓“一等产品、二等包装、三等价格”。可是,我国包装业刚从“不懂包装”中摆脱出来没多久,现在又陷入了“过度包装”的新患。当前部分商品出现过度包装,  相似文献   

如何规制商品过度包装问题已经引起世界各国的高度重视,德国、日本、美国等国家已有成熟完善的法律体系和运行机制。我国《循环经济促进法》关于商品过度包装的相关规定可操作性不强。本文借鉴了国外的先进立法经验,提出完善立法,形成法律法规标准相配套的比较完善的包装法律体系,建立界定过度包装行为的判断标准、建立生产者责任制、借鉴"欺骗性包装"的概念,保护消费者权利、明确执法机构等对策建议。  相似文献   

商品过度包装已经引起了社会各界的广泛关注。文章通过分析国外限制商品过度包装的监管模式,提出了我国现阶段应采取以政府行政执法监管为主体,行业和社会联动参与监管的模式,并对该模式的合理性、具体内容和实施方式进行了分析。  相似文献   

商品过度包装已经引起了社会各界的广泛关注。文章通过分析国外限制商品过度包装的监管模式,提出我国现阶段应采取以政府行政执法监管为主体、行业和社会联动参与监管的模式,并对该模式的合理性、具体内容和实施方式进行分析。  相似文献   

商品包装是商品的重要组成部分,能对商品起到保护等作用,但现实生活中商品包装存在着虚假包装、劣质包装、过度包装等问题,危害消费者人身安全和环境安全,其根源在于我国在商品包装法律规制方面存在着规范面窄、原则性规定较多、配套措施不完备、操作性较差等问题.因此,必须对商品包装法律规制进行完善,提出完善的途径一对现有的法律规制进行系统化,并指出系统化过程中应注意的事项.  相似文献   

商品包装是商品的重要组成部分,能对商品起到保护等作用,但现实生活中商品包装存在着虚假包装、劣质包装、过度包装等问题,危害消费者人身安全和环境安全,其根源在于我国在商品包装法律规制方面存在着规范面窄、原则性规定较多、配套措施不完备、操作性较差等问题。因此,必须对商品包装法律规制进行完善,提出完善的途径—对现有的法律规制进行系统化,并指出系统化过程中应注意的事项。  相似文献   

吉宏  刘静  刘善庆 《企业经济》2012,(12):141-143
改革开放30余年来,我国加工贸易在外贸总额的占比持续增长,商品结构明显改善,产品增值率显著提高,产业链不断延伸。尽管我国加工贸易在发挥劳动力比较优势的前提下已发展和壮大起来,但是在经济政策体系、加工贸易产业链、劳动力整体素质等方面仍存在诸多制约加工贸易转型升级的因素。因此,"十二五"时期应从加工贸易政策制度体系、产业配套体系以及产业和商品结构等层面加快促进我国加工贸易的转型升级。  相似文献   

We present a method to estimate jointly the parameters of a standard commodity storage model and the parameters characterizing the trend in commodity prices. This procedure allows the influence of a possible trend to be removed without restricting the model specification, and allows model and trend selection based on statistical criteria. The trend is modeled deterministically using linear or cubic spline functions of time. The results show that storage models with trend are always preferred to models without trend. They yield more plausible estimates of the structural parameters, with storage costs and demand elasticities that are more consistent with the literature. They imply occasional stockouts, whereas without trend the estimated models predict no stockouts over the sample period for most commodities. Moreover, accounting for a trend in the estimation implies price moments closer to those observed in commodity prices. Our results support the empirical relevance of the speculative storage model, and show that storage model estimations should not neglect the possibility of long‐run price trends. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

郝志莉 《物流科技》2014,(2):144-145
通过对PJ市港口物流发展现状进行分析,发现临港工业发展速度缓慢并且与省内其他港口货种结构相似等问题是制约PJ市港口物流发展的主要因素。针对以上原因,文章给出了调整产业结构、培养港口物流专业人才等相应的解决方案,为PJ市港口物流的发展提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

This paper utilizes a large universe of 18,410 technical trading rules (TTRs) and adopts a technique that controls for false discoveries to evaluate the performance of frequently traded spreads using daily data over 1990–2016. For the first time, the paper applies an excessive out-of-sample analysis in different subperiods across all TTRs examined. For commodity spreads, the evidence of significant predictability appears much stronger compared to equity and currency spreads. Out-of-sample performance of portfolios of significant rules typically exceeds transaction cost estimates and generates a Sharpe ratio of 3.67 in 2016. In general, we reject previous studies’ evidence of a uniformly monotonic downward trend in the selection of predictive TTRs over 1990–2016.  相似文献   

Considering the interrelationships between periods and the influences of non-operational factors, a new framework based generalized three-stage DEA model, grey relational analysis theory and disparity disassembly model is proposed in this paper. Then, we measure the technical efficiency, scale efficiency, and pure technical efficiency of innovation in China's semiconductor industry between 2009 and 2014. In addition, we conducted projection analysis of the inputs to innovation and the disparities analysis in innovation efficiency across the industrial chain and within each segment. The results of our analyses reveal four key findings. The overall innovation efficiency of China's semiconductor industry is increasing; however, each segment of the industrial chain had different trends and different levels of innovation efficiency. All segments show a consistently upward trend except for package testing, which dipped in 2012 due to the time lag between the inputs and outputs associated with major technological advancements. The most efficient innovation is occurring in design and package testing, followed by manufacturing, materials, and equipment, in that order. Low levels of innovation efficiency were found to be the most significant factor restricting further improvement in the design, manufacturing, and equipment segments of the industrial chain. But the opposite is true for the package testing segment, where pure technical efficiency is the main factor. A range of redundancies in input were found across the industrial chain, mostly in manufacturing and equipment. These two segments are capital-intensive and characterized by a high level of technical complexity coupled with a long research cycle. The disparities in innovation efficiency in and between the segments decreased over the period. However, interestingly, the main disparities were found among the enterprises within each segment, which we attribute to the Chinese government's concerted efforts to support particular companies. Package testing and manufacturing had the highest levels of disparity due to relatively high agglomeration of these two segments. The materials segment had the lowest disparity, with equipment and design falling somewhere in-between.  相似文献   

This paper provides theoretical underpinnings for the commodity price/aggregate price relationship, discusses the conditions under which commodity prices are useful information variables for monetary policy, and provides empirical results which suggest why commodity prices have not been very useful for forecasting.  相似文献   

基于我国城镇土地国有的基本国情,本文从马克思政治经济学视角,围绕目前我国房价过高的问题进行了讨论。依据马克思、恩格斯关于地租的本质、地价对房价重大影响、土地不是普通商品、实行土地国有制等论述及所进行的讨论,本文提出应加强对国有土地公共性质的认识,改变用过度市场化的方法去配置国有土地资源,保护公民的基本土地使用权,完善我国普遍住房保障以及进一步强化发展为人民的执政理念等建议。  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to examine the behavior of international commodity prices within the context of the Prebisch–Singer hypothesis. To this end, I utilize a panel unit root approach which is able to account for multiple structural breaks and cross-section dependency. The unit root analysis for 24 international commodity prices during the period 1900–2003 shows evidence in favor of the trend stationary process in the commodity prices. The results thereby imply that shocks to commodity prices are temporary in nature and tend to be corrected over time. The estimation of the trend stationary models indicates that the Prebisch–Singer hypothesis is not a universal phenomenon.  相似文献   

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