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The authors review Peter Drucker’s contributions to marketing theory and practice. A bibliometric analysis of Drucker’s academic influence in marketing is presented. The five main tenets that are derived from the bibliometric study are expanded upon as follows: (1) The Marketing Concept: Creating Value for Customers; (2) Broadened Role of Marketing in Society: Corporate Social Responsibility, Consumerism, Social Marketing, and Lessons from Non-Profit Organizations; (3) Contributions to Marketing Strategy: The Obvious and Not So Obvious; (4) Marketing-Innovation Interface: New Product Development; (5) Future of Globalization: Rise of Non-National Enterprises.
Jagdish N. ShethEmail:

Just as Peter Drucker pointed out the importance of assessing whether a company’s “theory of business” is relevant, marketers need to consider whether the current “theory of marketing” still fits in a world of rapid change. The author examines how Drucker challenged the theory of business at financial services firm Edward Jones, helping to identify new market opportunities. For example, he urged the company to move into metropolitan areas, which now account for 60 percent of the firm’s business. The article then considers how the field of marketing needs to reexamine its own mental models. Finally, the article considers how Drucker’s seminal insights on marketing, particularly his emphasis on an interdisciplinary approach, might point the way to new approaches.  相似文献   

Corporate social responsibility and marketing: An integrative framework   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
This article introduces a conceptualization of corporate social responsibility (CSR) that emphasizes the role and potential contribution of the marketing discipline. The proposed framework first depicts CSR initiatives as the actions undertaken to display conformity to both organizational and stakeholder norms. Then, the article discusses the managerial processes needed to monitor, meet, and even exceed, stakeholder norms. Finally, the analysis explains how CSR initiatives can generate increased stakeholder support. Isabelle Maignan (imaignan@feweb.vu.nl) is an assistant professor of marketing at the Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam in the Netherlands. Her research focuses on corporate social responsibility and its marketing dimensions in an international setting. Her work has appeared in theJournal of the Academy of Marketing Science, theJournal of International Business Studies, theJournal of Business Research, theJournal of Advertising, among other journals and conference proceedings. O. C. Ferrell (oc.ferrell@colostate.edu) is chair and a professor of marketing at Colorado State University. His research focuses on marketing ethics and corporate social responsibility. His work has appeared in theJournal of Marketing, theJournal of Marketing Research, theJournal of the Academy of Marketing Science, theJournal of Public Policy and Marketing, as well as other leading journals. In addition, he is the coauthor ofMarketing: Concepts and Strategies, Business Ethics: Ethical Decision Making and Cases, Business and Society: A Strategic Approach to Corporate Citizenship, Marketing Strategy, and other textbooks.  相似文献   

企业基于多重原因披露社会责任信息,而为保证自身利益,会有选择地传递有利信息并隐藏不利信息。这种行为使得利益相关者获得的信息不充分、不准确,导致其错误的判断和决策。因此,针对完善社会责任信息披露制度和保证社会责任信息质量进行研究有重要的理论和实际意义。通过对2012年-2014年深圳证券交易所和上海证券交易所上市公司社会责任信息披露内容进行统计分析,探究企业社会责任信息披露不足的现状及政策完善途径,为我国企业社会责任信息披露机制构建提供参考。  相似文献   

营销价值观,简单说来即人们对市场营销的意义、作用、效果和重要性的总体评价。营销价值观是市场营销的灵魂。营销价值观及其体系的层次结构由低到高依次为营销产品与服务,营销顾客问题解决方案,营销顾客最大价值,营销顾客成功,营销爱、快乐、幸福。提高营销人的品德和心灵境界是营销价值观提升的核心,树立“爱出者爱返、福往者福来,成就他人就是成就自己”信念,用高层次营销价值观影响顾客、合作伙伴等营销参与者使其高尚起来。  相似文献   

This research relied on a field experiment involving a real-world instance of corporate philanthropy to shed light on both the scope and limitations of the strategic returns to corporate social responsibility (CSR). In particular, the authors demonstrate that the impact of CSR in the real world is not only less pervasive than has been previously acknowledged but also more multifaceted than has been previously conceptualized. The findings indicated that contingent on CSR awareness, which was rather low, stakeholders did react positively to the focal company not only in the consumption domain but in the employment and investment domains as well. Stakeholder attributions regarding the genuineness of the company’s motives moderated these effects. Sankar Sen (sankar_sen@baruch.cuny.edu) is a professor of marketing at the Zicklin School of Business, Baruch College, City University of New York. He received his Ph.D. in marketing in 1993 from the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania. His research focuses on consumer decision making. He is interested, more specifically, in consumer reactions to company actions, particularly in the domain of CSR. His research has appeared inCalifornia Management Review, Journal of Consumer Research, Journal of Marketing, Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of Economic Theory, and others. C. B. Bhattacharya (cb@bu.edu) received his Ph.D. in marketing from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania in 1993 and his M.B.A. from the Indian Institute of Management in 1984. Prior to joining Boston University, he was on the faculty at the Goizueta Business School, Emory University. His specific expertise is in the areas of customer retention and the roles of CSR and organizational identification in designing marketing strategy. He served on the editorial review board of theJournal of Marketing from 2002 to 2005 and has published in journals such as theJournal of Marketing Research, theJournal of Marketing, Journal of Applied Psychology, andOrganization Science. He speaks frequently at many academic and business forums and won the William Novelli Best Paper Award at the Social Marketing Conference in 1997. Dr. Bhattacharya received the 2001 Broderick Prize for Research Excellence at Boston University and the Emory Williams Distinguished Teaching Award in 1995, the highest teaching award at Emory University. He is also part of the select group of faculty members onBusiness Week’s Outstanding Faculty list. Prior to his Ph.D., he worked for 3 years as a product manager for Reckitt Benkiser PLC. He has consulted for organizations such as the Hitachi Corporation, Procter & Gamble Company, Bell South, The Prudential Bank, Information Resources Inc., Airwick Industries, Silo Inc., and the High Museum of Art. Daniel Korschun (danielk@bu.edu) is a doctoral candidate in marketing at Boston University. His current research interests include brand management, CSR, and interorganizational relationships.  相似文献   

This study investigates whether consumers’ perceptions of motives influence their evaluation of corporate social responsibility (CSR) efforts. The study reveals the mediating role of consumer trust in CSR evaluation frameworks; managers should monitor consumer trust, which seems to be an important subprocess regulating the effect of consumer attributions on patronage and recommendation intentions. Further, managers may allay the negative effects of profit-motivated giving by doing well on service quality perceptions. On the other hand, appropriately motivated giving continues to positively affect trust regardless of the performance of the firm on service quality provision.  相似文献   

传统公司法所保护的把追求股东利益最大化作为公司唯一的目标已不符合社会基本的公平、正义的价值目标。重构一部符合中国传统商业伦理精神、商业价值观,使公司承担相应社会责任的现代商法是建立健全社会主义市场经济的需要。  相似文献   

合同法上有两类责任 :违约责任和缔约过失责任 ,这决定了合同法上不可能只有单一的归责原则 ;同时 ,违约责任也必须视具体情况而采取过错责任或严格责任原则 ,这体现了不同的价值取向 ;不可抗力和情事变更原则 ,其实是公平责任思想在合同领域的体现  相似文献   

采用了概念鉴定和案例分析的方法,对企业社会责任行为和保险公司社会责任行为两个概念及其本质进行详细剖析,并在分析中国人保社会责任报告的基础上,提出了改进保险公司社会责任行为披露体系的新构想。  相似文献   

论企业的社会责任   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
企业社会责任的本质是在经济全球化背景下企业对其自身经济行为的道德约束,它既是企业的宗旨和经营理念,又是企业用来约束企业内部包括供应商生产经营行为的一套管理和评估体系。企业在追求利润最优化、充分考虑利益相关者的利益的同时,必须从整体上考虑“价值更大化”的问题,“价值更大化”应是企业发展的总目标,更应是企业共同的信念和追求。  相似文献   

Marketing’s evolution toward a new dominant logic requires the focus of marketing to be on the intangible, dynamic, operant resources that are at the heart of competitive advantage and performance. First, building on resource-advantage theory’s notion of basic resources and higher-order resources, this article proposes a hierarchy of basic, composite, and interconnected operant resources. Second, reviewing research on business strategy and marketing strategy, several resources that correspond to the proposed hierarchy are identified and discussed. Third, the notion of developing masterful operant resources is introduced. Fourth, based on the proposed hierarchy and the notion of masterful operant resources, some exemplars of potential research avenues for marketing strategy are provided. Finally, the article concludes with the discussion of implications for marketing practitioners, researchers, and educators. In sum, this article extends and elaborates the concept of operant resources in the service-dominant logic of marketing.  相似文献   

Because of increasing ethical problems in business, organizations have tried to control these problems by institutionalizing ethics, such as by creating new ethics positions and formulating codes of ethics. In this study, the authors develop a scale for measuring the institutionalization of ethics in organizations and assess it for dimensionality, reliability and validity. Two separate studies are conducted, both using samples drawn from an American Marketing Association practitioner population. In Study 1, using a sample of 126 marketing practitioners, we performed exploratory factor analysis on 44 institutionalization items resulting in two separate dimensions of the institutionalization of ethics construct: implicit and explicit institutionalization. Using a national sample of 306 marketing practitioners in Study 2, we performed confirmatory factor analysis on these two dimensions and investigated the effects of these dimensions on perceived importance of ethics, job satisfaction, esprit de corps and organizational commitment. Implicit institutionalization had a significant direct affect on all four of these constructs. On the other hand, explicit institutionalization significantly influenced only the perceived importance of ethics.  相似文献   

职业能力是职业教育培养目标的核心内容。高职院校设立的市场营销专业所培养的毕业生要符合企业的用人需要,实现营销专业的培养目标,就必须建立一种以培养学生职业能力为主要目标的培养体系,通过理论教学体系和实践教学体系互相补充、互相促进,将职业能力培养贯穿于整个教学过程,为毕业后学生的就业打下坚实的基础。  相似文献   

中国加入WTO后,中国经济的全球化和我国企业的国际化经营程度必然加深,这就要求我国的市场营销要有大的发展,加入WTO对我国经济各方面的影响都是存在的,有利于学习和借鉴国际市场营销理论和经验,有利于我国营销与广告、策划的跨国、跨行业合作;有利于提升我国的良好的企业国际形象,更好地实施名牌战略和运用市场防御战略等。  相似文献   

对我国建立社会责任会计体系的几点思考   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
社会责任会计是社会责任与会计学的有机结合,其目的在于实现经济效益与社会效益的共同提高,社会责任会计体系的建立,不仅将会极大地促进传统会计观念向再会会计观念的转变,为会计理论的发展和创新提供新的思路,而且会有助于企业协调好与社会环境之间的关系,进一步在全社会发挥会计信息的服务功能,彻底实现对目前社会上普遍存在的会计信息失真的治理,维护经济秩序,保护社会环境,尊重个人利益,普召社会诚信的归来。  相似文献   

Drawing inferences about others on the basis of corporate associations   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This research examined how observers use corporate associations (e.g., environmental responsibility) in drawing inferences about a target consumers’ dispositions (e.g., whether the target person really cares about the environment). Respondents read a scenario describing a target consumer purchasing a certain brand of pens, whose maker had recently teamed up with an environmental organization. It was found that target-related factors (e.g., impression motivation, the consistency of behavior) and company-related factors (e.g., the congruity of the supported cause with the companys’ reputation) systematically influenced the dispositional inferences made by the observers.  相似文献   

Issues in evaluating marketing performance and devising appropriate metrics for measurement have taken center stage in marketing thought and practice in recent years. We propose an empirical model that enables a multinational enterprise (MNE) to assess the marketing performance of its subsidiaries, taking into explicit consideration the fact that tactical actions by subsidiaries contribute to the creation of assets that can be harnessed for marketing outcomes. Thus, our model captures the asset creation abilities of marketing expenditures and also takes in to account the environmental differences of the context in which each MNE subsidiary operates. We evaluate comparative, overall, and process-level (creation of market assets and market yield) marketing performance in the context of multi-country operations. This simultaneous examination of marketing process and marketing outcome performance enables a global corporation to gain strategic, operational, and diagnostic insights into the performance of its subsidiaries. Our approach is empirically illustrated with an evaluation of the marketing performance of subsidiaries of a large global corporation.  相似文献   

在市场经济背景下,企业作为以盈利为目的的经济组织,必然追逐利益的最大化。那么要让企业切实履行社会责任,保护利害关系人和社会公众的利益,就必须要有与之对应的法律依据。本文从法的一般原理角度分析企业承担社会责任的适法性,结合我国现行相关法律法规的规定,论述说明企业承担社会责任本质上就是守法过程,对我国完善相关立法提出了建议。  相似文献   

我国现行1997年刑法是在1979年刑法的基础上修订的,修改后的刑法虽然规定了单位犯罪,但刑法学界对单位犯罪的诸多方面仍存在分歧。本文立足于我国单位犯罪的有关规定,对单位犯罪的概念、特征构成、处罚原则进行论述,并阐述了在立法和司法实践中惩治单位犯罪应重视和完善的相关问题。  相似文献   

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