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企业的资本结构选择不仅影响着债务税盾收益和财务困境成本,还影响着企业及其利益相关者的和谐发展.高负债虽然可以增加企业的税盾收益,但是会造成企业与债权人、客户、供应商和雇员等利益相关者之间的关系紧张,进而又影响到企业未来的可持续发展.基于上述考虑,企业在选择资本结构时应适当降低其负债水平,实现长期和谐发展.  相似文献   

本文在阐述传统财务融资理论仅站在企业自身角度考虑节税效应存在局限性的基础上,从债权人、客户、供应商、雇员和行业竞争对手等角度分析了利益相关者对融资成本关注所产生的影响,指出企业应全面地考虑利益相关者的利益,合理地制定融资战略。  相似文献   

近几年,国际上热衷于研究非财务利益相关者供应商-客户关系,国内许多学者也对这一话题进行了热烈讨论和细致研究。本文是关于客户财务困境对供应商财务困境影响的实证研究,不仅丰富了我国非财务利益相关者(供应商和客户)的相关文献,而且丰富了企业财务困境行为的相关文献,对供应商企业不断完善自己的运行机制提出了进一步的要求,同时也对政府部门提出了相应的建议。  相似文献   

传统的财务理论认为,企业的资本结构调整是对负债的节税收益和财务困境成本进行适当权衡之后的结果。但在现实社会中,企业在调整资本结构时不仅要考虑以上两个因素,还要考虑不同融资方式对市场竞争力的影响。负债比例过高通常会降低市场竞争力,而增加权益资金则会增强后续投资能力和对价格战或营销战的承受能力,有利于扩大市场份额。柯菲诺克和菲利普斯(kovenock and Phillips,1997)通过研究发现,在那些生产高度集中的行业,财务杠杆过高会对企业的市场竞争力产生较大的负面影响:企业为了偿还到期债务而增加当前的现金流;产品价格显著高于竞争对手;  相似文献   

浅析负债融资的负面影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘毅 《四川会计》2001,(5):46-47
虽然举债能为企业带来税收杠杆利益,但企业不能无限额地借入负债这是因为随着负债的增加,企业的财务风险也会增大,给企业带来负面影响,具体来说,企业负债融资时,能引起企业财务风险增加的因素主要包括由于借款可能导致的破产,借款使股东与债权人之间产生的冲突以及由于借款使公司财务灵活性的丧失。  相似文献   

蔡春荣 《活力》2007,(7):56-56
市场经济条件下,负债筹资已成为现代企业广泛采用的筹资方式。负债筹资可以提高企业的市场竞争能力,扩大生产规模,使企业得到财务杠杆效益,获得节税效益,减少货币贬值的损失,降低综合资金成本。但若企业负债筹资比例过高,势必将导致财务杠杆系数过高,增加企业的财务风险,严重的将导致企业财务风险的集中爆发。因此,研究企业负债筹资的风险及其防范有着重要的意义。  相似文献   

负债经营是现代企业的主要经营手段之一,运用得当会给企业带来收益,成为企业发展的有力杠杆。财务杠杆是企业利用负债来调节权益资本收益的手段。财务杠杆作用通常用财务杠杆系数来衡量,其计算公式为:合理运用财务杠杆可以给企业权益资本带来的额外收益,即财务杠杆利益。从股东的角度讲,只要投资报酬率大于负债利率,企业的财务杠杆就能为普通股股东增加收益,举债是有利的。因此,如果投资报酬率大于负债利率,企业没有理由拒绝运用财务杠杆增加收益。但如果只顾获取财务杠杆利益,无视财务风险而不恰当地使用财务杠杆会产生反财务杠杆作用,可能…  相似文献   

衡量资本结构是否合理的关键是确定负债与股东权益的适宜比例,企业负债比例应以多大为宜,这固然没有也不应该有统一的标准。在确定企业资本结构时,一般应考虑以下几个因素: 1.财务杠杆利益 财务杠杆利益是企业运用负债对股东报酬的扩张效用。从理论上来讲,由于负债的存在会形成财务杠杆利益。当企业投资利润率高于举债成本时,负债比例越高,财务杠杆利益越大,财务杠杆利益最大时的资本结构为最优资本结构。但是,当企业投资利润率高于举债成本时,会形成财务杠杆风险,导致普通股东遭受更大的损失。为充分运用财务杠杆利益,限制或…  相似文献   

企业本质上是专用性资本的合约.企业的投资者、经营者、债权人、企业客户、政府、企业职工等各个利益相关者都是企业专用性资本的"出资者",他们凭借各自投入的专用性资本而应该在企业里面享有一定的权利,企业与这些专用性资本投入者的关系就是企业的财务关系.文章首先介绍了组成企业财务关系的各个利益相关者的目标诉求;然后构建了完整的企业财务关系的相机治理理论模型,希望能为企业正确处理各种财务关系提供理论依据.  相似文献   

负债比例是可以控制的。企业可以通过合理安排资本结构,适度负债,使财务杠杆利益抵消风险增大所带来的不利影响,应处理好以下几方面的问题: 1.企业投资收益能力与负债比例的关系。负债融资引起的财务杠杆效应是一把双刃剑。只有当企业的投资收益率高于负债利息时,负债融资产生的收益大  相似文献   

利益相关者与资本结构决策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
传统权衡理论中的破产成本主要考虑的是,由重组或清算所带来的法律成本和管理成本之类的直接破产成本,以及由股东和债权人之间的矛盾而引起的在企业财务危机期间发生的间接破产成本。现代权衡理论基于利益相关者的考虑拓展了以前的间接破产成本内涵,主要是考虑了企业财务危机或破产清算给其他利益相关者带来的危害。这不但使企业的资本结构决策渗入了更多的战略因素,而且可以解释现实中许多企业的看似保守的融资行为。  相似文献   

本文认为,债务期限结构错配是我国许多高速扩张企业出现流动性财务危机的主要原因之一,但在现有商业银行信贷期限结构错配和企业债券市场不发达的金融背景约束下,我国企业很难通过增加长期债务的方式来改变债务期限与资产期限错配的问题,唯有通过降低财务杠杆的方法来降低流动性风险。在现有金融市场条件下,企业现实的选择是债务期限结构错配和低财务杠杆,不能采用高财务杠杆方式来实现企业的高速增长,否则很容易陷入财务困境。  相似文献   


This paper elaborates an agent-based model of a pure market economy to provide theoretical evidence on how volatility-induced changes in inter-firm payment networks affect the financial distress of firms. This volatility is driven by ‘animal spirits’ in that it arises from the feelings of optimism/pessimism independently of rational decision-making, and influences the liquidity available to each firm through the inter-firm payment network; consequently, some firms may enter financial distress. The model first determines the inter-firm payment network. Then, a mean-reverting square-root process introduces volatility into the inter-firm payment network through firms’ propensity to pay suppliers according to the payments that firms expect to receive from customers. The model is calibrated for compatibility with relevant macro- and microeconomic stylized facts. According to computational experiments, financial distress in the business sector is minimized when feelings of optimism/pessimism generate the lowest volatility in firms’ propensity to pay suppliers. In addition, this volatility must materialize around an intermediate value of firms’ propensity to pay suppliers, and firms must keep this intermediate value over time.


It is difficult to predict the financial distress of unlisted public firms due to their longer disclosure cycle of accounting information and more inadequate continuity of market trading information compared to listed firms. In this paper, we propose a framework to predict the financial distress of unlisted public firms using current reports. Specifically, to better represent the meaning of current report texts, we propose a semantic feature extraction method based on a word embedding technology. Empirical results show that current reports contain more effective information for predicting the financial distress of unlisted public firms compared with periodic reports. In addition, semantic features extracted using our proposed method significantly improve the predictive performance, and their enhancing effect is superior to that of topic features and sentiment features. Our study also provides implications for stakeholders such as investors and creditors.  相似文献   

Traditional credit rating models, adopted by financial institutions to assess the credit risk of a company, adopt a purely financial perspective, and often fail to properly assess small and medium enterprises. On the other hand, buyers usually assess suppliers by means of comprehensive vendor ratings, considering a broad range of operational performance. This paper investigates whether financial and vendor ratings can be integrated into a supply chain credit rating model that jointly considers financial indicators of the supplier and its operational evaluation provided by buyers; the paper also investigates the benefits and the challenges of such a model for all the stakeholders involved (buyers, suppliers, financial institutions, and technology providers), adopting the lenses of the stakeholder theory. We adopted both multiple case studies and an iterative focus group, involving representatives from suppliers, buyers, financial institutions, and technology providers. The results confirm the potential value of such an integrated rating, mainly for strategic suppliers, showing the expected benefits for all stakeholders and highlighting the potential challenges to face.  相似文献   

This study investigates the impacts of contraction flexibility and operating leverage on financial leverage from the perspective of the agency conflict between shareholders and debtholders. In a continuous-time real option framework, we demonstrate that shareholders’ contraction flexibility may have an adverse effect on financial leverage, and that the substitution relation between operating leverage and financial leverage is persistent or pronounced in the presence of contraction flexibility. The evidence from Chinese listed firms not only supports our theoretical predictions well, but also offers a method to examine the agency conflict hypothesis. We suggest that the high proportion of bank loans or long-term debt in total liabilities can help levered firms alleviate the agency problem arising from contraction decisions.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the relationship between TFP (Total Factor Productivity) and leverage measures (total, short-term and long-term leverage) of Chinese non-listed firms during the period 1999–2007. First, TFP is significantly and positively associated with the three leverage measures of private and foreign owned enterprises, but insignificantly correlated with state-owned enterprises. Second, financial constraints, leverage costs, and the institutional environment can affect the relation between TFP and leverage; this relation tends to be much stronger when enterprises face stronger financial constraints, higher leverage costs, and an underdeveloped institutional environment. Third, we show that TFP also plays a significant and positive role on formal and informal leverage. Our research offers new evidence that TFP is an important determinant of capital structure choices.  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate whether firms' engagements in collaboration agreements with different types of external stakeholders produce complementary effects on the likelihood of eco-innovation. Although collaboration network and open eco-innovation theories affirm that the combination of external partners such as scientific partners, suppliers and customers produces complementary effects on the firm's likelihood of eco-innovation, several empirical studies found the existence of substitutive effects between them. To bridge this gap in the literature, we shape the nature of the interaction between different external partners, analysing an unbalanced panel sample of 10,918 innovative Spanish firms, covering the period 2008–2016. Consequently, we can show how firms benefit the most from collaboration with external partners. Our results show that firms that simultaneously collaborate with scientific partners, suppliers and customers generate partial complementary effects, which increase the firm's likelihood to eco-innovate the most, and that the combination of customer-collaboration with scientific partners, or supplier-collaboration, produces partial substitutive effects. Taking this in account, our results also confirm that engaging with scientific partners, suppliers or customers, independent of one another, increases firms' likelihood of eco-innovation more than noncollaboration. These results have important implications for managers, researchers and policy designers. For managers, this study provides a correct understanding of the benefits that they can expect to obtain from multi-partner external collaboration. For researchers, it introduces the marginal analysis to estimate interaction on nonlinear models. Finally, for policy designers, it shows the need for sponsored R&D collaboration to encourage coordinated ecosystems in which sustainability goals are pursued together.  相似文献   

Several recent papers have studied the impact of macroeconomic shocks on the financial policies of firms. However, they only consider the case where these macroeconomic shocks affect the profitability of firms but not the financial markets conditions. We study the polar case where the profitability of firms is stationary, but interest rates and issuance costs are governed by an exogenous Markov chain. We characterize the optimal dividend policy and show that these two macroeconomic factors have opposing effects: all things being equal, firms distribute more dividends when interest rates are high and less when issuing costs are high.  相似文献   

财务契约理论文献综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文回顾了财务契约理论的演变过程,重点分析了财务约束、重新协商、控制权配置和索取权多样化等主要模型。认为保护投资者权益的根本机制是财务约束,即投资者要求企业给以足够的投资回报,否则就夺取企业的控制权从而使当前的控制人失去控制权利益。债务在公司治理中的作用一是迫使管理者支出自由现金,减少在职消费和低效投资;二是作为一种控制权转移机制,在股东和债权人之间转移企业的控制权,以实现最高经济效率。  相似文献   

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