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目前,我国对政府绩效审计的理论研究和审计实践尚处于尝试摸索阶段,对于政府绩效审计的理论依据也有着不同的观点.本文拟从委托代理理论以及政府"经济人"理论等视角入手对绩效审计的理论依据进行解析,以期达到能够准确的把握政府绩效审计的理论依据.  相似文献   

随着我国市场经济的不断发展和政府政务的日渐公开,社会公众对享有公共财政资金的使用效率与效果的民主意识也日趋增长。开展绩效审计是政府审计发展的新阶段,是深化政府行政体制改革,促进政府职能转变,改善政府服务质量,提升政府管理的重要举措。但是我国政府绩效审计还只是刚起步,要真正建立起中国特色的绩效审计体系,还面临着许多问题。因此在真正建立起符合我国国情的绩效审计的过程中,需要我们的不断探索和改进,确立行之有效的对策。  相似文献   

本文引入团队冲突作为中介变量,建立起异质性、冲突和团队绩效的关系模型,通过对企业中108个研发团队的实证分析,探讨了团队异质性对研发团队绩效的影响机理.结果显示,关系冲突在社会属性异质性和团队绩效间发挥中介效应,任务冲突在信息异质性和团队绩效间发挥中介效应,而价值观异质性直接对团队绩效产生负面效应.最后结合研究结果给出相应的建议.  相似文献   

政府绩效改革是西方国家在新公共管理思潮影响下风靡起来的一项管理改革举措,旨在提高政府机构的效率和公信力.作为"重塑政府"活动的重要内容,政府绩效评估在英美等国都得到了很大发展.本文主要介绍了政府绩效评估在英国、美国、澳大利亚、韩国的实施过程,从而为我国政府绩效改革提供有价值的借鉴,以期全面提高我国政府的执行力.  相似文献   

随着生态环境的不断恶化,生态补偿机制的逐步完善成为社会关注的焦点。政府作为生态建设与维护的主导力量,其生态转移支付的数量和质量至关重要。就目前我国国力而言,生态转移支付的数量在逐年增加,这是有据可查并可以比较的,但支出的效益如何,却没查到系统的研究与报告。在对比国内外生态转移支付绩效审计报告框架的基础上,提出基于我国实际的生态转移支付绩效审计报告基本框架设想。  相似文献   

关于股权激励与公司绩效的关系至今尚无定论。而对于特定行业的研究更是少之又少。为此,本文选取了2007~2009年在上海证券交易所上市的房地产公司为样本,分别探讨了高管持股比例,第一大股东持股比例以及股权集中度与公司绩效的关系。通过对三年的数据进行回归分析,结果表明高管持股比例,第一大股东持股比例以及股权集中度与公司绩效都成非正相关关系。在对房地产行业进行分析之前,为了突出差异性,本文先对整个上市公司三者关系进行分析。最后,针对股权激励存在的问题提出几点建议。  相似文献   

本文结合目前采用较多的代建制组织模式,提出了作为审计部门如何有效地开展政府公共工程投资绩效审计,提出了相对应的监督建议。  相似文献   

本文基于2013年中国民营上市公司的经验数据,实证检验了政府补贴、市场进入壁垒对民营企业绩效的影响。研究结果发现:①政府补贴对东部和北部地区民营企业绩效的积极影响最大,中部其次,东部最小,这说明政府补贴能够显著促进民营企业绩效增长,且呈现出显著的 区域差异性;②从全国来看,民营企业能否进入高壁垒行业对企业绩效的影响并不显著,但 民营企业进入高壁垒行业的程度却对企业绩效具有显著的积极影响;从分区域来看,东部和中部地区民营企业能否进入高壁垒行业对企业绩效产生显著的正向影响,而只在东部地区民营企业进入高壁垒行业的程度对企业绩效具有显著的积极影响,在西部地区却对企业绩效产 生显著的负面影响;③从总体上看,相对于市场进入壁垒而言,政府补贴对民营企业绩效的影响更大。因此,当民营企业进入高壁垒行业的成本过高时,政府给予民营企业的财政补贴可以弥补过高进入壁垒对企业绩效产生的负面影响。  相似文献   

本文选取2010~2019年中国制造业A股上市公司的面板数据,基于创新数量和创新质量双维视角,构建面板向量自回归模型,通过方差分解、脉冲响应等方法实证检验政府补助对创新数量和创新质量的影响。研究结果表明:(1)政府补助与创新能力存在滞后1~2期的相互持续促进作用,政府补助政策绩效总体效果显著;(2)创新数量以及创新能力均能释放积极信号,以利于企业获得更多的政府补助,但创新质量显著抑制政府补助的增加;(3)政府补助对创新数量促进作用效果显著,但对创新质量的抑制作用效果显著;(4)创新能力对创新数量作用效果甚微,却显著抑制创新质量的提升。上述实证研究结论为政府补助政策以及创新政策的调整和完善提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

Firms employ a variety of political strategies (e.g., lobbying, contributions) in an attempt to gain influence or access to the public policy process. A variety of benefits may accrue to firms that are successful in creating a linkage with the government: information, access, influence, reduced uncertainty and transaction costs, etc. However, the direct benefits of such strategies are difficult to observe. One political strategy is studied here—personal service (having a firm representative serve in a political capacity). Event‐study methodology results show that such linkages with the government positively affect firm value. These findings indicate that firm‐specific benefits may result from political strategies. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the role which federal, state and local governments can play as large buyers in influencing the behavior of sellers in markets. While the available data make it impossible to draw unambiguous conclusions, the evidence is consistent with the possibility that theAustralian Commonwealth (federal) Government has used its market position as a large buyer to encourage competitive behavior, especially in highly concentrated industries. The local preference buying policies of state and local governments, however, may have augmented the effects of market power. The results suggest strongly that omission of variables representing the buying side of markets will lead to misspecification of structure-performance models, and indicate that government purchases could at appropriate times be used in addition to antitrust action, in order to improve market performance.  相似文献   

In drawing attention to certain important gaps in the purchasing literature, the study reports on a systematic examination of supplier performance in purchasing decision criteria of U.K. distributor firms of information technology (IT) products. An attempt is made to explore the presence of dimensions underlying supplier performance in buying decision elements and identify potential differences in distributor performance with regard to supplier performance in important purchasing decision criteria. Based on a survey sample of 237 distributors, the results suggest significant differences between highly performing and poorly performing distributors in relation to their suppliers' performance in four buying decision criterion dimensions: reliability, competitive pricing, service support, and technological capability. The implications of the findings for business practitioners are highlighted, and directions for future research are identified.  相似文献   

随着近年我国政府投资项目的增加,不仅评审工作量增加,评审质量也成为国人关注的重点。文章力图借鉴国内外政府投资项目监管与评审的经验,建立一种用于检查咨询单位编制的项目各阶段经济文件的可靠性、评价评审机构出具的评审结论的可靠性的分析方法,以便提高评审效率,为政府投资决策提供依据。  相似文献   

Trust is identified as a significant predictor of positive performance in business relationships. On the premise that the effects of trust have not been given the deserved scholarly attention in the supply chain context, this paper investigates the effects of trust on innovativeness and supply chain performance. The hypothesised model is operationalised with survey data and analysed using structural equation modelling. The findings add credence to the positive effects of trust and identify trust and innovativeness as antecedents to higher performance in the supply chain.  相似文献   

Outsourcing plays an important role for firms adopting new technologies. Although outsourcing provides access to a new technology, it does not guarantee that a firm can subsequently integrate the technology with existing business processes and leverage it in the marketplace. This distinction, however, has rarely been made in the literature. In the context of business process enhancing technologies, this study builds on the resource‐based and knowledge‐based views to study the impact of outsourcing on firms' subsequent performance in the market and their integrative capabilities, that is, a firm's capacity to use and assimilate a new technology with its business processes and build upon it. The study argues that greater reliance on outsourcing may reduce a firm's learning by doing, internal investment, and tacit knowledge applications, thereby impeding a firm's integrative capabilities and performance in the market. The study uses survey and archival data on banks' outsourcing strategies for Internet adoption to test for the performance consequences of outsourcing, which are found to be negative. However, the findings also show that outsourcing is less detrimental for firms with experience in prior related technology. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper, we hypothesize that acquisitions undertaken during low market cycles will exhibit better performance than other acquisitions for two key reasons: lower likelihood of overpayment due to hubris and ease in implementing restructuring initiatives such as retrenchment. We define performance as the cumulative abnormal returns surrounding the acquisition event and deploy a trend‐based measure for market cycle. Based on an analysis of 115 acquisitions by Singapore firms between 1990 and 1999, we find strong support for the hypothesized relationship. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The paper investigated the moderating effects of supervisory adaptive selling behaviors on the feedback-performance relationship in industrial salespersons. A conceptual model was developed and three research hypotheses were empirically examined. The data were collected via a survey of a national random sample of industrial salespersons in US. The results indicated that adaptive selling behaviors by sales managers moderated the effects of positive behavioral feedback on salesperson performance. Positive output feedback had a significantly positive effect on salesperson performance, whereas negative feedback (output and behavior) was unrelated to salesperson performance. Thus, sales managers can improve the productivity of their salespeople by demonstrating adaptive selling techniques while providing positive feedback to them. Managerial implications were discussed.  相似文献   

Manufacturer-reseller interactions are becoming more technology-enabled as channels of distribution increasingly utilize e-business tools on the Internet. This research examines the performance consequences for resellers as these technological advances are applied to distribution activities between channel members. Using a sample of 216 resellers of computer products, the research explores the impact of e-business tools in 2 areas of manufacturer-reseller interactions: supply tasks and demand tasks. The results suggest that e-business in supply tasks increases relationship coordination between manufacturer and reseller, whereas e-business in demand tasks increases coordination as well as conflict within the channel dyad. The increase of conflict constitutes a potential “dark side” of e-business in channel relationships that may provide an explanation for e-business implementation failures and negative returns on investment in technology.  相似文献   

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