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Book Reviews     
Books review in this article: Managerial Consulting Skills: A Practical Guide Charles J Margerison Consultant's Journey: A Professional and Personal Odyssey Roger Harrison Managing Consultants: Consultancy As the Management of Impressions Timothy Clark  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: Allen, S. and Walkowitz, C. 1987: Homeworking: myths and realities. Beck, U. 1986: Risikogesellschaft. Auf dem Weg in eine andere Moderne. Benyon, J. and Solomos, J. editors, 1987: The roots of urban unrest. Dear, M.J. and Wolch, J.R. 1987: Landscapes of despair: from deinstitutionalisation to homelessness. Donnison, D. and Middleton, A. editors, 1987: Regenerating the inner city: Glasgow's experience. Faludi, A. 1987: A decision-centred view of environmental planning. Friedmann, J. 1987: Planning in the public domain: from knowledge to action. Hall, P., Breheney, M., McQuaid, R. and Hart, D. 1987: Western sunrise: the genesis and growth of Britain's major high tech corridor. Lawson, R. editor, with Naison, M. 1986: The tenant movement in New York City, 1904–1984. Reulecke, J. 1985: Geschichte der Urbanisierung in Deutschland. Sternlieb, G. 1986: Patterns of development. Wood, J. 1986: Southern capitalism: the political economy of North Carolina, 1880–1980.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
A Bibliography of British Industrial Relations 1971–1979 G.S. Bain, J.D. Bennett Industrial Relations: an International and Comparative Bibliography John Bennett and Julian Fawcett Employee Relations Bibliography and Abstracts Arthur Marsh Innovation and the Auto Industry: Product, Process and Work Organization R. Whipp and P. Clark Trade Unions and Politics Ken Coates and Tony Topham Just Managing: Authority and Democracy in Industry Peter Cressey, John Eldridge and John MacInnes Women Managers: Travellers in a Male World Judi Marshall A Development Programme for Women in Management Mike Smith, Kay Smith Eddie Wood, Lynne Davidson, Sandra Langrish and Christine Mogridge The Social History of Occupational Health Paul Weindling (ed.)  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
David Coates and John Hillard (eds) UK Economic Decline: Key Texts Vaughan-Whitead, D. et al. Workers' Financial Participation – East–West Experiences Paul Thompson and David McHugh Work Organisations – A Critical Introduction (second edition) Sue Ledwith and Fiona Colgan (eds) Women in Organisation s– Challenging Gender Politics Harry Scarborough (ed.) The Management of Expertise John Storey (ed.) Blackwell Cases in Human Resource and Change Management Jack Eaton Globalization and Human Resource Management in the Airline Industry Pamela Sugiman Labour's Dilemma: The Gender Politics of Auto Workers in Canada, 1937–1979 Jeff Torrington The Devil's Carousel John Solomos and Les Back Race, Politics and Social Change  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book Reviews in this Article
FREDERICK D. S. CHOI AND GERHARD G . MUELLER. International Accounring
LEE H. RADEBAUGH AND SIDNEY J. GRAY. International Accounring and Multinational Enterprises

Book Reviews     

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: Ashford D. E. 1982: British dogmatism and French pragmatism: central local policy making in the welfare state. Dear, M.J. and Taylor, S.M. 1982: Not on our street. Hamilton, F.E.I. and Linge, G.J.R. editors, 1983: Spatial analysis, industry and the industrial environment. Healey, P. 1983: Local plans in British land use planning. Kemeny, J. 1983: The privatised city: critical studies in Australian housing and urban structure. Lake, R.W. editor, 1983: Readings in urban analysis: perspectives on urban form and structure. Lundquist, L.J. and Wiktorin, M. editors, 1983: Current trends in British housing. Priemus, H. editor, 1983: Who will pay the housing bill in the eighties? Sims, D. and Wood, M. 1984: Car manufacturing at Linwood: the regional policy issues. Stoney, P.J.M. and Bourn, M. 1984: Industrial development in Merseyside: motor vehicle assembly and the port of Liverpool. Smith, M.P. editor, 1984: Cities in transformation: class, capital and the state. Williams, R.H. editor, 1983: Planning in Europe.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: Agnew, J., Mercer, J. and Sopher, D. editors, 1984: The city in cultural context. Blowers, A. 1984: Something in the air: corporate power and the environment. Boddy, M. and Fudge, C. editors, 1984: Local socialism? Seabrook, J. 1984: The idea of neighbourhood: what local politics should be about. Clark, T.N. and Ferguson, L.C. 1983: City money. Political processes, fiscal strain and retrenchment. Sbragia, A.M. editor, 1983: The municipal money chase. The politics of local government finance. Cope, D.R., Hills, P. and James, P. editors, 1984: Energy policy and land-use planning: an international perspective. Daunton, M.J. editor, 1984: Councillors and tenants: local authority housing in English cities?, 1919–1939. Davies, T., Mason, C. and Davies, L. 1984: Government and local labour market policy implementation. Dawson, A.H. 1984: The land problem in the developed economy. Gore, C. 1984: Regions in question: space, development theory and regional policy. Redclift, M. 1984: Development and the environmental crisis. Red or green alternatives. Greer, A.L. and Greer, S. editors, 1983: Cities and sickness: health care in urban America. King, A. 1984: The bungalow. The production of a global culture. Leitner, H. 1983: Gastarbeiter in der städtischen Gesellschaft: Segregation, Integration und Assimilation von Arbeitsmigranten Am Beispiel jugoslawischer Gastarbeiter in Wien. O'Connor, A. 1983: The African city. O'Connor, J. 1984: Accumulation crisis. Pahl, R.E. 1984: Divisions of labour. Palen, J.J. and London, B. editors, 1984: Gentrification, displacement and neighborhood revitalization. Papadakis, E. 1984: The Green Movement in West Germany. Peil, M. and Sada, P.O. 1984: African urban society. Preteceille, E. and Terrail, J. 1985: Capitalism, consumption and needs. Rodwin, L. and Hollister, R.M. 1984: Cities of the mind: images and themes of the city in the social sciences. Schoorl, J.W., van der Linden, J.J. and Yap, K.S. editors, 1983: Between Basti dwellers and bureaucrats: lessons in squatter upgrading in Karachi. Sharpe, L.S. and Newton, K. 1984: Does politics matter? The determinants of public policy. Walton, J. 1984: Reluctant rebels. Comparative studies of revolution and underdevelopment. White, P. 1984: The west European city: a social geography. ARAU 1984: Bruxelles vu par ses habitants—quinze années d'action urbaine. Wild, T. editor, 1983: Urban and rural change in West Germany.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: The Future of European Social Policy (second revised edition) Lammy Betten (Ed.) Employment Rights in Britain and Europe: Selected Papers in Labour Law Lord Wedderburn Unemployment and Labour Market Flexibility: Austria Ewald Walterskirchen Japan and the Global Economy: Issues and Trends in the 1990s Jonathan Morris (Ed.) Growth through Competition, Competition through Growth: Strategic Management and the Economy in Japan Hiroyuki Odagiri Training at Work: a Critical Analysis of Policy and Practice Jeff Hyman The Impact of Demographic Change on Training-A Cross European Comparison Nina West Contemporary British Industrial Relations Sid Kessler and Fred Bayliss Rethinking Labour Management Relations, The case for Arbitration Christopher J. Bruce and Jo Carby Hall The New Politics of British Trade Unionism , David Marsh The History of the Transport and General Workers’ Union, Volume I parts 1 and 2, 1870–1911 From Forerunners to Federation; 1912–1922 From Federation to Amalgamation Ken Coates and Tony Topham (Eds.) An Introduction to Industrial Relations Michael P Jackson In the Way of Women: Men's resistance to Sex Equality in Organizations Cynthia Cockburn Working in Hotels Roy C. Wood Engineers and Professional Self-Regulation: from the Finniston Committee to the Engineering Council Grant Jordan  相似文献   

Book Reviews     

The system for monitoring, regulating and reporting on the way in which UK government ministers make appointments to the boards of public bodies is a relatively neglected area of public management. A decade after the establishment of the Office of the Commissioner for Public Appointments (OCPA), little attention has been paid by academics to the functioning of this agent of accountability (a particularly British device), despite the importance of transparency and accountability for the new public management and modernization. This article seeks to examine the key issues surrounding the Commissioners for Public Appointments as agents of accountability, by examining the tensions in the relationship between OCPA and the executive, variations in the governance arrangements for the Commissioners across the devolved polity and the key findings and recommendations of a number of official reports, while locating these issues in the context of current debates about modernization and ‘representativeness’ in public bodies.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Handler, Joel, Down from bureaucracy. The ambiguity of privatisation and empowerment Albaek, Erik, Lawrence Rose, Lars Stromberg and Krister Stahlberg, (eds.) Nordic local government. Development trends and reform activities in the post war period Arrighi, Giovanni, The long twenieth century Scott, James, Alan Sweedler, Paul Ganster and Wolf-Dieter Eberwein (eds.), Border regions in functional transition. European and North American perspectives on transboundary interaction Golany, Gideon and Toshio Ojima, Geo-space urban design della Porta, Donatella, Social movements, political violence, and the state: a comparative analysis of Italy and Germany  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Susan Kirk, Managing Together Charlotte A. B. Yates, Union Mergers in Hard Times Paul Edwards, Between Class and Market Harry Scarbrough, We are Motor Men V. L. Allen, Strikes and Solidarity Robert Taylor, Safety First  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Books reviewed: Eade, John (ed.) Living the global city: globalization as local process Green, Charles (ed.) Globalization and survival in the black diaspora: the new urban challenge Kohler-Koch, B. et alInteraktive Politik in Europa: Regionen im Netzwerk der Integration [Interactive politics in Europe: the regions in the network of European integration] Sennett, Richard The corrosion of character: the personal consequences of work in the new capitalism Flyvbjerg, Bent Rationality and power. Democracy in practice Cybriwsky, Roman Tokyo: the Shogun’s city at the twenty-first century Hebbert, Michael London Pineo, Ronn and James A. Baer (eds.) Cities of hope: people, protests, and progress in urbanizing Latin America, 1870–1930 Fyfe, Nicholas R. (ed.) Images of the street. Planning, identity and control in public space Duffy, Francis, with contributions from Kenneth Powell The new office  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
West, Michael (Ed.). Handbook of Work Group Psychology
Dent, M. Professions, Information Technology and Managements in Hospitals
Jacques, Roy. Manufacturing the Employee: Management Knowledge from the 19th to 21st Centuries
Heene, Aimé and Sanchez, Ron (Eds). Competence Based Strategic Management
Moingeon, B. and Edmondson, A. (Eds). Organizational Learning and Competitive Advantage  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Books reviewed: Castells, Manuel, The rise of the network society Castells, Manuel, The power of identity. Volume 2 of the information age: economy, society and culture Castells, Manuel, End of the millenium. Volume 3 of the information age: economy, society and culture Chiu, Stephen W. K., K. D. Ho and Tai-Lok Lui, City-states in the global economy: industrial restructing in Hong Kong and Singapore Tait, John, From self-help housing to sustainable settlement: capitalist development and urban planning in Lusaka, Zambia Terhorst, P. J. F. and J. C. L. van de Ven, Fragmented Brussels and consolidated Amsterdam: a comparative study of the spatial organization of property rights  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Books reviewed:
Burrell, Gibson. Pandemonium: Towards a Retro-Organization Theory .
Chia, Robert C. H. In the Realm of Organization: Essays for Robert Cooper .
Locke, Robert R. The Collapse of the American Management Mystique .
Czarniawska-Joerges B. and Sevon, Guje (Eds). Translating Organizational Change .
Engwall, L. and Zamagni, V. (Eds). Management Education in Historical Perspective .
Hickson, Davod J. Exploring Management Across the World .  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Governments, Managers and Industrial Relations. Public Enterprises and their Political Environment Anthony Ferner Information and Government Studies in the Dynamics of Policy-Making Roger Davidson and Phil White (Eds.) When Public Sector Workers Unionize Richard Freeman and Casey Ichniowski (Eds.) Making Mondragon W. Foote Whyte and K. King Whyte Worker Co-operatives in Theory and Practice M. Mellor, J. Hannah, J. Stirling Developing Successful Worker Co-operatives C. Cornforth, A. Thomas, J. Lewis and R. Spear The Origins of Economic Democracy—Profit Sharing and Employee-Shareholding Schemes Michael Poole People's Capitalism? A Critical Analysis of Profit-Sharing and Employee Share Ownership Lesley Baddon, Laurie Hunter, Jeff Hyman, John Leopold, and Harvie Ramsay The Third Way—The Promise of Industrial Democracy Dennis Lawrence The Search for Labour Market Flexibility R. Boyer (Ed.) The Changing Ideas of a Teachers Union C. T. Kerchner and D. E. Mitchell Safety at Work: the Limits of Self-regulation S. Dawson, P. Willman, M. Bamford and A. Clinton Shopfloor Politics and Job Controls: the post-war engineering industry Michael Terry and P. K. Edwards (Eds.)  相似文献   

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