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In this paper an attempt is made to analyse the activity of complaining from an economic point of view and a model of consumer complaints is proposed as an aid in this analysis. The author discusses the implications of the analysis and assesses the efficiency and role of consumer complaints agencies.  相似文献   

In conjunction with local authorities, and Citizens' Advice Bureaux, the Office of Fair Trading (OFT) has set up a system for recording and classifying consumer complaints. OFT aggregates statistical returns that are made quarterly to produce national figures showing the pattern of consumer complaints, classified both by type of goods or service and by trading practice. Over 400,000 consumer complaints were recorded and classified for the first full 12-month period during which the system operated, ending in September 1975. The system has two uses. First, it signals areas of difficulty for consumers which should be studied by OFT. Second, the records of individual consumer complaints held by local authorities provide a data base which can be drawn on when OFT is carrying out detailed studies.  相似文献   

This paper examines the effectiveness of the TUCCs by examining their ability to reach the railway traveller and the success with which they deal with consumer complaints regarding the operation of British Rail. Their performance is then weighed against their cost and suggestions for their improvement are examined and commented upon.  相似文献   

The quest for flame retardance has witnessed a continual involvement of many diverse disciplines; especially concerned are those in the area of textiles and clothing. In this study, an instrument was developed to assess the subject's awareness of flame retardant textile products, cost and care practices of flame retardant fabrics, and attitude toward federal flammability legislation. The main objective of the study was to conduct a survey among 1500 consumers in a south-western city of the United States to determine if measures taken by the Consumer Product Safety Commission in regard to flame retardant items had been understood by the consumer. The study determined a need for extensive consumer education in the area of textile flammability to heighten awareness of flame retardant textile items and care practices. Exploration of other alternatives to mandated safety standards was recommended.  相似文献   

The decade of the 1970s witnessed the passage of an unparallelled amount of legislation designed to protect the needs of disadvantaged and low income consumers, characteristics which describe many members of the elderly population segment. This research was designed to assess elderly perceptions of the market-place today and of the performance of businesses and government agencies in protecting and promoting their interest as buyers. The elderly, when compared to other population segments, showed a more negative attitude toward the accomplishments of the consumer movement and the role of businesses and government in protecting buyers than other population segments.  相似文献   

中国和印度纺织业竞争力比较与合作建议   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
高巍 《国际贸易》2006,(8):13-17
纺织品配额取消后,国际舆论普遍认为中国和印度是最大的受益者.美国国际贸易委员会的一项研究认为,印度是世界上第二大服装和纺织产品生产国,是唯一一个有能力与中国在纺织、服装工业进行竞争的国家.中印两国纺织业各具竞争优势与不足,相互间既有竞争又有互补需求.加强中印纺织业的互补合作,将为两国带来广泛的收益.  相似文献   

Research has indicated that the attitudes of teachers are often reflected in their students.1 If so, then what are the attitudes that potential community consumer educators may pass on to the people in their localities? Is there a relationship between their knowledge of consumer rights and responsibilities, and their opinions and behaviours? The knowledge, opinions and behaviours concerning consumer rights and responsibilities of community consumer educators may be reflected in their effectiveness in conducting community programs. Are they knowledgeable of their consumer rights and responsibilities? Do their own reported marketplace behaviours support their attitudes, or are they different? This study was designed to seek answers to these and related questions.2  相似文献   

李志新  谭慧红 《大经贸》2001,(12):80-81
中国即将加入 WTO,给我国经济带来的最大挑战,并非某一行业和经济部门的竞争,而是建立与国际接轨的、适应 WTO 自由贸易体系的市场竞争机制。作为具有较强国际竞争力的中国纺织业,入世后必将是降低关税,取消保护政策的主要行业。可以预见,国外的纺织产品如服装面料、成衣等将更多地以更低的价格进入中国市场。各进口国逐步取消配额限制,这一方面为我们提供了进入国际市场的更多的优势条件;同时,也使我国纺织业处于更加激烈的市场竞争中,所有的市场份额都要靠企业自身的实力去保存和扩大。国内将有更多的经营纺织品的企  相似文献   

2007年后中国纺织服装贸易面临的风险和对策分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
纺织服装业在我国国民经济中占有重要的地位,也在国际贸易中占有极其重要的作用。2006年纺织服装行业增加值占工业企业总增加值的6%以上,规模以上企业直接解决就业1000万人以上,纺织和服装业的发展涉及超过1亿的社会劳动力。2006年,纺织服装行业生产、销售和出口实现了良性健康的增长,实现销售产值2.45万亿元,比上年增长21.8%;  相似文献   

若水 《国际市场》2006,(4):24-27
2006年全球纺织服装业有望迎来进出口贸易的大变局时代。目前已经有很多内贸企业开始经营外贸业务,外贸企业也开始返航内地争夺内贸空间……[编者按]  相似文献   

“十一”过后,会议逐渐进入旺季。随着年终脚步的迫近,企业年会也将纷至沓来。眼下,各单位举办的年会,内容丰富,形式多样,具有很强的消费力,使得年会消费文化内涵和品位的影响越来越大。  相似文献   

2005年元旦,全球纺织品配额已基本被取消,世界纺织品贸易进入了“后配额时代”。这给我国纺织品出口带来了广阔市场空间的同时,也使我们面临着更激烈的市场竞争和新的贸易摩擦。鉴于国外行业协会在协调国内市场与应对国外市场方面的成功做法和经验,我国的行业协会应重新对自身进行定位并进行一系列改革。文章从纺织品行业入手,着重分析行业协会应扮演的角色,并提出一些改革建议,以期真正发挥行业协会作用,并期望为其他行业提供一些参考。  相似文献   

本研究使用自行开发的基于VBA(Visual Basic Application)语言的"群体遗传学分析易"软件,分析了540名广东潮汕地区无关个体的短串联重复序列(STR)数据,进行群体遗传学参数计算;并通过对比多个不同人群的软件计算结果,分析各参数的影响因素.软件分析结果表明540名广东潮汕地区无关个体的15个STR位点符合HWE和连锁平衡;不同来源的人群、性别对于汉族人群STR等位基因频率分布有明显影响;样本量、试剂盒、性别、年龄段对于HWE检验的影响不明确,主要是通过不同的抽样样本间接影响;性别、试剂盒、年龄、人群来源和样本量大小不影响多态性指标的计算和连锁平衡检验.  相似文献   

截至2006年年底,我国加入世贸组织五年过渡期结束,金融服务业开放和资本与金融项目(以下简称"资本项目")可兑换进程在入世后都取得长足进步.作为我国金融发展的重要内容,金融服务业开放和资本项目可兑换在政策制定、实施有效性等方面息息相关.为此,有必要把两者关系弄清楚,弄透彻,以把握、协调好金融服务开放与可兑换进程的步伐,避免相互脱离,顾此失彼.  相似文献   

This research sought to determine whetehr formal classroom instruction improves students' consumer economic competencies. Students who were enrolled in a course that presented information in the areas of credit use, money management, savings and investment, and insurance when compared to students who did not take the course demonstrated a higher level of consumer economic competency. Significant differences in competency were also found when social class, post-high school career plans, and sex of student were considered.  相似文献   

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