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芮玉巧 《江苏商论》2004,(5):146-147
随着我国跨国企业集团的发展和外资金融机构进入对我国金融业形成竞争压力的不断增大,如何在适当的时机、以适当的方式进入国际市场,已成为我国金融业必须考虑的重大问题。  相似文献   

随着国际竞争的加剧,品牌战略已成为企业在开拓国际市场中的优先战略。企业构建和发展品牌战略应做好品牌的宣传和保护工作,以品牌质量为支撑,进行品牌创新和品牌扩展。通过品牌战略开拓国际市场,应精心策划、周密准备,切实加强国际市场研究,制定出国际化的市场拓展战略。  相似文献   

我国石油资源匮乏,目前面临的两大新难题,一是石油消费量显著增加;二是经济受石油资源约束度增大和石油对外依存度提高。要解决石油资源短缺问题,除了要加强勘探,促进海外石油投资并建立海外石油基地乃是一条重要途径。为防止受制于人,中国的石油企业必须更多地参与到国际石油市场  相似文献   

本文通过对调味品行业现状的分析,发现行业中存在的问题和面临的困难,并提出了如何开拓国际市场的建议。  相似文献   

向国外市场扩展业务并不容易,有些公司常把战线拉得过长,结果浪费了大量的财力和资源,其动机仅仅为了能挤进目标市场,占据小得可怜的市场份额.  相似文献   

The oil product wholesale market will be open to domestic and foreign investors from 2007, the Ministry of Commerce announced on December 6. The opening of the wholesale business supplying gasoline and other oil products to filling stations will start on  相似文献   

如何在管理浮动汇率和资本项下人民币不可自由兑换背景下进一步推动我国外汇衍生品市场的发展.是我国目前面临的重要问题.澳大利亚在20世纪80年代外汇自由化改革之前的外汇市场与我国目前的状况十分相似.文章考察了澳大利亚外汇衍生品市场现状与发展历程,发现澳大利亚在岸NDF市场的产生和发展是很有特色且极具借鉴意义的一段历史.文章认为发展以人民币结算的在岸NDF市场是我国当前推进人民币外汇衍生品市场深入发展的一个可行选择.  相似文献   

<正>奥地利经济和劳动部即将实施一项新规定,根据这项规定,在奥地利打黑工的来自捷克和斯洛伐克等中东欧国家的护理人员今后可以合法地从事其职业而不再受到处罚。这项新规定在护理行业内废除了新加入欧盟国家劳动力进入欧盟市场的过渡期,从而消除了他们进入奥地利的障碍。奥地利经济和劳动部部长巴滕施泰因提出的这项议案已进入为期四周的审议过程并将于11月初生效。  相似文献   

This paper studies the dynamics of the export behaviour of small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) in the U.K. between 1994 and 1998. I use a dynamic empirical model to disentangle three distinct dimensions of a firms’ participation in foreign markets: sunk cost induced hysteresis, firm heterogeneity and macroeconomic instability. The results show that SMEs view exporting as an irreversible investment, with state dependence being the largest explanatory factor. Moreover, observable firm characteristics, such as size and ownership, play a significant role in distinguishing exporters from non-exporters. Finally, there is no evidence that the 1992–1993 recession influenced firms’ export decisions in subsequent years implying that the results provide a valid indication of SMEs "typical" export behaviour.  相似文献   


This study develops theory and empirically tests the influence of heterogeneity (the degree of standardization or customization) of firm outputs on the globalization entry mode decisions, and receipt of revenues from foreign markets. To insure sufficient variance in the sample while also controlling for extraneous sectoral and national variables, this study obtained and analyzed cross-sectional data from 190 U.S. based firms in the environmental control industry. The findings indicate that the outputs of global firms are significantly less heterogeneous than the outputs of domestic firms, but that heterogeneity is not significantly related to the receipt of foreign revenues, or to the use of a higher control entry mode. These findings suggest that firms with more standardized outputs are more likely to globalize, but that standardization fails to help firms create any additional value in international markets compared to firms with more heterogeneous outputs.  相似文献   

Using recent data from Chinese manufacturing industry and the generalised propensity score, this paper establishes economically significant causal effects of foreign acquisition on domestic and export market dynamics.  相似文献   

This article examines the link between foreign ownership and corporate cash holdings. We utilize a data sample of firms listed on the Ho Chi Minh City stock exchange covering the period 2007–2015. Employing different econometric techniques for panel data, we find that higher foreign ownership is associated with more corporate cash holdings. This finding suggests that foreign investors in the Vietnam stock market are subject to precautionary motive and agency motive forcing firms to hold more cash. However, the outcome suggests potential agency problems because managers might subsequently use this cash reserve for their own advantages. These problems are even more pronounced in emerging markets where investor protection mechanism is weak. Accordingly, this highlights the importance of a monitoring mechanism to refrain corporate managers from investing in value‐destroying projects.  相似文献   

我国企业跨国市场进入方式的选择战略   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
本文首先比较了不同跨国市场进入方式的优缺点,分析了并购与新建、独资与合资的各国选择经验和选择影响因素,最后指出我国对外直接投资的跨国市场进入方式选择:从投资动机看,对发达国家技术和管理经验寻求型直接投资的进入方式应以并购、合资为主,从东道国的外资政策看,我国的产业转移型对外直接投资的主要目标是发展中国家,进入方式应以新建、合资为主,从投资规模角度看,我国自然资源寻求型对外直接投资的进入方式应以合资为主。  相似文献   

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