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上海赛洋国际集团董事长吴一鸣:产品创新走向大众市场上海赛洋国际集团是北极绒品牌持有者。北极绒现已成长为纺织服装行业的知名品牌。但像当初那样完全以专业化分工已经不能适应国内终端和消费者的需求,消费者对品牌的边际需求越来越高,希  相似文献   

对于新奇的产品来讲,如果采用新颖的包装,那么对顾客产生的影响力就会大大增强。另外,新颖的包装可以为一件极普通的产品增添光彩和吸引力。在个人护理用品及香水市场中,产品包装已成为零售货架上能迅速锁住消费者目光的重要因素。因为当代的消费者对包装设计已逐渐了解,从大众市场到高档商场,从玻璃瓶到塑料瓶,香水和化妆品营销商越来越注重包装的创新与标新立异。出于对终端消费者注意力的强烈竞争,许多包装供应商认为产品设计变得比以往更重要。个性化的需求驱动着定制生产(针对不同消费者的需求进行个性化生产模式)的不断发展…  相似文献   

在SUV 2.0时代,消费者需要一辆怎样的车型?新增长点在哪儿?在消费升级的大背景下,SUV市场进入2.0时代,无论是市场、产品特点、消费需求以及格局都在悄然发生改变。日前,寰球汽车《2019年度中国SUV市场发展趋势报告》(以下简称《报告》)正式发布。通过对这一年内在中国大陆上市的SUV进行系统数据分析后,《报告》对SUV未来发展做出几大趋势判断,同时这一报告也给厂商和消费者在终端购买中提供一些指导。  相似文献   

大城市女性家居服市场及消费特征初探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文基于上海服装市场,通过市场调查及消费者研究,对国内家居服消费者的消费行为特点进行了分析讨论,总结了消费者的生活状态和生活方式,以及他们在产品质量、款式、服务、价格等方面的消费特征和对购物环境和广告宣传形式的偏好,从而为国内家居服品牌产品开发和市场拓展提供了应对措施。  相似文献   

市场研究不同于市场调查对消费者需求和欲望的了解是营销中最为关键的环节。市场研究是了解消费者需求的主要方式,但在当前中国企业的实践中,通常有两种错误倾向。  相似文献   

研究过ZARA、H&M和GAP,以及日本的优衣库这些成功SPA品牌的运用细节后,我们不难发现,这些企业有效地把握着消费者的需求,并且随着全球的经营方式的转变,他们也在不同程度地转变着。从前,SPA的核心理念还是通过设计来捕捉消费者的需求;或者通过门店终端商品的陈列,来引导消费者的需求;或者通过对店内货品的物流配送、商品的配置管理,通过信息化管理途径最快满足消费者的愿望。而今,  相似文献   

泳装作为内衣产业的分支,是唯一能穿出示人的内衣,紧跟潮流,甚至可以引导潮流。以往的销售市场认为泳衣销售周期短而单一,消费空间相对狭窄,而且并非生活必须品,这种界定甚至在行业内达成共识。然而,随着人们生活方式的转变以及泳装设计与技术力量的加入,使得休闲泳装市场空间得以开阔。本文从消费者需求着手,对当今休闲泳装市场的销售空间进行分析,从而总结出消费者对于休闲泳装的新需求。笔者再从设计与技术参与的角度结合新需求对泳装市场开拓方向进行理性的分析,对泳装的设计与技术的发展有独到见解。  相似文献   

许多企业过去成功的战略是建立在为大众消费者生产标准化产品并进行大规模分销的基础上,这在今天应该进行调整。新的市场环境是,成百上千万的中国消费者都在消费升级,对产品的期望值更高。面向未来,企业需要对消费者进行更细化的理解,不仅要知道他们在做什么,还要知道他们需求如何变化,以及这些变化的根本原因。  相似文献   

2009年8月,全国大部分地区进入施工高峰期,沥青终端需求总量较上月出现明显上升。分区域来看,华东和华南地区在项目需求的支撑下,终端需求大量释放,炼厂出货顺畅;西南地区随着灾后重建项目工程的逐步增多,市场交投气氛也日益活跃;北方市场除河北和山西需求相对较好外,其他市场如西北、东北和山东等,需求均小于预期,市场供需基本平衡。  相似文献   

正据国外权威机构的调查显示,三大趋势促进了市场对金属包装的需求,即不断增长的时间压力和人口老龄化问题使方便食品包装不断增加;日益增长的环境问题促使消费者和生产者重视对包装材料的回收;不断上升的健康意识也促进了营养保存包装的发展。受消费者喜好和对环境关注的驱使,新型的包装形式会接踵而来,这也将会给金属包装带来全新的、令人垂涎的发展机会。据国外调研组织和市场分析专家得出这样的结论:到2021年,全球金属包装市场的总产值将会达到1654亿美元。  相似文献   

美国宝洁公司在中国改革开放之际,敏锐地察觉到中国市场的巨大潜力,向中国日用品市场进驻。在多元品牌政策和差异性市场策略的总体策略指引下,宝洁公司充分考虑中国经济,政治,文化背景,以中国东西部经济差距,城乡消费者需求差异,中国消费者对传统文化的要求和可持续发展为基础,开发具有中国传统品味的高科技环保产品,建立特殊的分销体系,建立了在中国市场的首席地位。同时,宝洁公司以遵守中国法律,履行社会责任和道德准则为己任,与当地政府配合,协助开展文化和经济辅导活动,保护生态环境与自然资源,在消费者心目中建立了良好的企业形象,为进一步发展提供了有利基础,达到了双赢的目的。  相似文献   

This paper explores the implications of market segmentation on firm competitiveness. In contrast to earlier work, here market segmentation is minimal in the sense that it is based on consumer attributes that are completely unrelated to tastes. We show that when the market is comprised by two consumer segments and when there is sufficient variation in the per-consumer costs firms need to incur to access the different consumer populations, then firms obtain positive profits in symmetric equilibrium. Otherwise, the equilibrium is characterized by zero profits. As a result, a minimal form of market segmentation combined with advertising cost asymmetries across consumer segments give firms an opportunity to generate positive rents in an otherwise Bertrand-like environment.  相似文献   

本文对青岛户外品牌服饰市场分析研究,对青岛户外服饰市场营销环境、消费者行为、市场细分、营销策略、市场潜力等方面进行了分析、研究。  相似文献   

商界说:"得渠道者得市场,得品牌者得天下"。我们是否可以这么来理解这句话,在渠道为王的当下,得到了渠道就将得到市场,而得到了市场自然可以得到天下?现下,中国玩具市场的繁荣背后仍然存在着诸多的问题,缺乏品牌成为首当其冲的而摆在广大企业面前而在玩具产业品牌"群雄逐鹿",甚至是一派乱相的当下,谁将成就自己的"品牌大业",谁能在渠道中称王,谁就赢在了起跑线。玩具的营销渠道一直以来都是一个大问题。其实,通俗地讲所谓的渠道,也就是一个买卖过程。  相似文献   

随着我国经济的快速发展,房地产市场由卖方市场向买方市场转变,住宅开发项目也面临着越来越多的挑战.为了让房地产开发企业在这种经济环境下能够健康持续发展,所开发的住宅项目满足市场需求不造成资源浪费,企业必须了解客户需求.文章利用灰色综合评价法,从顾客的视角出发,找出最受顾客欢迎的住宅项目,对其加以分析.旨在让开发商在开发过程中可以充分考虑顾客的需要,重视顾客最关注的因素,借此提升开发企业的竞争力并塑造良好的品牌形象.  相似文献   

近年来,中国的奢侈品网络消费市场呈现迅猛的发展势头,奢侈品营销也随之悄悄改变,网络营销已成为新的营销方式。本论文首先阐述了我国奢侈品网络营销的现状,并对奢侈品网络营销的优势及所存在的问题进行了分析,最后提出奢侈品网络推广方式需整合和创新,来达到更好的网络推广效果。另外,针对奢侈品网络销售的提升和服务的改善,品牌商需结合消费群体的差异性,针对不同的消费群体制定不同策略。  相似文献   

The distribution of consumer incomes is a key factor in determining the structure of a vertically differentiated industry when consumer's willingness to pay depends on her income. This paper computes the Shaked and Sutton (1982) model for a lognormal distribution of consumer incomes to investigate the effect of inequality on firms' entry, product quality, and pricing decisions. The main findings are that greater inequality in consumer incomes leads to the entry of more firms and results in more intense quality competition among the entrants. More intense quality competition raises the average quality of products in the market as firms compete for the shrinking share of higher-income consumers. With zero costs of quality improvements and an upper bound on the top quality or when costs of quality are fixed and rise sufficiently fast, greater heterogeneity of consumer incomes also reduces firms' incentives to differentiate their products. Competition between more similar products tends to reduce their prices. However, when income inequality is very high, the top quality producer chooses to serve only the rich segment of the market and charges a higher price. The conclusion is that income inequality has important implications for the degree of product differentiation, price level, industry concentration, and consumer welfare.  相似文献   

《Telecommunications Policy》2014,38(5-6):449-459
Received analyses state that firms can use a multiple services offering strategy to retain customers and capture new customers. Factors that determine the multiple services strategy include product discount, service provider and customer characteristics. Consequently, this study addresses the fundamental question: what are the key determining factors that explain the probability that a consumer buys multiple services? A generalized Poisson regression model is employed to examine whether the product discount, service provider, socio-economic variables and geographical location impact consumer decisions. Data from a national survey in 2009 commissioned by Post-och Telestyrelsen, the Swedish telecommunications regulator, are analyzed. The results clearly show that the discount, service provider and income of the consumer affect the consumer׳s buying decision. A consumer who receives a discount or has a high income is more likely to buy multiple services or select more services from the current service provider into his basket than a consumer who does not receive discount or has lower income. Service providers, cable TV operators and telecommunications carriers can also lock-in their consumer and expand their market position from one particular service to another using bundling service. Thus, this may be the time for the telecommunications regulator to consider the market definition.  相似文献   

I find that interconnection might cause the market to be less competitive, and might lead to an increase in the price firms charge for their product. Absent interconnection, firms compete for a consumer for two reasons. The first reason is to obtain revenue from selling the product to a consumer (as in the case without network effects). The second reason is that by expanding the network by one more consumer, the product becomes more attractive to all other consumers. Interconnection eliminates the second reason—when firms interconnect, they are no longer concerned with consumers' following the crowd. I show that consumers and society might be worse off from interconnection. I focus on two factors that make the (post‐interconnection) price increase larger: consumer expectations that are highly sensitive to prices and consumers putting a high value on small increases in network size at the equilibrium market shares. Both of these factors make firms highly competitive, but only if the firms' products' networks are not interconnected.  相似文献   

This essay identifies five research opportunities that concern consumer response to product design. The first opportunity involves the need for more research on the interaction between form and function in consumer product evaluations. To this end, more knowledge about how product appearance characteristics influence consumer evaluation of both product form and function, and how this differs between countries and in time, is needed. The second research opportunity concerns the influence of consumer input in the front end of new product development on product success. Although the positive effect of market information use on product success is known, more actionable insight into which consumer information or input is beneficial in which circumstances is largely missing. The third opportunity for research concerns how to include subjective product attributes in concept testing. Getting valid feedback from consumers, which includes functional as well as emotional and experiential aspects, can improve proficiency in the early stages of product development. In this essay, several ways of approaching this research endeavor are highlighted. Next to enhancing market receipt and the assessment of product design, two topics that concern consumer response to product design from a more managerial viewpoint are identified. The first of these is strategic management of product styling. The importance and opportunities of visual design for brand management has gained more attention in the literature; different strategies and the cases in which they are beneficial are issues for further research. And finally, the design of product service systems (PSSs) provides opportunities for future research. Here, engendering perceptual unity between products and services and an explicit managing of meanings and feelings that PSSs should communicate are issues at play.  相似文献   

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