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《Statistica Neerlandica》1946,1(6):327-331
Book reviewed in this article:
Paul G. Hoel. Introduction to Mathematical Statistics
John W. Dudley Jr. Examination of Industrial Measurements
K. Mather. Statistical analysis in Biology
Philip Lyle. Regression Analysis of Production Costs and Factory Operations
Dr ir B. Visser, Toepassing van de kansberekening op den regenval met het oog op polderbemaling (proefschrift, Delft 1947) uitg
Dr Ir H. G. van Beusekom. De Volkshuisvesting (in de serie "De Nederlandse Volkshuishouding tussen twee wereldoorlogen")
P. J. Potgieser. Grondslagen van kostprijsberekening en fabrieksboekhouding 相似文献
Paul G. Hoel. Introduction to Mathematical Statistics
John W. Dudley Jr. Examination of Industrial Measurements
K. Mather. Statistical analysis in Biology
Philip Lyle. Regression Analysis of Production Costs and Factory Operations
Dr ir B. Visser, Toepassing van de kansberekening op den regenval met het oog op polderbemaling (proefschrift, Delft 1947) uitg
Dr Ir H. G. van Beusekom. De Volkshuisvesting (in de serie "De Nederlandse Volkshuishouding tussen twee wereldoorlogen")
P. J. Potgieser. Grondslagen van kostprijsberekening en fabrieksboekhouding 相似文献
《Statistica Neerlandica》1948,2(5-6):256-260
Book reviewed in this article:
A. "Sampling Inspection", Statistical Research Group, Columbia University
B. Selected techniques of statistical analysis. 相似文献
A. "Sampling Inspection", Statistical Research Group, Columbia University
B. Selected techniques of statistical analysis. 相似文献
《Statistica Neerlandica》1968,22(3):221-233
Book reviewed in this article: Slippage tests, R. DOORNBOS Markov Processes and Potential Theory, Proceedings of an Advanced Symposium Conducted by the Mathematics Research Center, United States Army Varianzanalyse, HEINZ AHRENS Joint Statistical Papers of J. Neyman and E. S. Pearson A Selection of Early Statistical Papers of J. Neyman Statistical Methods in Engineering Experiments, E. M. BARTEE Ökonometrische Prognosen, G. MENGES Papers on National Income and Allied Topics, Vol. III, edited by N. S. R. SASTRY, V. M. DANDEKAR, S. G. TIWARI and UMA DATTA Die Messung des technischen Fortschritts im Rahmen des gesamtwirtschaftlichen Wachstums-prozesses, FLORIAN H. FLECK Surrey Sampling, LESLIE KISH Handbook of mathematical psychology, Vols. I, II and III, R. DUNCAN LUCE, ROBERT R. BUSH and EUGENE GALANTER Readings in mathematical psychology, Vols. I and II, R. DUNCAN LUCE, ROBERT R. BUSH and EUGENE GALANTER (Eds.) 相似文献
《Statistica Neerlandica》1975,29(1):29-29
Book reviewed in this article:
Aan te brengen correcties in de bespreking van: 'Probleme und Resultate der Wissenschaftstheorie und Analytischen Philosophie' van W. STEGMULLER 相似文献
Aan te brengen correcties in de bespreking van: 'Probleme und Resultate der Wissenschaftstheorie und Analytischen Philosophie' van W. STEGMULLER 相似文献
《Statistica Neerlandica》1972,26(4):161-171
Book reviewed in this article: The generation of random variates, T. G. Newman en P. L. Odell General applied statistics, F. H. Zuwaylif , Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Reading, Massachusets, 1st. edition, 1970, viii311 pp; prijs 3.75, ongeveer f 25, 70. Multivariate data analysis, William W. Cooley and Paul R. Lohnes , John Wiley & Sons Inc., New York-London, 1st. edition, 1971, xii + 364 pp., prijs 4, 50, ongeveer f 41,—. Wahcheinlichkeitstheorie, Walter Vogel , Mathematischer Lehrbucher, Band XXII, Vanden-hoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen, 1970, 385 blz., D.M. 52,—. Grondbegrippen van de waarschijnlijkheidsrekening, Fabius , J. en W. R. van Zwet . Uitgegeven door Mathematisch Centrum Amsterdam, 1970, 154 blz., prijs f 16,—. Principles of statistical techniques, second edition, P. G. Moore , Cambridge University Press, 1969, 288 blz., 2.25. Statistische Auswertungsmethoden, Lothar Sachs , Springer, Berlijn etc., 3e druk 1972, 545 pp., D.M. 58,—. Linear models, S. R. Searle , John Wiley & Sons, Inc. New York, London, le druk, 1971, xxiv + 532 pp., prijs 19.95, ca. f 88, W. Truncation of long-term decision models, A. Kunstman , Rotterdam, University Press, 1971, 135 blz., prijs f 33.65. The foundations of statistical inference, L. J. Savage and other contributors. Second Impression, A discussion; London: Methuen & Co. Ltd, 1970, 112 blz., prijs f 22,—. Probability and statistics, Harry Lass and Peter Gottlieb , Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc., Philippines, 1971, IX+470p. RusPian-English/English-Russian. Glossary of statistical terms, door Samuel Kotz , Oliver and Boyd, 1972, prijs 3.—. Gambling for existence. A discussion of some theoretical problems in animal population ecology. J. Reddingius . E. J. Brill, Leiden 1971 (acta biotheoretica, supplementum primum) 208 blz. Statistical methods in medical research, P. Armitage , Blackwell Scientific Publications, Oxford, 1971, 504 pag. Preservation of infinite divisibility under mixing and related topics, by F. W. Steutel (Math. Centre tracts, 33) Math, Centrum Amsterdam, 1970, 99 pagina's. 相似文献
《Statistica Neerlandica》1946,1(3):162-163
Book reviewed in this article:
Ir J. van Ettinger, Kwaliteitsbeheersching. Prae-advies voor de Efficiency Dagen November 1946 van het Nederlandsch Instituut voor Efficiency, Amsterdam. Publicatie No. 355.
Ir J. J. Post, Handleiding voor den opzet en de verwerking van Fisherproeven. Alg. Landsdrukkerij, s-Gravenhage 1946. 相似文献
Ir J. van Ettinger, Kwaliteitsbeheersching. Prae-advies voor de Efficiency Dagen November 1946 van het Nederlandsch Instituut voor Efficiency, Amsterdam. Publicatie No. 355.
Ir J. J. Post, Handleiding voor den opzet en de verwerking van Fisherproeven. Alg. Landsdrukkerij, s-Gravenhage 1946. 相似文献
《Statistica Neerlandica》1968,22(2):141-149
Book reviewed in this article: Statistiek voor S.P.D., H. J. A. v. D. POST The advanced theory of statistics (Vol. 3), M. G. KENDALL and A. STUART Handbook of tables for probability and statistics, W. H. BEYER The Theory of Probability, B. W. GNEDENKO Elements of Nonparametric Statistics, GOTTFRIED E. NOETHER Elementary Probability, EDWARD O. THORP, Wiley The Design and Analysis of Scientific Experiments, K. C. PENG Scientific inventory management, JOSEPH BUCHAN and ERNEST KOENIGSBERG Time-dependent Results in Storage Theory, N. V. PRABHU Introduction to Operations Research, F. S. HILLIER and G. J. LIEBERMAN Proceedings IBM Scientific computing symposium; Simulation Models and Gaming, IBM Data Processing Division Spatial dispersion of economic activity, H. C. Bos Monopolistic Competition, technical progress and income distribution, J. G. M. HILHORST Statistical Techniques in Business and Economics, R. D. MASON, R. D. Irwin De Genormaliseerde Methode van Werkclassiflcatie als Meetinstrument, A. HAZEWINKEL, J. B. Wolters 相似文献
《Statistica Neerlandica》1969,23(2):172-178
Book reviewed in this article:
Mathematical Spectrum
De organisatie van de verspreiding van wetenschappelikhe informatie by de maatschappijwetenschappen.
Stochastic models for bacteriophage , J. G ani .
Probability, a survey of mathematical theory , J. L amperti , W. A. Benjamin.
Elementary Statistical Methods , G. B. W etherill .
Grundlagen der Spieltheorie , N. N. V orobjoff .
Elements of Probability and Statistics , E lmer B. M ode .
Formulaire pour le calcul opbrationnel , V. A. D itkin and A. P. P rudnikov .
Tables of the Incomplete Beta-Function , K arl P earson .
Draft Report on The Algorithmic Language ALGOL 68 , A. van W ijngaarden (editor). B. J. M ailloux , J. E. L. P eck , C. H. A. K oster .
Grundlagen der Wabrscheinlichlrettsrectsreebnung und Statistik sowie Anwendungen im Operations Research , F ranz W einberg .
Random Processes and the Growth of Firms, a study of the Pareto Law , J osef S teindl .
Health and Vital Statistics , B. B enjamin .
Statistics in social research. An introduction. R obert S. W eiss .
Quadratic Programming, Algorithms - Anomalies - Applications , J. C. G. B oot . 相似文献
Mathematical Spectrum
De organisatie van de verspreiding van wetenschappelikhe informatie by de maatschappijwetenschappen.
Stochastic models for bacteriophage , J. G ani .
Probability, a survey of mathematical theory , J. L amperti , W. A. Benjamin.
Elementary Statistical Methods , G. B. W etherill .
Grundlagen der Spieltheorie , N. N. V orobjoff .
Elements of Probability and Statistics , E lmer B. M ode .
Formulaire pour le calcul opbrationnel , V. A. D itkin and A. P. P rudnikov .
Tables of the Incomplete Beta-Function , K arl P earson .
Draft Report on The Algorithmic Language ALGOL 68 , A. van W ijngaarden (editor). B. J. M ailloux , J. E. L. P eck , C. H. A. K oster .
Grundlagen der Wabrscheinlichlrettsrectsreebnung und Statistik sowie Anwendungen im Operations Research , F ranz W einberg .
Random Processes and the Growth of Firms, a study of the Pareto Law , J osef S teindl .
Health and Vital Statistics , B. B enjamin .
Statistics in social research. An introduction. R obert S. W eiss .
Quadratic Programming, Algorithms - Anomalies - Applications , J. C. G. B oot . 相似文献
《Statistica Neerlandica》1948,2(4):172-173
Book reviewed in this article:
Dr Ir A. Vondeling, De Bedrijfsvergelijking in de landbouw
Dr W. Sleumer Tzn, Elementen van het groepsleven, Inleiding tot de sociografie en de sociologie
Dr Ir M. G. Ydo, Plezier in het werk. Verhandelingen van het Instituut yoor Praeventieve Geneeskunde X, 1947 相似文献
Dr Ir A. Vondeling, De Bedrijfsvergelijking in de landbouw
Dr W. Sleumer Tzn, Elementen van het groepsleven, Inleiding tot de sociografie en de sociologie
Dr Ir M. G. Ydo, Plezier in het werk. Verhandelingen van het Instituut yoor Praeventieve Geneeskunde X, 1947 相似文献
《Statistica Neerlandica》1973,27(3):133-138
Book reviewed in this article:
Statistics: a guide to the unknown, J udith M. T anur en F rederick M osteller , W illiam H. K ruskal , R ichard F. L ink , R ichard S. P ieters , G erald R. R ising
Practical Exercises in Probability and Statistics, N.A. Rahman
Families of Frequency Distributions, J. K. O rd
Les phéomènes énomiquea interrégionaux en Belgiquel
The logit tramformation, W. D. A shton .
Generalized inverse of matrices and its applications, C. R adhakrishna R ao and Sum K umar M itra
Ehcyclopedie van de Bedrijfseeonomie (deel VI): Mathematische Analyse en Statistiek, prof. dr. A bram M ey (hoofdredacteur), B.G. F. BULJS, prof. dr. J. S. C ramer , prof.dr. J. K oerts , prof. dr. H. R uken van O m , prof. dr. P. A. V erheijen , prof. dr. P. de W orn (redacteuren). 相似文献
Statistics: a guide to the unknown, J udith M. T anur en F rederick M osteller , W illiam H. K ruskal , R ichard F. L ink , R ichard S. P ieters , G erald R. R ising
Practical Exercises in Probability and Statistics, N.A. Rahman
Families of Frequency Distributions, J. K. O rd
Les phéomènes énomiquea interrégionaux en Belgique
The logit tramformation, W. D. A shton .
Generalized inverse of matrices and its applications, C. R adhakrishna R ao and Sum K umar M itra
Ehcyclopedie van de Bedrijfseeonomie (deel VI): Mathematische Analyse en Statistiek, prof. dr. A bram M ey (hoofdredacteur), B.G. F. BULJS, prof. dr. J. S. C ramer , prof.dr. J. K oerts , prof. dr. H. R uken van O m , prof. dr. P. A. V erheijen , prof. dr. P. de W orn (redacteuren). 相似文献
《Statistica Neerlandica》1977,31(2):93-94
Book reviewed in this article:
NON PARAMETRICS—Statistical Methods Based on Ranks. E. L. LEHMANN with the assistance of M. J. M. D'ABRERA 相似文献
NON PARAMETRICS—Statistical Methods Based on Ranks. E. L. LEHMANN with the assistance of M. J. M. D'ABRERA 相似文献
《Statistica Neerlandica》1948,2(3):127-128
Book reviewed in this article:
O. Bakker, Statistiek, en inleiding tot de statistische methode en haar toepassingen, Deel I, De statistische methode 相似文献
O. Bakker, Statistiek, en inleiding tot de statistische methode en haar toepassingen, Deel I, De statistische methode 相似文献
《Statistica Neerlandica》1969,23(3):253-262
Book reviewed in this article:
Distribution-free statistical tests, J. V. B radley
A nonparametric Introduction to Statistics, C. H. K raft and C. van E eden
Stationary Random Processes, Yu. A. R ozanov
Sampling Theory, R aj
Faktorenanalyse, eine systematische Einführung für Psychologen, Mediziner, Wirtschafts- und Sozialwisseaschaftler, K. Ü berla
Stationary and related stochastic processes, H. C ramer and M. R. L eadbetter
Bibliography of Statistical Literature (Pre-1940, with supplements to the volumes for 1940–49 and 1950–58), M aurice G. K endall and A lison G. D oig
Programmeren van computers in ALGOL 60, een geprogrammeerde instructie, A D irkzwager en G. C. van der V eer
Wiskundige Propaedeuse vmr Economisten, 3e druk, J. H. C. L isman
Structural models: an introduction to the theory of directed graphs, F. H arary , R. Z. N orman en D. C artwright 相似文献
Distribution-free statistical tests, J. V. B radley
A nonparametric Introduction to Statistics, C. H. K raft and C. van E eden
Stationary Random Processes, Yu. A. R ozanov
Sampling Theory, R aj
Faktorenanalyse, eine systematische Einführung für Psychologen, Mediziner, Wirtschafts- und Sozialwisseaschaftler, K. Ü berla
Stationary and related stochastic processes, H. C ramer and M. R. L eadbetter
Bibliography of Statistical Literature (Pre-1940, with supplements to the volumes for 1940–49 and 1950–58), M aurice G. K endall and A lison G. D oig
Programmeren van computers in ALGOL 60, een geprogrammeerde instructie, A D irkzwager en G. C. van der V eer
Wiskundige Propaedeuse vmr Economisten, 3e druk, J. H. C. L isman
Structural models: an introduction to the theory of directed graphs, F. H arary , R. Z. N orman en D. C artwright 相似文献
《Statistica Neerlandica》1971,25(2):129-141
Book reviewed in this article:
Introduction to statistical methods , D onald L. H arnett .
Basic Concepts of Probability and Statistics , J. L. H odges Jr. and E. U. L ehmann , Holden Day.
Nonlinear programming , H. P. K unzi , W. K relle and W. O ettli .
Conditional Markov processes and their application to the theory of optimal control , R. L. S trato - novich .
Theorie et méthodes statistiques, vol. I , P ierre D agnelie , éditions J. Duculot, S. A. Gembloux.
Statistics for experimentalists , B. E. C ooper .
Systems of frequency curves , W. P. E lderton and N. L. J ohnson .
Stochastic Theory of a Risk Business , H ilary L. S eal .
Statistics in Physical Sciences
Probability and random processes for engineers and scientists , A. B. C larke and R. L. D isney .
Optimal statistical decisions , M orris H. de G root .
Statistische Auswertungsmethoden , L othar S achs .
Sensitivitiitsanalysen und parametrische Programmierung , W erner D inkelbach .
Thérie et méthodes statistiques , vol. 2, P ierre D agnelie , éditions J. Duculot, S. A. - Gembloux.
Introduction to Economic Statistics , W illiam C. M errill . & K arl A. Fox.
Characteristic functions , E. L ukacs .
Future Game 相似文献
Introduction to statistical methods , D onald L. H arnett .
Basic Concepts of Probability and Statistics , J. L. H odges Jr. and E. U. L ehmann , Holden Day.
Nonlinear programming , H. P. K unzi , W. K relle and W. O ettli .
Conditional Markov processes and their application to the theory of optimal control , R. L. S trato - novich .
Theorie et méthodes statistiques, vol. I , P ierre D agnelie , éditions J. Duculot, S. A. Gembloux.
Statistics for experimentalists , B. E. C ooper .
Systems of frequency curves , W. P. E lderton and N. L. J ohnson .
Stochastic Theory of a Risk Business , H ilary L. S eal .
Statistics in Physical Sciences
Probability and random processes for engineers and scientists , A. B. C larke and R. L. D isney .
Optimal statistical decisions , M orris H. de G root .
Statistische Auswertungsmethoden , L othar S achs .
Sensitivitiitsanalysen und parametrische Programmierung , W erner D inkelbach .
Thérie et méthodes statistiques , vol. 2, P ierre D agnelie , éditions J. Duculot, S. A. - Gembloux.
Introduction to Economic Statistics , W illiam C. M errill . & K arl A. Fox.
Characteristic functions , E. L ukacs .
Future Game 相似文献
《Statistica Neerlandica》1971,25(3):181-189
Book reviewed in this article:
Distributions in Statistics, N orman L. J ohnson en S amuel K otz .
Probability and Statistical Inference, R ichard G. K rutchkoff .
Methoden der Okonometrie, Band I, Lineare Regressionsmodelle, P eter S chönfeld , Franz Vahlen.
Verkehrsökonometrie, K. J. R ichter .
Stochastic Convergence, E. L ukacs , D. C. Heath & Cy., Lexington.
New Developments in Survey Sampling.
The Single Server Queue, J. W. C ohen .
Monopoly with Random Demand, A. L. H empenius .
On regular variation and its application to the weak convergence of sample extremes by L. de H aan .
Angewandte Statistik, Erster Teil, Eindimensionale Probleme, K urt S tance .
Order Statistics, H. A. D avid .
Rank Order Probabilities (Two-Sample Normal Shift Alternatives), R oy C. M ilton .
Statistical models and their experimental application, P. O ttestad .
Statistische Methoden, Eln Soforthelfer, L othar S achs . 相似文献
Distributions in Statistics, N orman L. J ohnson en S amuel K otz .
Probability and Statistical Inference, R ichard G. K rutchkoff .
Methoden der Okonometrie, Band I, Lineare Regressionsmodelle, P eter S chönfeld , Franz Vahlen.
Verkehrsökonometrie, K. J. R ichter .
Stochastic Convergence, E. L ukacs , D. C. Heath & Cy., Lexington.
New Developments in Survey Sampling.
The Single Server Queue, J. W. C ohen .
Monopoly with Random Demand, A. L. H empenius .
On regular variation and its application to the weak convergence of sample extremes by L. de H aan .
Angewandte Statistik, Erster Teil, Eindimensionale Probleme, K urt S tance .
Order Statistics, H. A. D avid .
Rank Order Probabilities (Two-Sample Normal Shift Alternatives), R oy C. M ilton .
Statistical models and their experimental application, P. O ttestad .
Statistische Methoden, Eln Soforthelfer, L othar S achs . 相似文献
《Statistica Neerlandica》1971,25(4):227-231
Book reviewed in this article:
Introductory Mathematical Statistics Principles and Methods, E rwin K reyszig .
Choice against Chance: An introduction to statistical decision theory, J ohn A itchison .
Calcul des probabilités et introduction aux processus aléatoires, A. T ortrat .
Selected Quantitative Techniques and Attitude Measurement, F. M osteller , R. R. B ush & B. F. G reen .
Models in regression and related topics, P. S prent .
Zes intresttafels, J. J. M. M ichels en A. J. van R eeken .
Production and income relations in the Netherlands, J. H. F. S childerinck and H. J. N. S inner .
Experimental design; selected papers of F rank Y ates .
Nonparametric techniques in statistical inference, Proceedings of the first international symposium on nonparametric techniques held at Indiana University, June 1969; edited by M. L. P uri .
Distributions in Statistics, Vol. I: Discrete Distributions, Vol. II en III: Continuous univariate distributions 1 en 2. N orman L. J ohnson en S amuel K otz . 相似文献
Introductory Mathematical Statistics Principles and Methods, E rwin K reyszig .
Choice against Chance: An introduction to statistical decision theory, J ohn A itchison .
Calcul des probabilités et introduction aux processus aléatoires, A. T ortrat .
Selected Quantitative Techniques and Attitude Measurement, F. M osteller , R. R. B ush & B. F. G reen .
Models in regression and related topics, P. S prent .
Zes intresttafels, J. J. M. M ichels en A. J. van R eeken .
Production and income relations in the Netherlands, J. H. F. S childerinck and H. J. N. S inner .
Experimental design; selected papers of F rank Y ates .
Nonparametric techniques in statistical inference, Proceedings of the first international symposium on nonparametric techniques held at Indiana University, June 1969; edited by M. L. P uri .
Distributions in Statistics, Vol. I: Discrete Distributions, Vol. II en III: Continuous univariate distributions 1 en 2. N orman L. J ohnson en S amuel K otz . 相似文献
《Statistica Neerlandica》1975,29(2):77-79
Book reviewed in this article:
Computer - Oriented Approaches to Pattern Recognition, W illiam S. M eisel
Introduction to Statistical Pattern Recognition, K einosuki F ukunaga 相似文献
Computer - Oriented Approaches to Pattern Recognition, W illiam S. M eisel
Introduction to Statistical Pattern Recognition, K einosuki F ukunaga 相似文献
《Statistica Neerlandica》1973,27(2):91-93
Book reviewed in this article:
Statistische Grundausbildung für Wirtschaftswissenschftler, W olfgang W etzel
Modelkeuze via voorspellingsintervallen. Academisch proefschrift van A. M. Q. M. M erkies
How to tind out about statistics, G. A. B urrington
Biometrikn Tables for Statisticians, E. S. P earson and H. O. H artley
Posterior probabilities of alternative linear models, F. B. L empers
Statistiek, te pes en te onpas, J. H emelruk
Econometrics, R onald J. W onnacott and T homas H. W onnacott 相似文献
Statistische Grundausbildung für Wirtschaftswissenschftler, W olfgang W etzel
Modelkeuze via voorspellingsintervallen. Academisch proefschrift van A. M. Q. M. M erkies
How to tind out about statistics, G. A. B urrington
Biometrikn Tables for Statisticians, E. S. P earson and H. O. H artley
Posterior probabilities of alternative linear models, F. B. L empers
Statistiek, te pes en te onpas, J. H emelruk
Econometrics, R onald J. W onnacott and T homas H. W onnacott 相似文献
《Statistica Neerlandica》1972,26(2):87-96
Book reviewed in this article: Probability and Statistics, Models for Research, D. E. Bailey ; John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York - Londen, 1971, 686 blz. Kansrekening, E. A. W. Bolle , F. Göbel , J. M. H. Lenoir ; Kluwer-Deventer, 1971, 111 blz. Receuil de problèmes de Calcul des Probabílitès, D. Dacunha -Castelle , D. Revuz et M. Schreiber , préface de A. Tortrat , 2me éd. revue et augmentée, Masson et Cie, Paris, 1970, xii + 234 p. The coordinate free approach to Gauss-Markov estimation, H. Drygas . (Lecture notes in Operations Research and Mathematical Systems, Economics, Computer Science, Information and Control, vol. 40). Springer Verlag, Berlin-Heidelberg-New York, 1970, vii + 113 p., prijs DM 12,-. Beschrijvende Statistiek, E. A. W. Bolle , F. Gobel , J. M. H. Lenoir , Kluwer, Deventer, 1971. 164 blz. Beschrijvende Statistiek voor gedragswetenscbappen, w. H. van den Ende , Agon Elsevier, Amsterdam-Brussel, 1971, XVI + 343 blz. Applied Statistics in Decision Making, George K. Chacko , American Elsevier, New-York-London-Amsterdam, 1971, 491 pag. Introduction to Modern Factor Analysis, Wilson H. Guertin and John P. Bailey Jr ., Edwards Brothers Inc., Ann Arbor (Mich.) 1970, 472 pag., 14. Mathematical Model Building in Economics and Industry, Second Series, Editor M. G. Kendall Charles Griffin and Company Ltd., London 1970, 277 blz. Measuring uncertainty, an elementary introduction to Bayesian statistics. S. A. Schmitt : Addison-Wesley Series in behavioral science: quatitative methods, 1969, 400 p., prijs f 61,-. Practical nonparametric statistics, W. J. Conover ; John Wiley & Sons, Inc. New Tork - London, 1971, 462 blz. The Teaching of Probability and Statistics, onder redactie van L. Råde . Wiley Interscience Division, John Wiley and Sons, Inc. New York-London-Sydney, 1970. 373 blz. Marking decisions, D. Lindley , Wiley - Interscience, London etc. 1971, 195 blz. Odhady parametru v linearnich ekonomickych modelech, door Jan Hurt . Uitg. Ceskoslovenska Akademie ved Ekonomicko-matematicka Laborator pri ekoniomcken ustavu. Nonparametric Methods in Multivariate Analysis. M. L. Puri and P. K. Sen , John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York - London, 1971. 440 p. Angewandte Statistik, Zweiter Teil, Mehrdimensionale Probleme, Kurt Stange , 1971, Springerverlag, Berlijn-Heidelberg, II + 505 pagina's. Statistische analyse methoden (voortgezette statistiek en waarschijnlijkheidsrekening voor bedrijfsleven en hoger beroepsonderwijs), H. P. Anderson , Universitaire Pers Rotterdam 1971, XII + 187 blz., Fl. 33.50. 相似文献
《Statistica Neerlandica》1974,28(4):225-227
Book reviewed in this article:
Probleme und Resultate der Whenschaftstheorie und Analytischen Philosophie, W. S tegmüller , Bd. IV; Personelle und statistische Wahrscheinlichkeit. 1. Halbband: Personelle Wahrscheinlich-keit und rationale Entscheidung, DM 89,—, 2. Halbband: Statistisches Schliessen, statistische Begründung, statistische Analyse. DM 68,—. Springer Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 1973. 相似文献
Probleme und Resultate der Whenschaftstheorie und Analytischen Philosophie, W. S tegmüller , Bd. IV; Personelle und statistische Wahrscheinlichkeit. 1. Halbband: Personelle Wahrscheinlich-keit und rationale Entscheidung, DM 89,—, 2. Halbband: Statistisches Schliessen, statistische Begründung, statistische Analyse. DM 68,—. Springer Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 1973. 相似文献