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张娟 《国际市场》2006,(2):34-37
上海外贸界有许多成功人士。读他们的故事,如读他们的人生。太阳,升起又落下,他们的创业历经坎坷,牵系着我的追综视线。我的采访本上落满了他们的人生轨迹。面对风云多变的国际市场,他们是如何创业的?现在,我将目光锁定在其中的几个:周琼、王强、谢琨、黄泰山。  相似文献   

秦代友 《商界》2007,(6):I0023-I0023
黑龙江 刘女士 我和某公司签订了服饰专卖店加盟合同.事隔一年后,由于经营不佳,我决定退出加盟,可是他们欠了我近3000元的货款拒绝退回,请问我该怎么办?  相似文献   

<正>我拥有四次创业经历,积累了十年的投资经验,并且亲身经历了四个创业周期。基于这些经历,我认为当前已经迈入了一个崭新的创业周期。在过去的二十年里,我一直深耕于创业与投资领域,从未离开。我曾与万名创业者交流,洞察他们的激情与智慧,也基于自己对创业与投资的理解,著书两册,其中凝结了我对成功与失败的反思与经验。至今,我已成功投资了600余家公司,应该是国内最活跃的早期投资人之一。  相似文献   

案例:我从事广告业,有5年左右的行业经验。一个交往了几年的客户,看中了我的专业能力,希望我来经营他们集团公司下面的广告公司。该公司现状不佳,可以说我只是接手一块牌子,最重要的客户资源及公司专业人员需要我来从头建立。合作方式、条件都由我来提;公司建设与发展同样由我设计有人说,这是个  相似文献   

刘九强 《浙商》2013,(13):103-103
我的一大感受是,美国人职业化的素养、工作效率,包括对待工作的态度远远超过我们。我们会觉得他们双休、每天工作八小时是非常轻松的,但是他们的效率、态度很好,绝对看不到大家聚在一起闲聊,谈论工作以外的事情。因此他们工作时间短,拿工资高是有原因的j人家加班的原因是自己工作可能没有完成,根据自己的工作来定.  相似文献   

刘恒涛  李冰 《创业家》2010,(6):112-118
吴长江认为,创业初期要有老大,必须集权;但他的伙伴说,中学的时候,你是书记,我是班长,我们两个平起平坐,现在凭什么我要听你的?  相似文献   

<正>创业是一种修行我也是创业者过来的,我认为创业是一种不同于常人的修行方式。创业对人生的修炼是非常有价值的,经历了这个过程,人生的厚度、广度和高度都会不一样。我也尊敬把公司干倒闭的人,成功很困难,十个条件和因素都得到位,缺一不可。很多人都是把公司从小干到大,再干到伟大的。十多年前,马云做演讲,有人对他很不待见。我当时写了一篇博客,说不要认为马云吹牛逼,你也干一个阿里巴巴看  相似文献   

当我刚开始创办自己的电话通讯公司的时候,我就深知我必须找一些有经验的推销员来帮助我拓展业务。于是,我打出了招聘广告,希望藉此能招到合格的推销员。没过多久,就有许多人前来应聘。而我则开始对他们进行严格的面试。我理想中的推销员是那种具有一定从事电话通讯销售工作经验、熟悉本地市场、对各种类型的电话通讯系统都了如指掌并且具有职业风度和敬业精神的  相似文献   

什么是快乐的创业者?就是痴迷的、狂热的、不讲道理的、热爱他那行的创业者。我首先要找这样的疯子,我们认为江南春、李彦宏、周鸿袆都是这样的疯子,不给他钱他也要玩儿。  相似文献   

成功管理者需要具备的关键技能是什么?我一向不愿意谈有效管理者的关键技能是什么,因为列举起来会有很多,没完没了。我认为,有效管理更多的是与某种独特的性格(而非与技能)有关。我认为管理者需要眼观六路,耳听八方,同时又不是闻风而动。他们需要沉入到他们为之工作的组织的最底层,了解那里正在发生什么。我认为工作卓有成效的 CEO 是磊落的、深思熟虑的人。他们不会随大流,他们用自己的脑子想问题,如今这样的 CEO 越来越少了。他们的专长不是在管理中修修补补,而是了解到底  相似文献   

研究结果表明,我国货币增长与房价上涨之间存在着显著的互为因果关系,货币供给对上证综指存在着单向因果关系.因此,货币政策应对房市泡沫必须采取事前应对策略,而对股市泡沫可以采取事后应对策略.针对房价泡沫,货币政策应采取及时紧缩货币措施进行干预,甚至可以采用刺破泡沫的极端手段.  相似文献   

从第一次泡沫经济-荷兰的"郁金香泡沫"出现至今已有三百多年的历史了,这期间泡沫经济时有发生,其中,尤以日本泡沫经济最具代表性,造成的后果也最为惨重.文章通过分析日本泡沫经济的产生、破灭的过程,形成的原因和对经济社会的影响,对于防范、抑制、消除我国经济运行中的泡沫成分,具有极其重要的意义.  相似文献   

市场泡沫是现代经济的痼疾,中国经济发展过程中尤其要注意泡沫化倾向。为什么会存在市场泡沫?这个问题要到经典经济学家的著作中寻求解答:明斯基提出金融的内在不稳定性,加尔布雷斯追溯到人自身的乐观情绪和盲目跟从,马克思则提出价格会对价值不断偏离。可见,市场泡沫并非简单的偶然现象,而是植根于经济体制和人性本身。  相似文献   

日本泡沫经济与中国当前经济对比分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近几年中国经济的某些现象与日本当年的泡沫经济颇有几分相似之处,如货币升值、房地产价格持续攀升,这使得人们担心中国经济能否如日本经济泡沫破裂后陷入长期低迷。但是,当前的中国经济与日本泡沫经济有许多的不同点:经济发展水平不同、金融自由化的程度不同、政府的重视程度及宏观调控措施不同、经济泡沫化的程度不同和经济增长的潜力不同,这种种的不同可以确保中国经济能够长期稳定的增长。  相似文献   

The identification of periods of price exuberance in equity markets is of great interest to policy makers and financial investors. In this paper, we identify financial bubble periods within the major equity markets in Latin America. We use the recently developed recursive Augmented Dickey-Fuller methods and propose similar recursive procedures based on Phillips-Perron. We find that conditional on bubbles in the S&P 500, there are strong links between bubble episodes across equity markets in Latin America. In addition, the financial bubble periods in Latin America begin earlier and last longer than bubble periods in the United States during the 2008 financial crisis. Price bubbles were identified prior to the establishment of the Integrated Latin American Market (MILA).  相似文献   

<正>一条毛巾把以高性价比、规范化著称的中国经济酒店巨头们掀到了风口浪尖。加之2011年,国内三大经济型酒店净利润总和同比降低近10万元,急剧扩张的经济型酒店遭遇了"盛世危言"。  相似文献   

This paper aims to conduct a series of bubble diagnostic analysis over 35 representative Chinese cities. We apply the Log-Periodic-Power-Law-Singularity (LPPLS) model to detect whether there is any evidence of unsustainable, self-reinforcing speculative behaviours amongst the price series. We also investigate whether the prices had been significantly deviating from economic fundamentals by applying the E-G cointegration test. Overall, we found that 10 out of the 35 cities being examined had exhibited positive LPPLS signals. We propose that it is vital to conduct bubble diagnostic tests and implement relevant policies toward specific bubble characteristics.  相似文献   

The Editor, Jack Mahoney, has the tables turned on him by being interviewed on his appointment this month to the new Dixons Chair of Business Ethics and Social Responsibility at London Business School. Interviewing him is the businessman and well-known consultant, John Drummond, who is an Associate Editor and Managing Director of Integrity Works and Crime Prevention Consulting.  相似文献   

Recent evidence on the relationship between investor sentiment and subsequent monthly market returns in China shows that investor sentiment is a reliable momentum predictor since an increase (decrease) in investor sentiment leads to higher (lower) future returns. However, we suggest that momentum predictability of investor sentiment originates from the boom and bust period of 2006–2008 (the bubble period hereafter). The bubble period is characterized by several months of sustained optimism followed by several months of sustained pessimism, with the market consequently earning high (low) returns following high (low) sentiment months. Therefore, we find a strong positive association between investor sentiment and subsequent market returns during the bubble period. However, investor sentiment has a negligible impact on subsequent monthly market returns once we exclude the bubble period.  相似文献   

In reviewing what happened in the 1980s in Japan and how the bursting of the bubble created problems in the early 1990s, the following conclusions are obtained. (1) In order to limit damage to the economy from a bubble and its bursting, it is important to build a resilient financial system through strict supervision policy, so that asset‐price fluctuations would not weaken financial institutions. Supervision policy would include regulatory measures limiting lending concentration and exposure to real‐estate‐related sectors. (2) Monetary policy should pay attention to asset‐price movements. But it may be difficult and inappropriate to raise the interest rate sharply when inflation is low (below one per cent like in Japan), even though asset prices are increasing at 30–40 per cent. (3) The official discount rate could have been raised in the summer of 1988 in Japan, when the Federal Reserve and Bundesbank raised interest rates. This would have slowed down the rise of stock and land prices, but the bubble was already large by then. (4) The bubble in the second half of the 1980s was only partially responsible for the lost decade of the 1990s in Japan. A series of policy errors made a small problem of the burst bubble much bigger than necessary.  相似文献   

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