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以基础理论研究、应用研究、图书馆信息用户行为研究三个视角综述我国信息用户行为研究现状,并以多种视角分析未来信息用户研究的走向与发展趋势。  相似文献   

与传统的PC端互联网产品相比,移动互联网产品在其用户行为、使用情境、依赖硬件的特性等方面均有自己的特点。随时随地的便捷使用,让移动应用离用户更近。要打造良好的品牌效应,提高用户黏性,"体验设计"扮演了极其重要的角色。一方面,用户希望获得准确、高效和友好的移动体验;另一方面,移动设备自身的局限也为移动体验设计提出了许多新的挑战。本文研究移动用户体验设计的特点与潜在的体验设计创新点,帮助人们提出更适用于移动产品的用户体验设计流程体系和方法模型。  相似文献   

诺曼说,以用户为中心的设计是避免犯错误的一个根本途径。本文所论证的"以用户为中心"的设计原则,以及提出的相对应的用户研究、用户体验设计等方法,正是为了指导设计师做出更好的设计服务于用户,避免蹩脚的设计造成的人为失误,指导人们设计出高质量、以人为本的产品。这样的设计不仅使我们生活更加美好,还可以挽救更多无辜的生命。以用户为中心的设计原则越来越受到推崇,也受到了业界内外的关注,通过本文的观点对以用户为中心,用户研究,以及用户体验设计等一系列的概念做一个新的诠释。同时也促使大家关注了一个新的命题——如何成为一名合格的以用户为中心做设计的设计师。  相似文献   

2003年6月至7月,由央视一索福瑞媒介研究(CSM)和中国传媒大学广告学院“数字电视研究课题组”联合执行,在广州、深圳、苏州、无锡、新乡、大庆、肇庆7个城市,针对城市居民有线数字电视现有用户进行了一次入户问卷调查(共收回有效样本336个);并在同一时期对全国30个城市中的有线数字电视潜在用户进行了一次随机抽样入户调查(每个城市50个潜在用户样本,共收回有效样本1502个)。以下是从这两项调查的统计分析中摘出的一些有价值的用户市场发现。[编者按]  相似文献   

美国休勒特——派克德公司有着一套自己独特的营销策略,即从不首先研究开发新产品,而是等别的公司新产品露面后,立即派出员工,深入用户那里调查取证,虚心向用户探询新产品的优缺点、用户的建议,然后再依据用户的这些意见和建议,迅速开发出完全符合顾客要求的“新产品”。由于它在借鉴其他公司优点的同时克服了其中的缺点,  相似文献   

数字图书馆用户信用管理系统是全社会征信系统的重要组成部分,近些年,越来越多的数字图书馆通过使用信用管理系统来对用户信用进行分析整合管理,其服务效率和服务水平也有了很大的提升。通过研究国内外相关文献,利用观察法、调研法、个案研究法分析数字图书馆用户信用管理体系的内容,并引入全面质量管理理论来论述数字图书馆用户信用管理体系的构建。依据PDCA四阶段质量控制理念,数字图书馆可以通过借鉴国内外传统图书馆已经运行的积分制用户信用管理和共享用户信用管理系统的方式来构建用户信用管理体系。  相似文献   

任何一个产品从前期研究、总体设计直到具体设计和实施都要经历一个复杂的过程.用户研究中的可用性研究对于整个产品开发过程有着非常大的指导性作用.可以说,"以用户为中心"的设计从本质上来说就是以"可用性"为标准来对产品的开发进行指导和评估.用户研究是想更好地去理解您的用户,对于企业来说,真正想了解的内容都是什么呢?答案将会决定应该使用哪种研究方法,因为特定的方法是为发现特定类型的信息量身定做的.  相似文献   

TNS 《市场研究》2005,(11):64-64
(英国,伦敦)根据全球领先的市场研究集团TNS最新一项研究表明.2/3的移动电话用户和PDA用户认为能支持移动设备频繁使用的高容电池是未来移动设备理想的装置。  相似文献   

用户满意理念及用户满意度指数在中国的应用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
在阐述用户满意度的基本理念基础上,介绍国内用户满意工程的开展,用户满意度理论及测评;进而,介绍国外开展用户满意度指数的现状和美国用户满意度指数(ACSI)的基本理论;最后,提出构建中国用户满意度指数(CCSI)应考虑的问题和基本思路。  相似文献   

移动设备越来越多的出现在人们的生活当中,同时越来越多的应用程序都已开发了手机或平板电脑版本。现阶段已有很多关于移动设备上的用户体验设计的相关研究,但大部分的研究都是在常规条件下进行的,对于在工作情境下人们如何更好的使用移动设备的研究,目前还很少。本文首先对于目前可以提高工作效率的技术支持程度做了相应综述,而后又总结了目前关于移动设备界面设计方面,从操作习惯、色彩、认知、风格、用户分析、样式、目标导向、符号学等角度所做过的研究,并对在工作情境下的用户使用移动设备的需求做以假设,而后提供相应的解决方法建议,目的在于使移动设备能够更灵活、更好的服务于用户。  相似文献   

参照若干国家统计部门与国际组织采用的统计质量概念体系与评估标准,确立了政府统计数据质量用户满意度测评的四级指标体系。通过实施用户满意度调查,综合运用层次分析法和模糊综合评价方法,有效揭示了当前阶段社会公众对政府统计部门所提供统计数据信息的质量感知和满意状况。不论是就各项质量维度、还是就总体统计数据质量而言,政府统计数据质量的用户满意程度都属于一般水平。而统计生产的制度规范性、统计数据可得性与准确性则是当前政府统计数据质量改进过程中应予重点关注的方面。  相似文献   

As service user involvement in health and social care research has become more firmly embedded in health policies, both in the UK and internationally, there is increasing interest in evaluating its potential benefits and outcomes. Impact studies have highlighted a range of different types of service user involvement, using diverse research methods, within various research topics and involving different stakeholders. Potential benefits to research, researchers and the service users actively involved in research have been identified, along with the possibility of some negative consequences. Many impact studies have been criticized for being based on informal retrospective accounts of researchers and service users working together. Few have been underpinned by conceptual models, and there is a paucity of detailed accounts of the process of involvement that would enable replication. This paper reports an account of a prospective, qualitative exploration of service user involvement within a study, where the aims of the evaluation were agreed beforehand. Reflective discussions about the process and progress of service user involvement at different stages of the study were recorded, transcribed and analysed. The qualitative analysis identified perceived benefits to research, researchers and service user researchers that endorsed previous findings. The analysis also highlighted subjective and interpersonal aspects of service user involvement that have seldom been reported. This evaluation demonstrates the benefits of allowing time for structured reflection and adds to the understanding of the process and meaning of service user involvement in research.  相似文献   

The present study provides and tests a conceptual framework aimed at comparing the relative effectiveness of celebrity–user, brand–celebrity, and user–brand personality congruence on brand attitude and brand purchase intention (BPI) thereafter. The data collection was done via an online survey of a representative group of consumers (n = 431) located across India. Hypotheses were tested using regression analysis with mediation approach. The results indicate that while user–brand and brand–celebrity personality congruence have a significant impact on brand attitude and purchase intention, celebrity–user congruence does not. Further, brand attitude is found to be a partial mediator on the relationship between the pair-wise personality congruence on BPI. The findings have major implications for marketers in understanding the significance of personality congruence among celebrity–brand–user in the formation of brand attitude and purchase intention that can be used in positioning and in increasing the advertising effectiveness of brands using celebrity endorsement. The present study is a pioneer in contributing to the celebrity endorsement literature by investigating the relative impact of three pairs of personality congruence: celebrity–brand, brand–user, and celebrity–user, on brand attitude and BPI, thereby supporting the applicability of McCracken's Meaning Transfer Model [McCracken (1989), The Journal of Consumer Research, 16 (3) 310–321) and the Hierarchy-of-effects model (Lavidge and Steiner (1961), Journal of Marketing, 25 (6) 59–62].  相似文献   

There is an assumption, explicit in the current government policy, that involvement of mental health service users and carers in the planning, design and commissioning of mental health services will lead to better outcomes. The aim of this study was to examine evidence from board‐level participation of service users and carers that might support this assumption. A thematic analysis of documents generated by a strategic Lancashire Mental Health and Social Care Partnership during 2007 was undertaken. Themes for the analysis were generated from priorities identified from a postal survey of mental health services users from across Lancashire. The findings indicate that whilst service user and carer involvement is a high priority, the Lancashire Partnership spent most of its time discussing process and actions. Where service user involvement resulted in better outcomes, these improved outcomes were limited to the individual service users involved, rather than better outcomes for all service users. Whilst the membership of mental health service users and carers on the Lancashire Partnership Board presents a visible commitment from senior officers and may confer greater legitimacy to the decisions made by the Lancashire Partnership, service users and carers do not appear to play the desired instrumental role. Rather, their presence may be largely symbolic. This sends out the message across the health and social care system that partnership with service users and carers and their empowerment is important and has the potential to evolve further.  相似文献   

为了从用户地理空间分布数据中挖掘用户间关联关系,提出了一种基于谱聚类的关联关系挖掘算法。首先定义了关联度,用以衡量用户之间空间分布的相似性,基于关联度构造相似矩阵,再利用谱聚类方法对用户进行聚类分析,聚类结果表征了用户的关联关系。采用Silhouette指标和聚类准确率来衡量用户关系挖掘质量,同时与传统的K-Means方法进行了比较,通过真实数据集实验,结果表明该算法在实验数据集上能达到90%以上的聚类准确率,证明方法有效、可行。  相似文献   

基于粘着信息的存在,产品开发过程中理解用户需求是困扰开发方的难题,“用户工具箱”的出现给开发方带来了转机。研究产品开发中产生的信息沟通问题,从而引发对用户创新的思考。伴随着“用户工具箱”带来的一系列优势,企业也面临新的问题,企业必须考虑如何相应改变企业流程,并采取一些措施使之在一定程度上适应现代市场的激烈竞争。  相似文献   

This paper explores public partnerships and governance from a service user perspective, drawing both on the author's own involvement in service user organizations and movements and on material associated with and produced by these organizations and movements. It addresses the ambivalent relationship between service user organizations and movements and the idea and practice of ‘partnerships’, and explores their preference for ideas of ‘alliance’. It charts the different approaches to and ideologies underpinning user involvement and their implications for partnership between state and service users and their organizations. It offers a set of components for improving such partnerships as well as highlighting the growing interest of service users' organizations and movements in developing and extending alliances.  相似文献   

Third-party logistics (3PL) user–provider integration is attracting increasing attention from both academics and practitioners. However, it remains unclear how best to adopt governance mechanisms to safeguard 3PL user–provider integration (e.g., information sharing and process coordination). Based on transaction cost economics and social exchange theory, this study examined the individual and joint effects of contractual (e.g., detailed contracts and contract application) and relational governance (e.g., trust and relational norms) on 3PL user–provider integration for operational performance. We conducted a survey involving 247 3PL service users and analyzed the conceptual model using the method of structural equation modeling. The results showed that process coordination improved operational performance, while information sharing alone did not significantly improve operational performance but complemented the role of process coordination in improving operational performance. In addition, having detailed contracts was positively related to process coordination, while contract application was positively related to information sharing. Trust was not significantly related to information sharing or process coordination, while relational norms were positively related to both. Finally, three joint effects on 3PL user–provider integration were found. Two of them were substitutional (detailed contracts and relational norms; contract application and trust), and one was complementary (detailed contracts and trust). This study makes several theoretical contributions and provides novel guidelines for 3PL relationship development.  相似文献   

文章通过宏图智能物流的案例分析,揭示产业互联网平台价值共创的机理。研究发现,产业互联网平台价值共创过程包括平台启动、平台成长和平台拓展三个阶段。产业互联网平台价值共创机理主要体现为平台企业基于瓶颈问题甄别,实施分阶段差异化的平台架构设计,推进平台与产业环节上多边用户的价值共创。在平台启动阶段体现为平台架构归核,通过平台架构精炼和用户关系连接解决用户体验梗阻问题;在平台成长阶段体现为平台架构扩核,通过平台垂直整合和用户关系嵌入解决平台优势弱化问题;在平台拓展阶段体现为平台架构嵌套,通过平台水平包络和用户关系锁定突破平台拓展困境。与消费互联网平台强调用户规模的快速增长不同,产业互联网平台更强调用户深度参与共创实现效率提升。  相似文献   


The paper deals with the problem of discovering groups of Web users with similar behavioral patterns on an e-commerce site. We introduce a novel approach to the unsupervised classification of user sessions, based on session attributes related to the user click-stream behavior, to gain insight into characteristics of various user profiles. The approach uses the agglomerative Information Bottleneck (IB) algorithm. Based on log data for a real online store, efficiency of the approach in terms of its ability to differentiate between buying and non-buying sessions was validated, indicating some possible practical applications of the our method. Experiments performed for a number of session samples showed that the method is capable of separating both types of sessions to a large extent. A detailed analysis was performed for the number of clusters ranging from two to seven, and the results were compared to those achieved by applying the most common clustering algorithm, k-means. Increasing the number of clusters generally leads to better results for both algorithms. However, IB demonstrated much higher average efficiency than k-means for the corresponding number of clusters, and this superiority was especially clear for lower number of clusters. The IB-based division of user sessions into seven clusters gives the mean entropy value of 0.28, which means the 95% separation of sessions of both types. Furthermore, a big advantage of our approach is that it gives a possibility to analyze the probability distribution of session attributes in individual clusters, which allows one to discover hidden knowledge about common characteristics of various user profiles and use this knowledge to support managerial decisions.  相似文献   

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