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随着金融业务全面开放的时间不断迫近,这几年来,各家银行纷纷加大对金融环境的建设,不断提升服务功能,“金融超市”在我国也迅速发展起来。  相似文献   

金融超市作为一种金融创新,其实并不是国内商业银行最先发明的,国外早已有之。但是,由于国情和金融体制的不同,国内商业银行在创办金融超市的时候,只能部分借鉴国外金融超市的一些理念和做法,大部分工作都要靠自己摸索和创新。中国农业银行经过多年的艰苦努力,在国内同业中率先  相似文献   

一提起购物,老百姓就会想到去百货超市,过去“超市”给人们的概念只限于购物。如今不同了,百姓理财也愿意去金融超市了,因为金融超市能给他们带来更多的金融产品和所需要的理财选择,帮助人们增长财富,丰富生活,实现人生宿愿和美好理想。所谓金融超市就是引入“以人为  相似文献   

储蓄存款利率大幅度下降后 ,居民闲置结余资金正寻找新的出路 ,城市商业银行应抓住契机 ,引导其投向新的途径。为此 ,对城市商业银行如何开拓“个人金融超市”进行探索。一、城市商业银行开办个人金融超市是必然趋势(一)银行提供个人金融服务是广大居民的需求。1996年5月1日以来 ,中国人民银行连续7次降低储蓄存款利率 ,国务院最近又决定自1999年11月1日起开征存款利息所得税 ,现行储蓄存款年利率扣除20 %所得税后 ,6个月为1 728 % ,一年为1 8 % ,三年为2 16 % ,五年为2 304 %。储蓄存款利息收入如此微薄 ,…  相似文献   

金融超市作为农业银行个人信贷业务的重要平台,经过近三年的运作,目前已经成为农业银行业务发展的一大亮点和经营利润的重要来源。在金融超市业务规模快速扩张的同时,其管理中存在的一系列问题应该引起我们的高度重视。  相似文献   

随着农行业务的不断发展和金融产品的不断创新,金融超市的服务功能和业务优势已初步显现,尤其是汽车消费贷款、个人生产经营贷款、个人住房等个人消费类贷款的相继开办,为便捷客户、适应客户、吸引客户,发挥了积极的作用,也不同程度地满足了客户的金融多元需求。金融超市不仅为农行打开了一扇面向市场的窗口,而且为也客户搭建了个人信贷业务平台,笔结合某市农行金融超市经营实际,对其业务开展情况作粗浅透析,并与大家商榷。  相似文献   

随着银行综合改革的逐步深入,各项专项改革之间协调的难度越来越大,银行迫切需要一条主线来整合相关改革。许多银行试图借助于内设部门精细化管理整合相关改革,但由于国内商业银行机构层次较多,不同层级、不同地域之间的内设部门差异较大,部门精细化管理中的纵向汇总问题无法解决,部门预算与评价以及在此基础上的个人绩效管理探索屡屡无功而返。  相似文献   

商业银行开展金融创新,应当结合我国金融市场的实际需求,在建立面向市场和客户服务的创新机制.健全新产品开发的组织体制的基础上,加强以信息网络技术为载体的金融产品和服务创新,力争实现经营管理信息化.经营运作网络化,业务品种多样化和服务渠道电子化.全面提升经营管理水平和综合竞争能力。  相似文献   

Pricing financial services innovations   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The number of innovative financial solutions introduced to markets has grown considerably in the past decade owing to emerging digital technologies, deregulation and market fragmentation. Examples are abundant in the worldwide markets for insurance, credit products and transaction processing services. A question of growing interest is how firms should price these innovations. The optimal introductory pricing of financial innovations may vary as a function of factors such as price sensitivity of the market and competitors’ ability to introduce competing financial solutions. In this article, we examine the role of these factors in the optimal pricing of a financial innovation. Using an agent-based simulation framework, introductory pricing strategies that maximize profitability under various market conditions are identified. Results indicate that lower levels of market price sensitivity and longer time horizons for competitive entry create pricing opportunities for financial innovators. However, the relationship becomes more complex as market price sensitivity increases or competitive market entry becomes more immediate. Detailed recommendations for optimal pricing of financial innovations under various market conditions are provided, and the article concludes with strategic recommendations for pricing innovative financial services.  相似文献   

The origins of financial innovations have attracted little empirical scrutiny. Using Wall Street Journal articles as an indicator, this paper examines which institutions were the key financial innovators between 1990 and 2002. The evidence suggests that smaller firms account for a disproportionate share of the innovations. Less profitable firms innovate more, though in the years subsequent to the introduction of the innovation, the profitability of the innovators increases significantly. Finally, older, less leveraged firms located in regions with more financial innovations innovate more. While several of the determinants of patenting are similar, small and unprofitable firms do not patent disproportionately.  相似文献   

Boom and bust patterns in the adoption of financial innovations   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
We develop a dynamic model of the adoption of financial innovations.Each period, firms decide whether or not to adopt an innovationof uncertain value, and the profitability of each period's adoptionsreveals information about the innovations's value. We show thatcharacteristics of financial innovation waves cited by criticsas evidence of irrational excess are, in fact, consistent withfully rational behavior. We also show that social welfare isenhanced when more firms adopt innovations of questionable valueand that financial intermediaries have an incentive to encouragesuch adoption.  相似文献   

The forces of deregulation and technological development have created a highly competitive environment in financial services. Despite the quest for business-to-business service efficiency, most financial services companies know that they must not lose sight of the importance of relationship quality. As a result, there is growing interest in key account management (KAM) in these companies. Research on KAM in general is limited and little has been undertaken in financial services. There are several reasons why KAM practice in financial services may be distinctive: the regulatory environment; the sector's size and diversity; the high degree of intermediation; product diversity and complexity; uncertainty of product performance; the problem of measuring profitability; the challenges of interactive marketing using both traditional face-to-face and complementary direct marketing techniques; and the role of technology in delivery. A research agenda for KAM in financial services is proposed. It is argued that more knowledge in this area would be of benefit to customer relationship management (CRM) research and to practising managers implementing KAM.  相似文献   

There have been numerous studies of the transformation of the public sector. This paper has a different focus: the dissemination and adoption of management accounting practices within the new public sector. The aim of the paper is explore the manner and means of diffusion, the obstacles to adoption and to establish a research agenda. The paper discusses findings of a survey on diffusion sent to public sector financial managers. The results of the survey indicate, inter alia, that adoption of accounting innovations by public sector organisations is largely affected by government influence. This study has interesting findings, but also points to the need for a new research agenda on the diffusion of management accounting practices in the public sector.  相似文献   

近年来江苏省外汇指定银行涉外金融产品创新步伐加快,业务量快速发展。文章分析了金融产品创新的影响因素,系统介绍了这些金融创新产品的类别、模式与功能,总结了金融产品创新的特点,并分析其对跨境资金流动的影响。文章指出,这些产品创新主要是出于为企业套利和规避政策监管等目的,这些创新产品的大幅增长,造成大量套利资金频繁跨境进出、放大市场价格变化对跨境收支和结售汇的影响等负面影响。为此,建议在鼓励银行金融创新的同时,应加大统计监测和产品创新规范力度。  相似文献   

近日,在“2009年度中国金融科技发展论坛”上,英特尔(中国)有限公司的至强5500处理器获得“十大金融科技企业用户信赖产品”。英特尔中国行业合作与解决方案部高端企业客户中国大区经理茅利宁结合论坛主题指出,开展IT治理是金融市场不断发展的必然产物.  相似文献   

Experimental research in financial accounting   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
This paper uses recent experimental studies of financial accounting to illustrate our view of how such experiments can be conducted successfully. Rather than provide an exhaustive review of the literature, we focus on how particular examples illustrate successful use of experiments to determine how, when and (ultimately) why important features of financial accounting settings influence behavior. We first describe how changes in views of market efficiency, reliance on the experimentalist’s comparative advantage, new theories, and a focus on key institutional features have allowed researchers to overcome the criticisms of earlier financial accounting experiments. We then describe how specific streams of experimental financial accounting research have addressed questions about financial communication between managers, auditors, information intermediaries, and investors, and indicate how future research can extend those streams. We focus particularly on (1) how managers and auditors report information; (2) how users of financial information interpret those reports; (3) how individual decisions affect market behavior; and (4) how strategic interactions between information reporters and users can affect market outcomes. Our examples include and integrate experiments that fall into both the “behavioral” and “experimental economics” literatures in accounting. Finally, we discuss how experiments can be designed to be both effective and efficient.  相似文献   

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