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农村社区是以由农业人口组成的若干自然村所组成的一级行政单位。完善农村社会村民自治,应继续推进依法自治,进一步完善村委会选举制度;建立健全以村民会议为主要载体的民主决策制度;理顺村干部管理体制,建立健全村干部激励保障机制;以农村文化教育的发展,推动村民自治;以农村法制化建设,推动村民自治。  相似文献   

要搞好村民自治,首先要明确其主体,在此基础上弄清规范的方向.目前村民自治所出现的一些矛盾和难题都是主体不明确,机制不规范的结果.村民自治的主体就是村民群众.村民群众依法办理自己的事情,发展农村基层民主.要把优化村民自治搞好,就要做到:选举创新,由民作主;明确村委会的主要职责,抓发展大计;公正、合理实行职务津贴;切实解决好村党支部和村委会的关系,既要体现党的领导,又要发挥村委会的实际作用.  相似文献   

夏激波 《魅力中国》2013,(22):260-261
随着村民自治活动在中国广大农村的开展,村民在自治过程中的民主选举越来越受到人们的关注和重视。但是在自治实践中,关于选举中存在的问题越来越突出.各种选举缺陷严重影响着基础农村自治的质量。本文以湘潭县青山桥镇起东村为例,从基层农村的选举着手,探讨在自治背景下农村选举存在变出的问题,井提出相关的解决对策。  相似文献   

马娟 《魅力中国》2011,(17):80-80
我国是一个农村人口占大多数的国家,农村的稳定在很大程度上决定了中国的稳定。建设社会主义新农村是中国现代化进程中的一项重大的历史任务,合理有效的村庄治理是我国农村社会和谐稳定发展的前提。1987年《中华人民共和国村民委员会组织法(试行)》中确立了农村基层实行村民自治原则,村民自治逐步在全国范围内推广。经过20多年的探索实践,我国农村村委会选举积累了大量的实践经验,并逐步从不规范走向了规范化。然而,就在农村民主持续发展的时候,村委会选举中出现了一些影响和破坏正常民主选举的现象,贿选就是其中最重要的一种现象,并且有愈演愈烈之势,严重的影响了我国的基层民主建设。因此。为了切实的推进我国的基层民主建设,推进村民自治制度的完善,本文对我国农村村委会选举中贿选现象进行了概述,分析了村委会选举中贿选现象的表现及其成因,并进一步提出了遏制村委会选举中贿选现象的对策。  相似文献   

村民自治,核心是自治,关键在选举。所谓民主选举,就是按照《中华人民共和国宪法》、《村民委员会组织法》和各地的《村民委员会组织法实施办法》、《村民委员会选举办法》等法律法规,由村民直接选举或罢免村委会干部。1、深刻领会我国村民民主选举的一个标准。我国农...  相似文献   

“村民自治”制度是国家实现农村基层政治民主化的主要途径。现行“村民自治”制度的问题集中于它的组织制度和选举制度上。作者认为完善的组织制度是实现“村民自治”的根本保证,完善的选举制度是其组织制度实现“村民自治”本质要求所必须的前提。它们的制度化,对于我国农村真正实现基层民主具有不可低估的意义。  相似文献   

本文分析了村民自治中存在的问题,即选举不够规范、民主制度流于形式、村干部出现寻租现象等等;产生问题的根源,村委会与镇政府关系错位;村两委关系不协调,产生权利冲突;忽视人民的诉求.因此,要进一步加强基层民主建设,完善村级治理,就必须加强制度化建设;加强对村级自治组织的监督;加强干部群众民主意识的培养,提高群众自我治理的能力.  相似文献   

现阶段,我国大部分农村都建立了村民委员会这一自治组织,以此来实现农村基层民主。文章从我国农村选举的现状着手,运用F.Tonnies的共同体的思想来对我国农村选举过程中村民们选举的动机及民主选举的制约因素进行了分析,从一个新的理论视角探讨了我国农村基层民主选举存在的问题,并从经济、政策、法律、文化等方面对农村选举的完善提出了建议。  相似文献   

仝志辉是是我国研究村民自治方面的专家。他提出的我国村民自治处于后选举时代的观点,曾引起广泛的关注。  相似文献   

村民自治为温州农村的经济发展和新农村建设开辟了新的天地。温州农村村官的罢免与选举的轮回,展现了中国农民民主素质的提高。问题是村民们对村民自治和民主选举意义的认识还不到位,操作技术还不够熟练。实际上民主是一种习惯,是一种内在的生活方式。  相似文献   

This paper explores the relationship between House committee membership and campaign contributions from financial services industry political action committees (PACs) over the 1998–2002 election periods. Three significant pieces of banking legislation were passed during this time. Because members of the financial services industry were affected greatly by this legislation, it seems logical that PACs might attempt to influence the legislative process through the distribution of campaign contributions. We examine the relationship between PAC contributions to individual legislators for the 1998–2002 election cycle and membership on the House banking committee using a sample selection model. We find committee membership matters and the different financial services industry PACs give disproportionately more to representatives with the power to write legislation favorable to the industry. An earlier version of this paper was presented at the October 2007 International Atlantic Economic Conference.  相似文献   

Economic reforms in relation to industry have passed through three phases, centred on (i) expanded autonomy for experimental enterprises in 1978–1980, (ii) ‘economic responsibility systems’ in 1981–1982, and (iii) ‘consolidation’ particularly of large enterprises from 1982. While limited in scope, the reforms to date have had a significant impact on management practices. In addition there have been moves towards greater industrial democracy, involving the election of managers and workers' congresses. In practice, however, the degree of democracy is limited and varies widely between plants and regions. Another aspect of change has been a greater emphasis on the smaller urban collective enterprises. Overall reform policies face substantial inertia, a half-way house which may lead to worse long-term economic problems than either more rigid planning or further reform.  相似文献   

付蓉 《特区经济》2014,(3):117-118
动产物权适用物之所在地法是古老的法律适用规则,但在当今世界立法主流思想的影响下,以保护私权为基础目的的当事人意思自治原则在法律适用法中的适用日益扩张。本文就我国颁布的《中华人民共和国涉外民事法律适用法》中有关赋予当事人自主选择法律适用动产物权的合理性进行分析。  相似文献   

计红 《特区经济》2012,(1):245-247
公司司法解散制度是为救济处于公司僵局的股东、弥补公司自治的不足。我国《公司法》关于公司司法解散制度的规定,由于制度简陋,影响了其功能的正常发挥。我国立法需要进一步完善公司司法解散的替代措施、规定公司司法解散诉讼的审理和判决原则、建立防止股东滥用公司司法解散请求权的机制。  相似文献   

马杰 《理论观察》2009,(3):40-42
公共事业组织的伦理建设,不能仅仅依靠道德自律或道德教化来影响公共事业组织成员的行为选择。日益严重的公共事业组织伦理失范现象表明,传统道德自律或道德教化对公共事业组织成员缺乏控制力。公共事业组织伦理的提升与重建必须通过制度化建设来实现。制度化是公共事业组织伦理建设的重要价值取向。公共事业组织伦理的制度化,应着重从树立正确理念、合理划分层次、构建立法体系、强化监督机制这四层路径来推进。  相似文献   

周琳 《特区经济》2012,(6):237-239
现代国际私法的实践表明,意思自治原则已在法律适用的众多领域得到广泛的采纳,从经济学成本收益理论和交易理论分析,它不仅具有深厚的经济学基础还存在相当的合理性。但国际私法中的意思自治并不是彻底的自治,它依然要受各国国际私法的规范和调整,"限制"不等于"抑制",它依然是为了更好地保护当事人的权益。  相似文献   

One of the most persistent areas of discussion regarding South Korea's party and election systems is the continued elevation of regional personalities over political institutions. We seek to pour new wine into old bottles, however, by challenging a seldom‐considered assumption in Korean studies; that regionalism has exerted constant pressures across regime, province, and personality. There is a void in studying how transition to democracy has affected the dominance of personality‐based regionalism in Korean politics. We investigate democratization's impact on this phenomenon by examining the provincial distribution of legislative and presidential voting from 1971–2002. We employ a new indicator for personality‐based disproportionality, apply it to election outcomes at the provincial level, and find that the electoral impact of regionalism has changed over time across regimes, provinces, and political personalities. We find that regional voting disproportionality 1) increased immediately after transition; 2) has varied depending on personality and type of election; 3) is indeed low in provinces traditionally labeled as neutral; and 4) increased in the 2000 legislative election while declining in the 2002 presidential election.  相似文献   

We examine roll call votes on gun control in the U.S. House of Representatives during the 1980s to determine whether political action committees (PACs) make spot market purchases, prepay for votes in the prior election cycle, or make long-term investments. Previous tests generally employ PAC contributions from only one cycle, which could impose the wrong structure on contracts between PACs and politicians, causing researchers to misestimate a contribution's impact. We find that money from more than one election cycle influences roll call votes, which suggests that PAC expenditures are not simple spot market or one-period prepayment contracts. Most remarkably, we find that the National Rifle Association buys votes with contributions from three election cycles.  相似文献   

现阶段,地方立法在知识产权三大领域均有程度不同的涉及,有的已经意识到知识产权立法属于国家专有立法事项,但也有的在知识产权立法方面仍在积极参与。知识产权地方立法存在一些误区,当下应当认真检讨。一方面地方立法应当依据立法法规定立法权限进行,做到依法立法、科学立法;另一方面,国家应当根据实践需要,进一步明确国家专属立法权限的事项,界定地方立法的空间。  相似文献   

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