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在2002年的早稻收购工作中,湖南冷水滩下河国家粮食储备库积极抢占市场,诚信经营,取得了骄人的业绩。截止2002年11月,该库已收购早稻3000多吨,比上年同期增长了5倍,达到近三年来最高收购量。2002年是湖南省粮食市场、粮食价格和粮食经营全面放开的第一年。在粮食收购市场化、多元化格局的新形势下,为抓住粮源,该库在主任、党委书记的带领下,精心组织,周密安排,动员了全库一切力量,下到乡镇、村组,收购农民余粮。同时向粮农承诺:依质论价、优质优价、不打白条,并坚持实行“谁交粮,谁得款”的原则,做到了户交户结、当场兑现。为确保收购资金及…  相似文献   

<正> 江西省九江市是我国历史上的四大米市之一,九江大米东调上海,南下广东和福建,为保障粮食供给、维护社会稳定作出了积极贡献。"99香"牌大米就是其中的一支优秀品牌,也是九江国家粮食储备库的主导产品之一。2001年12月"99香"牌大米被江西省粮食行业协会授予"江  相似文献   

简介 龙家堡粮库始建于1949年9月。截止到2004年12月31日粮库原定固定资产净值962万元,国储库建设前粮库仓容2.6万吨,储存量5万吨,年经营量12万吨。1998年国家分两期先后投资5.685万元,扩建、续建仓容10.5万吨,建成平房仓17栋,现总仓容达14万吨,储存量15万吨,年经营量30万吨。  相似文献   

<正> 湖南岳阳小港国家粮食储备库系国家大型一档粮食仓储企业,位于岳阳市区,占地22万平方米。有500吨级水运码头,西及川陕,东达沪宁,600米铁路专线紧连京广铁路,有40个铁路专线货位。海拔度较高,库区内排水系统科学,无水患之虞。企业现有职工796人,其中各类专业技术人员197人。大中专毕业生207人。  相似文献   

卫萍  唐巍 《粮食流通技术》2002,(6):39-40,42
对国家粮食储备库安全防范系统的设计作了详细的分析介绍。  相似文献   

国家粮食储备库高大平房仓的粉尘防爆   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
高大平房仓是一种新仓型,是1998-2002年建设的500亿kg国家粮食储备库的主要仓型。粉尘爆炸是粮食行业中最具危险性和破坏性的事故。本文从理论和实践2方面,阐述了高大平房仓粉尘防爆的有关问题。  相似文献   

1储备库仓房设施概况近几年,我国已有I000多个粮库被国家粮食储备局命名为国家粮食储备库。这些库大体可分为四种类型:第一类:以苏式仓为主体的老库。这些库仓容较大,约1亿斤(5000吨)左右,仓房以苏式仓为主。近十年来,已有相当一部分苏式仓进行了提升。加高、吊顶改造。这些库管理较好,且大多数库多年被评为“四无粮仓”。由于建库时间较长,有部分库的库区环境较差,道路破损严重,库区常有后迁单位给管理带来较大难度。这些库离退休人员多,包袱较重,在职职工文化素质也较低,年轻人大多是顶父辈名额而进库工作。由于以苏式仓…  相似文献   

论述了国家粮食储备库在设备采购活动中应承担的质量责任,阐述了设备采购质量管理的主要内容。  相似文献   

We examine how 712 executives from several countries, industries and backgrounds are willing to rely on trust (WTRT) when entering a collaborative venture where both partners are at risk. Presented with a specific partnership opportunity they were asked about the level of safeguards required to enter into an agreement. We test for the impact of contextual and demographic conditions and confirmed differences in WTRT between nationalities, but find that several contextual variables mediate this impact. Different nationalities treat three dimensions of trust (integrity, reliability, and benevolence) differently as they are shown to be time dependent. We conclude that context is as important as demography in determining an executive’s WTRT.  相似文献   

<正> 今年以来,安徽省马鞍山市粮食局把招商引资工作作为经济工作的重中之重,转变招商引资方式,营造全员参与的环境,取得了较好的成绩。一、实施招商引资"一把手"工程,层层落实责任目标。今年马鞍山市政府下达给市粮食局招商引资的任务是引进外资50万美元、内资1 000万元。这对于没有多少招商基础的粮食系统来说  相似文献   

探讨了电子信息装备的组成形态及其全寿命周期环境适应性评价,分析了电子信息装备环境适应性评价的要求、指标体系、依据和准则,提出了评价的阶段性、时机以及评价方法。提出的五个评估评价阶段、五个评价时机及对应的评价内容和工作要点贯穿于电子信息装备的整个寿命期,初步形成一套较完整的评价体系。提出的独立评价法、分解和综合评价法对解决不同的电子信息装备的环境适应性评价有较高的工程应用价值。  相似文献   


Central to current thinking on what makes companies competitive is the notion that “it's not what you do, it's the way that you do it”. The way a task is carried out in a company is itself very much related to the attitudes and opinions of the company's managers. This article focuses on top managers’ attitudes to product design and shows which ones are related to superior competitive performance. An examination of the attitudes shows that there are seven basic managerial orientations to design. The most successful orientation is called the “balanced orientation” and consists of attitudes that underpin a commitment to leading the field technically and making developments market‐relevant.  相似文献   

Although personal and inter-firm networks are critical for the survival and growth of entrepreneurial ventures in transition economies, their role in new-venture internationalization has been understudied. Exploring the internationalization of entrepreneurial ventures (n = 623) in Bulgaria, we find that domestic personal networks have a positive effect on internationalization. Firm age negatively moderates the effect of inter-firm networks: the earlier the new venture engages in inter-firm collaboration, the higher the degree of its internationalization. Internationalization is positively associated with new venture size and varies by industry. Implications for managerial practice and public policy are discussed.  相似文献   

食品安全直接关乎人们的生命健康,与人们的生活质量息息相关。目前我国相关食品的产业承担着生产健康、安全、放心食品的重大责任,食品产业已经成为我国经济发展的支柱性产业,对保障人们的生命健康、改善人们的营养具有非常重要的作用。然而,近年来不少食品产业开始在食品中通过加入一定的食品添加剂来改善食品的色香味,因此,食品添加剂成为食品产业中必不可少的重要原料,对保证食品的质量安全具有重要的作用。  相似文献   

《Business Horizons》2022,65(1):7-19
Crowdfunding can prove to be a crucial alternative financing method, especially for microentrepreneurs, new ventures, and nonprofit associations. But trust needs to be built before prospective users decide to use crowdfunding, and we still lack an in-depth understanding of how crowdfunding platforms make users trust them. We analyzed 50 crowdfunding platforms of different types, from investment and lending platforms to reward and donation platforms. Within the sample, we included successful and consolidated platforms, such as Kickstarter, Crowdcube, and Indiegogo, as well as lesser-known and less active platforms, such as Crowdence, Zank, and Fundeen. A comparative analysis of these platforms reveals a diversity of organizational practices that aim to generate trust on four levels: trust toward the platform, toward the project, toward the users, and toward the notion of crowdfunding overall. We suggest guidelines for best practices for crowdfunding platforms and a checklist of points for prospective users searching for the right crowdfunding platform.  相似文献   

随着社会经济的不断发展,越来越多的食品问题暴露在群众视野中,究其原因还是监督力度不够,食品工厂未形成对食品安全生产的重视。本文主要介绍食品检测的意义,进一步分析国内食品安全的问题特征,提出食品检测对食品安全的管理要求。  相似文献   

现阶段在我国企业的改革中,为了增强企业的国际竞争力,正着力组建企业集团,为发展规模经济提供组织保证.虽然企业集团产生已有100多年的历史,然而对我国的企业来说仍是一个新的课题,为增强组建企业集团的有效性,应当从企业集团历史发展的轨迹中去研究企业集团产生、发展的经济条件和社会环境,应当从我国企业的几次联合中总结经验和教训,应当从经济规模理论中去把握规模的合理度,应当研究组建企业集团的正确途径,以提高企业集团的时效性.从上述目的出发,拟就企业集团与规模经营的相关问题作一些探索.  相似文献   

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