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本期嘉宾:辽宁省妇女联合会宣传部部长刘延晖;沈阳瑞普公司人事总监韩芝. 主持人:有关人才的留与走一直是企业人事管理既带有矛盾性又带有合理性的一个普遍存在的问题,今天请来两位专家,想听听你们对此问题的一些看法.  相似文献   

正一问题的提出十八大报告明确把社会更加和谐列为全面建设小康社会的一个重要目标,将改变政府职能、重视民生问题提到更加重要的地位。民生问题的难点,是如何提高社会底层群体的生活幸福感和生活满意度。城市中流动商贩的存在,一方面方便了市民的生活,是城市生活中必不可少的一部分,另一方面,却又影响到了城市的秩序和美观。长期以来,流动商贩和城市管理者之间矛盾的不断激化,引起了社会各界对此的高度关注。  相似文献   

林华 《企业导报》2003,(11):39-41
<正> 9月28日,蛰伏秦巴山区30年的东风汽车总部将正式迁往武汉。迁都动议几度搁浅,如今终于尘埃落定。 事实上、进入21世纪,中国企业在机遇与挑战中寻找“奶酪”,在生死  相似文献   

面对自主品牌汽车李逵李鬼真假难分的现状,人们不禁要问,究竟自主品牌汽车这种“技术空壳…‘不思进取”,尤其是具有国企头衔的车企他们长期依赖国家的扶持政策,过着“养尊处优”的日子的现状,什么时候才能彻底觉醒,才能学会自我成长?  相似文献   

2005年12月20日,国家统计局公布的经济普查结果,改写了中国2004年的GDP总量,达到159878亿元,增加2.3万亿元。这一核心经济数据的修正,使得与之有关的一些宏观经济指标传递出新的信息。  相似文献   

2012年,中国召开了两个举世瞩目的会议。一个是中共十八大,另一个是中央经济工作会议。中央经济工作会议是以习近平为总书记的新任领导班子履新后,召开的第一个重量级的经济工作会议,中国高官悉数参加。会议按照十八大的精神,研判了当前国内外经济形势,确定了2013年经济工作的总基调、政策和任务。让人多少有些意外的是,会议确定2013年的工作总基调与2012年一样,还是稳中求进。这背后有什么隐情呢?自2011年以来,中国GDP的增速都在下滑,到2012年第三季度,已经  相似文献   

为了保障因特殊原因不能到会的村民的民主权利,有些地方在村委会换届选举中往往设立流动票箱,实行流动投票。流动票箱的设立,虽然具有一定的积极作用,但在具体操作中也暴露出许多弊端:一是影响了选举大会的实到人数。许多村民看到有流动票箱,便借口家中脱不开身,不参加选举大会,给大会的组织工作带来困难;二是容易造成误会。由于流动票箱只能由为数不多的工作人员押箱,在流动的过程中到底出没出问题,干部说不清,村民也道不明,为选举工作增添了无谓的麻烦。三是掌握不好客易形成漏洞。不可否认,即使是村选举委员会的成员、监票…  相似文献   

国有企业的效率影响到国民经济运行质量,处于垄断地位及提供公共产品的国有企业竞争力影响着国家竞争力.进一步深化改革必须触及传统体制的深层次问题,例如,国有产权管理、经营者激励等.若想不触动传统体制,离开政府改革,单纯就国有企业进行改革已经很难取得实质性进展,而必须把体制转轨、政府改革与国企改革作为一个整体,配套推进.  相似文献   

<正> 前年,笔者的一位朋友下岗了,这对于一个收入本来就不高的家庭来说无疑是雪上加霜。为此,我这位朋友曾经愁眉不展,多次求职未遂,于是就决定自己干点什么。经过一个时期的市场调查,他发现不管是在农村还是在城市,每遇红白事宴,不是进饭店大  相似文献   

有时也称资本移动,即资本的移动过程。在绝大多数情况下,这个过程是通过贷款、有价证券买卖或其他财产所有权的交易来完成。从单个国家的角度看,国际资本流动表现为资本的流入或流出,并直接影响到该国的国际收支状况。在当今世界各国,资本流入和流出往往同时存在,两者在一定时期内所形成的差额称为资本流入(出)净额,集中反映在一国的国际收支平衡表中。资本流动  相似文献   

Relocations of entire organizational units raise special family adjustment issues. This article reports on the reactions of employees and their families to such a relocation. Employees' adjustment was more strongly related to nonwork and family impacts of the move than to factors in the workplace. Adjustment was more difficult for families inexperienced in relocation, despite extensive company assistance programs.  相似文献   

A neoclassical model of firm behavior, analogous to Muth's household analysis, in a monocentric urban environment yields comparative static predictions concerning radial direction of relocation. Knowledge of plant production and demand conditions and economic characteristics of the urban environment is needed to make relocation predictions. Expected and unexpected relations between the technology, economic environment, and comparative static results on input demands and location are derived. A small, detailed data set from Cincinnati is used to test a probit model of the relocation decision. The results are consistent with theoretical expectations. Demand changes, initial plant size, and the relative magnitude of transport costs are the most important determinants of the propensity to decentralize. Traditional measures of agglomeration economies lack explanatory power.  相似文献   

Abstract This paper reports upon a study of the psychological impact of relocation on partners of fifty-eight expatriate and repatriate managers. The study examined associations for several factors, namely company assistance, culture shock experienced, perceived cultural distance between home and host countries and personal factors, with partners' psychological adjustment to relocation. The most important positive predictor of psychological adjustment was found to be company assistance. Also, general support for a process of phases in psychological adjustment to relocation was found, although not following the postulated curve. Increased recognition of the importance of the factors examined here and their role in the process of psychological adjustment to relocation is recommended for expatriates and their organizations alike.  相似文献   

Firm relocation and site selection in suburban municipalities   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper develops a model of the site choice decision of relocating firms in seven single-digit SIC industries. Hypotheses are tested using data on firms which have moved from Milwaukee City to its suburbs between 1964 and 1974. The industries considered are: construction; manufacturing; transportation, communications, and public utilities; wholesale trade; retail trade; finance, insurance and real estate; and services. While this problem has been examined for manufacturing with limited success, the results here are encouraging. The results show that agglomeration economies and an available labor force are important influences in the site choice among suburban locations for firms in all industries. Fiscal variables are at best only of secondary significance in the choice among suburban municipalities.  相似文献   

Expatriate relocation is a complex process which is influenced by a variety of issues. One issue, the dual-career couple, increases the likelihood of dissatisfaction and failure of the foreign assignment. The trailing spouse plays a critical role in the amount of stress/conflict experienced by the expatriate and she/he is key to increasing the success rate of expatriate managers. This research reports on a survey of 258 dual-career couples and their concerns with: (1) willingness to relocate; (2) unique adjustment issues; (3) stress/conflict generating situations; and (4) the type/level of support provided by the expatriate managers' MNCs.  相似文献   

We analyze how hiring and firing costs as well as firing regulatory delays affect firms’ hiring, firing, and relocation policy with a stochastic control model. These frictions are substantial; e.g. the firing delay can be almost a year. In the model hiring and firing costs depend on the firm size and the number of people hired or fired. Based on our simulations, hiring and firing elasticities without relocation are highest with respect to demand and productivity volatility and the hiring and firing variable costs. The elasticity of firing due to relocation is highest with respect to the firm-sized firing cost.  相似文献   

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