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零售业自营与联营之争由来已久,在当前供给侧结构性改革、完善促进消费体制机制以及零售业寻求创新发展的背景下,有必要对这一问题展开进一步的理论探讨。文章结合马克思流通经济理论指出,自营和联营的本质区别在于是商业资本还是产业资本承担商品流通职能,自营和联营并不是非此即彼的互斥关系,但如果零售业完全倚重其中一种模式并在全社会推向极端,则需要反思商业资本和产业资本是否各得其所和高效分工。在中国流通体制变革中,虽然联营模式在特定历史时期帮助众多零售企业渡过生存危机并推进内资零售快速扩张,但发展至今,已呈现零售业普遍联营的情况,使零售业整体面临着制约创新发展的新问题。数字经济为零售业回归自营提供了有利契机,零售企业应充分利用新技术摆脱联营制的路径依赖,依托数字化开展深度自营并全面提升流通效率。  相似文献   

零售是商品从生产或流通领域转入消费领域的最后一道环节,是最能代表商品运行终极目标的贸易形式。依照马克思商业资本理论,联营不过是产业资本在商业领域的延伸,自营才是商业资本本质体现。放弃自营、普遍联营将使商人作为商人专门经营商品的技能退化,商业资本的独立性、预付性、循环性和增值性消失,零售商业也将失去存在的意义。零售经营回归商业资本的本质特性、商品交换媒介的一般职能和商人的专业职能,既是助推零售行业高效发展、竞争力提升的有效途径,也是促进消费升级、打造贸易强国的必然选择。  相似文献   

谢莉娟  庄逸群 《财贸经济》2019,40(3):84-100
为了探讨互联网、数字经济背景下的零售本质及其创新机制,本文从马克思流通理论出发,认为无论基于社会再生产视角还是商业资本视角,零售的本质始终在于作为关键的"交换"要素而发挥"媒介供需"的功能,应重视发挥零售识别需求、引导生产的联动机制,而零售商业资本则通过专业化的零售活动以保证更高的媒介效率,亦即以"质效担保"而更好发挥零售最本质的媒介功能。互联网和数字化技术不是对社会再生产基本规律的突破,从而也不改变零售的媒介本质,而是引发了具体的媒介机制的变化。适应互联网长尾需求的极大显现和"拉"式产销逻辑的转化,利用数字化驱动引导形成高度适应需求动态的柔性生产,是零售深度媒介供需的新机制,也是数字化零售引领形成经济增长新动能的体现。本文还进一步应用案例研究法佐证了上述机制。  相似文献   

电商在新冠肺炎疫情防控中对保障农产品流通发挥了重要作用。基于相关理论和实践分析新冠肺炎疫情防控中的农产品流通堵塞及其原因,提炼农产品应急流通渠道基本结构,探究电商驱动农产品流通体系转型的机理,构建电商驱动的数字化农产品流通体系基本模型。研究发现,当前批发市场在我国农产品流通中居于核心位置,在信息扩散、物流整合、商流对接等方面发挥重要作用,而新冠肺炎疫情防控期间导致农产品流通堵塞的主要原因就是批发市场封闭和干线物流成本高企所带来的物理空间上的流通不畅。鉴于此,从短期看,应考虑在虚拟空间(涉及商流和信息流)上加以改进,建立农产品应急流通渠道;从长期看,应充分发挥电商的驱动作用,推动农产品流通体系数字化转型,实现对农产品流通信息的高效传递、对商流的强化支撑、对物流与人流运作的有效指引。这种电商驱动的农产品流通体系数字化转型强调以市场需求为导向,通过促进农产品流通供应链体系的多元化升级、农产品流通数据平台的整合连通、农产品流通服务平台的协同发展,提高农产品流通体系的效率和抗风险能力。为更好地实现农产品流通体系数字化转型,应加强对农产品批发市场的现代化改造和数字化升级,统筹做好公路交通保通保畅工...  相似文献   

金军 《商业时代》2022,(5):23-27
流通数字化主要包括互联网+物流和新零售两方面,作为我国服务经济的主要组成部分,其发展会直接促进服务经济发展.本文基于供应链视角,分析流通数字化对我国服务经济发展的间接作用,发现互联网+物流在供给端利用数据分析,能降低运输成本;在流通端优化配送方案,提高物流效率;在需求端降低交易费用和贸易壁垒.新零售在供给端会降低终端运...  相似文献   

伴随互联网、大数据、人工智能、区块链等前沿技术的应用,农产品电商数字化转型是必然趋势。加快推进农产品电商数字化转型,是实现农村、农业、农产品优质发展的重要引擎,对于提高农产品流通效率、减少流通环节、减少农产品损耗具有十分重要的意义。数字化转型成为欠发达县域农产品电商发展新热点的同时,也面临着数字化基础设施薄弱、冷链物流体系“衔接不畅”、防伪溯源体系不健全、数字化运营能力不够强等困境。通过分析欠发达县域农产品电商数字化转型发展现状和困境,总结实践经验,为推动欠发达县域农产品电商数字化转型提出以下路径:顶层规划“好设计”—价值共创“好主体”—因地制宜“好模式”—增信溯源“好产品”—数智获客“好渠道”—资源整合“好平台”—私域沉淀“好用户”—内生外引“好人才”—普惠金融“好保障”。  相似文献   

互联网时代电子商务企业有望凭借强大的数据资源优势快速实现规模扩张,实体零售企业面临严峻的生存压力。一方面是传统店铺式企业被迫调整转型,另一方面消费需求的多样性又对电商企业落地经营提出要求。文章以互联网、大数据资源为纽带重构生产、流通、消费关系结构,推进线上线下零售业相关资源的整合与合作,构建交叉型零售渠道模式,是未来中国零售业优化资源配置,提升渠道整体运行效率的有效路径。  相似文献   

现阶段各行各业,特别是传统企业只要说到管理提升、改革创新,基本少不了数字化转型这个话题。 文章以成品油零售企业从业者的视角,就成品油零售企业技术赋能、业务创新和增长、经营管理模式等正在发生的深刻变化深入思考,研讨探究什么是数字化转型、为什么要进行数字化转型、如何进行数字化转型等问题,以期探求符合实际的最佳实践方案。  相似文献   

线上价格没有如预期一般走向收敛,反而普遍存在价格离散的情况。文章利用京东、国美、苏宁、天猫经营的六大类家电的价格数据来衡量线上价格离散度,并从电商异质性角度探讨其对于线上市场效率的影响。结果发现:首先,差异化的电商经营模式会通过调价行为、价格黏性以及消费者搜寻活动来加大价格离散程度。其次,电商平台通过其行业占有率以及市场渗透率来提高细分市场的可能性,从而加剧价格离散、降低市场效率。最后,相比平台式电商,自营式电商并没有通过增加调价频次和价格黏性来促进价格离散,反而有可能削弱自营电商的正向加剧效应。文章为线上统一市场的研究提供了新的研究思路,也为政府在电商平台监管和治理方面上提供了有益的借鉴。  相似文献   

受益于数字化技术的持续发展及应用,我国跨境电子商务在对外贸易受阻的背景下逆势增长,更多国内小微外贸企业依托数字平台实现跨境经营,嵌入全球数字贸易价值链,显示出跨境电商在带动对外贸易发展方面的巨大潜力。小微外贸企业通过数字化能力的进步,在管理、运营和业务等企业经营环节,均比传统贸易方式创造了更多价值。小微外贸企业利用跨境电商实现数字化转型的路径是接入跨境电商平台后,小微企业动态管理能力建设,市场开拓能力提升和电商运营能力建设。小微企业跨境电商应加快数字化转型的动态能力、提升平台生态链、支持数字基础设施建设以及加强数字人才的培养,使得企业不断扩大对外贸易。  相似文献   

《Journal of Retailing》2021,97(1):42-61
In this paper, the authors review current literature on retail formats and propose a new customer-centric framework for retailers to focus on as they continue to innovate and evolve. Specifically, they review the literature on how formats compare in their attributes and compete with each other; the role of customer behavior in format choice; and developments in multichannel and omnichannel retailing. They propose a framework for retail formats suggesting two paths – either reduce friction in the customer journey or enhance customer experience. They discuss the challenges faced by offline (physical store-first) and online (digital-first) retailers and elaborate on strategies each type of retailer is pursuing to address these challenges. Finally, they offer directions for future research in this domain. They conclude by calling for newer digital-first and physical-first players to continue coming up with different customer-centric formats, which they predict will slowly morph into integrated retailers, leaving space for newer players to enter the market and hence keep the wheel of retailing spinning.  相似文献   

During the past decade, a number of interactive technologies, including the Internet, have fundamentally transformed how retailers compete in the marketplace. In a similar vein, emerging interactive technologies can be expected to significantly alter the retailing landscape through their impact on retailing strategy and operations. Furthermore, it is conceivable that certain emerging interactive technologies will be perceived by some retailers as enablers (tools to more effectively compete in the marketplace) and by other retailers as disruptors of the present ways of doing business. Interactive technologies can either be generic, a technology that is readily available from an information technology (IT) vendor and is widely adopted by retailers, or proprietary. An interactive technology that is proprietary can enable a firm to generate economic rents from the innovation for an extended duration of time. Investing in a generic interactive technology, however, may be perceived as a cost of doing business for a retailer, and not a potential source of sustainable competitive advantage. However, a retailer's complementary resource endowments may enable the retailer to more effectively leverage a generic technology relative to its competitors and thereby achieve a sustainable competitive advantage. In this paper, we review the related literature, develop a process model delineating the mechanisms by which an interactive technology can affect and necessitate changes in retailers' strategies and identify directions for future research.  相似文献   

Little empirical research has been done on how to help retailing firms survive recessions. Using the “natural experiment” of the Great Depression and the theoretical lens of organizational ecology, we explore survival of retailers during 1929-1939 to test whether strategic competitive advantages related to human capital, the liability of newness, organizational form, and legitimacy facilitated survival through this upheaval. Consistent with theory from organizational ecology, survival was positively influenced by the average wage paid in the population, the average age of the population, chain store penetration, and an interaction of level of chain store penetration and age. The study offers recommendations for research and practice to retailers. The most important application for retailing managers is that high wage employees, presumably of higher quality, help retailers survive recessions better than low wage employees.  相似文献   

The U.K. has the greatest proportion of online sales in Europe. This study seeks to explore the differential effects of online retailing on the (evolving) hierarchy of shopping centres by examining current trends and underlying forces. The overall objectives of the paper are to qualify and explore the influence of online retailing in the decision-making processes of leading retailers today; and to assess how virtual influences become manifest in the tangible built environment and have impacted the retail hierarchy? It differentiates online retail trends by sector and retailer size, and examines the consequences for different types of shopping centres. The empirical research is based on the changing location of stores of a major fashion retailer and interviews with three of Britain’s leading retailers that have seen the more substantial increase in online turnover in recent years. Major retailers are found to have integrated online offerings, such as click and collect, into a ‘multi-channel’ retailing approach. Online retailing has therefore become an inherent and central element within large retailers’ business and therefore real estate strategies, with considerations such as online marketplace penetration and possible ‘cannibalisation’ coming to the fore in decision-making about store location. Online retail sales are, to a degree, drawing sales away from shopping centres but its impact on the existing shopping hierarchy is largely to reinforce established long-term trends driven by the motor age and the shift to out of town retailing. This is symbolised by the largest ‘high street’ fashion retailer now having more branches in retail parks than town centres. Out of town shopping centres for example are benefitting because of the ease of goods collection offered by these locations.  相似文献   

The UK retail environment is extremely competitive, forcing retailers to constantly develop and enhance both their offerings and their formats. Probably the most significant changes taking place are coming from not the products being sold themselves, but rather when, how and where they are being sold. For example, new technologies such as the Internet, CD‐Roms, electronic kiosks and digital television are opening up new opportunities for retailers through remote purchasing and delivery. While a number of large retailers have made heavy investments into electronic retailing, such as Arcadia, Marks & Spencer, Tesco and Sainsbury, it is uncertain how they are going to use this technology to gain competitive or market advantages. Given the media attention which technologies such as the Internet has attracted, there is the danger that businesses may adopt an unfocussed use. This report identifies and evaluates the ways in which major UK grocery retailers are using the Internet to create value for their users over and above that which is offered by bricks and mortar stores. Web sites of three grocery retailers were evaluated via preselected criteria in order to assess how they created value for their customers. Applying Holbrook’s typology of consumer value, the findings of the research suggest that each of the retailers surveyed are similar in terms of the nature of the value they have created for consumers online, these being value‐as‐convenience and value‐as excellence.  相似文献   

在电商零售发展的背景下,越来越多的实体零售企业增加了电商销售渠道。基于2001-2017年47个零售上市公司的数据,文章运用双重差分模型(DID),选取了存货收入比与固定资产收入比作为衡量零售企业经营能力的指标,估计了增加电商零售渠道对二者的影响。研究发现:(1)增加电商渠道能够显著降低12%的零售企业库存收入比,提高零售企业的经营能力,该影响具有持续性与递增趋势,且商超类企业改善程度更高;(2)互联网并没有显著影响零售企业的固定资产收入比,说明大型实体零售企业大多采用的是商店与电商渠道共同发展的双渠道策略。研究结果说明互联网有利于零售效率提升,且应该注重电商-商店融合的双渠道新零售业态-构建。  相似文献   

Given the constant and often dramatic technological advancements that facilitate retailing, especially online channel adoption by industry and customers, research focusing on customers perceived value of the online channel of multi-channel retailer’s requires conceptual and empirical elaboration. This study advances understanding of customer perceived online channel value and how customer perceptions of value effect online channel satisfaction and online channel loyalty. Using data from a multi-country study, we provide a deeper understanding for multi-channel retailers of how to balance investments in various value drivers to enhance online channel satisfaction and customer loyalty.  相似文献   

Using a data set with of 5508 observations collected in the online DVD market, we compare the pricing behavior between online branches of multi-channel retailers (MCRs) and online-only retailers. We find that (1) prices by online-only retailers are lower than prices by online MCRs by an average of $1.51 or 6.8 percent; (2) the price dispersion for the popular titles is sharply lower among online-only retailers than that among MCRs online; and (3) online-only retailers change prices more often than online MCRs although price changes by both types are few. The evidence suggests that the pricing efficiency diminishes as the multi-channel retailing format dominates the online retailing market.  相似文献   

The economics of information approach suggests that as online retailing matures, information asymmetry will enforce the reduction of price dispersion online as providers will operate in conditions close to perfect competition. The internet has already become a part of our life and shopping experience. In Germany, over 20% of all electronic, media and leisure-related products are bought online. The role of digital channels is expected to increase further, especially in the latecomer sectors. Grocery retailing is one of such sectors still in the making and the share of online players in retail revenues is expected to grow drastically by 2020. Since online food retailing has not been studied thoroughly and little is known about price levels and dispersion between online and offline markets, our study fills this gap by showing that despite the theoretical predictions price dispersion exist both between online and offline grocery providers as well as across online retailers.  相似文献   

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