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文章以开放系统理论为基础,讨论制造商采用多元化的渠道对两种不同形式的渠道冲突的作用,以及市场化水平对渠道多元化与跨渠道冲突、渠道内冲突之间关系的调节效应。从中国制造商一方收集520份调查数据,引入市场化指数二手数据,应用统计方法分析数据和检验假设。文章的数据检验结果发现:第一,制造商采用多元化的销售渠道会导致制造商内部各条渠道之间产生冲突,也会加剧制造商与同一条渠道内合作经销商之间的冲突;第二,制造商采用多元化渠道通过加剧与同一条渠道中经销商之间的渠道内冲突,进而降低企业绩效;第三,市场化水平会弱化渠道多元化对跨渠道冲突的正向影响。文章最后从理论贡献、实际应用和研究不足等方面对研究结果进行了讨论。  相似文献   

在全渠道或多渠道营销的背景下,跨渠道整合成为企业和学术界关注的热点和新的研究领域。然而现有文献缺乏对于跨渠道整合相关研究的系统性回顾和梳理,存在概念内涵表面化、测量方法不统一以及缺乏理论框架指导等问题。这为后续研究带来困扰。鉴于此,文章回顾、梳理和分析了中外跨渠道整合的相关文献,在归纳前人研究的基础上,讨论了跨渠道整合的内涵、维度和测量工具,并以前因、直接后果和企业绩效的逻辑关系构建了一个跨渠道整合的理论框架,识别出一些重要的研究缺陷,为未来的研究打下基础。  相似文献   

多渠道零售环境下消费者跨渠道购买行为研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
零售商不断拓展销售渠道,多渠道零售使消费者可从不同渠道获得类似服务与产品。消费者在渠道认知过程中,通过感性分析与理性选择,合理规避风险,实现跨渠道购买。购买动机、人口统计特征主观作用于消费者渠道选择,价格比较、情景、渠道特征、产品类型对消费者的跨渠道购买产生客观影响。消费者跨渠道购买要求零售商提供相互支撑的、协调的多渠道零售体系,并依产品类型与技术支持将资源合理分配至各类渠道。  相似文献   

随着近年来我国经济的飞速发展,企业的多渠道营销行为也日益增多,越来越多的企业也纷纷开始在其现有的实体渠道之外开辟相对独立的网络渠道进行立体化的直销。而多渠道营销战略不仅是B2C领域的专利,还成为了B2B领域执行分销活动的主打策略,企业已经开始从传统的以生产为中心的经营范式开始向以渠道管理和消费者管理为中心的范式转型。而正是由于这样的多渠道环境,使得顾客间的沟通和顾客转换销售商都变得更加简便,企业的顾客群极易因跨渠道而流失,因此如何最大限度地做好消费者的跨渠道保留,成为企业当下亟待解决的问题。在本文中,在学界对多渠道营销中渠道的搭便车行为研究成果的基础之上,重点从渠道、供应商和消费者三个关键维度对跨渠道保留行为的内涵和影响机制进行归纳分析,以期为未来的学术研究提供理论依据。进而对企业的多渠道整合实践以及跨渠道保留提供相关理论支持和建议。  相似文献   

随着电子商务和网上零售市场的发展,消费者一改原有单一渠道购买方式,倾向于采取实体店、网上以及移动终端相结合的跨渠道购买方式。从本质而言,消费者不同渠道的购买方式是渠道选择的差异。对消费者跨渠道购买进行研究,不仅是适应新经济发展形式的要求,而且是为企业在多渠道环境下维护顾客忠诚、制定合理的渠道营销策略、开展线上线下业务提供合理化建议。本研究在界定消费者介入与跨渠道购买内涵的基础上,对消费者介入对跨渠道购买意愿影响机理进行研究,并初步建立了影响机理理论的模型。  相似文献   

随着网络技术及电子商务的迅速发展,结合了实体门店、电子商务和移动商务的跨渠道零售方式已经成为全球零售业发展趋势。跨渠道零售能够为零售商带来新的市场机会、提高顾客忠诚度、进而创造竞争优势。跨渠道零售可以分为营销手段、网络分销、新业务、数据整合等四种运营模式,零售商可以从订单响应、商品结构、渠道利益分享等方面实施渠道整合策略。  相似文献   

在网络购物的环境中,临场感通过网络不信任影响着消费者跨渠道搭便车的意愿,模型研究表明空间临场感与认知不信任、情感不信任、跨渠道搭便车之间呈不相关关系,社会临场感与认知不信任、情感不信任、跨渠道搭便车之间呈负相关关系,认知不信任与跨渠道搭便车之间呈负相关关系,情感不信任与跨渠道搭便车之间呈正相关关系。购物网站应增强网站的个性化和生动性,加大网站与消费者之间的人机互动,营造有益的临场感,减少跨渠道搭便车的可能性。  相似文献   

GUO Yi 《中国市场》2014,(5):8-17
营销渠道研究是营销研究的一个重要组成部分。随着市场中竞争性环境的变化以及营销理论的发展,营销渠道研究的关注点从强调效率和利益转向强调权力和冲突,进而转向联网以及关系和联盟。在研究渠道治理过程方面,以往的营销渠道研究大多采用以效率为基础的任务环境视角,而在很大程度上忽视了以合理性为基础的制度环境方法。本文提出,营销渠道从本质上说是一种制度安排和跨组织关系。因此,企业在治理营销渠道时,必须关注其决策和行为的接受度与认可度。本文先是回顾了营销渠道治理和跨组织关系方面的理论与研究,进而从中吸收有价值的观点,提出了理论框架和一些命题,并通过两则案例研究进行解释和检验。  相似文献   

基于共赢理念的双渠道冲突管理研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
网络技术和电子商务的发展使很多制造企业不仅通过传统零售渠道分销产品,而且通过网络渠道直接向消费者销售产品。双渠道策略的实施在实现网络渠道与传统渠道优势互补的同时,也引发了渠道冲突。双渠道环境下的渠道冲突可分为外部冲突和内部冲突。外部冲突和内部冲突会相互影响,相互转化。有效管理企业内外部渠道冲突以求得整个渠道系统利益的最大化,对双渠道运营的企业来说既是机会又是挑战。文章通过构造制造商和传统零售商的博弈模型,分析、比较模型中的局中人赢得,认为可通过模型中部分变量的选择来实现双渠道环境下制造商和传统零售商的共赢。双渠道环境下,对制造商而言,应对外部和内部渠道冲突实施不同的管理策略,对外部渠道冲突进行有效区隔,对内部渠道冲突增进企业内部渠道组织之间的沟通和协调;对传统零售商而言,应直面制造商采用网上直销渠道的现状,争取更大的销售折扣,增加销量,降低成本。  相似文献   

随着电子商务、社交媒介的迅猛发展,企业开始尝试全渠道整合的营销模式来提升企业的渠道绩效。但由于企业各渠道的运营模式不同,渠道间的冲突日益明显,影响了企业的渠道协同。本文站在企业的立场,在全渠道整合情境下,探讨渠道冲突和渠道协同对渠道绩效的影响关系。通过实证分析,发现渠道协同与渠道冲突对渠道绩效均有显著正向影响。最后,本研究依托研究结果探讨了实践意义。  相似文献   

With the advent of e-commerce, new platform sales have been created in the online retailing industry, and choosing the best platform has become a challenge for manufacturers. For instance, marketplace and web-store are two e-channels for selling goods directly to end customers. In the marketplace, manufacturers sell their products directly to online customers through e-tailers' platforms and share revenue with e-tailers. In the web-store channel, manufacturers sell their products directly to end customers through their platforms and do not need to e-tailers' platforms. However, some manufacturers and e-tailers continue with reseller channel yet. Reseller channel is another conventional channel in which manufacturers distribute their products to e-tailers, then e-tailers choose retail prices and sell them to consumers. Therefore, with these three different channels, the key question is when and under what conditions manufacturers can choose marketplace or reseller channel in addition to their web-store channels to grow their market share. In this paper, we analyze these three different e-channels and the conditions that manufacturers adopt the marketplace or reseller channel. For this purpose, we consider a model with two manufacturers and one e-tailer in which the manufacturers have their web-store channels, and they are willing to adopt another channelـ reseller or marketplace. The manufacturers offer a return policy in their web-store channels as a competitive strategy for attracting more customers. We find that offering return policy in web-store channels has no effect on the choice between the marketplace and reseller channel, but it has an impact on the amount of manufacturers' profits in each channel. Also, we demonstrate that regardless of offering return policy, as the coefficient of cross-channel effect increases, the manufacturers' profits, whether they choose reseller channel or marketplace channel, increase. But, as the coefficient of cross-channel effect increases, the e-tailer's profit increases when both manufacturers choose reseller channel, otherwise decreases. If manufacturers offer a return policy, the e-tailer's profit is highest when both manufacturers choose reseller channel, and if they do not offer a return policy, the e-tailer's profit is highest when both manufacturers choose marketplace channel.  相似文献   

《Journal of Retailing》2022,98(1):133-151
The authors review 50 empirical retailing research papers that have appeared over the last 20 years to take stock of what we know, need to know better, and do not know yet about within-retailer cross-channel effects of omnichannel retail marketing strategies on (a) consumer responses over their purchase journeys, i.e., online and/or offline search, purchase intention, frequency, amount, returns, loyalty, and (b) the retail firm's aggregate outcomes (e.g., sales, costs, profits, product returns) by channel and overall. Specifically, the authors focus on five strategies: (1) the addition of online channel by an offline retailer; (2) the addition (or subtraction) of offline channels by an online retailer; (3) addition of mobile shopping channel (website and/or app) by offline and/or online retailer; (4) cross-channel integration strategies; and (5) retail marketing mix strategies. The author/s integrate findings from empirical research on these strategies into a number of ‘insights’ about ‘what we know’. Prominent among these are the following: Adding a transactional online channel to an offline channel improves the retailer's overall sales even though offline channel sales can be cannibalized to some degree. Adding an offline channel by an online retailer, however, boosts online channel sales as well as overall sales of the retailer. Similarly, adding a mobile shopping channel usually increases customer purchase frequency and amount and overall sales of the retailer in the long-term. Strategies for greater cross-channel integration generally have a positive effect on a retailer's overall performance while online advertising has positive effects on offline channel consideration and sales as well as overall sales of a multichannel retailer. Other insights or findings that need further study or open questions are also identified. The paper closes with managerial implications of the derived empirical insights, and suggestions for future research.  相似文献   

With the growth of multi-channel retailing, many firms that have traditionally relied upon third-party service providers to offer after-sales service (AS) have introduced direct AS channel. While there exist a few studies that examine the effects of adding a direct sales channel on the sales revenue of incumbent channels, there are no studies investigating the effects of adding direct AS channel. This study tries to fill this research gap by exploring cross-channel effects of including AS through the firm's direct brand stores on performance (i.e., revenue, assortment width, and extent of upselling) in both direct and indirect channels. A matched difference-in-difference quasi-experimental design was used to compare the sales outcomes of test and control groups using a five-year longitudinal dataset from a large dual-channel consumer durables firm. Results reveal that providing AS through the firm's direct channel has a positive significant effect on the revenue and upselling in the indirect channel, but no significant impact on assortment width in the indirect channel. However, unlike hypothesized, it results in significantly lower revenue, assortment width, and upselling in the direct channel. We interpret these negative effects as arising from customer confusion and perceived retail crowding. Overall, our research highlights that implementation of going direct with AS should be done with utmost care. Our findings would serve as a building block for future studies that are conducted to understand the dynamic cross-channel effects of introducing direct AS, and would be useful for drawing comparisons and contrasts.  相似文献   

Extending the research on the positive effects of functional conflicts, this study examines how functional conflicts influence innovation capability and responsive capability in channel relationships by triggering inter-organizational knowledge sharing. The moderating effects of conflict frequency and relationship quality on the relationships between functional conflict, knowledge sharing, and capabilities are also explored. Based on a questionnaire survey of 152 small- and medium-sized enterprises in China, the results show that (1) functional conflict can stimulate inter-organizational knowledge sharing, but the frequency of conflict negatively moderates this relationship; (2) knowledge sharing has a mediating effect on the relationship between functional conflict and marketing capability; and (3) relationship quality positively moderates the relationship between functional conflict and knowledge sharing, but negatively moderates the relationship between knowledge sharing and innovation capability. These findings broaden the theoretical scope of conflict theory and refine the theoretical framework of channel conflict. This study also has significant practical implications for organizations seeking to effectively guide and resolve conflicts.  相似文献   

With cross-border channel partnerships increasingly being forged in global markets, manifest conflict between international partners has become a serious problem leading to potentially deleterious effects on overall channel performance. Using data drawn from a cross-national study of distribution practices in three countries, we investigate whether national culture moderates the relationship between leadership style and channel partner conflict, which, in turn, may impact overall channel performance. Based on the empirical results, a standardized “one size fits all” leadership strategy for conflict management in international channels is unlikely to be successful. Cross-cultural channel management implications are discussed, study limitations are described, avenues for future research are identified, and recommendations are offered for managing cross-national channel partner relationships.  相似文献   

Abundant user-generated content has increasingly driven consumers to form or modify their purchasing decisions based on interactions with other consumers, although the extant research overlooks the customer-to-customer (C2C) interaction touchpoints. Based on the customer journey characteristics of cross-channel and multi-frequency interactions, this study explores the impact of interaction valence and interaction channel sequence on Generation Z consumers' purchase attitudes from the perspective of attitude modification process. Using a scenario-based experimental design in a restaurant setting, we sample 616 Generation Z students. Findings suggest that C2C interactions that have the same valence at each touchpoint strengthen Generation Z consumers' initial purchase attitude, whereas inconsistent valences modify purchase attitudes. Our results reveal that a negative-to-positive ordering is more conducive to the formation of a positive purchase attitude than a positive-to-negative ordering. Moreover, the cross-channel sequence of a customer journey moderates the inconsistent valence order such that the positive-to-negative order improves purchase attitude more than the negative-to-positive order. This study explains theoretically the difference of ambivalent experiences on Generation Z consumer attitudes. We provide practical suggestions for multi-channel restaurant enterprises to successfully employ customer journey touchpoint management.  相似文献   

Using a scenario-based survey with a factorial between-subject experimental design, this study examines the effect of price dis/parity across multiple channels of distribution on customers' ethicality evaluations and purchase intent, with the focus on the moderating role of price frame. Results show that when the varying prices of the disparity policy were all lower than or equal to the uniform price of the parity policy, consumers did not evaluate the disparity policy as significantly less ethical than the parity policy, and were more likely to purchase from the firm with the disparity policy. However, when at least one of the varying prices of the disparity policy was higher than the uniform price of the parity policy, they evaluated the disparity policy as less ethical, and, therefore, were more likely to purchase from the firm with the parity policy, despite price incentives offered by the disparity policy. This finding suggests that the success of a cross-channel price disparity policy depends on the price frame.  相似文献   

采取线上线下多渠道整合的零售模式已成为新零售企业主流模式,顾客重购意愿是新零售企业重要竞争力之一,也是衡量多渠道整合服务实施效果的重要标准。通过构建以顾客体验为中介的多渠道整合服务质量对重购意愿影响概念模型,引入顾客涉入度作为调节变量,经过调查分析384名在同一新零售企业线上线下渠道有购物经历的消费者,研究结论如下:多渠道整合服务质量对重购意愿有显著积极影响;多渠道整合服务质量对顾客体验有显著积极影响;顾客体验对顾客重购意愿有显著积极影响;顾客体验在多渠道整合服务质量与重购意愿之间起部分中介作用;顾客涉入度在多渠道整合服务质量与顾客体验关系中起正向调节作用。研究结论拓展了多渠道整合服务质量对重购意愿影响的内在机理,明确了顾客体验在其中的重要中介作用,探明了顾客涉入度在多渠道整合服务质量影响顾客体验过程中的重要调节作用。新零售企业既可以通过多渠道整合服务质量提升顾客重购意愿,也可以通过极致的顾客体验提升重购意愿,而且通过加强顾客涉入度管理可有效提升顾客体验与重购意愿。  相似文献   

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