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开放经济条件下,我国不仅有国内铸币税收入,还会通过人民币境外流通获得国际铸币税收入,而且国内铸币税和国际铸币税是互相影响的。在固定汇率制度和资本项目管制搭配下,国际铸币税增加引起国内铸币税减少,国内铸币税增加引起国际铸币税增加;在固定汇率制度与资本项目开放搭配下,国际铸币税增加会引起国内铸币税也增加,国内铸币税增加又会引起国际铸币税增加;在浮动汇率制度和资本项目管制搭配下,国际铸币税增加不会引起国内铸币税变化,国内铸币税增加引起国际铸币税也增加;在浮动汇率制度与资本项目开放搭配下,国际铸币税增加对国内铸币税没有影响,但是国内铸币税增加会引起国际铸币税也增加。  相似文献   

本文对中、美、东盟、中国香港、中国澳门等国家和地区的铸币税率进行分析,实证结果表明中国香港、中国澳门、东盟等周边国家或地区在完全货币替代(官方美元化)后均存在不同程度的铸币税损失,而对于越南、缅甸等国,铸币税损失会给他们造成沉重的财政负担。本文认为,货币替代铸币税损失率的高低主要取决于各国/地区预期通胀率、存款准备金率、通货-GDP比率、存款-GDP比率等变量的差异。通过对货币被替代国家铸币税损失的分析,得出推进人民币国际化的启示:通过某种铸币税分享协议安排对相关国家/地区在货币替代过程中的铸币税损失进行补偿是非常有必要的举措。  相似文献   

国际铸币税是一国因其货币为它国民所持有而得到的净收益。在现行国际货币体系下,国际铸币税收益属少数储备货币发行国。美国是世界上受益于国际铸币税最多的国家,并在此基础上构建了其全球领域的金融霸权。我国应加快人民币国际化的步伐,跻身于储备货币发行国的行列,参与国际铸币税的分配。  相似文献   

人民币国际化使我国获得国际铸币税收入,外汇储备的增加又使我国产生国际铸币税支出,由于近年来外汇储备增加的规模大于境外人民币增加的规模,我国一直处于国际铸币税收支逆差,国际铸币税逆差会对我国宏观经济产生重要影响.本文分析了在不同的汇率和利率制度下国际铸币税逆差对我国宏观经济的影响,并提出相关政策建议.  相似文献   

基于铸币税角度的人民币国际化分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着我国经济的快速持续发展,人民币国际化问题引起了世界的广泛关注,一国货币国际化即可以享有来自他国的铸币税收益.本文试图从铸币税的角度入手,分析影响我国央行铸币税的结构因素,并对2009年我国政府铸币税收入进行了估算.  相似文献   

人民币国际化使我国有国际铸币税收入,国际收支顺差导致的外汇储备增加又使我国有国际铸币税支出,因此我国有一个国际铸币税收支问题.国际铸币税收支的顺差和逆差会对我国宏观经济均衡带来冲击,在不同的汇率制度和资本项目管制方式下,国际铸币税收支对我国宏观经济均衡的影响是不一样的,冲击后恢复均衡的方式也不一样.  相似文献   

铸币税的本质就是货币的票面价值与内在价值的差额。在信用货币制度下,存在着多种货币发行方式,不同货币发行方式下货币的本质和担保机制不同,决定了货币的内在价值不同,从而决定了是否会产生铸币税。本文旨在通过一般均衡角度进行分析,比较不同货币发行方式对铸币税的影响,并对我国货币发行方式提出改善建议。  相似文献   

铸币税即政府发行货币所取得的收入,一般可理解为贷币发行成本和贷币面值间的差额。在通货膨胀情况下,货币的实际购买力下降,政府的实际铸币税收入小于其名义铸币税收入。我国当前的积极财政政策是以增发国债为核心,财政赤字经常化。政府可以从财政赤字货币化中得到多少铸币税收入受制于三个因素:经济增长对基础货币的需求,经济的实际增长率,以及货币需求对通货膨胀和收入的弹性。  相似文献   

单以红 《云南金融》2011,(7Z):21-22
"铸币税"最初是封建领主凭借特权在铸造金属货币上获得的收益,后来随着货币制度的发展,其含义不断演化。在银行券条件下,除了本源意义上的铸币税以外,还包括银行券超过其发行准备的收入等;在纸币制度下,铸币税泛指钞票的面值与钞票发行成本的差额,或中央政府在货币发行业务中获得的利润;更有把货币发行给社会、给经济生活带来的好处都理解为铸币税。铸币税在用于钞票面值与钞票发行成本差额的含义时,有把扩张性货币政策或财政赤字货币化政策称为"征收铸币税",其实会引起对实质性问题分析的干扰,也没有这个必要。现代信用货币制度下,使用"铸币税"时应界定清晰,在界定清晰的情况下借用其作为分析概念。  相似文献   

张怀清 《济南金融》2008,6(4):12-15
本文对商业银行铸币税概念、来源给予了说明,对已有商业银行铸币税研究进行了简单回顾,在此基础上,分析了商业银行的铸币税,为对其它货币形态进行分析提供了一个基础。  相似文献   

我国外汇储备权属与性质之法律分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文基于法学的视角,对外汇储备的所有权归属和性质进行专业分析和论述。我国外汇储备所有权归属与储备形成机制紧密相连。我国外汇储备所有权应然意义上属于国有,实然意义上属于央行所有。在经济学视野下,外汇储备是铸币税;在会计学平台上,它是债权债务的复合体;在法学视野下,它兼具国家公产和国家私产的特征。  相似文献   

Numerous stock market regulators around the world impose daily price limits on individual stock price movements. We derive a simple model that shows that price limits may deter stock market manipulators. Based on our model's implications, we predict that regulators impose price limit rules for markets where the likelihood of manipulation is high. We present empirical evidence consistent with this hypothesis. Our study is the first to formally propose a manipulation‐based rationale for the existence of price limits in stock markets.  相似文献   

Empirically, co-skewness of asset returns seems to explain a substantial part of the cross-sectional variation of mean return not explained by beta. This finding is typically interpreted in terms of a risk averse representative investor with a cubic utility function. This paper questions this interpretation. We show that the empirical tests fail to impose risk aversion and the implied utility function takes an inverse S-shape. Unfortunately, the first-order conditions are not sufficient to guarantee that the market portfolio is the global maximum for this utility function, and our results suggest that the market portfolio is more likely to represent the global minimum. In addition, if we do impose risk aversion, then co-skewness has minimal explanatory power.  相似文献   

In this paper we develop a theoretical framework for determining whether laws designed to reduce lead paint risk are consistent with efficiency. We do this in the context of both owner-occupied and rental housing, and under different informational scenarios depending on who has knowledge about the risk. Our results suggest that efficient lead paint laws would impose on property owners and landlords a duty to notify buyers and tenants about known risks but would not impose on them a duty to inspect for or abate the risk. Our review of the existing law shows that common law standards are largely consistent with efficiency, but statutory law is not.  相似文献   

The paper aims to clarify the tax status of pension schemes in the UK and, by using economic and other arguments, to establish a theoretical benchmark that could be considered the ‘appropriate’ tax regime for pension saving. We consider existing tax regimes for saving (such as the ‘ISA’ regime) and theoretical regimes (such as a pure expenditure tax and a comprehensive income tax) and we compare the costs different tax regimes impose on defined contribution pension schemes. We conclude that an expenditure tax is an appropriate benchmark tax regime for pension saving, and that other tax regimes impose additional financial as well as administrative costs.  相似文献   

我国开征物业税有关问题的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
《中共中央关于完善社会主义市场经济若干问题的决定》中提出:“实施城镇建设税费改革, 条件具备时对不动产开征统一规范的物业税,相应取消有关收费。”物业税的开征成为新一轮税制改革诸项税改举措中令理论界、实业界、普通百姓重点关注的内容。本文重点分析了我国现行房地产税制的现状及存在的主要问题,论述了开征物业税的难点和必要性,并对我国开征物业税提出了初步设想。  相似文献   

Models of inflationary finance that consider trade and capital flows generally conclude that openness curtails the ability of governments to impose the inflation tax due to currency substitution. This paper models two channels that allow central banks to increase inflation tax revenue by opening the economy. First, central banks can open the capital account subject to a reserve requirement on capital inflows. Revenue maximization produces a smaller reserve requirement on foreign capital inflows that on domestic deposits. Second, central banks can impose prior import deposits to broaden the monetary base in order to use the inflation tax on imports as an alternative to tariff revenue.  相似文献   

Survey evidence suggests that hurdle rates used in DCF analysis are often considerably in excess of any plausible estimate of firms’ cost of capital, and that top level decision makers often impose additional short payback thresholds. This paper focuses on the value loss that can arise under such ‘short termist’ decision criteria. It is shown that using such decision rules can help to protect the firm against the total value loss that can arise from the application of the naïve NPV decision rule, and that, for projects with growth prospects and/or moderate or greater volatility in future operating cash flows, the value loss (relative to ‘optimal decision-making’) which arises when firms impose fixed ‘short termist’ thresholds can be quite small.  相似文献   

外部盈余通过制造通货膨胀等压力破坏内部经济均衡,这是发展中国家经济发展过程中普遍要面对的问题。当前我国和90年代初的东亚和拉美国家普遍经历了这一问题的困扰。冲销是应对这类通胀的一个重要措施。本文将我国与90年代初拉美、东亚九个代表性国家进行比较,这一研究对于发展中国家经济开放过程中外部经济与内部经济失衡的更有效管理具有重要价值。  相似文献   

Asia-Pacific Financial Markets - This paper develops a stochastic approach to impose regularity properties on a directional output distance function (DODF) and an output distance function, which...  相似文献   

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