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在对质量概念发展演变分析的基础上,针对复杂产品系统而提出了合约化质量概念,论述了其内容构成及相关关系,建立了认知结构模型和认知度量模型。  相似文献   

合约化质量是复杂产品系统的质量新理念。就其概念确立的必要性(即合约化质量的客观需求)从经济体制转型、政府采购制度改革、质量监督实践、质量自身特性、学科理论体系创新等方面进行了探讨;就其概念确立的可行性(即合约化质量的现实基础)作了系统分析。  相似文献   

复杂产品系统订制中的本质特征是质量的形成具有高度的不确定性,而降低其不确定性的有效途径是建立基于合约化质量概念的和谐管理机制。于是,针对质量责任主体,建立了有限激励机制——有限激励价格模式下的里程碑付款机制; 针对合同履行环境的法理约束机制,建立了法理约束机制——第三方权力优化下的制衡机制。  相似文献   

本文阐述了合约化质量概念的演进过程,分析了质量合约的基本特征和风险结构,并进一步给出了质量合约的定价模型。  相似文献   

本文分析了合约实施制度对产业出口、经济增长及影响经济增长的相关要素的影响,研究发现:合约实施制度对出口有显著正影响,且该影响存在产业差异性,合约实施制度对合约密集型产业出口的影响更大;从选定的四个产业来看,合约实施制度对通信设备制造业出口的影响最大,对农副食品加工业出口的影响最小;合约实施制度对经济增长及影响经济增长的相关要素也具有积极影响。因此,中国要提高经济增长质量,改善出口商品结构,实现产业转型升级,合约实施制度建设是该过程中制度建设的重要内容。  相似文献   

根据现代产品的整体概念,建立了基于用户需求的产品功能规划框架。首先通过用户需求分析、功能层次划分、整体功能规划等逐步建立产品功能系统,然后运用质量功能展开(QFD)技术进行功能水平的定位。在整个过程中,用户需求始终是功能规划的原始出发点。  相似文献   

在产业内分工日益深化和产品技术复杂性不断增强的背景下, 整合产业链内参与者的资源进而形成创新系统对于产品创新愈发重要. 随着产品形成过程中跨地域、 多技术和跨知识基础特征的增强, 复杂技术产品创新系统的研究更加迫切. 本文在梳理以往创新系统概念的基础上提出了产业链创新系统 ( ICSI) , 通过对ICSI的概念和研究范畴的界定, 明确了ICSI不受地域限制、 技术数量限制和学科知识基础数量限制的特性, 创建了适用于复杂技术产品的创新系统概念, 弥补了学术界对创新系统研究的不足; 基于要素、 关系与特质构建了ICSI, 并以此为基础提出了ICSI的研究范式.  相似文献   

分类监管是保证产品质量安全的重要手段,而产品分类又是实施分类监管的基本前提.本文首先阐述了基于质量监管的产品分类的必要性,然后对我国质量监管过程中产品分类的现状及问题进行了分析.最后,论文以产品分类相关理论分析为基础,结合国际产品监管发展趋势,提出将产品划分为一般产品、重点产品、特定产品和进出口产品四种类型.  相似文献   

技术密集型的复杂产品系统是现代社会经济发展中的技术支柱,也是目前颇具前景的研究领域之一。在研究了国内外关于复杂产品系统相关文献的基础上,从复杂产品系统项目的组织和技术创新管理两个方面,阐述了复杂产品系统的研究现状,并提出了复杂产品系统的研究前瞻。  相似文献   

产品生产过程质量模型与闭环质量控制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于对产品生产过程的质量模型的描述和分析,给出了产品生产过程的闭环质量控制系统结构,对产品生产过程质量控制及其实现过程进行了深入的探讨。  相似文献   

农产品质量管理的信息经济学分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
农产品质量管理是我国农业经济管理的新领域。运用信息不对称原理,分析了我国农产品质量下降的原因;根据信号传递和激励机制的基本思想,提出了对农产品生产者的信用管理模型和利益诱导机制。  相似文献   

Contract networks for electric power transmission   总被引:40,自引:1,他引:40  
A contract network extends the concept of a contract path to address the problem of loop flow and congestion in electric power transmission systems. A contract network option provides an internally consistent framework for assigning long-term capacity rights to a complicated electric transmission network. The contract network respects the special conditions induced by Kirchoff's Laws; accommodates thermal, voltage, and contingency constraints on transmission capacity; and can be adopted without disturbing existing methods for achieving an economic power dispatch subject to these constraints. By design, a contract network would maintain short-run efficiency through optimal spot-price determination of transmission prices. Through payment of congestion rentals, the contract network makes a long-term capacity-right holder indifferent between delivery of the power or receipt of payments in a settlement system. to]Everybody talks about the weather, but nobody does anything about it.Often attributed to Groucho Marx, but earlier from Charles Dudley Warner, Hartford Courant, Editorial, August 24, 1897.  相似文献   

The standard economic approaches (screening and signalling) to product quality imply an upward sloping relationship between price and product quality. In the case of screening models it is a relationship which applies to the product line of each individual firm. In the case of signalling models it applies across firms. Both types of model have their shortcomings. An alternative approach is presented which involves endogenising the quality control process. Firms voluntarily provide a warranty contract for their products and this, in turn generates an incentive to control quality. The model compares monopolistic and competitive markets in respect of warranties. quality control and the price-quality relationship. Under monopoly, the price-quality relationship is always upward-sloping or flat. Under competition, however, cost shifts or certain demand side shifts can generate a downward-sloping relationship between price and quality.  相似文献   

伴随着经济的飞速发展和中国企业的不断成长,迫切需要能体现中国人文精神的本土化管理理论和方法。因此,以中国文化的"和谐"哲学思想为主导来开展中国组织管理问题研究,尝试构建中国式管理理论和方法,具有重大的理论意义。借鉴组织气氛概念,将中国文化"和谐"概念与组织气氛概念相融合,基于中国组织管理的现实需要,本文提出了"组织和谐气氛"的概念;首先采用访谈法对50名管理者与员工进行了调查,归纳性分析表明组织和谐气氛包括八个维度;其次,选取378个样本对组织和谐气氛的结构维度进行了实证检验,结果表明组织和谐气氛概念是一个八因素的结构,同时本文设计的量表具有较好的信度和效度。这一理论结构的发现以及相应量表的研制具有重要的理论价值和应用价值。  相似文献   

资产专用性理论分析   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:14  
资产专用性概念引入对交易行为的分析是有用的 ,但资产专用性理论的逻辑是有问题的。如果坚持以企业契约的不完全性为逻辑前提 ,以企业所有权安排为逻辑结果 ,那就会否定资产专用性这一逻辑的核心变量 ;如果坚持资产专用性这一核心变量 ,并由此推出风险控制权而不是企业所有权安排的逻辑 ,就会否定企业契约的不完全性这一逻辑前提。  相似文献   

回顾了项目治理理论,并根据利益相关者理论识别复杂产品系统项目的利益相关者,进而对4个典型的复杂产品系统项目的合同签订过程、团队组建、外部环境和项目效益等进行剖析,从中析出具有一般性的复杂产品系统项目的治理结构。研究结果表明:复杂产品系统项目治理模型是由内部治理、外部治理和环境治理组成的,是反映利益相关者的责权划分、参与方式及项目沟通协调的综合治理模型。提出:内部治理反映项目核心利益相关者的领导力;外部治理反映契约关系的作用;环境治理是项目各利益相关者权利的保障。  相似文献   

Two transitions in the evolution of the social contract are considered, the first from the dominance hierarchies of the great apes (used as a proxy for our prehuman ancestors) to the egalitarian political structure of non-sedentary hunter-gatherer bands, and the second, to the reintroduction of hierarchical institutions of governance, primarily a result of living in fixed settlements after the inception of agriculture. The first transition was a product of biological and cultural evolution, which brought about big brains, language, higher consciousness, and a lower rate of time preference that enabled early man to sustain an egalitarian social contract and thereby escape the domination that confronted his prehuman ancestors. The second transition was a product of cultural evolution alone. The high costs of enforcing the hunter-gatherer social contract caused it to break down and be replaced by hierarchy when the domestication of plants and animals gave rise to a sedentary existence and increased populations. However, it is shown that the very biological and cultural adaptations that made hunter-gatherer egalitarianism possible were a necessary foundation for the spontaneous creation of complex culture and the evolution of institutions that would once again eventually make freedom possible and economic prosperity possible.  相似文献   

If legal enforcement of contracts were omnipresent, omniscient, and costless, the identity and history of one's partners would be irrelevant, since any problems caused by unreliable partners could be remedied effectively. However, when legal enforcement is localized, imperfect, and costly, different governance structures for contracts carry implications for the sets of acceptable contracting partners. When legal enforcement for contracts is based on national law, whose reach is coterminous with a state's territory, acceptable partners tend to be defined territorially. When state enforcement of contract law is weak or nonexistent or when a contract is so vulnerable to nonperformance that it requires auxiliary support, actors must devise an alternative or supplement to state enforcement. The most relevant contracting boundaries then will be ones defining groups that can efficaciously create and maintain intertemporal, inter-issue, and inter-actor linkages. We examine just three of many possibilities: family-based, function-based, and ethnicity- or religion-based groups. These different systems of governance affect which entities are recognized as members in the club of actors, as well as how actors define their contracting boundaries and distinguish between those with whom they contract relatively freely and those with whom their contracting is more circumscribed.  相似文献   

激励与约束:国有商业银行信贷管理制度分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对于银行而言,其经营中所面临的道德风险不仅来源于借款企业,更重要、更直接的是其信贷人员的“财德行为”问题。我国国有商业银行传统的信贷管理制度未能对信贷人员的代理行为形成有效的约束,从而导致了大量银行坏帐的产生。现有的信贷管理制度又过度强调了对风险的防范,从而又在很大程度上约束了银行的开拓经营和整修宏观经济的平稳快速发展。本文对此运用契约经济理论分析了我国国有商业银行传统及现有信贷管理制度对信贷人员所做的契约安排及其存在的问题,在此基础上尝试性的提出了一种新的制度改进方案。  相似文献   

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