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The paper introduces the notion of coherence of technological capabilities. It argues that in analysing technological capabilities (TC) the analysis needs to go beyond investigation of constituent capabilities and should take into account the level of coherence among the constituent capabilities. The phenomenon of different degree of coherence of TC is detected while exploring the TC in Bulgarian software companies. Significant differences emerge between the TC of domestic-oriented vs. export-driven companies in the accumulation of constituent capabilities. But it is the analysis of the coherence of TC, which proved capable to capture the real differences in capability accumulation: strong coherence occurs only in ‘export’ TC. This analysis revives the debate about possibilities for leapfrogging by latecomers by developing software industries. Based on the results the study revises the ‘walking on two legs’ hypothesis and also points that the optimistic forecasts about the possibilities for leapfrogging by the latecomer countries by developing indigenous software industries might have been overestimated.  相似文献   


This article investigates two research funding policies in a cooperative and a non-cooperative R&;D setting: subsidising private research (Spr) and subsidising public research (Spu). We show that R&;D cooperation with subsidies (either Spr or Spu) always performs better than R&;D cooperation with no subsidy. Furthermore, the Spr policy leads to better performance than the Spu approach does in terms of overall net surplus whether the firms cooperate or not in R&;D. Nevertheless, comparing the two research funding policies for the same level of public spending shows that the Spu policy with R&;D cooperation is in some cases more effective than the Spr policy, the latter becoming too costly for the government when spillovers are high.  相似文献   

In the puzzle of economic development, there is moderate agreement around one issue: that entrepreneurial, export-led development is likely to produce higher economic growth rates than inward-looking development. This paper begins by taking an overall look at the size and competitiveness of the economies of India, China, and Taiwan, with particular reference to the software and the information technology (IT) sectors. It then focuses on the role of software export entrepreneurship in India and Taiwan as exemplars for other sectors and for formulation of government policy. In Taiwan, successful exporters constitute a model deemed worthy for other companies to emulate. In India, whether the booming software sector will prove to be a sufficient exemplar and catalyst for change throughout the economy and government remains an open question. The paper concludes by taking a look at another related export sector—IT-enabled service exports. Throughout the various sections of the paper, government policy implications remain an important backdrop.  相似文献   

The study examines the effect of software piracy on inclusive human development in 11 African countries for which software piracy data is available for the period 2000–2010. The empirical evidence is based on instrumental variable panel Fixed Effects (FE) and Tobit models in order to control for the unobserved heterogeneity and limited range in the dependent variable. The modeling exercise is based on the inequality adjusted human development (IHDI) and its constituents. The following main findings are established. First, from the FE regressions, software piracy consistently improves the IHDI and its constituents. Within this framework, the positive relationship between inclusive human development and software piracy is driven by all its constituents. Second, for Tobit regressions, the positive relationship between software piracy and inclusive human development is confirmed exclusively in IHDI and literacy specifications. Within the latter framework, the positive relationship between software piracy and inclusive human is driven fundamentally by the literacy rate. Policy implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Commitment is problematic because one sometimes pursues it against one’s interest. To solve it, the paper proposes a distinction between ‘non-binding’ and ‘binding’ commitments. Non-binding commitment is about ambition, such as becoming a great chef, which bolsters welfare in the pecuniary sense as well as self-respect. In contrast, ‘binding commitment’ is about honesty. While it diminishes welfare, it augments self-integrity. The neoclassical view reduces both commitments to interest, while the multiple-self approach separates both commitments from interest. The separation permits the confusion of sentimental fools, who enter commitments without regard to interest, with rational sentimentalists, who take interest into consideration.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the question whether web applications pose a disruptive threat to incumbents or a disruptive growth opportunity for entrants in the application software industry using a novel method for ex ante identification of disruptive innovations in the software industry. Building on the theory of disruptive innovations, network effects and existing frameworks for the ex ante identification of disruptive innovations a new method of analysis is deduced. The analysis is based on a list of criteria that indicate a disruptive innovation and trajectory maps of the technologies' performance attributes. This method is applied to study the potential disruption of Microsoft's desktop office applications by Google's web-based office applications.The chosen method of analysis indicates a small likelihood for web applications to pose a disruptive threat to Microsoft, and by extension, to incumbents in the software industry. While web applications show a potential to satisfy market demand in established performance attributes, strong network effects in existing software products should give incumbents enough time to co-opt the innovation. The case illustrates how our new method to analyze disruptive potential in the software industry ex ante can help to apply the theory of disruptive innovation better for forecasting purposes and to provide novel strategic insights for the players involved.  相似文献   

基于复杂网络弹性的视角,运用专利数据分析了中国ICT行业创新网络的弹性。结论如下:整体来看,中国ICT行业的创新网络具有无标度网络结构特征,少数网络主体间存在技术知识的非对称性依赖,局部网络锁定效应降低了创新网络弹性,网络关系瓦解导致创新网络弹性下降;随着行业创新主体的不断增加,创新网络的均衡性和异质性增强,创新网络弹性整体呈上升趋势,中国ICT行业的创新网络抵抗外部不确定性因素冲击的适应性增强。  相似文献   

We posit a rational choice model of dictatorship to explain the tendency of dictators to repress innocent citizens. This model demonstrates that, when the quality of information about regime enemies is low, a rational dictator will knowingly kill and imprison citizens who are not real enemies. We use the formerly secret Stalin archives to test this proposition against the stylized facts of Stalin’s three major repressions.  相似文献   

This paper is about how East Asia should respond to the challenges of the external environment. The first challenge is the current slowdown in trade, which has been due to cyclical and structural factors such as the decline in productivity and the maturation of global value chains. The rise in protectionism as measured by rising trade restrictiveness has not impacted on trade, but political and policy uncertainty regarding the direction of trade policy seems to have begun to impact on trade growth. The policy stance of increased protectionism and a retreat from the multilateral rules‐based trading system is linked to the pockets of the population who have not seen their incomes improve and who have blamed their plight and increased inequality on globalization. In fact, the issue is more about the lack of effective responses to manage the costs of trade liberalization. East Asian economies need to respond to these challenges by upholding the multilateral rules‐based trading system, continuing the various pathways to regional economic integration, and ensuring better globalization through effective capacity building and policies to address the negative effects of trade liberalization.  相似文献   

赵丽君 《技术经济》2017,36(9):23-30
利用基于倾向得分匹配的倍差法,采用2006-2013年中国沪深股市A股上市公司的数据,系统讨论了政府补贴影响中国装备制造业企业创新绩效的微观机制和效应。进一步采用中介效应模型揭示了政府补贴抑制企业技术效率提升的主要途径。研究结果表明:政府补贴有效促进了装备制造业模仿创新下的技术进步,但显著抑制了资源的最优配置和技术效率改善;政府补贴引发的要素市场扭曲、企业寻租、市场集中和投资过度是导致创新活动技术效率损失的重要途径。因此,政府应通过补贴政策全面提升企业的自主创新能力、保证竞争性市场中资源的有效配置和营造良好的创新支持环境来提高中国装备制造业创新发展的质量和效益。  相似文献   

It is a fundamental way to achieve sustainable development and inclusive growth that China takes the low-carbon development path.And low-carbon development is an effective way to respond to many threats,including global climate anomalies,environmental degradation,and energy shortage.Low-carbon economy is policy economy to a large extent.Although the external environment demands low-carbon development of electric power industry,enterprises lack intrinsic motivation.Electric power industry is the pillar industry of China,and is one of the key industries for China's low-carbon development.The government needs to ensure its dominant position in the low-carbon development of electric power industry,and reform the government performance management system and promote the planning and management of electric power industry through appropriate public policy,in order to adjust the structure of the electric power industry and take a low-carbon development road with Chinese characteristics.  相似文献   

Abstract We investigate the origins of identity and the innate proclivity to draw a distinction between ‘insiders’ and ‘outsiders’. We propose an evolutionary explanation: we argue that identity arises because it facilitates survival. In an evolutionary setting we endogenize preferences and demonstrate that the evolutionarily stable preferences fashioned by natural selection would distinguish between insiders and outsiders. We then work out the implications of such preferences in two contemporary scenarios, one entailing rent‐seeking behaviour and the other involving public good provision. Our results are in conformity with empirical evidence.  相似文献   

This study analyses the impacts of the Goods and Services Tax (GST) introduced on 1 July 2000, and the associated wine tax reform, on both the premium and non‐premium segments of the grape and wine industry using a computable general equilibrium (CGE) model of the Australian economy. Through input cost reductions, the grape and wine industry is projected to gain from the GST tax package. Thus the industry can still gain even though wine consumption is taxed a little more heavily after than before the introduction of the GST. This is particularly so for the export‐oriented premium wine segment. A switch from the current ad valorem to a revenue‐neutral volumetric tax on wine under the GST is shown also to favour the premium segment of the industry, but at the expense of the non‐premium segment.  相似文献   

利用209家生物制药企业协同创新现状的调查数据,验证了企业在协同创新网络中的关系数量、关系结构、关系强度及成员间信任度对其协同创新绩效的影响。结果表明:大学及研究机构无论在关系数量还是在关系强度方面对企业协同创新绩效的影响都是最为显著的;生物制药企业需要加强与供应商、中介机构和同行业企业的网络联系,并重视提高与政府、金融机构及行业内外其他企业的联系频率;在网络结构方面,企业应着重成为大学、研究机构、同行业企业、客户及金融机构的中心,并加强对大学、研究机构、行业内外企业、中介机构、政府和金融机构等创新主体的依赖性;合作通过企业介绍的数量主要影响绩效中的技术标准制定,企业与客户间相互信任也对企业技术标准制定产生正向影响。  相似文献   

We examine how offering digital content affects demand for print magazines. Using a searchable website archive, we measure the digital content offered by a sample of US consumer magazines from 1996 to 2001. We find strong evidence that digital content cannibalizes print sales. On average, a magazine’s print circulation declines about 3–4% when it offers a website. However, the effect varies with the type of digital content offered. Offering digital access to the entire contents of the current print magazine reduces print sales by about 9%. We find no evidence that digital content complements print magazines. These results are robust to including controls for unobserved magazine, category, and time effects, as well as controls for the impact of contemporaneous price changes and other factors.  相似文献   

This paper examines the effect of ownership concentration on product position, product variety and circulation in the US daily newspaper market. The effects of consolidation in differentiated product markets cannot be determined solely from theory. Because multi-product firms internalize business stealing, mergers may encourage firms to reposition products, leading to more, not less, variety. Using data on the assignment of reporters to topical areas at 706 newspapers in 1993, 1999 and 2004, results show that both differentiation and variety increase with ownership concentration. Moreover, greater concentration increases variety over a range of topics and does not reduce readership.  相似文献   

This paper empirically evaluates the impacts of China’s exchange rate regime reform in 2005 on its macroeconomy. We propose to use a new counterfactual policy evaluation method that is robust to the choice of control group. Using the new method, we find that China’s exchange rate regime reform in 2005 mildly reduces the Consumer Price Index, has a substantial damping effect on export, significantly increases employment, and has negligible impact on industrial production.  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to analyze state‐level public finances in Brazil. We examine the dynamics of governmental spending in a panel of 26 Brazilian states in search of evidence of Wagner’s Law and Fiscal Illusion Hypothesis. For the period ranging from 2002 to 2015, three methodologies are applied: dynamic ordinary least squares (DOLS), fully modified ordinary least squares (FMOLS), and pooled mean group (PMG). The main empirical results found indicate that (1) there is strong evidence of Fiscal Illusion caused by public deficit and by central government transfer grants; (2) there are possible Flypaper Effects; (3) there is no evidence in support of Wagner’s Law; (4) there is low publicness degree of local expenditures; (5) due to Fiscal Illusion, less‐developed Brazilian states tend to be stuck in a public expenditure growth mechanism, especially in expenses related to non‐public goods, which tend to benefit private interests and lobby groups.  相似文献   

孙丽文  曹璐 《技术经济》2017,36(7):48-55
以复杂系统理论为基础,认为制造业绿色创新系统由产业创新环境、产业创新活动、生态环境和产业效益4个子系统构成,由此构建制造业绿色创新系统的理论模型。采用离差最大化法和复合系统协同度模型,对中国制造业31个细分行业绿色创新系统的协同度及其各子系统的有序度进行计算。根据测度结果,提出促进制造业各行业绿色创新系统协同发展的对策建议。  相似文献   

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