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This study further explores a structural break in the relation between stock returns of firms with foreign currency positions and lagged exchange rate changes (exchange rate exposure effect) documented in Bartov and Bodnar (1994). We examine whether changes in the financial accounting reporting of foreign currency positions from SFAS No. 52 might have improved investors' ability to characterize firms' economic exchange rate exposures, and thus the impact of exchange rate movements on firm value. Our findings indicate that only firms reporting using the dollar as the functional currency (i.e., those reporting as if they were still under SFAS No. 8) retain a significant relation between the lagged change in the dollar and firm value in the post-SFAS No. 52 period. For firms reporting using the foreign currency as the functional currency (i.e., those who switched to the new translation method) the significant lagged relation disappears. This is consistent with the use of a foreign currency as the functional currency under SFAS No. 52 facilitating valuation of U.S. firms with foreign operations.  相似文献   

Prior empirical research has been unable to forge an unambiguous link between foreign currency translation adjustments, which are an element of “other items of comprehensive income,” and firm valuation. This study adds to the existing literature by empirically testing the value relevance of foreign currency translation adjustments in an earnings and book value model. Interaction terms, which serve as proxies for the theoretical sources of exchange rate exposure, are included in the estimating equation. The main finding of this study is that foreign currency translation adjustments are significantly value relevant when their parameter estimates are allowed to vary in the cross‐section.  相似文献   

外币报表折算方法的选择是争论较多的一个会计难题,从SFAS 8到SFAS 52的转变出发,从汇率理论到会计理论和决策理论进行多视角的分析,可以发现时态法和现时汇率法各自的理论上的优点和缺陷。立足现实的角度,我国的外币报表折算方法应采取更为灵活的策略。  相似文献   

This paper provides evidence on the asymmetric sensitivity of stock returns of French firms to exchange rate risk and the effect of foreign currency (FC) derivative use in alleviating this risk. The results show that FC exposure is frequently asymmetric and differs with respect to the US dollar (USD) and non‐USD currencies. Cross sectional analysis provides evidence that FC derivatives use has a significant effect on reducing FC exposure to appreciations and depreciations of non‐USD currencies and depreciations of the USD, but not to appreciations of the USD.  相似文献   

对我国外汇储备适度规模模型的探讨   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
长期以来,各国经济学家对外汇储备适度水平的定量测算作出了种种不懈的努力和尝试,提出了许多测算的思路与方法,总的看可以分为三类,即利用经验法则的比例分析法;从适应储备量的经济学定义出发的成本—收益分析法;利用多元回归与相关分析技术的储备需求函数分析法。 比例分析法的突出代表人物是美国经济学家特里芬(R.Triffin)教授。尤其是特里芬的储备/进口的比例法,选取了与储备相关度较大的贸易指标作参照,且一元回归分析也证实  相似文献   

Although transition economies experience significant institutional transformations that vary in their degree and pace, scholarly knowledge of what distinguishes more successful foreign subsidiaries from less successful ones in such environments is limited and inconsistent. We enhance the understanding of this subject by examining how variations in the institutional development of transition economies influence the usefulness of a subsidiary's intangible assets and capabilities and, in turn, their effectiveness in enhancing its growth. Prior research assumes that foreign subsidiaries that operate in any given environment are always better off when they possess strong intangible assets and capabilities. Our analysis of more than 33,000 observations in 14 transition economies challenges this view and enables us to explain why some subsidiaries grow more quickly in less‐developed institutional environments, whereas others more quickly in countries with institutions that are more developed. More specifically, we show that although a subsidiary's intangible assets enhance its growth in transition economies with stronger institutions, these effects are particularly weak or insignificant in transition countries with less developed institutional environments. Conversely, a completely different pattern emerges for subsidiary capabilities, with their marginal effects on subsidiary growth being significantly higher in countries that are institutionally less developed than in transition countries with more developed institutions.  相似文献   

贺毅夫 《价值工程》2010,29(32):316-317
地方对外宣传作品因具有较强地方特色,译成英文有一定的难度。译者要仔细研读原文,深入分析原文的内在涵义,用合乎英语习惯的表达方式将其译成明白易懂的英文,并尽量保持原文的文化韵味。  相似文献   

Foreign-trade zone (FTZ) use by international marketers vrovides them with the mlential to gain cost savings and increak operating efficiencies. However, no empirical research has yet been conducted to examine whether operating cost efficiency is better for international marketers using FTZs (FTZ firms) than those not using FTZs (non-FTZ firms). The operating cost efficiency of FTZ and non-FIZ firms is examined through a comparison of their cost structures. Using translog production functions, the surprising results in this paper suggest that FTZ firms tend to be less efficient than non-FTZ firms. Some possible explanations for this result are advanced, and public policy implications are discussed.  相似文献   

自1998年下半年以来,关于扩大内需来刺激有效需求的问题,引起了理论界和各级政府的高度重视。笔者认为努力开拓国内市场,不断促进其发展,不仅能为本国企业建立稳固的后方市场,而且也能为本国发展对外贸易创造条件。为此,充分运用市场功能运行的规律,克服供需中的一些矛盾,达到通过市场的运作既扩大有效供给创造需求,同时又直接引  相似文献   


This paper explores the knowledge transfer between a Western head office and its subsidiaries in the former Soviet Union with a focus on accounting-related knowledge. A framework of knowledge translation (Choi and Eriksson, Business Network Learning, pp. 69–88 (Amsterdam: Pergamon, 2001 Choi, S. and Eriksson, K. 2001. “The internationalization process as knowledge translation in international business relationships”. In Business Network Learning, Edited by: Håkansson, H. and Johanson, J. 6988. Amsterdam: Pergamon.  [Google Scholar])) is applied and refined to structure the results, which show the development of the management accounting and control system in the knowledge translation process. The role of accounting as a mediator changes in the different phases of the process and accounting itself also translates due to local discretion. At the very beginning of the cooperation the role of accounting is emphasised in order to ensure satisfactory reporting, but personal cooperation within the matrix structure mainly replaces accounting in the intensive knowledge translation. Social capital is created in the translation phase, enabling later on local autonomy and head office's control at a distance based on accounting numbers. Thus the results suggest that management control through accounting information alone, without active channels for personal contacts, may not work in the former Soviet Union because of the prevailing business traditions and personal networking.  相似文献   

Using a sample of Swedish firms we investigate the risk reducing effect of foreign exchange exposure hedging. Further, we investigate risk reduction from using different hedging instruments, and particular interest is directed towards the impact of transaction exposure hedges and translation exposure hedges respectively. We find that firms' foreign exchange exposure is increasing with the level of inherent exposure, measured as the difference between revenues and costs denominated in foreign currency, and that it is decreasing with firm size. We find a significant reduction in foreign exchange exposure from the use of financial hedges. The evidence suggests that the usage of foreign denominated debt as well as currency derivatives reduce firms' foreign exchange exposure. Further, we find that transaction exposure hedges significantly reduce exposure, and that translation exposure hedges also reduce exposure. A possible explanation for the latter is that translation exposure approximates the exposed value of future cash flows from operations in foreign subsidiaries (i.e. economic exposure). If so, by hedging translation exposure, economic exposure is reduced.  相似文献   

本文利用广义超越对数成本函数估计了我国国有商业银行及股份制商业银行1994—2001年的成本函数,并计算出各自的规模经济和范围经济。结果表明:国有商业银行存在规模经济而股份制商业银行存在轻微的规模不经济;国有商业银行在其传统业务(存款、贷款)上具有规模经济,在投资上具有规模不经济,股份制商业银行则相反;国有商业银行及股份制商业银行都存在总体范围经济;国有商业银行在贷款和存款上的范围经济大于在投资上的范围经济,股份制商业银行在贷款上不具有范围经济,而在投资和存款上具有显著的范围经济;国有商业银行和股份制商业银行在贷款和投资组合上都不具有成本互补性,而在贷款和存款及存款和投资组合上都具有轻微的成本互补性。针对上述检验结果,提出了相应的政策建议。  相似文献   

我国利用外资的两条战线   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
20世纪90年代初,我国利用外资已由借用外国贷款为主转为吸引跨国公司的直接投资为主。跨国公司的直接投资有两种方式:一是新增投资,又称“绿地投资”,即外商在东道国建立合资企业或独资企业;一是跨国公司并购投资国有企业,即跨国公司通过收购国有企业的部分或全部股份,取得对国有企业控制权的产权交易行为。这里包括跨国公司兼并吸收一家或多家公司。后一种方式,虽在国际直接投资中早已超过“绿地投资”,但在我国从2002年才逐步升温,这与我国资本市场的发育程度有关,也与我国利用外资战略、政策近年来的转变有关。随着党的十六大后国有经济…  相似文献   

文章认为,题名是一篇文章的主题思想。题名翻译要准确、简练、清晰。在等效理论的指导下,译者应利用各种手段,结合论文内容,努力追求译文对读者的作用接近于原文对原语读者的作用,实现"等效"。  相似文献   

卢慧萍 《价值工程》2010,29(21):204-205
1900-1920年,西方文化及观念大量传入中国,掀起了翻译外国文学作品的高潮,编译外国戏剧作品也是其中之一。内容上,初期的编译戏剧作品情节与中国传统戏剧相似,但也有作品保持原著的风格。从原著来源看,编译作品所涉国家众多,并受部分国家影响较大。从编译者来看,当时的许多编译者不仅译编戏剧作品,也涉足其他文学领域。  相似文献   

明代民间白银货币的大量应用与大明宝钞的逐渐崩坏是相互伴随的,共同促进了白银货币化的进程。从民间开始的自下而上的白银货币化趋势冲击着明代的货币制度,最终明政府不得不以法令的形式认可了白银的货币地位。明代中国产银数量远远不足以满足政府和民间巨大的白银需求,明政府被迫开放海上贸易,凭借外贸出超优势,巨额海外白银滚滚流入国内,满足了明代中后期不断扩大的白银货币需求。  相似文献   

We use a sample of 27 countries and 63 currency news announcements in an event study framework to examine the impact of currency news on international government bond markets. Our findings reveal a significant spillover of currency news into bond markets. Specifically, the evidence shows significant negative abnormal bond returns, whether measured in dollar terms or local currency terms, implying that currency news plays a role in changing the performance of international government bond markets. We also show that abnormal bond returns remain significantly negative even after controlling for macroeconomic variables. Our results are robust to using alternative risk model specifications, country-level data, and corporate bond data. Our evidence of the significant impact of currency news on bond markets provides essential insights to professional traders, policymakers, and academic researchers.  相似文献   

The paper calls into question the proposition that currency boards are a solution in preventing currency crisis. On the basis of a “second generation” model, it shows that, in the presence of unemployment persistence, a currency board system can become vulnerable to a currency crisis, as well. The model underlies the role played in triggering the crisis both by expectations of exchange rate realignments and by fundamentals. As the persistence of unemployment has a feedback effect on subsequent periods’ expectations, the credibility of a currency board may decrease over time, eventually inducing a self-fulfilling crisis.  相似文献   

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