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We examine the wage trends of ordinary workers and the wage convergence between unskilled and skilled workers in China. First, we find that wages in all non-agricultural sectors, wages of migrant workers, and wages of hired workers in the agricultural sector have increased dramatically since 2003. Second, through comparing wage differentials between migrant and urban resident workers and between heterogeneous education groups within migrant workers, and by investigating the changes in the contribution of the returns to education to wage differentials, we find that the wages of unskilled and skilled workers have converged. Both the increasing wage trends and wage convergence are interpreted as evidence supporting the hypothesis that China has passed what can be called the Lewis turning point in the industrial sector. We conclude that the sustainability of economic growth in China requires an upgrading of labor market institutions to accommodate the merging of the rural and urban labor forces.  相似文献   

This paper examines developments in the wage system in Zimbabwe. The analysis focuses on the wage formation process and wage differentials. The paper observes that real wages have been flexible and have fallen sharply. Wage inflexibility is thus ruled out as a cause of unemployment. The collapse of wages has given rise to non‐standard labour market practices as workers try to cushion themselves against rapid wage declines. Wages also exhibit wide gender, racial and occupational differentials. The paper also argues that a wage policy in Zimbabwe must be pillared on decentralised, coordinated and synchronised collective bargaining.  相似文献   

俞玲 《特区经济》2012,(4):68-70
本文基于人力资本理论和歧视理论对农民工和城镇职工工资差距进行的实证研究表明,人力资本是导致农民工低收入的主要原因,其中教育对工资差距具有决定性影响;歧视对农民工收入起重要作用,其中反向歧视已成为农民工歧视的主要表现形式。实现农民工收入增长和城乡劳动者平等就业必须"两手抓",一手抓农民工人力资本提升,一手抓制度改革消除对城镇职工的保护和偏袒。  相似文献   

A longitudinal data base is used to estimate racial wage differentials for young nonfarm rural workers for 1968, 1973, and 1978. The empirical results indicate the existence of large wage differentials between young white and young black nonfarm rural workers of both sexes. The results also indicate that the wage differential for young men has increased over time while the differential for young women has decreased slightly over time.  相似文献   

周春芳  苏群 《南方经济》2018,37(7):96-112
文章利用CHIP2002和CHIP2013数据,采用基于RIF无条件分位数回归的分解法,比较了不同时间维度和不同分位数水平上,我国农民工和城镇职工的性别工资差距及其形成机理。研究结果表明:第一,我国城镇劳动力市场中的性别工资差距不断扩大,其中农民工的性别工资差距全方位扩大,且低分位数上的增速最快,致使2013年其各分位数上的性别工资差距超过城镇职工。其中,低收入城镇职工与中等收入农民工群体的性别工资差距及其来源具有相似特征。第二,系数效应是造成城镇职工和农民工性别工资差异的主要因素,两个群体的性别歧视均有所增强。但与城镇职工相比,农民工群体的性别歧视较大且增速较快。由于低收入群体中性别歧视的快速增长,城镇劳动力市场中遭受性别歧视最严重的群体由2002年的高收入的城镇女性职工和高收入的女性农民工,转变为2013年中等收入的女性农民工和低收入的城镇女性职工。第三,尽管针对中高收入城镇女性职工的市场前歧视和市场歧视均有所弱化,但低收入的城镇女性人力资本水平及其回报率仍低于同类男性,呈现与女性农民工相似的特点。上述结果意味着,城镇劳动力市场中不同户籍、不同收入水平的女性,遭受着不同程度的性别歧视,应针对不同群体采用差别化的性别干预政策。  相似文献   

This study investigates public–private sector wage differentials for male and female waged employees in Pakistan. This is done using latest nationally representative data from the Pakistan Living Standards Measurement Survey (PSLM) 2005. We adopt three methodologies to obtain robust estimates of the wage differential and the results reveal that public sector workers enjoy large wage premia. The gross pro-public wage differential is much larger for women than for men. Our findings also show that while private and public sector workers’ differing characteristics ‘explain’ a larger proportion of the private–public wage gap for men, this is not the case for women.  相似文献   

To study how firms respond to minimum wage regulation in China, this paper empirically explores a number of dimensions along which firms adjust in response to minimum wage differences, using three waves of a national survey of Chinese private firms. Consistent with the predictions of economic theory, we find that private firms in China respond to minimum wage increases by cutting various fringe benefits such as pension and insurance, and by laying off low-skilled workers and short-term workers. Despite these adjustments, firms cannot fully mitigate the detrimental effects on firm profitability when faced with adverse demand shocks because of the wage rigidity introduced by minimum wage regulation. These findings highlight the unintended consequences of minimum wage regulation on the private sector in China.  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate empirically whether there are differences in labor market outcomes according to workers' region of birth. We also investigate whether wage differentials by region of birth are due to taste discrimination, statistical discrimination as measurement error, or both of these things. The empirical analyses based on the Korean Labor and Income Panel Study (KLIPS) data show the following. First, Honam‐born workers have a higher migration ratio to other regions than Youngnam‐born workers. Second, workers born in other regions have a higher propensity to become contingent workers and are paid significantly lower wages than Seoul/Kyonggi‐born workers. Finally, our empirical tests support the third hypothesis that wage differentials by region of birth are attributable partly to statistical discrimination as measurement error and partly to taste discrimination. We rejected a hypothesis based solely on taste discrimination as well as a hypothesis based solely on statistical discrimination as measurement error.  相似文献   

Using the data from an original survey on rural migrant workers from Suzhou industrial sector in 2013, we estimate the wage effect of both union membership and union coverage across the wage distributions using decomposition approach based on unconditional quantile regression. The results show that union membership has a significant effect on the wage level of rural migrant workers across the wage distribution. The effect of coefficient differences which results from the different rewarding systems explains the majority wage differentials between union members and non-members in non-unionized firms. There is also significant union coverage effect at the lower part of the distribution when comparing the union-covered non-member to the nonunion-covered non-member, which is also mainly caused by the coefficient effect. By contrast, wage differentials between union members and non-members in unionized firms are attributed to significant composition effect, which reveals that union members are positively selected within unionized firms. As a result, the positive wage effect of union is limited to the more advantaged group among migrant workers.  相似文献   

Benoit Dostie 《De Economist》2011,159(2):139-158
In this article, we estimate age-based wage and productivity differentials using Canadian linked employer-employee data from the Workplace and Employee Survey 1999–2005. We use data at the workplace level to estimate production functions, taking into account the age profile of its workforce. Data on workers is used to estimate wage equations that also depend on age. Results show concave age-wage and age-productivity profiles. On average, we find that wages do not deviate significantly from productivity. For certain sub-groups, our results suggest some discrepancies between wages and productivity. This is the case for older workers with at least an undergraduate degree for whom productivity appears to be lower than their wages, while the reverse seems true for younger men. However, even in those cases, productivity differentials are too imprecise to draw any firm conclusions.  相似文献   

Since the end of the 1980s, the number of migrants working in the urban labor market has increased dramatically. However, migrant workers are treated differently from urban workers. In this paper we examine the labor market discrimination against rural migrants from the point of view of wage differentials using CHIP-2007 data. We apply Jann pooled method to deal with index number problem and use Heckman two step model to correct selection problem when decomposing the wage gap. The decomposition results show that a significant difference in wage gains persists between the two groups as late as 2007. In 2007 migrants only earned 49% of urban workers' income and 17% of the wage gap cannot be explained by observed factors. In detail, differences in educational attainment, work experience and distribution across industry, occupation, and ownership of enterprises account for most of the explained wage gap.  相似文献   

François Rycx 《De Economist》2002,150(5):555-568
This paper examines the existence and magnitude of inter-industry wage differentials in Belgium. Using the 1995 Structure of Earnings Survey, a rich employer-employee matched database, we find significant sectoral wage differentials among workers who are apparently similar from the point of view of their individual characteristics and working conditions. Results also suggest that these differences derive partly from the features of the employers in each sector (size of the establishment, bargaining regime). In an international perspective, results fit in with findings from earlier studies on the existence of a negative relation between the dispersion of inter-industry wage differentials and the degree of corporatism.  相似文献   

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) provides civil rights protections to persons with disabilities, but the debate that preceded passage of the Act was not based on empirical estimates that could be used to measure its performance. This article estimates the extent of wage discrimination against men with disabilities in 1990, providing a reference that can be used to evaluate the impact of the ADA. The results show large productivity-standardized wage differentials between disabled and nondisabled men that are weakly correlated with the strength of prejudice against different impairments. Physical limitations explain part, but not all, of the wage differentials. The results also show that low employment rates are a more serious problem than wage discrimination for workers with disabilities.  相似文献   

很多研究发现外商投资企业比内资企业对同等情况下的工人所付工资要高,本文利用中国省际制造业分大类数据对此进行了实证研究,研究的结果表明,在控制了各种对工资影响因素(产业、地区、企业、工人素质)后,外资所有权工资升水显著存在,大约为10%。同时还对平均薪酬进行了研究,外资所有权薪酬升水大约为7%。此外,本文还得出了其他一些有意义的结论。  相似文献   

Conclusion The evidence in this article helps to explain the black-white earnings differential in 1970, six years after the passage of Fair Employment Legislation, in terms of traditional measures such as experience and education along with a public policy measure that has of late come under fire. And contrary to the notion that the gains from such government policy have not benefited the less fortunate workers but simply accrued only, or mainly, to upper- or middle-class blacks, the results presented here indicate that enforcement, such as it is, has had beneficial effects for black men and women in virtually all major occupational categories. When a distinction is made between the various major occupational categories, the importance of education and experience as factors that contribute toward explaining black-white earnings differentials is generally supported by this study. However, neither education nor experience shows a consistent explanatory power across occupational categories and especially across the sexes. For example, experience is more frequently found to be a significant factor for black men than it is for black women. Education, on the other hand, was found to have no statistically significant relationship with wage differentials in major blue-collar job categories for both men and women, thus lending some credence to the dual labor market thesis regarding returns to education. By far the factor we have found to be the most consistent with respect to its impact upon racial wage differentials for both men and women is the fair employment variable. Indeed, across major occupational groups the existence and enforcement of fair employment laws seems to have had, generally, a more significant effect on reducing racial wage differentials than each of the other independent variables.  相似文献   

Large wage differences between countries (“place premiums”) are well documented. Theory suggests that factor price convergence should follow increased migration, capital flows, and commercial integration. All three have increased between the United States and Mexico over the last 25 years. This paper evaluates the degree of wage convergence between these countries during the period 1988 and 2011. We match survey and census data from Mexico and the United States to estimate the change in wage differentials for observationally identical workers over time. We find very little evidence of convergence. What evidence we do find is most likely due to factors unrelated to US–Mexico integration. While migration, trade, and FDI may reduce the US–Mexico wage differential, these effects are small when compared to the overall wage gap.  相似文献   

Product Market Competition, Unemployment and Income Disparities. — We discuss how promoting competition in product markets affects unemployment and wage differentials. We examine a general equilibrium model with real wage rigidities in labor markets and market power in product markets. We illustrate how more intense competition reduces unemployment. A decrease of markups would induce an increase of real wages if real wages were flexible. This enables the employment of more low-skilled people above a real reservation wage. More intensive competition, however, widens wage and income differences between low-skilled and high-skilled workers. Differences of income distributions across countries could also be caused by differences in the intensity of product market competition.  相似文献   

This study compares the size and nature of the gender earnings differentials for the self-employed and wage earners in Korea, taking into account the workers’ self-selection of each employment type. The two-stage estimates of the earnings equation, corrected for worker selectivity, are used to decompose the gender earnings differentials into productivity-related and discriminatory factors. Our results suggest that the size of the gender earnings gap is larger in the wage sector than in the self-employment sector, but not by large margin, and so is the discrimination effect when not controlled for worker selectivity. With worker selectivity controlled, the discrimination effect is greatly intensified in the wage sector, while it becomes not significant in the self-employment sector. These findings imply that the observed gender earnings gap in the wage sector is largely ascribed to discrimination against women, while the gender earnings gap in the self-employment sector is mostly due to productivity difference that, in part, is caused by worker selectivity.  相似文献   

本文通过构建一个包含产品市场和劳动力市场的模型,分析了最低工资制度在社会、经济等方面的影响,并得出以下结论:如果企业是市场工资率的被动接受者,则推行最低工资制度在促进劳动者福利提升的同时,会以减损社会总福利为代价,同时社会总产出水平下降;如果企业对市场工资率有影响能力,则通过最低工资制度提高就业者工资率水平,这不仅会促进劳动者福利的提升,同时也会造成社会总福利的改进,社会总产出水平上升。以此为基础,结合当前中国的社会实际,对于最低工资制度的实施提供了相关的政策建议。  相似文献   

The present paper examines the impacts of technological change and trade flows on wage inequality across manufacturing industries. Using micro–level data from the Taiwan Manpower Utilization Survey (TMUS), 1982–1997, a slight decline in the log–wage differential between college and high–school workers is detected during this period. These results indicate that the accelerated growth in the relative supply of college graduates, combined with steady demand growth in favor of more highly educated workers, can largely explain the narrowing wage differentials within Taiwanese manufacturing over the period 1982–1997. In terms of demand–side factors, this study concludes that technology and trade are the two major forces driving the differences in wage inequality across industries.  相似文献   

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