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OEM方式在客观上推动了我国地方加工贸易的发展,为地方经济增长做出了显著的贡献,成为目前地方制造业中重要的生产经营方式。本文从OEM的含义出发,通过分析其内在优势与缺陷,揭示其对制造业的影响,并在此基础上提出OEM方式下加工贸易企业的产业链升级模式。  相似文献   

洪韧 《大经贸》2006,(9):76-77
中国电子制造业概览 今天,中国电子制造业正在或多或少地采用0EM生产方式,它们或者作为OEM品牌厂商,或者作为替OEM代工的合约设备制造商(CEM)并进而从事电子制造服务(EMS),或者同时集两者于一身,海尔、联想、TCL、长虹等知名品牌概莫能外。OEM/EMS正成为中国电子制造业新的生产方式。  相似文献   

我国企业的OEM/OBM之路   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
凭借廉价的劳动力成本和巨大的市场潜力,我国已经成为世界制造业大国,名副其实的“世界工厂”,OEM生产方式在这一过程中功不可没。许多企业获益匪浅,目前,有些企业已经在国际市场上崭露头角,但OEM只是一个开始,由OEM/ODM生产方式转向OBM才是我国企业的发展方向。  相似文献   

OEM方式是目前我国制造业一种重要的生产经营模式,在OEM生产模式下,以产品委托加工方和OEM供应商为核心的供应链系统具有自身的特点。若要促进我国的OEM发展,就必须制定合理的发展策略,发挥其规模效益、专业效应的优势,完善生产布局,提升物流服务水平,降低物流成本,以最大限度地发挥其功能。  相似文献   

余向平 《江苏商论》2006,(9):126-128
OEM方式极大地推动了浙江经济的飞速发展,成为浙江制造业中的重要发展模式和浙江经济的重要推动力。但是,当前OEM企业却面临可持续发展能力不足的风险,而自主创新是浙江OEM企业实现产业升级的必由之路。自主创新的基本思路,表现在企业层面,应加大研发投入,改变研发模式和促进业务模式创新;表现在政府层面,应建立健全企业自主创新的支持服务体系。  相似文献   

OEM作为一有效率的合作方式,已成为我国制造业融入国际价值链体系的一个主要途径,但其内在劣势也是制造业面临的最大问题,从"贴牌"走向"创牌"是企业发展的必由之路.  相似文献   

论OEM在我国的作用和地位   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
金融危机席卷全球,这对外贸依存度高达70%的中国来说,影响无疑是深刻的。在众多产业中,制造业所受到的影响是空前的。从OEM在中国的发展之路出发,然后从理论和实际两个角度透析OEM目前在中国的作用和地位,同时提出若干建议。  相似文献   

探求企业贴牌生产(OEM)的生存之理   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
项文彪 《江苏商论》2005,(1):129-131
OEM作为企业的一种经营手段和生存方式,符合中小企业的发展现状,本文主要着重对OEM的利弊,以及企业OEM成功的关键进行评述,让中小企业真正卸下思想包袱,在竞争中立于不败之地.  相似文献   

OEM思维为中国制造业的迅速发展发挥了重要作用,然而在全球产品利润从制造环节向上、下游环节转移的背景下,OEM产业已到了微利时代。OEM思维下的中国制造风险陡增,当新技术、新制度等大变革与冲击出现时,代工本身面临毁灭、重塑,为开辟中国制造的空间、疆界与产业生态,须从开发自主品牌、发挥企业集群的创新优势、构建全球学习模式等途径来创造自己的未来。  相似文献   

在全球化的背景下,对于我国制造业企业来说,核心竞争力的培育迫在眉睫,然而不同企业在寻找打造核心竞争力途径时却要从当下的实际出发。当前我国大多数制造业企业都积极参与国际产业链分工,因此OEM代工模式可以使企业靠专业制造积累学习经验,进而掌握相关核心技术,最终拥有核心竞争力。  相似文献   

我国涉外贴牌生产中围绕贴牌商标的"侵权"问题已经产生了不少的法律纠纷和诉讼。但是对此我国并没有明确的司法解释,法院的判决也相互冲突。根据侵权行为构成的法理分析、《商标法》第52条中商标使用的分析和利益衡量原则,涉外贴牌生产企业的贴牌行为不应视为商标侵权行为。  相似文献   

In this paper, we review how original equipment manufacturing (OEM) firms break the “lock in the global value chains” (GVCs) and upgrade to original/own brand manufacturing (OBM) through accelerated internationalization. We focus on investigating how Lacquer Craft Mfg (later referred to as Lacquer Craft), an OEM firm in southern China successfully upgraded to OBM through reverse acquisitions. By proactively utilizing the resources (including the mindset or perspectives formulated) generated from practicing OEM, Lacquer Craft developed the needed capabilities to build its own brand in an international setting. Lacquer Craft’s successful experiences show that in a globalized economy, the ability to identify and exploit opportunities to link with established players, and the ability to search, acquire, and integrate strategic assets from the developed world rather than replicating the entire previous technological trajectory greatly facilitate the OEM firm in climbing up the value-added ladder and upgrading to OBM. This is a more aggressive upgrading approach. Its experiences also reveal that a firm’s product and technological upgrading strategies are closely interwoven with its internationalization strategy.  相似文献   

国际代工关系中本土代工企业的风险及防范策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
代工模式是本土多数厂商与跨国公司合作及赖以生存的主要方式.在为跨国公司代工的过程中,本土企业要承担更高的产业风险以及合作的关系风险,而发展自主的产品品牌又会影响原代工业务的发展,陷入"代工"与"自创品牌"的两难困境.文章运用战略联盟理论对代工企业各种风险的形成进行了分析,并提出了相应的防范策略.  相似文献   

Business-to-business relationships between original equipment manufacturing (OEM) suppliers and customers (brand name buyers) are an often studied issue; however, theoretical and empirical studies seldom focus solely on the suppliers' perspective. This paper examines OEM suppliers' perspectives and reports on the phenomenon of some suppliers choosing single customers while others focus on multiple customers to achieve the adaptive selling as their profit making that cause the parsimonious and complex customer strategies through the empirical studies. The study also uses mental models to analyze two specific cases of OEM suppliers within Taiwan's shoe industry in relation to what kinds of environmental changes that successful managers apply to their parsimonious and complex customer strategies. Mental models are used to map the evolution of these two OEM suppliers' customer strategies, along with their culture, competitive advantages, cooperation relationships, and environment. The study explores these five core propositions to show suppliers to employ different approach to customer strategies, and map the evolution of strategic development of Taiwan shoes companies from the 1970s through to the present day.  相似文献   

Although research has acknowledged the importance of supplier–buyer relationships for goods innovation, empirical evidence on the extent and nature of the effects of original equipment manufacturing (OEM) supplier–buyer relationships on service innovation remains scarce. Based on a survey of 152 suppliers in Taiwan, this study concludes that the interaction orientation of OEM suppliers is a key factor influencing the development of two competencies: joint innovation competence and cross-functional information dissemination competence. These two competencies contribute to OEM suppliers’ exploitative service innovation and explorative service innovation, respectively. In other words, applying a resource-based view, this study provides clarity regarding the linkages shown below (an organization’s strategic orientation influences its development of organizational capabilities and results in organizational performance) for the purpose of exploring the relationship between interaction orientation and service innovation.  相似文献   

代工制造是跨国公司主导全球价值链治理和资源优化配置的重要形式。中国已成为全球代工制造大国,但长期以来代工制造业的国际竞争力并没有随规模扩张实现同步提升。文章概述了全球价值链理论的核心内容,并基于全球价值链分工的视角,分析了代工制造模式的主要类型、价值链分工位置、产业组织特征和技术追赶过程。最后,提出了中国代工制造业技术追赶的几点建议。  相似文献   

This article analyzes how entrepreneurs create wealth and capabilities in the early stages by practicing original equipment manufacturing (OEM) and later on transcend to original brand manufacturing (OBM). The author deliberately selects three cases of Taiwan's firms (Johnson Health Technology Corporation, CVC Technology Corporation, and HTC Corporation) to study firm growth and firm transformation by incorporating concepts from research fields of entrepreneurship, strategic management, and leadership. How Taiwan's firms thrive from transforming to create own brands and how they deal with ensuing issues of branding dilemma offer a useful lesson for latecomer economies.  相似文献   

以富士康为代表的出口加工制造企业,曾经为我国的经济增长和就业做出了积极贡献。但是,兼具制造和技术竞争优势的富士康却仍旧是低附加值代工企业。如今,富士康面临要素成本上升、定价能力缺失、盈利能力下降等挑战。富士康采取了生产基地迁移和商业模式转变等积极的应对策略,力图在保持成本优势的同时,实现向"服务的富士康"和"创新的富士康"的转变。此外,要解决代工企业竞争力下滑的难题,还需要社会各界的多方面支持。  相似文献   

Although Chinese manufacturers are considered as latecomers or followers in global commodity chains, they have also been experiencing rapid progress in upgrading performance from own equipment manufacturing (OEM), original design manufacturing (ODM) to own brand manufacturing (OBM). Current literature on the global commodity chain has focused primarily on economic conditions that help explain manufacture upgrade while giving limited attention to what marketing capabilities support and sustain firm competitiveness through upgrading. This article examines eight different marketing capabilities to assess influence on manufacture upgrade performance. A survey of electronics manufacturers in mainland China and Hong Kong shows the significance of individual marketing capabilities and implications of their interdependency for manufacture upgrade performance. In particular, product development, marketing communication and channel management capabilities are crucial for manufacture upgrade. The results also highlight the importance of selective marketing capability development and the potential of secondary support for the relationship between substantive and dynamic capabilities.  相似文献   

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