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拍卖网站是当今发展最快的网上业务之一,而且,随着网上拍卖主要交手段的变化,网上交易安全性的提高,网上拍卖将会占到整个电子商务业务量的30%,因此,网上拍卖的税收征管将是未来电子商务税收征管的重要内容。而要对网上拍卖实施有效的税收征管,控制信息流是关键,措施包括修改现有拍卖法以规范网上拍卖,建立有效机制保证安全的网上拍卖环境,修正一些国际税收的原则和简化税制,加强税务部门与银行合作,加强国际税务合作等。  相似文献   

Several regulatory authorities worldwide have imposed forward contract commitments on electricity producers as a way to mitigate their market power. In this paper we analyze the impact of such commitments on equilibrium outcomes in a model that reflects important institutional and structural features of electricity markets. We show that, when firms are asymmetric, the distribution of contracts among firms matters. In the case of a single dominant firm, the regulator can be confident that allocating contracts to that firm will be pro-competitive. However, when asymmetries are less extreme, certain contract allocations might yield anti-competitive outcomes by eliminating more competitive equilibria. Our analysis thus suggests that forward contracts should be allocated so as to (virtually) reduce asymmetries across firms.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the driving factors behind the transition to a low carbon economy. Here, we offer a two-part analysis: First, we examine the factors leading to the current level of cleantech development. To do so, we examine the impact of country-level economic variables (real GDP, market return, and turnover) and country-level institutional variables on patent intensity. Results from this analysis show that cleantech patenting activity is fostered by a supportive institutional environment that promotes innovation and low-carbon development through carbon pricing policies, country-level public R&D expenditure and human capital. Second, we extend the notion of ‘path creation’ to map out different pathways for cleantech development on a country-level within a real options framework, and offer a corresponding valuation of cleantech patents. Our estimates of total wealth creation through the development of cleantech patents by 2050 range from US$10.16 to US$15.49 trillion dollars (13%–20% of the world GDP in 2017) with investment growth from US$2.93 to US$3.71 trillion (3.7%–4.7% of the world GDP in 2017). The results from our analysis suggest that market forces will drive the transition to a cleantech economy.  相似文献   

在国际工程市场如何选择保险经纪   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
工程保险的险种、投保程序、保单内容等十分复杂,不仅需要耗费承包商大量的精力,而且不易得到优惠的保险条件和价格。虽然现在很多中国承包商已经意识到保险在工程风险管理中的重要地位,但在保险索赔中仍然会遇到很多困难。本文作者建议承包商采用国际通行的办法,即聘请保险经纪或保险咨询公司做顾问来解决上述问题。  相似文献   

This paper analyses how short-term operational efficiency and the \(\hbox {CO}_{2}\) emissions of a power system depend on different subsidies for wind power and on the flexibility of the power system. This is analysed in the framework of a numerical power market model, calibrated to Danish data, where the start-up costs and other constraints in fossil-fuelled power plants are taken into account. The main conclusion is that flexibility is crucial for the costs of integrating wind power in an existing system. If thermal power plants are inflexible, subsidies for wind power should strive to increase the flexibility of the market by passing market signals to wind power. A subsidy that conceals market signals from wind power producers (a production subsidy) or disconnects wind power incentives from the market signals altogether (a fixed price) increases costs considerably. An inflexible power system should aim to introduce optimal subsidies (an investment subsidy) instead of production subsidies or a fixed price. The design of the subsidy scheme should take into account both the characteristics of the existing system and the characteristics of renewables.  相似文献   

During takeover battles, a tender offer provides a call option right to the target’s shareholders: it guarantees the offered price but maintains the chance of a higher offer. We present an options-based approach to estimate the probability and expected value of higher competing takeover bids using target stock price data. Analysing Canadian takeover battles in the period 1997 to 2007 we find that during the 5 trading days prior to the occurrence of an increased takeover bid, the estimated probability of a higher bid exceeds 80% on average and the expected value of a potential competing bid almost matches the realized value.  相似文献   

Throughout the nineties, a number of tender offers occurred in the Portuguese market. This article employs event study methodology to investigate their effects on the involved firms shareholders. On average, these operations increased the market value of the involved firms by 2% to 3%. However, target shareholders appropriated most of this gain, earning 18% over their firms previous value, whereas bidder shareholders seem to have gained nothing. These averages bent in bidders shareholders favour, however, when bidders held significant positions in the targets capital before the bid.Received: December 2002, Accepted: September 2003, JEL Classification: G14, G34This paper corresponds to a revised version of chapter 6 of my PhD dissertation. I have greatly benefited from comments by my supervisors José Manuel Amado da Silva and Victor Mendes dos Santos, Pedro Pita Barros, participants in the 9o Encontro Nacional de Economia Industrial and in an internal seminar at the Faculdade de Economia e Gestão, and two anonymous referees. The responsibility for any remaining errors is, of course, exclusively mine. CMVM and BDP have kindly provided the data used. Grant PRAXIS/PCSH/C/CEG/30/96 partially supported this research.  相似文献   

In Germany, substantial drops in wholesale power prices have become a regular phenomenon. While such price drops have far-reaching implications for the functioning of the power market, their underlying determinants remain poorly understood. To fill this gap, we propose a Markov regime-switching model to investigate low-price events at the European Power Exchange. Our analysis focuses on the role of energy policies that promote renewable energies and have led to significant reductions of nuclear capacities after the Fukushima accident. We find that high electricity infeed from renewable sources increases negative price spike probabilities, while the decommissioning of nuclear plants under the Nuclear Moratorium had an opposing effect. Simulations of market outcomes under different energy policies indicate that reaching ambitious renewable energy targets increases the frequency of low-price events and compromises the financial viability of conventional generation units, while a nuclear phase-out or an increase in storage capacities mitigates these effects.  相似文献   

肖静 《时代经贸》2020,(8):56-57
内部审计是电网企业主要管理手段之一,其实施对企业可持续发展有着十分重要的意义。本文从常见问题出发,对电网企业内部审计展开探讨,提出可从意识、内部控制、审计文化入手优化内部审计环境,从机构设置入手完善内部审计体制架构,通过结合审计需求、实施典型问题排查、运用数字化审计手段丰富审计方式,通过完善内部审计成果运用机制促进审计成果转化,通过加强过程控制等加强内部审计质量控制,最终促进电网企业内部审计质量提升,使内部审计真正发挥其效用,为企业长远发展夯实基础。  相似文献   

Yao Li  Chunhui Ye 《Applied economics》2018,50(45):4901-4911
Market is the foundation of modern society. However, how did market evolve? Previous research has explored the impacts of spatial distance and transportation conditions on market integration. This article argues that natural disasters also played a crucial role in the evolution of market integration in China, particularly in the grain market. When natural disasters occur, governments’ relief measures and merchants’ arbitrage activities will gradually promote interconnectivity among local grain markets. In this article, China’s major grain monthly price data set from 1746 to 1795 and the Chinese historical disaster records dataset from 1696 to 1795 are used to analyse the impact of natural disasters on grain market integration. The empirical results show that natural disasters have a significantly positive effect on the integration of the grain market. The findings continue to hold after controlling the traffic conditions, grain varieties and lag effect. This study proposes a new perspective for understanding the evolution of the grain market.  相似文献   

The organized wholesale electric power markets in the United States are characterized by structural market power, and would not produce competitive results absent administrative intervention. Market power mitigation is a fundamental and permanent part of the market design for the organized wholesale electricity markets. Market power mitigation is essential to FERC’s policy of relying on competition to regulate electric wholesale power prices, consistent with its mandate under the Federal Power Act. Controversy has arisen about how to ensure that the markets clear on the basis of offers that have been determined to be competitive. Specifically, the issue is what institution and function is best situated to provide the initial critical determination about whether a participant’s offer is competitive. Despite recent clarification of FERC policies on the market monitoring function, the roles of market administrators and market monitors are a potential source of confusion and counterproductive institutional conflict. The FERC should refine and clarify its policy in this area by according exclusive responsibility to institutional, independent market monitors to monitor participants’ conduct and the potential for the exercise of market power through ex ante review of cost-based offers used in market power mitigation, subject to review by FERC.  相似文献   

To correct the disincentives of liquidity assistance during financial crises, the official sector attempts to involve the private sector in the resolution of debt crises. This paper empirically tests the reaction of investors to announcements of private sector involvement (PSI). For this purpose, we disentangle shifts in risk premia incorporated in excess returns on emerging market bonds into changes in risk and shifts in the price of risk. A regime-switching ARCH-M model is employed to separate two regimes with respect to the market price of risk. While PSI has no effect on risk, it is shown that the likelihood of switching to a state with a high price of risk rises in response to PSI announcements. Thus, the results indicate that burden sharing was credible and, hence, effective.  相似文献   

Recently, Frank and McKenzie (J Bioecon 8(3):269–274, 2006) pointed out that beside discrimination, there is a further reason for a wage gap between males and females: If females value partner wages more than males in the mating market, this would increase the pay gap. In this paper, it is analyzed whether there exist policies that may improve the position of females and males from a distributional point of view without destroying the signal females want about the labor market success of males. First-best redistribution policies require the knowledge of the male and female wage preferences. Because this information is not available, a first-best redistribution policy seems infeasible. As an alternative policy, a differentiated wage tax is considered which is less information demanding than a first-best policy. It is shown that a welfare increasing wage tax scheme does exist and that an adequately chosen wage tax scheme may decrease the gender wage gap without destroying the desired signal of wages for labor market success.  相似文献   

This note demonstrates epsilon equilibria in the first-price auction that achieve lower worst-case expected revenues than the lower bound proposed by Turocy (2008) (Auction choice for ambiguity-averse sellers facing strategic uncertainty, Games Econ. Behav. 62 (2008) 155–179). Additionally, it stresses the importance of a careful specification of the action space to properly characterize expected revenues when bidders systematically deviate from equilibrium play.  相似文献   

Permit markets are celebrated as a policy instrument since they allow (i) firms to equalize marginal costs through trade and (ii) the regulator to distribute the burden in a politically desirable way. These two concerns, however, may conflict in a dynamic setting. Anticipating the regulator's future desire to give more permits to firms that appear to need them, firms purchase permits to signal their need. This raises the price above marginal costs and the market becomes inefficient. If the social cost of pollution is high and the government intervenes frequently in the market, the distortions are greater than the gains from trade and non-tradable permits are better. The analysis helps to understand permit markets and how they should be designed.  相似文献   

We study two-sided matching markets with couples and show that for a natural preference domain for couples, the domain of weakly responsive preferences, stable outcomes can always be reached by means of decentralized decision making. Starting from an arbitrary matching, we construct a path of matchings obtained from ‘satisfying’ blocking coalitions that yields a stable matching. Hence, we establish a generalization of Roth and Vande Vate's [Roth, A.E., Vande Vate, J.H., 1990. Random paths to stability in two-sided matching. Econometrica 58, 1475–1480] result on path convergence to stability for decentralized singles markets.Furthermore, we show that when stable matchings exist, but preferences are not weakly responsive, for some initial matchings there may not exist any path obtained from ‘satisfying’ blocking coalitions that yields a stable matching.  相似文献   

This article re-examines the response of financial markets to money supply announcements. It is argued that the previous research in the area may be suffering from an estimation bias. The potential for estimation bias stems from the questionable practice of assuming the same regression model for all frequency bands. A decomposition of the data into low-frequency and high-frequency components raises the possibility that both expected liquidity and expected inflation effects are in operation simultaneously though they affect different expectation horizons. The results also show that the distinct weight of these separate effects depends essentially on the credibility of the Fed in adhering to announced monetary targets and the state of inflationary fears.  相似文献   

This study concentrates on four computerized political markets in Germany between 1990 and 1998. While this new method for the prediction of election events worked quite well in the USA it did not perform as well in Germany. Searching for the causes of this distinction it is shown that, in contrast to the findings of Forsythe et al. (1992 Forsythe, R, Nelson, F, Neumann, GR and Wright, J. 1992. Anatomy of an experimental political stock market. American Economic Review, 82: 114261.  ), (i) extraordinary profits were achieved less by people who took advantage of other people's anomalies than by those people who acquired an advantage from the existence of asymmetric information, (ii) the marginal trader hypothesis does not hold when applied to German markets, and that (iii) traders relied on public opinion polls. It is argued that these distinctions are caused by the differences in the German and the US voting systems. Additionally, it is shown that to a certain extent (iv) election markets were able to predict the contemporary mood of the electorate without the help of public opinion polls, (v) first of all the informed traders used public opinion polls as a source of information, and (vi) prices themselves became a source of information on which expectations were based.  相似文献   

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