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The need of exchange rate forecasting in order to preventing its disruptive movements has engrossed many policy-makers and economists for many years. The determinants of exchange rate have grown manifold making its behavior complex, nonlinear and volatile so that nonlinear models have better performance for its forecasting. In this study the accuracy of ANFIS as the nonlinear model and ARIMA as the linear models for forecasting 2, 4 and 8 days ahead of daily Iran Rial/∈ and Rial/US$ was compared. Using forecast evaluation criteria we found that nonlinear model outperforms linear model in all three horizons.  相似文献   

This study examines the impacts of the real exchange rate on the bilateral trade between the U.S. and Korea using a highly disaggregated data set. In doing so, we estimate real exchange rate elasticity for 59 exported commodities (SITC two-digit classification) and 48 imported commodities (also SITC two-digit classification). Furthermore, we classify commodities according to their attributes in order to examine whether commodity attributes influence the exchange rate elasticity of exports and imports. According to this study's results, there have been large changes across those commodities that are ranked as being top contributors to U.S. exports to and imports from Korea for the time periods before, during, and after the Korean financial crisis. Commodity attributes are shown to influence the exchange rate elasticity but are not always consistent with the a priori expectations.  相似文献   

This paper estimates both short term and long run relationship between the real bilateral EUR-USD exchange rate and its real determinants. In the long run, it finds that the non-stationary real exchange rate in levels is linearly co-integrated with real variables. Using an ordinary least squares method with error correction mechanism, it investigates real EUR-USD exchange rate misalignment in the short term. By analysing real variables and their influence on international trade and capital movements, potential economic policies capable of maintaining equilibrium in the balance of payments and avoiding currency overvaluation are considered.  相似文献   

The purpose of this research is to investigate the effect of Corporate Governance (CG) to the performance of the firm measured by Economic Value Added (EVA). This research uses 64 samples for the year 2003-2004. The CG index is taken from the research of Siagian, Siregar and Rahadian (2006) and the EVA taken from "A hundred value creators companies" published by SWA Magazines in 2004-2005.
By grouping samples based on its mean, this research finds that samples in high CG index group have higher EVA than samples in low CG index group. The mean equality test shows the significant relation for this evidence.
Using simple and multiple regression method, CG index has positive and significant effect on EVA. This research uses sales growth, leverage, size, and age of the firm as control variables in multiple regression method. Consistent with research hypothesis, all control variables have positive and significant effect on EVA.
This research also investigate the effect of each component of CG index to EVA. "Equitable treatment of shareholders" and "disclosure and transparency" have positive and significant effect on EVA, but "right of shareholders", "role of stakeholders", and "responsibility of the board" do not have significant effect to EVA.
The sensitivity analysis is also done to investigate the effect of CG index to the performance of the firm if ROA and ROE were used as proxy of performance. The result shows that CG index has positive and significant effect to those various performance mesurement. Based on its coefficient, CG index is superior in affecting ROE more than EVA and ROA.  相似文献   

In this paper, the author shows the effectiveness of flyer advertising utilizing as a core technology Toyota Marketing System (TMS). TMS is part of new JIT, which contributes to constructing a Toyota Sales Marketing System (TSMS). This new TSMS is key to scientific automobile sales innovation at Toyota group dealers in Japan. This study describes the "flyer advertising effect", the "day of the week effect", and the "new car effect". Employing the Science SQC approach, these effects are acknowledged among those on the front lines of automobile sales as having a high level of investment efficiency and resultant customer traffic.  相似文献   

The role of small and medium enterprises in economic development cannot be overemphasized. The positive economic impacts of tourism are derivable in a destination economy when small and medium enterprises are actively involved in the provision of tourism services and facilities. This paper seeks to investigate through desk research the challenges of accessing funds by small and medium tourism and hospitality enterprises in Nigeria, the various attempts by the government to put in place viable institutions that would make funds accessible to SMEs in the industry and why the various attempts failed. The paper, in realization of the critical role of capital in enterprise development, proffers solution, which among other things is the immediate implementation of the Tourism Development Fund (TDF).  相似文献   

This study was carried out to determine the role of relationship marketing in health organizations with regard to providing customer loyalty and to evaluate the views of patients related to relationship marketing activities. In this study, a questionnaire was applied to 371 patients in Kadlk0y Universal Hospital, which is a private hospital in Istanbul. As a result of the correlation analysis between the satisfaction level from hospital and customer loyalty, it was seen that there is a medium level positive relation between customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. The important implications of this study can be stated as follows: Keeping existing patient is significant as much as gaining new patient, the variables being effective for providing customer loyalty can show difference from one patient to another, the image of health organization is significant for providing customer loyalty, and customer loyalty can be acquired by making continuous communication with patients.  相似文献   

The latest episode of the armed conflict between Northern and Southern Sudan erupted in 1983 and ended with the signing of the "Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA)" in 2005. The CPA allows for a referendum on independence for South Sudan in 2011. A similar scenario is possible for Darfur, where an armed conflict broke out in 2003 over demands for greater decentralization and development in the region. The peace agreement between the central government and the Eastern Sudan region continues to be fragile, and the risk of escalation of across the border spillovers of conflicts with Uganda and Chad persists. The U.S., EU, among other global players, is putting pressure on the Khartoum government to change its policies. Economic sanctions are among the tools used by the U.S. government while encouraging others follow suit. This paper investigates the response of the Sudanese economy to eliminating trade flows with the EU in the first phase and with East-Asian countries in the second. It discusses the changes in the macro-indicators, trade variables and welfare measures that would result. Moreover, it assesses the potential trade diversion and resource reallocation due to sanctions in each phase. To simulate these scenarios, detailed economic databases for Sudan, EU, East-Asian region, MENA, COMESA and the rest of the world are needed. For this purpose, GTAP Africa database and the standard GTAP model are employed. The 57 sectors of Africa database are aggregated to ten sectors including: grains and crops, livestock and meat products, mining and extraction, processed food, textiles and clothing, light manufacturing, heavy manufacturing, utilities and construction, transport and communication and other services. Moreover, the database regions are aggregated to six including Sudan, the EU, East Asia, MENA, COMESA and the Rest of the world. Results show that Sudanese trade reallocates to Asia in the first phase and to COMESA and MENA regions in the second. Sanctions exact a devastating toll on the Sudanese economy: GDP declines, trade shrinks and welfare deteriorates. The deterioration in the country's trade is mainly in the imports side, which justifies an improvement of the country's balance of trade, while welfare losses are derived by a deteriorated terms of trade and allocative efficiency.  相似文献   

To determine parameters of the frontal power of executive integration for application in business, this paper reviewed neuroeconomic neuroimaging research and discussion in relation to business psychology. The results are that limbic system (L) is a centre of primary consciousness based on a mesolimbic dopamine system serving the client in the brain stem with adaptive feedback as well as generating cognition and emotions towards Neocortex in a reciprocal autonomic balance. The power of concentration (C) is a tripartite executive integrating emotions and cognition: Prefrontal analysis by semantic recollection from temporal (R) lobe is based on episodic memories. Volition in the medial prefrontal cortex (c) controls both cognitive prediction (R'c) and emotions (L/c) for a balanced integration as a neural root of economic reasoning. An intuitive visuospatial Parietal sketchpad (I) integrates hippocampal episodic memory mismatches complementary to the cognitive prediction function. Chronic stress limiting the capacity of C is indicated by baseline serum cortisol. The conclusion is that the neuroeconomic model enables (1) operation of the theorem of economic man as an economic-bio-educational complex. Other business applications comprise, (2) a neural foundation of transactional analysis (TA) to improve corporate collaboration and management, (3) a combined health promotion/human resource development program based on simple training techniques as physical exercise, medical meditation and neurolinguistic programming (NLP), i.e., for weight regulation.  相似文献   

Local arts, culture, and natural environment of Indonesia had their own uniqueness. They might be explored to help and to develop batik industry in Indonesia, especially in motif aspect. It was necessary to help craftsmen to create new and innovative batik products. The study was conducted as an effort to motivate batik craftsmen in developing batik industry through production of creative and unique batik motives. First study question: What are artistic motives of local arts and culture of natural environment of Yogyakarta and Central Java able to give distinct and characteristically local styles? Second was how to create creative batik inspired by local arts and natural environment.  相似文献   

Since the essence of US subprime mortgage crisis just lies in the bank credit crisis caused by bubbles bursting of real estate market, some questions are really worthy of our deep reflection, such as whether there are bubbles existing in Chinese real estate market, whether there is crisis implied in Chinese real estate industry and financial crisis, as well as the difficulties that Chinese real estate is facing and the extent to which its difficulties might overshadow it. Therefore, based on the comparative study of the inducement of US subprime mortgage crisis and symptom of real estate in China, this paper illustrates the inducement of US subprime mortgage crisis and relevant symptom that Chinese real estate industry is facing, and further dialyzes a series of warnings brought to Chinese real estate.  相似文献   

Why slower growth and high inflation can occur concurrently, while in other cases growth can be non-inflationary? Why did aggregate demand policy sometime fail to work, given an orthogonal shock? This study ponders on these queries by estimating the aggregate supply and aggregate demand curves in four East Asian countries. Applying the Structural Vector Auto-Regression (SVAR) with the restrictions a-la Blanchard and Quah, it is revealed that while the AD and AS curves in most cases follow the textbook definitions, in some countries the AS curve is so fiat that demand expansion would have been effective to stimulate growth, and supply-based policies would be more desirable to control prices. We also found that during the crisis the supply shock played a more significant role in the price fluctuations, suggesting that focusing on AD management alone was not the best approach to take.  相似文献   

The Serra da Estrela Tourism Region (SETR), gifted of unique landscape conditions, of singular natural resources, filled with culture and history, has become an attractive leisure and recreation region. Considering its tourism potential, we have seen a development of the tourism activities on that region, making necessary a study of the presence of derivative offering components, mainly on the tourism hotels level. Considering the crucial strategic role that this activity has on the region, and since there are only a few follow-up studies of the activity development, the present research aims to contribute for the knowledge of the relevant tourism hotels units reality in the SETR. In this sense, the authors intend to analyze the different strategies that are being taken in the region, by this sort of companies and, to identify the existence (or not) of company groups that carry on similar strategies--strategic groups. To reach such goals, an empirical study was developed, based upon the information obtained from the statistical analysis of questionnaires applied to the hotels unit's managers. The results allowed concluding that the hotels units enforce combined strategies, instead of a single specific strategy. It was also possible to identify the existence of different strategic groups that use similar competitive strategies. From this process, it also resulted that the companies that operate in this sector consider that strategy assumes a determinative role for the success of their activity.  相似文献   

Based on theoretical support of adaptation theory and new expectation theory, this paper proposes that enterprise culture and recruitment interact each other. Enterprise culture plays the role of filtering and guiding in the enterprise recruitment, while recruitment is the propaganda tool, advantageous route, strategic measure and inevitable choice for enterprise culture. Effective recruitment strategies are helpful for the enterprise to achieve the fit between person and culture, and enhance the competitive advantage of the enterprise, thus reduce the employee turnover rate.  相似文献   

The small cinematography model as well as its incorporation into creation of the European digital space emerges as a paradigm of the creative destruction phenomenon in the way that Sombart spoke about and, afterwards, Schumpeter disseminated it seven decades ago. Working from this perspective, the University of Santiago de Compostela (USC)' audiovisual research group has been looking for the barriers the small cinema in original version must overcome and has even tested some of its findings in different geopolitical areas such as Lusophony,  相似文献   

We suggested a new factor in group idea generation studies, relay rounds. A relay in idea generation groups was defined as a process in which the next group generates ideas on the basis of previous groups' work. We investigated 55 3-person-groups as subjects and discussed how the quantity of the nominal and unique ideas, the change of the quality of the ideas and satisfaction of the members in these groups were influenced as relay rounds gradually raised from 1 to 11. Then, we tried to find how many relay rounds would allow the best performance. We found that as the number of rely rounds increased, the quantity of a single group's nominal and unique ideas reduced accordingly. However, the overall quantity of nominal and unique ideas and the quality of unique ideas increased while the satisfaction degree of group members didn't change significantly. Results showed that under the situation of this study, a seven-round relay was the best.  相似文献   

Since 2004, there has been the succession of migrant workers labor shortage all over the country. Among the factors causing farmers to hunt jobs in cities, wage plays a decisive role. So in this paper, it made an investigation and research on wages status and salary expectations of migrant workers in Hulan District. There are three main problems of migrant workers wages in Hulan District: The migrant workers' average wage is less than the community average wage; the wages were cut down in fact because of long working hours, as well as the low rate of return. In this district, the wage expectation of migrant workers on average is between 1341.8 and 1496.9 Yuan, that is 0.91-1.01 times as many as local minimum wage standard (after adding the overtime pay); and 0.98-1.12 times as many as AVG salary last year. At last, it gives some suggestions: The enterprises should raise the standard of wages referring to the wage expectation of local migrant workers; local government should enhance skill trainings for migrant workers.  相似文献   

The Strategic Quality Management--Performance Measurement Model (SQM-PMM) was established to enhance the key elements of successful Science TQM, a new quality management principle proposed by the author. The validity of SQM-PMM as a measurement methodology to ensure future management results through strategic quality management was verified.  相似文献   

The enlargement of the European Union and the liberalization of the labour market will substantially influence the demographic indicators in New Member States. The paper aims to identify and synthetically present some factors of influence which triggered by the end of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st century a series of characteristics defining the changes of the demographic model and structure of population on age brackets. Romania's population lost in the period 1992-2007 about 1250 thousands persons, which represents more than the population increase effort by restrictive policies (abortion prohibition) during the period 1977-1992. Also, this paper presents the most important factors that determine the demographic decline beginning in the last decade of the 20th century, both at national and regional levels. For Romania, another phenomenon is represented by the demographic dregs due to the emigration of the feminine population of fertile age. The increase of the share of female population in the emigration flows became more noticeable in the period 2002-2007. Supposing that from those women who migrate, less than 2/3 are going to give birth to children abroad, (1.3 represents the fertility rate at present), we can estimate, for example, that during the period 2000-2007 Romania has lost more than 69,099 persons. The paper presents some theoretic considerations on the Markov-type model, and the results obtained by using it for studying the development of demographic indicators in Romania, and their forecasting as well.  相似文献   

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