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Book Reviews     
《R&D Management》1987,17(3):223-235
Review of: Design and Innovation—Policy and Management.
Product Design and Technological Innovation, Ed Robin Roy and David Wield
Design, Innovation and Long Cycles in Economic Development
The Politics of Management, by Douglas Yates Jr.
The Transfer of Research Results into Industry. Proceedings of a Technical Change Centre conference held at the Geological Society on 23 September, 1985. Edited by John J. Qiunn. The Technical Change Centre, January 86
International Journal of Technology Management. Editor in Chief: M. A. Dorgham, Published by Interscience Enterprises Ltd.
Industrial R and D into the 1990's, by Bodroghy, Jervis and Montague. UKAEA, Harwell, 1985.
High Technology Small Firms, Innovation and Regional Development in Britain and the United States. Ray Oakey.
R and D Management Systems in Japanese Industry. Hajime Eto and Konomu Matsui (Eds.), Published by North-Holland, Elsevier Science Publications, Amsterdam and New York, 1984. $54.00 140 Dfl.
The Strategy and Performance of British Industry, 1970–80. Luffman, G. A. and Reed, R., Macmillan, London, 1984. |SL25. and Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Drucker, P. F., Heinemann, London, 1985.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviews in this aricle:
Gender and Technology in the Making Cynthia Cockburn and Susan Ormrod
Innovative Banking—Competition and the Management of a New Networks Technology John Howells and James Hine (Eds.)
Information Technology and Workplace Democracy Martin Beirne and Harvie Ramsay (Eds.)
Human Resource Management and Technical Change Jon Clark (Ed.)
Managing People and Technological Change John Bailey
Building Societies: Structure, Performance and Change Donal McKillop and Charles Ferguson
Optional Options: Work Design and Manufacturing Automation Jos Benders
Privatisation and Employment Relations: The Case of the Water Industry Julia O'Connell Davidson
The Politics of the Training Market: From Manpower Commission to Training and Enterprise Councils Brendan Evans
Learning to Succeed: A Radical Look at Education Today and A Strategy for the Future: Report of the Paul Hamlyn Foundation National Commission on Education Heinemann
Technology Transfer in Europe: Public and Private Networks David Charles and Jeremy Howells
Technological Collaboration in Industry: Strategy, Policy and Internationalisation in Innovation Mark Dodgson  相似文献   

Book reviews     
《R&D Management》2001,31(1):101-108
Books reviewed:
P. Diederen, P. Stoneman, O. Toivanen, A. Wolters Innovation and Research Policies: An International Comparative Analysis
P.J. Buckley and P. N Ghauri The Global Challenge for Multinational Enterprises: Managing Increasing Interdependence
S. Harryson Japanese Technology and Innovation Management: From Know‐how to Know‐who
John Elkington Cannibals With Forks – the Triple Bottom Line of 21st Century Business: (Conscientious Commerce)
W.L. Miller and L. Morris 4th Generation R&D: Managing Knowledge, Technology and Innovation
Shulin Gu China's Industrial Technology – Market Reform and Organizational Change: VNU/INTECH Studies in New Technology and Development
H.C. Marais Perspectives on Science Policy in South Africa  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Books reviewed:
Technology Transfer and Industrial Change in Europe, Paul Benneworth
From Control to Drift: The Dynamics of Corporate Information Structures, Matthew Jones  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Book reviews in this article:
Technclogy in Working Order: Studies of Work, Interaction, and Technology Graham Button (Ed.)
Communication, Technology and the Development of People Bernard Woods
Photonic Technology and Industrial Policy: US Responses to Technological Change Ernest Stemberg
Beyond Taylorism: Computerization and the New Industrial Relations Lorraine Giordano
Japanization at Work John Bratton
Working for the Japanese Stephanie Jones
Technology and Work in German Industry Norbert Altmann, Christoph Kohler and Pamela Meil (Eds.)
Towards Global Localisation: The Computing and Telecommunications Industries in Britain and France Philip Cooke, Frank Moulaert, Erik Swyngedouw, Olivier Weinstein, Peter Wells, Martine Lemattre and Patrice Grevet
New Technology and Practical Police Work S. Ackroyd, R. Harper, J. A. Hughes, D. Shapiro and K. Soothill  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Book reviews in this article:
Tools for Change and Progress: A Socio-Technical Approach to Business Process Re-engineering Enid Mumfordm, Geert Jan Beekman
Reengineering the Corporation: A Manifesto for Business Revolution Michael Hammer and James Champy
The Essence of Business Process Re-Engineering Joe Peppard, Philip Rowland
Software Assistance for Business Re-Engineering K Spurr, P Layzell, N Richards (Eds.)
Re-Engineering the Networked Enterprise Y Jayachandra with Raul Medina-More Gita J Melkote Fernando Flores
Reengineering Information Technology: Success Through Empowerment Stephen, Baxter, David Lisburn
Managers Divided: Organisation Politics and Information Technology Management David Knights, Fergus Murray
Business Process Reengineering: Breakpoint Strategies for Market Dominance Henry J. Johansson, Patrick McHugh, A. John Pendlebury & William A. Wheeler III
Beyond Business Process Reengineering: Towards the Holonic Enterprise Patrick McHugh, Giorgio Merli & William A. Wheeler III  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Towers, Brian, (ed.) Employment Relations in Britain: 25 years of the Advisory Conciliation and Arbitration services
Rigby, Mike, Smith, Roger and Lawlor, Teresa, (eds.) European Trade Unions: Change and Response
Turner, Lowell, Fighting for Partnership: Labor and Politics in Unified Germany
Elliot, Robert, Lucifora, Claudio and Meurs, Dominique, (eds.) Public Sector Pay Determination in the European Union
Lind, Jens and Hornemann Möller, Iver, (eds.) Inclusion and Exclusion: Unemployment and Non‐standard Employment in Europe
Clark, Ed and Soulsby, Anna, Organizational Change in Post‐communist Europe: Management and Transformation in the Czech Republic
Dark, Taylor, The Unions and the Democrats: An Enduring Alliance
Freeman, Richard and Rogers, Joel, What Workers Want
Whetten, David and Godfrey, Paul, (eds.) Identity in Organizations: Building Theory through Conversations
Tsutsui, William, Manufacturing Ideology: Scientific Management in Twentieth‐Century Japan
Barker, James, The Discipline of Teamwork: Participation and Concertive Control  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviews in this article:
Poor Work: Disadvantage and the Division of Labour Phillip Brown and Richard Scase (eds.)
Critical Theory of Technology Andrew Feenberg
Building Capitalism: Historical Change & the Labour Process in the Production of the Built Environment Linda Clarke
Restructuring a Traditional Industry: Construction Employment and Skills in Europe Helen Rainbird and Gerd Syben (eds.)
Science Policy Research: Implications and Applications Darcy F. De Almeida (ed.)
Connections: New Ways of Working in the Networked Organisation L. Sproull and S. Kiesler
Organizational Structure and Information Technology Jon Harrington
Manufacturing Knowledge: A History of the Hawthorne Experiments Richard Gillespie  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Mast Uncommon Jacksonians, the Radical Leaders of the Early Labor Movement by Edward Pessen.
The Slavic Community on Strike, Immigrant Labor in Pennsylvania Anthracite by Victor Greene.
A Century of Labour-Management Relations at McCormick and International Harvester by Robert Ozonne.
Radical Politics and Canadian Labour by Martin Robin.
The Origin and Evolution of the I.L.O. and its Role in the World Community by David A. Morse.
Problems of Equal Pay by G. J. Mepham.
Industrial Relations in Construciton by W. S. Hilton.
Productivity Agreements and Wage Systems by D. T. B. North and G. Buckingham.
Productivity Bargaining and Industrial Change by N. Stettner.
Productivity Bargaining and the Engineering Industry by E. J. Roberston.
Labour In the South by F. Ray Marshall.
Critical Issues in Labor: Text and Readings by Max S. Wortman, Jr.
Labour Relations by Arthur A. Slonae and Fred Witney.
Manpower Planning: a Bibliogrphy edited by C. G. Lewis.
Shop Steward in British Industry by. J. F. B. Goodman and T. G. Whittingham.
Personnela Administration and Industrial Relations by J. Valerie Grant and G. J. Smith.
An Occupation in Conflict: A Study of the Personnel Manager by George Ritzer and Harrison M. Trice.
Immigrants in Industry by Sheila Patterson.
The Employment of Young Workers by Nancy B. Keene.
Enterprise Planning for Change by D. Wedderburn.
Man-in-Organizaiton: Essays by F. J. Roethlisberger.
Group Dynamics by d. Cartwright and A. Zander.
Experiences in Groups and Other Papers by W. R. Bion.
Studies in Accouting for Mangement Decision edited by A. M. Bourn.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: New Technology in Context: The Selection, Introduction and Use of Computer Numerically Controlled Machine Tools, by Bernard Burnes. Managerial Strategy for New Technology, by Wendy Currie. New Technologies and Work: Capitalist and Socialist Perspectives, by Arthur Francis and Peter Grootings. Labour Market Flexibility: Trends in Enterprises. Precarious Jobs in Labour Market Regulation: The Growth of Atypical Employment in Western Europe, edited by G. Rodgers and J. Rogers. Flexible Working Time and Family Life: A Review of Changes, by S. McRae. The European Community: The Social Dimension, by P. Teague. The Decline of Organized Labor in the United States, by Michael Goldfield. The Fall of the House of Labor: The Workplace, the State and American Labor Activism, 1860–1925, by David Montgomery. Reds or Rackets? The Making of Radical and Conservative Unions on the Waterfront, by Howard Kimeldorf. A Secretary and a Cook: Challenging WomenS Wages in the Courts of the United States and Great Britain, by Steven L. Willborn. Coal, Crisis and Conflict: The 1984-5 Miners' Strike in Yorkshire by J. Winterton and R. Winterton. After Redundancy: the Experience of Economic insecurity, by John Westergaard, Iain Noble and Alan Walker. Change in Industrial Relations: The Organization and Environment by P. B. Beaumont. Manufacturing Change: Industrial Relations and Restructuring, edited by Stephanie Tailby and Colin Whitston. The British Trade Union Directory, by Wolodymyr Maksyrniw, Jack Eaton and Colin Gill. International Labour Statistics: A Handbook Guide and Recent Trends, edited by R. Bean. The Keys to Excellence: the Deming Philosophy, by Nancy R. Mann. Organizational Ecoiogy, by Michael T. Hannan and John Freeman. Sweden: Social Democracy in Practice, by Henry Milner. Reforming the Revolution: China in Transition, edited by Robert Benewick and Paul Wingrove. Industrial Sociology: Work in the French Tradition, edited by Michael Rose.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Industrial Relations. A Marxist Introduction by Richard Hyman
Trade Unions and Revolution: the Industrial Policies of the Early British Communist Party by James Hinton and Richard Hyman
Psychology and Work by D. R. Davies and V. J. Shackleton. Methuen
The Psychology of Training by R. Stammers and J. Patrick. Methuen
Psychological Testing in Personnel Assessment by K. M. Miller (ed.)
Managerial Stress edited by Dan Gowler and Karen Legge
Equal Pay for Women: Progress and Problems in Seven Countries, edited by B. Pettman
Labour Input and the Theory of the Labour Market, by G. E. Krimpas
The Industrial Relations Act: A Review and Analysis by A. W. J. Thomson and S. R. Engleman
Productivity and Law by Richard A. Farnsworth
Industrial Behaviour. Theoretical Development since Taylor, by Michael Rose. Allen Lane
The Social Problems of an Industrial Civilization by Elton Mayo. Routledge and Kegan Paul
The Foreman. Aspects of Task and Structure by David Dunkerley. Routledge and Kegan Paul
Organizational Structure in its Context. The Aston programme I, by D. S. Pugh and D. J. Hickson  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
The A utomobile Industry and its Workers: Between Fordism and Flexibility , edited by S. Tolliday and J. Zeitlin
Management and Managed: Fifty Years of Crisis at Chrysler , by Steve Jeffreys
Conflict at work: A Materialist Analysis of Workplace Relations , by P. K. Edwards
The Decline of Trade Union Organization , P.B. Beaumont
New Technology at Work , by Arthur Francis
Technological Change, Collective Bargaining and Industrial Efficiency , by Paul Willman
Britain's Productivity Gap , by S. Davies and R. Caves
The British Worker Question: A New Look at Workers and Productivity in Manufacturing , by Theo Nichols
Slow Growth and the Service Economy , by Pascal Petit
Labour Law in Britain edited by Roy Lewis
Labor-Owned Firms and Workers' Cooperatives, edited by Sune Jansson and Ann-Britt Hellmark
Unemployment, Search and Labour Supply , edited by Richard Blundell and Ian Walker
Power and Powerlessness in Industry: An Analysis of the Social Relations of Production , by Rosemary Harris  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Keith Grint and Steve Woolgarr, The Machine at Work: Technology, Work and Organization Paul Stewart (ed), Beyond Japanese Management: The End of Modern Times? R. Katz (ed), The Human Side of Managing Technological Innovation D. Archibugi and J. Michie (eds), Technology, Globalisation and Economic Performance P. Bloomfield, R. Coombs, D. Knights and D. Littler (eds), Information Technology and Organisations: Strategies, Network and Integration Bryn Jones, Forcing the Factory of the Future  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Unions and Change Since 1945 by Chris Baker and Peter
Getting Organised by Alan Campbell and John Mcllroy
Women at Work by Chris Aldred
Health arid Safety at Work by Dave Eva and Ron Oswald
Democracy at Work by Patrick Burns and Mel Doyle
Ten Per Cenr crnd No Surrender: the Presron Sirrke 1853.-1854, by H.I. Dutton and J.E. King.
Workplace relations in the engineering industry in the U. K. and the Federal Republic of Germany. by Arthur Marsh, Maria Hackmann and Douglas Miller
New Technology and industrial Relations in Fleet Srreer by Roderick Martin
The Causes of the Presenr Inflation, by Andrew Tylecote, Macmillan.
Problems of British Economic Policy 1870-lY45, by Jim Tomlinson. Methuen.
Wages Policv in rhr Brirish C'oalrninirig Iridusrrv. by L.J. Handy
Labour Relations Statutes and Muterials 8Oi81, Advisory Editors B.A. Hepple, Paul O'Higgins,
The Employment Acts 19741980: A Commentary by Charles D. Drake and B. Bercusson.
Lord Wedderburn of Charlton. London, Sweet & Maxwell
Les atlitudes des travailleurs a I'igard desproduirs by Yvette Harff
The Soviet Worker: Illusions & Realities, edited by Leonard Schapiro and Joseph Godson
The False Promise of Codeterminntion, by Alfred L. Thimm  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Unions, Wages and Inflation, by Daniel J.B. Mitchell.
Labor Unions and the Inequality of Earned Income, by John S. Pettengill.
The Economics ofthe Labour Market, edited by 2. Hornstein, J. Grice and A. Webb.
Equal Pay and Opportunities. A study of the implementation and effects of the Equal Pay and Sex Discrimination Acts in 26 Organizations, by M.W. Snell, P. Glucklich and M. Povall.
Women and Low Pay, edited by Peter J. Sloane.
The Right to Strike, by L.J: Macfarlane.
The Znternational Labour Organisation, by Walter Galenson.
Forces of Change in Western Europe, by Neil W. Chamberlain.
Unions in American National Politics, by Graham K. Wilson.
Trade Unions, National Politics and Economic Management, by Jon Clark, Heinz Hartmann, Christoph Lau, and David Winchester.
Ideology and Shop-floor Industrial Reiations, by P.J. Armstrong, J.F.B. Goodman, and J.D. Hyman.
Artisans and Politics in Early Nineteenth Century London: John Cast and his Times. by I. J. Prothero.
Theories of Trade Unionism: A Sociology of Industrial Relations, by Michael Poole.
Sociology, Work and Indusrry, by Tony J. Watson.
New Patterns of Work Reform, by Bjorn Gustavsen and Gerry Hunnius.
Industrial Relations Training for Managers, by Chris Brewster and Stephen Connock.
Practical Participation and Involvement, 1. Communication in Practice, Published by the Institute of Personnel Management.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Books reviewed in this issue:
George S. Day and Paul J. H. Schoemaker, editors, with Robert E. Gunther
   Wharton on Managing Emerging Technologies
Fred Y. Phillips
   Market-Oriented Technology Management: Innovating for Profit in Entrepreneurial Times
Paul A. Gompers and Josh Lerner
   The Money of Invention: How Venture Capital Creates New Wealth
John Man
   Gutenberg: How One Man Remade the World with Words
Books received for possible review in a future issue:
Ashish Arora, Andrea Fosfuri, and Alfonso Gambardella
   Markets for Technology: The Economics of Innovation and Corporate Strategy
Paul Belliveau, Abbie Griffin, and Stephen Somermeyer, editors
   The PDMA Toolbook for New Product Development
Vincent Bozzone
   Speed to Market: Lean Manufacturing for Job Shops
John Seely Brown and Paul Duguid
   The Social Life of Information
Edmund B. Fitzgerald
   Globalizing Customer Solutions
Michael Greer
   The Project Manager's Partner: A Step-by-Step Guide to Project Management
Jolyon Hallows
   The Project Management Office Toolkit: A Step-by-Step Guide to Setting Up a Project Management Office
Robert C. Megantz
   Technology Management: Developing and Implementing Effective Licensing Programs
Jeffrey H. Rohlfs
   Bandwagon Effects in High-Technology Industries
Etienne C. Wenger, Richard McDermott, and William Snyder
   Cultivating Communities of Practice: A Guide to Managing Knowledge  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Books reviewed in this issue:
Roger Bean and Russell W. Radford
The Business of Innovation: Managing the Corporate Imagination for Maximum Results
Elaine Dundon
The Seeds of Innovation: Cultivating the Synergy That Fosters New Ideas
Jacqueline Byrd and Paul Lockwood Brown
The Innovation Equation: Building Creativity and Risk Taking in Your Organization
Books received for possible review in a future issue:
Ashish Arora, Andrea Fosfuri, and Alfonso Gambardella
Markets for Technology: The Economics of Innovation and Corporate Strategy
Paul Belliveau, Abbie Griffin, and Stephen Somermeyer, editors
The PDMA Toolbook for New Product Development
Vincent Bozzone
Speed to Market: Lean Manufacturing for Job Shops
John Seely Brown and Paul Duguid
   The Social Life of Information
Amiya K.Chakravarty
Market Driven Enterprise: Product Development, Supply Chains, and Manufacturing
Henry Chesbrough
Open Innovation: The New Imperative for Creating and Profiting from Technology
Kenneth Carlton Cooper
The Relational Enterprise: Moving beyond CRM to Maximize All Your Business Relationships
Edmund B. Fitzgerald
   Globalizing Customer Solutions
Eliezer Geisler
   Creating Value with Science and Technology
Tim Jones
Innovating at the Edge: How Organizations Evolve and Embed Innovation Capability
Robert C. Megantz
Technology Management: Developing and Implementing Effective Licensing Programs
David Moschella
Customer-Driven IT: How Users Are Shaping Technology Growth
Jeffrey H. Rohlfs
Bandwagon Effects in High-Technology Industries
Gerald Zaltman
How Customers Think: Essential Insights into the Mind of the Market
The reviews of three recent books on innovation in this issue are by Kumar Nochur, Ph.D., president of Vidya, Inc.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Books reviewed: Giuseppe Fajertag and Philippe Pochet, (eds.) Social Pacts in Europe: New Dynamics Peter Fairbrother, Trade Unions at the Crossroads Marino Regini, Jim Kitay and Martin Baethge, (eds.) From Tellers to Sellers: Changing Employment Relations in Banks Tony Royle, Working for McDonald’s in Europe: The Unequal Struggle? Guglielmo Meardi, Trade Union Activists, East and West: Comparisons in Multinational Companies Ruth Milkman, (ed.) Organizing Immigrants: The Challenge for Unions in Contemporary California Toshiaki Tachibanaki and Tomohiko Noda, The Economic Effects of Trade Unions in Japan Paul Gregg and Jonathan Wadsworth, (eds.) The State of Working Britain Mike Ironside and Roger Seifert, Now that your humble reviewer has got that off his chest, let us turn to what the Facing up to Thatcherism: The History of NALGO 1979–93 Michael Terry, (ed.) Redefining Public Sector Unionism: UNISON and the Future of Trade Unions K. D. Ewing, (ed.) Human Rights at Work Peter J. Frost, Arie Y. Lewin and Richard L. Daft, (eds.) Talking about Organization Science: Debates and Dialogue from Crossroads Toby L. Parcel and Daniel B. Cornfield, (eds.) Work and Family: Research Informing Policy Kate Purcell, (ed.) Changing Boundaries in Employment  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Clark, Jon, Managing Change and Innovation: People, Technology and Strategy
Casey, Catherine, Work, Self and Society-After Industrialism
Grint, Keith, Gill, Rosalind, The Gender Technology Relation: Contemporary Theory and Research
Phizacklea, A, Wolkowitz, C, Homeworking Women: Gender, Racism and Class at Work
Harding, R, Technology and Human Resources in their National Context: a study of strategic contrasts
Taplin, I, M, Winterton, J, Restructuring Within a Labour Intensive Industry
Lee, Eric, The Labour Movement and the Internet. The New Internationalism  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Book review in this Article
The Management Implications of New Information Technology N. Piercy (ed.)
High Technology Small Firms — Innovation and Regional Development in Britain and the United States R. Oakey
Future Work James Robertson Maurice Temple Smith
Technology, Work and Industrial Relations Russell D. Lansbury and Edward M. Davis
Report of the Committee of Inquiry into Labour Market Programs Australian Government Publishing Service Canberra
Japanese Employment and Employee Relations: An Annotated Bibliography Bill Ford, Millicent Easther and Ann Brewer Australian Government Publishing Service, Canberra
Technology and the Workforce: An Annotated Bibliography Bill Ford, Margaret Coffey and Dexter Dunphy Technology Research Unit, New South Wales Ministry of Technology
Technological Change: The Tripartite Response, 1982–85 Hedva Sarfati and Margaret Cove
Work in the 1980s. Emanicipation and Derogation Bengt Ove Gustavsson, Jan Ch. Karlsson & Curt Räftegård  相似文献   

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