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香草是草本香料植物的泛称,广泛用于美容、饮食及医疗等领域。香草因功能不同,分为观赏香草和食用香草。一、市场现状据中国香草业协会介绍,截至2008年,香草连续6年的市场供给增长率在  相似文献   

昨天,卫生部发布并施行《婴幼儿配方食品和谷类食品中香料使用规定》,其中特别规定,0至6个月婴幼儿配方食品不得添加任何食用香料。  相似文献   

供应紧俏茶价走高印度人喜欢喝茶。无论是高雅的英式下午茶,还是马路边简单的茶水摊,喝茶已经成为印度人生活的一部分。喝茶时,先将茶叶放进水和牛奶中煮沸,然后加入姜、豆蔻等香料,最后倒入大量砂糖,这便是传统的印度奶茶的喝法。不过,记者最近发现,  相似文献   

婴幼儿配方食品新规定本刊讯昨天,卫生部发布并施行《婴幼儿配方食品和谷类食品中香料使用规定》,其中特别规定,0至6个月婴幼儿配方食品不得添加任何食用香料。  相似文献   

目前,学校体育以"健康第一"为指导思想,重视培养学生的终身体育能力;然而,健康受遗传、社会、心理、个人生活方式等多种因素的影响。瑜伽以其独特的魅力影响着人们的健康,受到女性尤其高校女生的喜爱。本文阐述瑜伽运动不仅能全面锻炼身体的各个部位,培养她们自觉运动的能力和习惯,更能够从饮食、心理等多方面影响其身心健康,从而达到健康的目的。  相似文献   

法国的薰衣草、印度的柠檬草、印尼的丁香和墨西哥的香荚兰等香料如今在金山区也能种了。除种有鲜香香料,金山廊下镇还大规模培育多种有机农产品。今年刚落成并投用、占地8600平方米的智能白控玻璃A温室,可以全年提供嫩叶生菜,打破了蔬菜生产的季节限制,充分满足市场需求。  相似文献   

香花、香草等香料植物,含有芳香性挥发油,抗氧化剂,杀菌素,不仅可驱蚊蝇、美化环境、净化空气、美化居室。还广泛用于美容、沐浴、饮食及医疗。从香料植物提取的香精油与干爆香料物质,是食品、化妆品、香皂、医药工业的重要添香剂。目前,这些产品畅销国内外市场,出口俄罗斯、美国等,显示出诱人的市场发展空间。  相似文献   

7月26日,卫生部公布《食品用香料、香精使用原则(征求意见稿)》,列出了20余种不得添加食用香料、香精的食品名单。其中新鲜蔬菜、生鲜肉、鲜蛋、大米等市民生活必需品被列为不得添加香精食品名单。而前段时间假冒“五常大米”风波,引起了广泛关注。南宁市一位长期从事大米加工业的业内人士表示,  相似文献   

正2018年春节即将来临,消费者大量购买年货,团圆饭增加、聚会聚餐频繁,节日食品消费进入旺季。本刊提醒广大读者,在欢庆佳节的同时,注意饮食安全,提高自我防范意识,科学饮食消费,防止食物中毒事件发生。科学选购食用农产品为保持鲜活食用农产品的营养和风味,建议按需购买、  相似文献   

香花、香草等香料植物,含有芳香性挥发油,抗氧化剂,杀菌素,不仅可驱蚊蝇、美化环境、净化空气、美化居室,还广泛用于美容、沐浴、饮食及医疗.  相似文献   

We present empirical evidence on how changes in food preferences have contributed to nutrition transition, where the dietary pattern of households shifts away from traditional staples. Using household-level time series cross-section survey data for India, we estimate time varying demand elasticities, revealing evidence of the declining importance of cereals in Indian household diets. The estimates show that Indian demand for cereals has become more income inelastic and price elastic. We also find that cereals are a substitute rather than a complement to animal products in household diets. Since changes in elasticities can only be attributed to variation in utility parameters, this indicates that cereals are losing favour with Indian households. These findings have implications for Indian food policy design and implementation.  相似文献   

辣椒在中国的传播及其影响   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
原产于美洲的辛辣作物辣椒,传入中国以后与中国传统辛辣饮食相结合,迅速替代了传统的辛香植物花椒、食朱萸等,并且作为一种蔬菜,在全国范围内快速普及开来。本文重点考证了辣椒传入的时间、路径以及明清、民国直至当代辣椒在中国的分布和演进情况,对辣椒在中国传播的动因及其对中国经济、社会、文化等方面的影响进行较为系统的研究。  相似文献   

Mexico is a megadiverse country with large agroclimatic diversity and socioeconomic inequality. These two factors result in strong diversity in diets and agricultural systems within the country. In this paper, we assess the impact of Mexican diets and production systems on the per capita land requirements for food. We estimate it for the extremes: from the very basic diet of the poorest share of the population to the affluent diet of the richest share of the population; and for extensive and intensive systems, with irrigation as the indicator of the intensity of the system. We show that the basic diet produced in rainfed systems requires 1620 m2/cap/yr and produced in irrigate systems requires 700 m2/cap/yr. The affluent diet produced in rainfed systems requires 2540 m2/cap/yr and produced in irrigated systems requires 1230 m2/cap/yr. Hence, differences in diets result in a requirement for 80% or 60% more land for an affluent diet; and differences in production systems result in more than twice the amount of land for extensive than for intensive systems. In 2050, it would be possible to feed the entire population with affluent diets only if all the present area of crop land had the productivity of intensive systems. In contrast, it would be possible to feed all people with a basic diet even if all present crop land area had only the productivity of extensive systems.  相似文献   

中国烹饪技术源远流长,技艺精湛,众多食品烹饪技法均为非物质文化遗产。对传统的非物质文化遗产烹饪技艺进行创新融合,既能达到保健、养生的目的,又能很好的传承中国的非物质文化遗产,值得深入研究和实践。根据笔者多年的研究和实践,众多非遗烹饪技艺需要创新以便适应现代人们的饮食需求。比如在非遗烹饪技法中,腌制带来的高钠摄入可以通过改良风干技艺得到缓解;高脂高糖饮食—比如佛跳墙、甜品等,可以通过替换食材,增加维生素、矿物质丰富的食品得到改善;传统的低纤维素饮食模式,则可以通过增减、合理搭配食材得到缓解,通过对非遗烹饪技艺的创新融合来调整、改进传统饮食的不健康之处,让人们更加健康的生活。  相似文献   

This paper applies linear programming cost-minimisation models to the analysis of human diets. The models incorporate considerations of nutritional and non-nutritional factors in diet choice in order to assess the impact of adopting dietary guidelines upon the cost of nutrition-only and palatable diets. The dual prices yielded by the models are used to estimate the total cost of meeting requirements for separate nutrients in diets for different population groups. Sensitivity analysis is then used to derive marginal cost curves for changes in the supply of nutrients covered by the dietary guidelines. The cost and composition of ‘healthy’ human diets contrast markedly with the results of past studies and indicate that economic constraints upon dietary guideline adoption are limited.  相似文献   

Worldwide, obesity almost tripled between 1975 and 2016 and is now prevalent in both rich and poor countries. Using annual food availability data produced by the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO) covering half a century in 118 countries, this article explores the diets that are central to the problem of obesity, identifying groups of countries with similar consumption patterns. Applying algorithms from the fuzzy clustering literature, five distinct consumption patterns are revealed whose dietary composition broadly corresponds to diets that we label ‘Western’, ‘Traditional’, ‘Mediterranean’, ‘Tropical’ and ‘Vegetarian’. Despite differences in dietary characteristics, all five share two common themes: rising total calories and declining healthiness, both of which are linked to the substitution of plant-based foods with food derived from animals. That the evidence points to a convergence on the ‘Western’ diet, the most obesogenic and least healthy of all the diets we consider, is a cause for concern. The key message is that in a future where people are predicted to live longer – but not necessarily healthier – lives, recent efforts to address the challenge are prescient, and as the results in the article imply, need to be heeded globally.  相似文献   

Consumers are willing to pay a higher price for products certified as sustainable. By implication, such certification is in the interest of producers, too. A general claim that sustainability characteristics automatically imply a price margin may not, however, be justified. Rather, several price premia might be necessary. This analysis based on 882 product prices of the German online retail, is concerned with the price premia attached to various labels and products. It estimates individual price premia for products, like coffee, tea, sweets, spices, etc., showing that sustainable food labeling is not always an indicator for a price markup. In fact, for some products (e.g. spices, chocolate) and labels (e.g. UTZ) a negative price effect is even estimated. Such markdowns may be due to a differing emphasis on sustainability issues along the supply chain for some products or the label’s certification policies.  相似文献   

李翔辉  刘瑞霞 《现代食品》2021,27(3):218-221
探讨不同剂量巴拉圭茶对高脂血症小鼠氧化还原状态的影响。通过高脂日粮建立高脂血脂小鼠模型,随机分为模型组、巴拉圭茶低剂量组、巴拉圭茶高剂量组,对照组饲喂基础日粮,模型组饲喂高脂日粮,巴拉圭茶低剂量组、巴拉圭茶高剂量组饲喂高脂日粮并分别灌胃1 g·kg-1、2 g·kg-1巴拉圭茶,连续灌胃4周,处死小鼠,测定小鼠肝脏中活性氧自由基(ROS)水平、超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活性、过氧化氢酶(CAT)活性、丙二醛(MDA)的含量。与模型组相比,低剂量、高剂量巴拉圭茶可显著降低小鼠肝脏中ROS水平、MDA含量(p<0.05),可显著提高小鼠肝脏中SOD、CAT活性(p<0.05)。巴拉圭茶对高脂血症小鼠氧化应激具有一定的调节作用。  相似文献   

India has achieved food security at the macro level. However, at the micro level, the country still struggles with extensive problems of food nutrition insecurity. In this paper, we assess the impact of nonfarm income and nonfarm work status (casual and full-time nonfarm work) of operator, spouses, and couples on the diet quality of smallholder households in India. We find that nonfarm income decreases the likelihood of farming household being in the poor-diet quality group by 31% and the medium-diet quality group by 3%. Full-time nonfarm work by operators and spouses decreases the likelihood of farming households being in the poor-diet quality group by 3% and 9%, respectively. Finally, national programs like public food distribution programs increase the probability of rural farming households in the poor-diet quality group. Findings from this study underscore the importance of nonfarm income and full-time nonfarm work in improving diet quality of rural Indian households.  相似文献   

印度洋是世界上第二大金枪鱼产区,产量占全球金枪鱼总产量的1/3,是我国重要的金枪鱼作业渔场.本文在分析印度洋金枪鱼资源开发利用状况、渔业管理措施及我国在印度洋金枪鱼渔业现状及问题的基础上,探讨了今后我国印度洋金枪鱼渔业的发展之路.  相似文献   

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