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This paper characterizes models of ambiguous beliefs in the absence of the completeness axiom. We axiomatize multiple-selves versions of some of the most important examples of complete and ambiguity averse preferences, and characterize when those incomplete preferences are ambiguity averse.  相似文献   

Economists often operate under an implicit assumption that the tastes of a decision maker are quite stable, while his beliefs change with the availability of new information. We show that for a general class of preferences, a separation of a key component of tastes, the utility function, from the other components of the representation is possible only if the decision maker's preferences satisfy a mild but not completely innocuous condition, called ‘certainty independence’. We also outline the axiomatic characterization of the preferences that obtain such separation, which are a subset of the biseparable preferences.  相似文献   

Robustness and ambiguity in continuous time   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We use statistical detection theory in a continuous-time environment to provide a new perspective on calibrating a concern about robustness or an aversion to ambiguity. A decision maker repeatedly confronts uncertainty about state transition dynamics and a prior distribution over unobserved states or parameters. Two continuous-time formulations are counterparts of two discrete-time recursive specifications of Hansen and Sargent (2007) [16]. One formulation shares features of the smooth ambiguity model of Klibanoff et al. (2005) and (2009) [24] and [25]. Here our statistical detection calculations guide how to adjust contributions to entropy coming from hidden states as we take a continuous-time limit.  相似文献   

We describe an ambiguity hedging problem in Ellsberg experiments, where combinations of individually ambiguous bets eliminate aggregate ambiguity, and which may yield incorrect classifications of ambiguity averse subjects. We propose a new classification consistent with this hedging possibility.  相似文献   

Coherent imprecise probabilistic beliefs are modeled as incomplete comparative likelihood relations admitting a multiple-prior representation. Under a structural assumption of Equidivisibility, we provide an axiomatization of such relations and show uniqueness of the representation. In the second part of the paper, we formulate a behaviorally general “Likelihood Compatibility” axiom relating preferences and probabilistic beliefs and characterize its implications for the class of “invariant biseparable” preferences that includes the MEU and CEU models among others.  相似文献   

This note fills a gap in the proof of recursive multiple-priors utility [L. Epstein, M. Schneider, Recursive multiple priors, J. Econ. Theory 113 (2003) 1-31].  相似文献   

The Savagian choice-theoretic construction of subjective probability does not apply to preferences, like those in the Ellsberg Paradox, that reflect a distinction between risk and ambiguity. We formulate two representation results—one for expected utility, the other for probabilistic sophistication—that derive subjective probabilities but only on a “small” domain of risky events. Risky events can be either specified exogenously or in terms of choice behavior; in the latter case, both the values and the domain of probability are subjective. The analysis identifies a mathematical structure—called a mosaic—that is intuitive for both exogenous and behavioral specifications of risky events. This structure is weaker than an algebra or even a λ-system.  相似文献   

This paper axiomatizes updating rules for preferences that are not necessarily in the expected utility class. Two sets of results are presented. The first is the axiomatization of conditional preferences. The second consists of the axiomatization of three updating rules: the traditional Bayes rule, the Dempster-Shafer rule, and the generalized Bayes rule. The last rule can be regarded as the updating rule for the multi-prior expected utility (Gilboa and Schmeidler, J. Math. Econom. 18 (1989) 141). Operationally, it is equivalent to updating each prior by the traditional Bayes rule.  相似文献   

Kuhn’s Theorem shows that extensive games with perfect recall can equivalently be analyzed using mixed or behavioral strategies, as long as players are expected utility maximizers. This note constructs an example that illustrates the limits of Kuhn’s Theorem in an environment with ambiguity averse players who use a maxmin decision rule and full Bayesian updating.  相似文献   

We test the implications of ambiguity aversion in a principal–agent problem with multiple agents. Models of ambiguity aversion suggest that, under ambiguity, comparative compensation schemes may become more attractive than independent wage contracts. We test this by presenting agents with a choice between comparative reward schemes and independent contracts, which are designed such that under uncertainty about output distributions (that is, under ambiguity), ambiguity averse agents should typically prefer comparative reward schemes, independent of their degree of risk aversion. We indeed find that the share of agents who choose the comparative scheme is higher under ambiguity.  相似文献   

Act similarity in case-based decision theory   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary Case-Based Decision Theory (CBDT) postulates that decision making under uncertainty is based on analogies to past cases. In its original version, it suggests that each of the available acts is ranked according to its own performance in similar decision problems encountered in the past.The purpose of this paper is to extend CBDT to deal with cases in which the evaluation of an act may also depend on past performance of different, but similar acts. To this end we provide a behavioral axiomatic definition of the similarity function over problem-act pairs (and not over problem pairs alone, as in the original model).We propose a model in which preferences are context-dependent. For each conceivable history of outcomes (to be thought of as the context of decision) there is a preference order over acts. If these context-dependent preference relations satisfy our consistency-across-contexts axioms, there is an essentially unique similarity function that represents these preferences via the (generalized) CBDT functional.We are grateful to Akihiko Matsui for the discussions that motivated this work. We also thank Enriqueta Aragones, Roger Myerson, Zvika Neeman, Ariel Rubinstein, Peyton Young, and an anonymous referee for their comments. Partial financial support from the Alfred Sloan Foundation is gratefully acknowledged.  相似文献   

We introduce a framework to study individuals’ behavior in environments that are deterministic, but too complex to permit tractable deterministic representations. An agent in these environments uses a probabilistic model to cope with his inability to think through all contingencies in advance. We interpret this probabilistic model as embodying all patterns the agent perceives, yet allowing for the possibility that there may be important details he had missed. Although the implied behavior is rational, it is consistent with an agent who believes his environment is too complex to warrant precise planning, foregoes finely detailed contingent rules in favor of vaguer plans, and expresses a preference for flexibility.  相似文献   

Differentiating ambiguity: an expository note   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Ghirardato et al. J Econ Theory 118:133–173, 2004 propose a method for distinguishing between perceived ambiguity and the decision-maker’s reaction to it. They study a general class of preferences which they refer to as invariant biseparable. This class includes CEU and MEU. This note presents some examples which illustrate their results. Research supported by ESRC grant no. RES-000-22-0650. For comments and discussion we would like to thank Klaus Nehring and a seminar audience at ESEM, Vienna 2006.  相似文献   

Summary A decision maker faces a known prior distribution over payoff relevant states. We compare the expected utility of this individual under two scenarios. In the first, the decision maker makes a choice without further information. In the second, the decision maker has access to an experiment before choosing an action. However, the decision maker does not know the true joint distribution over states and messages. The value of the experiment as measured by the difference in the two utility levels can be negative as well as positive. We give a condition which is necessary and sufficient for the experiment to be valuable in our sense, for any decision problem.An earlier version of this paper was circulated under the title Noisy Bayes Updating and the Value of Information. We have gained from the comments of Stephen Coate, John Geanakoplos, Larry Samuelson, Timothy Van Zandt and seminar participants at Harvard Business School, Princeton, Boston University, the international conference on game theory at Stony Brook 1992 and the Winter meeting of the Econometric Society at Anaheim 1993. The first author received support for this project from NSF grant #SES-9308515 and a University of Pennsylvania Research Foundation Grant.  相似文献   

We study the properties associated to various definitions of ambiguity [L.G. Epstein, J. Zhang, Subjective probabilities on subjectively unambiguous events, Econometrica 69 (2001) 265-306; P. Ghirardato et al., Differentiating ambiguity and ambiguity attitude, J. Econ. Theory 118 (2004) 133-173; K. Nehring, Capacities and probabilistic beliefs: a precarious coexistence, Math. Soc. Sci. 38 (1999) 197-213; J. Zhang, Subjective, ambiguity, expected utility and Choquet expected utility, Econ. Theory 20 (2002) 159-181] in the context of Maximin Expected Utility (MEU). We show that each definition of unambiguous events produces certain restrictions on the set of priors, and completely characterize each definition in terms of the properties it imposes on the MEU functional. We apply our results to two open problems. First, in the context of MEU, we show the existence of a fundamental incompatibility between the axiom of “Small unambiguous event continuity” (Epstein and Zhang, 2001) and the notions of unambiguous event due to Zhang (2002) and Epstein and Zhang (2001). Second, we show that, in the context of MEU, the classes of unambiguous events according to either Zhang (2002) or Epstein and Zhang (2001) are always λ-systems. Finally, we reconsider the various definitions in light of our findings, and identify some new objects (Z-filters and EZ-filters) corresponding to properties which, while neglected in the current literature, seem relevant to us.  相似文献   

Variation in the degree of downside risk aversion across decision makers has implications for efficient risk sharing. However, except for small differences in risk preferences, there is no index, analogous to the Arrow-Pratt index of risk aversion, that depends only on local properties of the utility function and indicates the degree of aversion to downside risk. A measure that does depend only on local properties of the utility function u, the index of prudence p=−u?/u, is related to downside risk aversion, which is indicated by a positive value for u?. Although we show that the degree of prudence is not an accurate indicator of the degree of downside risk aversion, we nonetheless demonstrate that a uniform increase in prudence accompanied by a uniform increase (decrease) in risk aversion is sufficient to indicate greater downside risk aversion, provided prudence is greater (less) than three times the degree of risk aversion.  相似文献   

The utility premium is generally defined as the pain or reduction in expected utility caused by an nnth-degree risk increase, where n≥2n2. While it is a very useful concept in understanding a decision maker’s choice in uncertain situations, the utility premium is not interpersonally comparable. This note shows that the monetary utility premium–the utility premium divided by the expected marginal utility at the random starting wealth–is interpersonally comparable, and the comparison is characterized by Ross more risk aversion of the corresponding degree.  相似文献   

Recursive smooth ambiguity preferences   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper axiomatizes an intertemporal version of the Smooth Ambiguity decision model developed in [P. Klibanoff, M. Marinacci, S. Mukerji, A smooth model of decision making under ambiguity, Econometrica 73 (6) (2005) 1849-1892]. A key feature of the model is that it achieves a separation between ambiguity, identified as a characteristic of the decision maker's subjective beliefs, and ambiguity attitude, a characteristic of the decision maker's tastes. In applications one may thus specify/vary these two characteristics independent of each other, thereby facilitating richer comparative statics and modeling flexibility than possible under other models which accommodate ambiguity sensitive preferences. Another key feature is that the preferences are dynamically consistent and have a recursive representation. Therefore techniques of dynamic programming can be applied when using this model.  相似文献   

This paper provides an axiomatic model of decision making under uncertainty in which the decision maker is driven by anticipated ex post regrets. Our model allows both regret aversion and likelihood judgement over states to coexist. Also, we characterize two special cases, minimax regret with multiple priors that generalizes Savage's minimax regret, and a smooth model of regret aversion.  相似文献   

We axiomatize, in an Anscombe–Aumann framework, the class of preferences that admit a representation of the form V(f)=μ−ρ(d)V(f)=μρ(d), where μ is the mean utility of the act f with respect to a given probability, d   is the vector of state-by-state utility deviations from the mean, and ρ(d)ρ(d) is a measure of (aversion to) dispersion that corresponds to an uncertainty premium. The key feature of these mean-dispersion   preferences is that they exhibit constant absolute uncertainty aversion. This class includes many well-known models of preferences from the literature on ambiguity. We show what properties of the dispersion function ρ(⋅)ρ() correspond to known models, to probabilistic sophistication, and to some new notions of uncertainty aversion.  相似文献   

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