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D.L. Clements 《Economics Letters》1979,4(1):69-73
A solution to a model designed to study how exchange rates respond to policy changes is obtained. The solution may be used to predict the effect of an anticipated increase in the money supply. 相似文献
László Halpern 《Economics of Transition》1996,4(1):211-228
Five real exchange rate indicators are computed to assess the international competitiveness of Hungarian industry. These indicators are explained in econometric equations by employment, unemployment, productivity, interest spread and real producer wage. Causality tests reveal that external performance has an impact on real exchange rates, and contributes to explaining real exchange rates. There is very limited scope for policy intervention to constrain the negative effects of capital inflows without incurring other costs. 相似文献
The paper presents a new approach to exchange rate modelling that augments the CHEER model with a sovereign credit default risk as perceived by financial investors making their decisions. In the cointegrated VAR system with nine variables comprised of the short- and long-term interest rates in Poland and the euro area, inflation rates, CDS indices and the zloty/euro exchange rate, four long-run relationships were found. Two of them link term spreads with inflation rates, the third one describes the exchange rate and the fourth one explains the inflation rate in Poland. Transmission of shocks was analysed by common stochastic trends. The estimation results were used to calculate the zloty/euro equilibrium exchange rate. 相似文献
M.Ercan Kumcu 《Economics Letters》1985,18(1):71-74
This note presents a simple joint test of existence of a risk premium in exchange rates and the rationality of expectations. It is shown that major currency prices studied in this note are subject to a risk premium. 相似文献
Amalia Morales-Zumaquero 《Applied economics》2013,45(8):826-847
This article examines real exchange rate (RER) volatility in 80 countries around the world, during the period 1970 to 2011. Two main questions are raised: are structural breaks in RER volatility related to changes in exchange rate regimes or financial crises? And do these two events affect the permanent and transitory components of RER volatility? To answer these, we employ two complementary procedures that consist in detecting structural breaks in the RER series and decomposing volatility into its permanent and transitory components. Our results suggest that structural breaks in RER volatility coincidence with financial crises and certain changes in nominal exchange rate regimes. Moreover, our findings confirm that RER volatility does increase with the global financial crises and detect that the more flexible the exchange rate regime, the higher the volatility of the RER using a de facto exchange rate classification. 相似文献
José L. Torres 《Empirical Economics》2007,32(1):67-84
In this paper we present evidence concerning the number of common stochastic trends in three major ERM exchange rates. The
results indicate the presence of a single common trend driving these currencies and from this we suggest that the common trend
can be considered as the non-parametric fundamentals for the three selected currencies. Using a non-parametric technique, the Alternating Conditional Expectations (ACE) algorithm,
we obtain evidence for the existence of non-linearities for two out of three currencies with a functional form, related to
the estimated non-parametric fundamentals, close to the S-shape given by the basic target zone model.
《Journal of economic behavior & organization》1986,7(1):71-81
This paper derives an expected utility theorem from the principle of self-preservation thus providing a new interpretation of the notion of rationality underlying the von Neumann-Morgenstern theory. Self-preservation is defined as the maximization of the probability of survival in a finite horizon model where in each period the decision maker must choose a risky prospect from a feasible set of such prospects and becomes extinct if his accumulated fortune becomes non-positive. It is shown that the choice of the optimal strategy may be regarded as an expected utility maximizing behavior and that violations of the independence axiom, e.g., Allais paradox, imply that decision-makers choose a probability of survival smaller than the maximum possible given the set of acts. Furthermore, according to this approach rational attitudes toward risk are also derived from the model. 相似文献
This paper investigates episodes of real exchange rate appreciations and depreciations for a sample of 85 countries from 1960 to 1998. A Markov Switching Model is used to characterize real exchange rate misalignment series as stochastic autoregressive processes governed by two states corresponding to different means and variances. Our main findings are: first, some countries present no evidence of distinct misalignment regimes; second, for some countries there is no RER misalignment in one of the regimes; and, third, for the countries with two misalignment regimes, the appreciated regime has higher persistence than the depreciated one. 相似文献
Steven Russell 《Economic Theory》2003,22(1):111-140
Summary. This paper uses a general equilibrium model to study the determination of the exchange rate in an economy with fundamental
uncertainty. The model has steady state equilibria in which the exchange rate is constant. These equilibria may coexist with
“quasi-fundamental” equilibria – nonstationary equilibria in which the exchange rate displays stochastic fluctuations that
are correlated with the fluctuations in fundamental random variables. The quasi-fundamental equilibria are Pareto dominated
by the corresponding constant-exchange-rate steady states. They also converge to these steady states, inevitably or with positive
Received: October 2, 1999; revised version: March 26, 2002
ID="*" This paper began as a joint project with Alex Mourmouras, who has made many helpful comments and suggestions but is
not responsible for any errors or deficiencies. In addition, I thank an anonymous referee for helpful comments. 相似文献
Ignacio Mauleón 《International Advances in Economic Research》1998,4(2):179-191
This paper presents a model of exchange rate reactions to interest rate changes and explains the following complex interactions. An expected interest rate increase induces a current depreciation. If that increase is true in the next period, then the exchange rate appreciates more than the previous depreciation. If the increase is sustained, it leads to a final, though small, depreciation. The model explicitly takes into account capital gains and losses. As far as expectations are concerned, two types of agents are considered (chartist and fundamentalist), and expectations are formed in two different ways (rational and bandwagon effect). Simulations and some empirical evidence for the U.S. dollar support the implications of the model.This paper has benefitted from the comments of the participants at the Forty-Third International Atlantic Economic Conference in London, England, March 11–18, 1997. Financial support from the DGCYT under project PB94-1502 is acknowledged. The comments of the participants at the 1995 American Economic Association Conference on Exchange Rate Determination in Stuttgart, Germany and the 1995 International Symposium on Economic Modeling in Bologna, Italy are also acknowledged. The author is solely responsible for any possible remaining error. 相似文献
Exchange rate intervention by monetary authorities should defend a band not for the spot exchange rate, but for a moving average of its recent values. This target zone is soft, in that it allows greater short-run flexibility, but also rigorous: it still precludes any sustained easing of monetary policy. In comparison with conventional hard target zones for the spot exchange rate, we find considerable advantages for the rule we propose. In particular, without compromising long-run discipline, it increases resilience against speculative attacks, especially when shocks to exchange rate fundamentals are transitory. 相似文献
This paper analyses short-term portfolio investment opportunities in a capital market where a currency is defined as a currency basket. In line with the mean-variance hedging approach, a self-financed optimal investment strategy is determined which minimizes the expected quadratic cost function. The successful implementation of the speculative strategy requires a precise estimate of the basket weights, which are possibly non-constant over time. To this end, an adaptive non-parametric procedure is suggested which provides satisfactory results both on simulated and real data. The optimal investment strategy is applied to the case of the Thai Baht basket whereby the weights are computed by means of the adaptive estimator. A recursive estimator, a rolling estimator and the Kalman filter, are implemented and serve as benchmark models. Results are compared with the literature. The different estimators are evaluated with profit-based criteria and the performance of the adaptive estimator turns out to be the best one. 相似文献
The interest rate assumptions for macroeconomic forecasts differ among central banks. Common approaches are given by the assumptions that interest rates remain constant over the forecast horizon, follow a path as expected by market participants or follow a path as expected by the central bank itself. Theoretical papers such as Svensson (The instrument-rate projection under inflation targeting: the Norwegian example. Centre for European Policy Studies Working Paper (127), 2006) and Galí (J Monet Econ 58:537–550, 2011) suggest an accuracy ranking for these forecasts, from employing central bank expectations yielding the highest forecast accuracy to conditioning on constant interest rates yielding the lowest. Yet, when investigating the predictive accuracy of the Bank of England’s and the Banco Central do Brasil’s forecasts for interest rates, inflation and output growth, we hardly find any significant differences between forecasts based on the different interest rate paths. Our results suggest that the choice of the interest rate assumption appears to be of minor relevance empirically. 相似文献
Joshua Aizenman 《European Economic Review》1983,23(3):261-280
The purpose of this paper is to construct a two-period, two-country model that derives the current account, the exchange rate, the terms of trade, and real interest rates from optimal behavior principles. This is done by constructing a model that uses money mainly as a means of exchange, where the technology of exchange is flexible due to potential substitutability of time and real balances as a means of coordinating transactions. The discussion results in a framework that integrates elements of net saving theories and the monetary approach into a unified structure, in which the two approaches are complementary viewpoints. 相似文献
此次改革值得喝彩,但也必须承认该方案并没有完全解决目前人民币汇率形成机制的一些深层次问题,并且人民币升值幅度与市场预期还有一定差距。 相似文献