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In this paper it is examined whether firms following International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) exhibit higher accounting quality. While IFRS are supposed to improve international comparisons by harmonisation and definition of strong principles, Ball (2006) and Nobes (2006) were concerned about differences in the application of IFRS cross-countries and firms. Barth, Landsman & Lang (2008) stated that the flexibility of principles- based International Accounting Standards (IAS) could create incentives for firms to manage earnings. This paper contributes to analyse the impact of IFRS on accounting quality for European firms. The findings show that for firms in the European Union (EU) IFRS produce a negative effect on accounting quality that continues after 2005, when IFRS becomes mandatory. By contrast, for European firms which are not EU members the IFRS adoption increases accounting quality. These results support the concerns about IFRS application and flexibility and indicate that accounting quality does not improve just because the adoption of IFRS is mandatory.  相似文献   

Recent empirical work suggested that the ability of accounting numbers to explain the relationship between accounting numbers and stock prices has deteriorated over the past four decades. The findings of this study suggest that the accounting earnings and book value are capturing most of the information that is relevant to assess the values of firms. At the same time, it also suggests that earnings and book value as well as non-accounting beta are more valued during the financial crisis as compared to after the financial crisis. Overall, the accounting estimate of the value of the firm is not deviating from the markets' estimate, which suggests that accounting numbers play an important role in the valuation of firms in Malaysia.  相似文献   

Based on a questionnaire survey, the aim of this paper is to explore the relationship of business process management (BPM) with managerial accounting system (MAS) and their economic performance consequences in Chinese firms. Statistical data show that more firms accept business process improvement (BPI) other than business process reengineering (BPR) and optimize their activity chains other than supply chains. Through the construction of three elements, i.e., goal-setting, monitoring, and incentive schemes, of MAS, the study finds that when implementing BPM, firms usually use accounting indexes to set goals of the effect of business processes and combine the goals with monitoring and incentive schemes. Statistical data also show that incentive schemes get the lowest usage degree compared with goal-setting and monitoring. In addition, there are differences in their managerial accounting usages for BPM among firms considering ownership, industry, and scale. The main finding of this paper is that BPM empirically brings favorable changes to firms' economic performance via managerial accounting in general, and via goal-setting, monitoring, and incentive schemes in particular.  相似文献   

Research suggests that transient institutions, i.e., institutions with short-term investment horizon,make management focus on short-term earnings goals. This study examines incentive in terms of CEO cash compensation that explains why management concentrates on short-term earnings results when transient institutions hold high levels of ownership. Using quarterly consensus analysts' expectations as a proxy for short-term earnings benchmarks, the author finds that CEO cash compensation and the frequency with which management misses quarterly earnings benchmarks in a year (MISSNUMt) are more strongly negatively associated in firms with high transient institutional ownership than in firms with low transient institutional ownership, suggesting that transient institutions strengthen the inverse relation between CEO cash pay and missing short-term earnings benchmarks and hence increase pressure on management in terms of cash pay for short-term results. Moreover, the author shows that change in CEO cash compensation is positively associated with change in transient institutional ownership, consistent with the idea that selling shares by transient institutions influences the boards of portfolio firms in CEO cash compensation decision. This study contributes to the governance literature and is relevant to business managers by providing additional evidence that transient institutions provide less patient capital and may not benefit long-run firm value creation.  相似文献   

Good corporate reputations are critical not only because of the potential for value creation, but also because their intangible character makes replication by competing firms considerably more difficult. This paper tests the relationship between the reputation and the earnings quality. Through a partial correlation test and a regression test, I do find the evidence that the reputation is not only positively correlated with superior earnings quality, but also does have positive effect on superior earnings quality, as well as the superior total sales do in Chinese public companies.  相似文献   

This contribution analyzes the impact of new International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) reporting rules on financial ratios prepared in the Czech companies. Using a sample of 16 Czech firms, we attempt to measure the scope and size of the differences in the selected set of financial ratios as calculated with data reported according to the traditional Czech accounting standards (CAS) and under the IFRS provisions. Our study discovers that there are important differences resulting from the two reporting formats. Our research comes to a conclusion that translation of Czech statements to IFRS may cause changes in the values of financial indicators without relationship to the real change in the firms' value, performance, and stability. Even though the findings were not statistically significant, the indicative results of our measurements disclosed an important fact that the transition to IFRS could cause deterioration of key indicators and thereby could impact on the overall rating of companies. One needs to be cautious with generalization due to the small sample size.  相似文献   

The accounting information should help investors and creditors evaluate the amounts, timing, and uncertainty of firms' future cash receipts and disbursements. The Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) contends that accrual-based historical earnings are superior to cash flows in predicting future cash flows. But, Bowen, Burgstahler, and Daley (1986) showed that traditional measures of cash flows (net income (NI) plus depreciation and working capital from operations) appear to be better predictors of future cash flows than accrual accounting earnings. Since then, many researchers have articulated the importance of accounting data, especially cash flows and NI, in the predictive and forecasting processes. In this study, we empirically re-examined the ability of cash flows from operating activities (CFO) and accrual-based NI in predicting firms' bankruptcy. In the past, the results of this type of research were mixed. Differently from previous research, we focus on the timing of predictive ability, i.e., which indicator, cash flows or NI, is faster in predicting a firm's bankruptcy. We also investigate the timing of auditors' issuance of a going-concern opinion. The preliminary results show that the accrual-based NI is more accurate and faster than either CFO or audit opinion in predicting firms' failures. On average, NI signals a firm's bankruptcy 2.41 years before the bankruptcy filing, while CFO signals 1.48 years before filing. Auditors issued a going-concern opinion, another signal for firms' failure, to only 16 out of 41 bankrupt firms one year before bankruptcy, and no auditor issued the going-concern opinion two years before bankruptcy.  相似文献   

For the purpose of analyzing the private equity investment return, this paper investigates the extent to which current earnings performance persisting into future depends on the components of earnings, and tries to find out whether stock price reflects the information of earnings. Comparing to accrued components of earnings, cash flow components of earnings has more explanatory ability for abnormal returns and with higher persistence, especially for new economic industry. Eventually we find that investors' inability to distinguish correctly among the components of earnings. Constructing a portfolio based on the magnitudes of accrued components of earnings, we can earn 4% to 13% of excess returns for new economic industry and general industry.  相似文献   

Researches on factors that affecting earnings quality are significant for regulators' decisions and the improving of earnings quality. After reviewing the research findings on what are affecting earnings qualities from the following 6 fields: accounting standards, firm characteristics, board and auditing committees' characteristics, managerial characteristics, auditing firm characteristics and other factors, the author conclude the current findings and foresee the future research focus on earnings quality.  相似文献   

Motivated by the accounting events of firm's default related to derivatives and other financial instruments transactions, this study is aimed to investigate the capability of accounting information to signal the risks associated with the use of financial derivatives for hedging. Hypothesis are developed based on the theory and empirical evidences of manager's motive to use derivatives for hedging (Berkman & Bradbury, 1968; Dune, et al., 2003) as well as signaling theory of accounting information (Ball & Brown, 1968; Beaver & Dukes, 1972; Jensen & Meckling, 1976; Megginson, 1997). The hypotheses are formulated in the Ordinary Least Square model. The study uses Statistical Product and Service Solutions (SPSS) version 14 as software to conduct the statistical tests. Non-bank and non-financial institutions firms with financial derivatives transactions listed in Indonesian Stock Exchange during 2001 to 2006 are chosen as the sample. Determinations of the time frame has considered the timing of introduction of revisions of accounting standard on derivatives and other financial instruments in Indonesia PSAK 50 Financial Instruments: Presentations and Disclosures which was published in July, 1998, as well as PSAK 55 Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurements which was published in 1998. Based on the sample selections procedure and the completeness of the data required by the model, 24 firms listed during 2001-2006 or equal to 66 firm-years observations were identified as the data to be tested. Empirical evidences suggests that Indonesian GAAP is capable of providing signal associated with: (1) Fair value exposures related to manager's motive to reduce the cost of financial distress; (2) Cash flow exposures related to manager's motive to practice tax arbitrage as well as to overcome underinvestment problems; (3) Interest rate risks related to manager's motive to avoid the risk default due to limitations of debt covenants; (4) Forex risk related to manager's motive to control forex exposures caused by foreign operations as well as foreign sales.  相似文献   

Through the establishment of game model, this article formulates the intuitive and experiential understanding of regulation on listed companies' accounting information by using game analysis method, and from an economic point of view, it analyzes how various parameters affect Internal Audit Department's nonfeasance probability and Auditing Office's supervision probability. Hope that this article can provide a reference for regulation on accounting information.  相似文献   

The global financial crisis is spreading at an alarming rate across the world. The speed of the spreading and its tremendous impacts to economic is unprecedented in half a century. Through researching its impacts to finance, the authors can clearly find that to a large extent most enterprises went bankrupt and closed down because of the weak financial governance system and lack of effective control to internal financial operation Based on this background, the authors analyzed the problems of the traditional financial governance, and tried to find solutions. Applying the concept of COSO (The Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of The National Commission of Fraudulent Financial Reporting) framework into the financial governance system, the authors can reconstruct the embedded financial governance system based on COSO framework, and better control the company's financial activities. In this way, the enterprise can effectively improve its management level and operational efficiency, and promote its sound and sustainable development.  相似文献   

The authors examine a firm's decision to begin issuing debt in public bond markets and find that it is a function of both life cycle influences and opportunistic timing. Defining life cycle factors to encompass both a firm's age in years and its underlying characteristics, the authors confirm that bond market participation is generally restricted to large, mature firms. Summary statistics show that finns obtain their initial bond ratings on average 9.5 years after their equity initial public offering (IPO) and 11.8 years after initiating dividend payments. Growth rates, capital expenditures, and cash flow volatility all decline as the firm accesses public debt markets, consistent with entry into the mature phase of its life cycle. With respect to opportunistic timing, it is asked whether entry into public bond markets follows strong performance (or precedes weak performance) at both the firm and market levels. At the firm level, the authors find that the debt IPO occurs following periods of strong operating performance and high excess stock returns. At the market level, entry coincides with favorable interest rates and default spreads. The benefits of careful timing result in firms receiving initial bond ratings that are stronger than what would be predicted; however, there is no evidence of abnormal numbers of downgrades for these firms in subsequent years.  相似文献   

With the support and promotion of many international organizations, and quick development of accounting standards globalization, the high quality global accounting standards led by IASB are striding towards us at an astonishing speed. After continuous reform, China has made remarkable performance towards accounting standards globalization. From the analysis of the past six years (1999-2004), the authors find out that although there are systematic differences between PRC GAAP and IAS/IFRS and the differences have significant impact on financial disclosures of Chinese listed companies, the influences have weakened. This means that the differences between PRC GAAP and IAS/IFRS have narrowed and that PRC GAAP is converging towards IAS/IFRS.  相似文献   

The need for high quality standards to enhance sound and consistent financial reporting and the fact that the inefficiency and ineffectiveness of public sector extended to a belief that public and private sectors did not have to be managed in fundamentally different ways, fostered a wide-ranging discussion about the harmonization of public sector accounting systems and their convergence towards the private sector financial reporting standards. This paper discusses the state and perspective of public sector accounting and financial reporting in transition countries. Precisely, this paper aims to examine the adequacy of governmental accounting and financial reporting model, reflecting the existing accounting regulation and financial reporting framework in Slovenia, Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina. The motivation for this paper emerges from international discussions about IPSASs development and adoption, and the fact that the topic is becoming more and more relevant as many countries are moving towards adopting full accrual accounting using IPSASs as their method of financial reporting. Our results show that the degree and dynamics of government accounting systems' transformation in transition countries depends upon several specific factors which have to be taken into account when evaluating the systems and making comparison between government accounting system reforms in countries in the analysis. Thus, the study distinguishes certain similarities but also discrepancies regarding the status and possible further development of governmental accounting in countries examined.  相似文献   

A significant price-to-earnings relation is evident in many research findings, which includes study on Malaysia Stock Markets, that the strength, consistency and magnitude of the relation are not as large as those reported in institutionally more developed markets. However, the price adjustment is stronger if price reaction is measured over a long periods, which is consistent to speculative trading. Firm-specific variables such as revenue, firm size and debt-equity have no incremental information content beyond earnings implies that the market monitoring process in an emerging market focuses on earnings only during financial announcement. Therefore, this paper revisited the study on the relevant of accounting banks in Malaysia using the earnings response coefficients, earnings by looking at Islamic Income for commercial which are the earnings-to-share return coefficients that are estimated for sub earnings components by including Islamic banking incomes in the analysis. This paper discovered that though there is a positive effect, the earnings from Islamic banking operation are small. Thus, the total earnings as well as the sub-categories of earnings of banks appear to enter the pricing considerations of investors.  相似文献   

The consumption and investment of private capital have become the important engines of the economic development in China. But the objective reality faced by private capital is on the one hand the residential consumption rate lingers at a low level and on the other hand the private investment is far from active. How to change this satiation is a big challenge to our government. In this paper, the authors put forward some suggestions for the government's policy making including improving institution construction and financial innovation.  相似文献   

Study on the Change of Influence on Accounting Information Value of Comprehensive Income Reporting Mode
Comprehensive income reporting mode changes will affect the use of fair value. The comprehensive income reporting system based on the mode change, introduced the concept of comprehensive income and its presentation of the impact on the financial report, the financial report on the quality of the status of accounting information. Aiming at the lack of reporting effect on valuation of comprehensive income information and empirieal research, this paper reported from the analysis of comprehensive income to improve investor perception, improve investor valuations and strengthen financial supervision of the constructed model, value and benefits related to model validation policy change effect. Results show that the increase in the income statement, profit and loss information will enhance the value of accounling information, can significantly improve the transparency of financial reports and significantly reduce investors valuation cost, provides the reference for the formulation of accounting standards and improve the quality of accounting information.  相似文献   

Currently, accounting practices is restrained by the concept that financial accounting is based on the transaction. It excludes some important resources, like internal generated goodwill, from the accounting calculation system. So it fails to fully reflect the enterprise resource and their operating effects. Based on the analysis on recent demand and supply of accounting information, this paper proposes the view that financial accounting should be based on the value. In the authors' opinion, both the internal generated goodwill and the purchased goodwill have the same essence. They should be brought into the accounting system. Accounting should put the enterprise resource as its object, and the area of calculation should include enterprise resource's origin and composition of valuation, such as liabilities, equity and the remained of the rights, profit and comprehensive income and so on. Accounting should provide the information about the value and comprehensive income of the enterprise.  相似文献   

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