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Abstract:   In this study, we document evidence of a 'reverse' weekend effect – whereby Monday returns are significantly positive and they are higher than the returns on other days of the week – over an extended period of eleven years (from 1988 to 1998). We also find that the 'traditional' weekend effect and the 'reverse' effect are related to firm size in that the 'traditional' weekend effect tends to be associated with small firms while the 'reverse' weekend effect tends to be associated with large firms. In addition, we find that during the period in which the 'reverse' weekend effect is observed, Monday returns for large firms tend to follow previous Friday returns when previous Friday returns are positive , but they do not follow the previous Friday returns when Friday returns are negative . Furthermore, we find that during the period in which the 'reverse' weekend effect is observed, Monday returns are positively related to the volume of medium‐size and block transactions, but negatively related to the volume of odd‐lot transactions.  相似文献   

In this paper, we find a 'reverse%rsquo; weekend effect — whereby returns for Monday are positive and significantly greater than returns for the preceding Friday — in recent data for major stock indexes. We also find that, while a weak weekend effect exists in portfolios of smaller firms, the effect begins to diminish and weak 'reverse' weekend effect begins to appear in medium size firms. The 'reverse' weekend effect becomes strong and statistically significant in portfolios of large firms. The detection of a 'reverse' weekend effect in portfolios of large firms is a new finding in the literature.  相似文献   

This study examines the positive Monday returns detected in the stock market during the 1988–1998 period and finds that (a) the positive Monday returns are concentrated in the first and the third weeks of the month, and (b) they are related to the increasing trading activities of institutional investors.  相似文献   

The well-known weekend effect has been reversing in Major U.S. indices from late 1980s to late 1990s. The correlation between Monday and Friday returns also exhibited a declining trend, and fluctuated around zero in the 1990s. A power ratio method is developed to measure consistently the relative contribution of Friday and Monday returns to the return of the week in each individual year. The revealed dynamics of the anomaly explains why previous researchers report different or conflicting findings. The anomaly may not be necessarily related to firm size.  相似文献   

This study examines whether autocorrelations or cross-autocorrelations are more closely associated with the weekend phenomenon. Our results show a significant day-of-the-week pattern in autocorrelations associated with the weekend phenomenon. However, we find no marginal influence of a day-of-the-week pattern in cross-autocorrelations on the weekend phenomenon.  相似文献   

The Reversal of the Monday Effect: New Evidence from US Equity Markets   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article re-examines the Monday effect in the US stock market from 1964–1999 using daily returns from three large-cap indexes and two small-cap indexes. In the period before 1987, Monday returns are significantly negative in all five US stock indexes, confirming previous empirical findings. In the post-1987 period, we uncover a significant reversal of the Monday effect in the large-cap indexes (NYSE, S&38;P500 and DJCOMP), since Monday returns are significantly positive. Furthermore, significant differences in the persistence and reversal of the Monday effect are found between large-cap and small-cap stock indexes.  相似文献   

We produce convincing new evidence that the turn of the year (TOY), turn of the month (TOM), and January effects are critically dependent on the sample period over which they are estimated. The TOY effect is significant in the value‐weight portfolio from 1962 to 1997. It becomes insignificant in the medium‐size portfolio after 1994 and in the equal‐weight and low‐size portfolios after 1997. The TOM effect becomes insignificant in the value‐weight and high‐size portfolios after 1978, in the equal‐weight and medium‐size portfolios after 1997, and in the low‐size portfolio after 1998. January effects are significant in some subperiods but not others.  相似文献   

我国服务业的就业特征分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
我国服务业的就业特征是,总体上来看,就业人口总量及其占全社会就业人口的比重不断提高,但就业比重一直低于产值比重,结构偏离度为负值,这表明服务业存在一定的就业空间;从服务业内部的就业结构来看,传统服务业的就业空间越来越小,对劳动力素质要求较高的现代服务业则存在一定的发展空间.因此,我们应采取有效措施,优化服务业的就业结构,以充分发挥其就业主渠道的作用.  相似文献   

方洁 《济南金融》2009,(6):79-81
由于国际货币体系的单极、美国金融监管的真空和经济发展的不协调而导致的金融危机正深刻影响着世界各国的经济、金融体系乃至政治格局。在这种大背景下,我国保险业作为经济的"保驾护航"者,也面临着多方位的挑战和不确定因素。只有通过调整结构、加强监管、建立风险预警机制、坚持投资多元化等途径,才能在确保行业自身安全的同时,为我国经济、金融和社会的安全及稳定作出贡献。  相似文献   

This study attempts to determine whether an acquisition announcement signals potential gains to the corresponding industry rivals of the target, and whether these gains can be explained by industry-specific and rival firm-specific factors that reflect the likelihood of a takeover. The research finds that the valuation effects of the target, combined acquirer and target, and industry rivals of the target are positive and significant. The mean valuation effects per corresponding industry are significantly related to industry-specific characteristics that reflect the probability of a takeover. Specifically, industries characterized as having a higher level of free cash flow, a higher level of tangible assets, and a smaller market value experience a more favorable revaluation. A supplemental analysis of the individual rival firms is also conducted, since the variation in the valuation effects between rival firms within each of the industries is distinctly different from the variation of mean industry effect across industries. The analysis of the individual rivals finds that the same rival-specific variables are significant and in the same direction as the analysis of the industry-specific variables. In addition, the valuation effects of individual rivals are also inversely related to their previous performance. Overall, the results suggest that industry-specific and rival firm-specific characteristics that reflect a higher probability of a takeover are important in explaining acquisition gains and motivation.  相似文献   

在我国战略性新兴产业发展的过程中,资金“瓶颈”一直是有待解决的问题之一。文章基于产业生命周期理论对我国战略性新兴产业的发展及资金需求进行分析,基于我国七大战略性新兴产业所面临的资金缺口问题,提出了完善多层次资本市场,发挥创业板融资作用;建立风险资本投融资平台,规范融资主体行为;合理规划,实现资金的优化配置;鼓励技术创新,增强企业融资实力的建议。  相似文献   

李文 《税务与经济》2005,18(4):45-48
税收手段是产业结构政策的间接干预手段之一。随着经济的发展,间接干预手段在产业结构政策中的作用将日益增大。在产业结构政策的间接干预手段中,税收有着独特的优势,是不可替代的,同时税收手段也不可避免地具有一定的局限性,因而需要与其他手段相互补充和配合,以共同发挥作用。  相似文献   

人民币汇率对进口商品价格传递效应的行业测度   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用2005年1月至2010年6月的月度数据,对人民币汇率在不同行业进口价格传递效应的大小进行了测算,结果表明产品可替代性越高的行业其汇率的进口价格传递效应也相应越强,反之则反是。基于上述结论,进一步分析了人民币汇率变动对中国产业结构调整的影响,认为人民币的自由浮动有利于产业结构的优化调整。  相似文献   

突发事件对我国旅游产业发展产生重要的影响。基于本底趋势线理论,考量1984年~2010年重大突发事件,结论表明:不同性质突发事件,对旅游产业发展影响不同;突发事件给旅游产业带来的主要是不利影响;经济越发达,突发事件对旅游产业的影响越小,旅游产业恢复速度越快。  相似文献   

基于考虑人力资本的非参数 Malmquist 指数法,测算中国丝绸之路经济带沿线九省市2003~2012年服务业全要素生产率(TFP )变动情况,从技术进步与技术效率两方面考量服务业 TFP 。结果发现,丝绸之路沿线九省市服务业 TFP 的增长主要源于技术进步的贡献,而技术效率却在恶化,同时人力资本对技术进步和技术效率均具有正向贡献。结果表明:交通基础设施、对外开放和财政金融支持都对服务业TFP 的增长具有显著正向促进作用。鉴此,应强化交通基础设施建设,实现道路互通;深化对外开放,推动贸易畅通;增强财政金融支持力度,推进货币流通。  相似文献   

我国投资银行业市场结构、规模与绩效实证研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
黄凌 《金融论坛》2005,10(2):55-60
本文的实证研究表明,市场结构、行业规模以及市场整体收益率对我国投资银行业的利润率有着很强的解释能力,三个因素对于净资产收益率的解释能力超过98%。从影响的相对水平来看,集中度的影响要大于市场收益的影响,规模的影响与集中度、市场收益的影响相反。进一步研究还表明,尽管行业资产规模与净资产收益率的时间序列显示随着行业资产规模的增加,我国证券公司的净资产收益率呈现出不断下降的特征,但这并不意味着我国投资银行业是规模不经济的。有关规模经济的横截面分析数据表明,现阶段我国证券公司的规模与其绩效之间并不存在着明显的关系,既没有显示出规模不经济,也没有显示出规模经济。  相似文献   

利用偏离-份额法,以"结构红利假说"的角度分析了广西各市旅游业的产业结构生产率增长效应,以解释各市旅游业发展的动力来源和影响。研究表明,旅游业的产业结构变迁对广西各市的劳动生产率均有积极作用,主要通过内部增长效应体现。对大多数城市结构变迁有利于旅游业劳动生产率的提升,但是另一部分城市出现了"结构负利"的情况。  相似文献   

在当前我国大力推动文化和科技相互促进、相互融合,着实推进文化产业成为国民经济支柱性产业的新常态下,系统开展科技创新与文化产业的融合性研究显得非常有必要。文章从科技创新与经济增长、科技创新与产业发展、科技创新与文化产业发展等三个视角出发,对国内外有关文化产业的科技创新驱动理论研究进展进行逐层递进的梳理,并提出现存的主要问题和未来研究的发展方向,以期为后续研究提供借鉴。  相似文献   

推进经济结构战略性调整是我国今后一段时期内经济发展的重大任务。经济相对落后但资源丰富的陇南地区.如何抓住产业转移的重大机遇,提高产业转移的对接,通过产业转移提升经济发展动力,变资源优势为经济优势是需要认真研究的重要课题。本文结合陇南实际,针对承接产业转移中应关注的问题,提出一些意见和建议,为产业转移对接提供思路。  相似文献   

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