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In spite of growing concern for corporate social responsibility (CSR) in various industries including the hospitality industry, the relationship between CSR activities and financial performance is a rarely examined subject in the hospitality context. Especially, research measuring the separate impacts of positive and negative CSR activities on companies’ financial performances remains, as yet, unconsidered. Thus, this study examines different impacts of positive and negative CSR activities on financial performance of hotel, casino, restaurant and airline companies, theoretically based on positivity and negativity effects. Findings suggest mixed results across different industries and will contribute to companies’ appropriate strategic decision-making for CSR activities by providing more precise information regarding the impacts of each directional CSR activity on financial performance.  相似文献   


Business today has recognized the cost advantages of customer retention. In reaction to decades of industrialization and mass production, the pendulum has slowly swung back toward more one‐to‐one customer relations and mass customization. One‐to‐one personal attention and relationship building is widely perceived as a desirable method for increasing customer loyalty. Such concepts, however, are not new. Over thousands of years, the Chinese have been practicing “Guanxi,” which Davies (1995) defines as the social interaction within a networked group where repeated favor exchanges ensure a measure of trust among the participants of this network. The constructs of Guanxi, namely bonding, trust, empathy, and reciprocity, can be combined with customer relationship marketing (CRM) and strengthen what a business can offer its customer. This paper, therefore, discusses the history and development of Guanxi in China and its similarities to customer relationship marketing that is practiced today in the Western world. It also presents how the constructs of Guanxi can be combined with CRM. Tips for good Guanxi and CRM to ensure success are also highlighted.  相似文献   

Understanding the asymmetric effects of attribute performance (AP) on customer satisfaction (CS) is important for the managers in the hotel industry. Although several studies concerning this issue have been conducted, the varies of asymmetric effects across different market segments have not been revealed. To this end, this study aims to explore the asymmetric effects of AP on CS with respect to different market segments, including different types of hotels, different types of travelers and travelers from different regions. Four theories, i.e., expectation-disconfirmation paradigm, three-factor theory of CS, customer delight theory and prospect theory, are adopted to explain the formation of CS from the perspective of different market segments. The penalty–reward contrast analysis (PRCA) and asymmetric impact-performance analysis (AIPA) are used to analyze 1,547,869 user-generated ratings collected form TripAdvisor posted by the travelers from 140 countries concerning 9,596 hotels from 75 capital cities around the world. The results suggest that the asymmetric effects of AP on CS may vary across different market segments, including different types of hotels, different types of travelers and travelers from different regions. In addition, the priorities of hotel attributes for each type of hotel with respect to different types of travelers and travelers from different regions are also analyzed by AIPA. The obtained results will be valuable for researchers to conduct further studies and hotel managers to formulate improvement strategies.  相似文献   

As the competition to gain customers becomes more intense, the hospitality industry has faced increasing pressure to find new approaches to create and deliver value to customers through supply chain management (SCM) practices. Over the past decade there has been a growing realization of the important contribution that purchasing and supply management can have on an organization's performance. This paper addresses SCM practices, with an emphasis on strategic purchasing (SP), in one sector of the Canadian hospitality industry. Using data collected from 105 Canadian hotels, this study tested seven hypotheses of the impact of SP on SCM practices and verified the impact on the hotel's performance. All of the hypothesized relationships were supported. The results indicate that SP is positively related to the relationship with the supplier (SR), communication (COM), service quality (SQ), financial performance (FINP), and customer satisfaction performance (CUSP). The managerial and research implications of these findings are discussed in the paper.  相似文献   

Research into innovativeness and customer orientation in the service industry is burgeoning, yet our understanding of the antecedents and consequences of both activities in hospitality management remain unclear. To address this problem we investigate the link between corporate culture, indicators of innovativeness and business performance in the Swiss hotel industry, because the Swiss have a proclivity toward innovation as well as a long established record in hospitality management. Data were generated from 96 businesses in the hotel industry and the results were analysed using structural equation modeling. They suggest that cultural dimensions are positively associated with customer orientation, innovativeness, and company performance. The implications of the findings are discussed along with limitations and future research directions.  相似文献   

Social capital is a key resource encouraging innovation in clustered firms of the hospitality and tourism industry, however it may be influenced by managers perception of market dynamism. This paper analyses the moderator role of ma’rket dynamism perception among the three dimensions of social capital −structural, relational and cognitive- and radical innovation. We conducted an empirical study on a sample of 215 hospitality and tourism firms located in World Heritage Cities of Spain, by considering each city as a cultural tourism cluster. The structural equations analysis shows divergent direct and moderated effects for the dimensions of social capital. Specifically, the negative effect of structural social capital on radical innovation worsens when market dynamism perception is higher. However, market dynamism perception improves the effects of relational and cognitive social capital on radical innovation. The study contributes to the understanding of the antecedents of radical innovation at firm level in the context of cultural tourism clusters.  相似文献   

This paper reviews recent research on information technology in the hospitality industry. The analysis revealed three broad research areas: the Internet's effects on distribution; on pricing; and on consumer interactions. Similar to aftermath of the dot com boom, the hospitality industry is realising that the information technology has unintended effects and prognosticators are often wrong. While the reviewed articles provide sound advice for hospitality operators and a rich stream of future research for academics, poor rigor and a lack of relevance throughout the reviewed journals underscore a worrying trend in hospitality research.  相似文献   

High employee turnover is a widely known reality for the hospitality industry. However, the extent to which employee turnover in the hospitality industry depends on overall economic activities or idiosyncratic characteristics of the hospitality industry is not clear. The purpose of this study is to examine the extent to which the employee turnover rate in the hospitality industry is sensitive to the overall US economy. Also, the COVID-19-pandemic has further exacerbated an already convoluted issue of employee turnover for hospitality businesses. Therefore, we further investigate the extent to which employee turnover rate in the hospitality industry are sensitive to the overall US economy during the pandemic period. The results show that employee turnover in the hospitality industry has the highest sensitivity to the economy. However, employee turnover in the hospitality industry decreases the most in the overall US economy when economy-wide turnover increases. The theoretical and practical implications are extensively discussed.  相似文献   

Prevailing hospitality research has demonstrated the impact of personality traits on various human resource outcomes. However, most studies on employee personality applied a construct-centered approach and treated each personality dimension as a separate construct. Although some psychologists have begun to study the combinations of various personality dimensions as overall individual profiles, much remains unknown about the generalizability of these personality profiles in hotel employees and how these profiles might affect individual work outcomes, including job performance and satisfaction. To address this literature gap and cross-validate the results, data from 1035 respondents was collected from two five-star hotels of Hong Kong with different backgrounds. Drawing on self-regulation theory and using the Latent Profile Analysis (LPA), we identified two major personality profiles from the respondents. Results showed that the personality profiles led to varying levels of job performance and satisfaction, depending on the employees’ frequency of contact with the hotel guests. Conceptual, methodological, and practical implications were discussed.  相似文献   

Societal and regulatory pressures increasingly encourage firms to invest in and manage workplace diversity. In service industries like hospitality and tourism (HT) where customer interface and service is salient, diversity management assumes even greater importance than compared to other industries. Yet the link between investment in diversity and its relationship with financial performance is not known. This study compares diversity management between HT and non-HT firms, and finds that HT firms manage diversity by taking more initiatives than other firms. More importantly, it finds that investment in diversity translates into superior financial performance when measured by Tobin's Q and firm credit rating.  相似文献   

The potential of information technology (IT) resources to empower employees, to shape customer service and contribute to the competitive performance of hospitality firms has received much attention. Yet empirical evidence has been lacking. This study draws on the resource-based view of the firm and the service-profit chain framework to develop and test a model of the effects of a complementary system of tangible and intangible IT resources on employee and customer service outcomes and on competitive performance. A structured questionnaire was used to collect data from 112 hospitality establishments operating in South Africa. Results revealed that the complementary system of IT resources has significant direct effects on competitive performance whilst its effect on customer service outcomes is fully mediated by employee outcomes. Results support the contention that hospitality service is information intensive. In addition to employees, tangible and intangible IT resources demand the attention of hospitality managers and their role in competitive strategy must be considered.  相似文献   

Compared with customer satisfaction, customer delight is considered a more effective indicator of customer relationship management in the hospitality industry. As researches have suggested that organizational culture plays a vital role in providing customer delight service in the hospitality industry, this study initiated to investigate customer delight from the perspective of organizational culture. The investigation was based on multilayer cultural theories, and the domains of customer delight culture were identified in this study by applying a qualitative approach and content analysis. Finally, a framework of the customer delight culture was then developed to clearly understand the insights of organizational culture on customer delight.  相似文献   

This study makes a unique contribution to the hospitality literature by examining the asymmetric effects of total tourist arrivals in six segments of tourist arrivals (pleasure, business, visiting relatives, conference, study, and others) on Taiwan’s hospitality industry. Regression test results confirm that the contribution of the overall tourist arrivals and both pleasure and visiting relatives segments to hospitality industry growth is not asymmetric, as it is found in periods of expansion and contraction. The beneficial effect of the business segment on hospitality industry growth is asymmetric, existing only in periods of business cycle expansion. However, the conference, study, and other segments make no significant contribution to hospitality industry growth. The study’s valuable policy implications offer guidance to Taiwan’s tourism authorities, hospitality business owners, and managers.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to conduct an investigation into the link between market orientation and business performance in the hotel industry. Data were generated from 63 hotels in Hong Kong. The findings indicated that market orientation is positively and significantly associated with the marketing performance and financial performance of a hotel. The implications of the findings are discussed and the limitations of the study as well as future research directions are addressed.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the effects of two critical customer voice variables on hotel performance. Specifically, the research provides a customer equity model in which the influences of both customer satisfaction and complaints are considered. The impact of the customer voice variables on hotel performance is investigated while considering the potential for moderating effects by hotel size and star rating. We use a more robust approach to measure firm performance than is traditionally used in satisfaction-performance studies. Finally the paper reports on the results of these investigations and outlines implications for both theory and practice.  相似文献   

Many researchers have endeavored to explain which factors contribute to sustainable competitive advantage. Toward this end, this study contributes to the marketing and hospitality management literature by providing empirical evidence on how human capital, dynamic marketing capabilities, and market dynamism influence competitive advantage in the hotel sector. We collected cross-sectional survey data from marketing and sales managers in 165 hotels, along with in-depth interviews in three hotels, based in four Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries, namely, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, United Arab Emirates and Bahrain. The findings reveal that human capital directly, and indirectly through dynamic marketing capabilities, plays a critical role on developing competitive advantage. To contextualize this role, our research reveals that market dynamism moderates the mediated relationship between human capital and competitive advantage via market sensing capabilities. We discuss how the findings offer theoretical and managerial implications for the development of competitive advantage in the hotel sector.  相似文献   

Although co-branding is postulated to be beneficial for hospitality brands, empirical test of either transfer effect or spillover effect of co-branding on consumer-based brand equity (CBBE) of hospitality brands is yet to receive attention from researchers. A quasi-experiment design was applied to test the transfer effect of co-branding on the CBBE of the composite brand, controlling for the familiarity, compatibility (fitness) and complementary of the partner brands. A within-subject (repeated measures) design with four steps measuring the CBBE of internationally known and compatible hotel and restaurant brands and their co-brand, as well as respondents’ own most familiar hotel and restaurant brand and their co-brand was applied in four steps to a class of 46 students enrolled for a tourism and hospitality class at a Tourism and Hotel Management School based in Asia. The t-test of differences revealed that the co-brand of the internationally known and compatible hotel and restaurant brands lead to synergy with both brands being winners and none losers, while the co-brand of respondents’ own most familiar brands lead to losses mostly, despite their high ratings individually. Implications and future research suggestions are provided.  相似文献   

Given the criticality of successful bilateral (guest–employee) interactions in the increasingly internationalised hospitality business environment, the overarching aim of this study is to determine whether religion (Buddhism, Islam, Hinduism, and Christianity) plays a role in how hotel employees’ non-verbal communication is perceived by guests. In addition, we are interested in understanding perceptions of hotel employees’ non-verbal behaviour from the perspective of the intersection of religion and gender. This exploratory research is based on cross-sectional data collected from 384 hotel guests in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Results showed that Christian guests perceived proxemics, physical appearance and paralanguage of hotel employees less favourably than Muslim guests did. Effects of religion on kinesics and proxemics also depended on gender. Implications are discussed theoretically in terms of cross-religious discourse and practically in terms of workforce training.  相似文献   

Previous research studies reveal that changes in monetary policy can significantly affect hospitality stock returns. This paper makes another contribution by showing that the impact of shifts in the Fed monetary policy regime on US hospitality index returns varies to a great extent in the different stages of business cycle and under different credit market conditions. Shifts in the Fed monetary policy regime are measured by directional changes in the discount rate (DR) and directional changes in the federal funds rate (FFR). In particular, the significant influence of monetary policy regime shifts on hospitality index returns depends on the state of economy. The significant influence of DR exists only during periods of business cycle contraction. In addition, although US hospitality index returns respond significantly to FFR under both business cycle expansion and contraction, the size of the response is substantially larger and more statistically significant during periods of business cycle contraction. Finally, the impact of both DR and FFR on hospitality index returns depends on the credit market conditions, especially when the credit market is tight.  相似文献   

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