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This paper investigates how Britain's largest employee-owned firm, the John Lewis Partnership, performs relative to its major competitors. In the context of John Lewis's unique constitutional structure, employee ownership appears to offer significant advantages in the market place. It is difficult to assess the relative importance of particular policies; as a group, employee ownership, open information flows, high wages, and profit share are clearly associated with high productivity.  相似文献   

Employee Share Ownership: Safeguarding Investments in Human Capital   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Valuable investments in human capital, it has been argued, may be at risk in much the same way as shareholder equity capital. In this paper, we develop and test the hypothesis that employee share ownership (ESO) may be used to encourage and safeguard investments in human capital. Using the Workplace Employee Relations Survey 1998, we examine the empirical link between the likelihood of ESO and the presence of valuable human capital. Adjusted for possible structural influences, empirical evidence suggests considerable support for our hypothesis.  相似文献   

以我国能源电力类上市公司为样本,对其股权结构与公司绩效的关系提出假设并做了分析。实证结果与文章提出的3个假设相吻合:能源电力类上市公司股权结构中,第一大股东持股比例与公司绩效显著正相关;股权制衡度与公司绩效显著正相关;高管持股与公司绩效正相关,但不显著。结论还表明:公司规模、托宾Q值、投资支出等都与公司绩效显著正相关;资产负债率与公司绩效显著负相关。这些结论可为我国能源电力类上市公司改善股权结构、提高公司绩效提供一些思路。  相似文献   

基于我国制度背景,利用上市公司财务数据,实证检验了股权结构、现金流对我国上市公司投资行为的影响,经验汪据表明,当企业自由现金流较低时,非国有控投企业表现为投资不足,企业投资对内部现金流是敏感的,而国有控股企业投资对内部现金流不敏感;当企业自由现金流较高时,国有拉股企业和非国有控股企业都表现为过度投资,两类企业投资对内部现金流都是敏感的。居中的股枞结沟能够抑制国有控股企业的过度投资问题,分散的股权结构和过于集中的股权结构则可能使企业的过度投资问题更为严重。此外,居中的股权结构既不能抑制非国有控股企业过度投资,又不能促进企业有效投资。  相似文献   

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Apology British Journal of Industrial Relations 43:4, 751
This paper explores the impact of employee ownership on employee attitudes, using attitudinal data obtained from four UK bus companies which had adopted the ESOP form of employee share ownership. After reviewing the recent UK literature, the paper highlights the findings from US literature that a 'sense of ownership' is an important intervening variable between actual ownership and attitudinal change, and that opportunities for participating in decision-making are more important than ownership per se in generating feelings of ownership. The paper incorporates these possibilities in using a two-stage ordered probit model to explore the relationships between ownership and attitudinal outcomes. The findings support intrinsic and instrumental models of ownership, and indicate that feelings of ownership are significantly associated with higher levels of commitment and satisfaction.  相似文献   

本文对股权结构与资本结构的关系进行了理论分析,而我国国有上市公司股权结构与资本结构并不符合这一理论。文中针对我国国有上市公司的特征,分析了原因并提出了相应的措施。  相似文献   

This paper examines the causal association between share ownership and attitudes of New Zealand managers, using Long's (1978a) theoretical framework. The results of the longitudinal study showed that: (1) pre-existing attitudes had no causal effect on the decision to purchase shares; and (2) employee share ownership did not result in the expected improvement in attitudes. Reasons as to why the scheme had little effect are discussed.  相似文献   

Did publicly traded European firms with employee ownership (EO) realize higher firm performance during or after the Great Recession? Contributing to the growing interest in exploring the association between EO and firm performance during and after the 2008 economic crisis, we draw on a longitudinal sample of 4,259 firm-years representing 892 publicly traded firms from 28 European countries. The results show that compared to firms without EO, those with EO experienced higher firm performance during or after the recession, albeit with small effect size. Consistent with past findings, we found that firms with EO were less likely to lower their employee count during or after the recession. Findings are robust to controlling for contemporaneous endogeneity and alternate specifications. Our results indicate that publicly traded European firms with EO, on average, realized higher firm performance in the face of the Great Recession.  相似文献   

采用主成分分析法对我国钢铁上市公司2006年的财务绩效进行了综合评价,并分析了引起绩效优劣的动因。研究表明:2006年钢铁上市公司的综合财务绩效整体较好,仅个别企业表现不佳;大部分企业的财务核心能力接近,两端企业差异较大;财务管理的目标呈内外两极分化。同时,提出了钢铁上市公司提高财务绩效的对策。  相似文献   

随着我国上市公司范围和数量的扩大,所有权和经营权分离所引起的公司治理问题日益突出。董事会作为公司治理的核心,其治理模式日益成为影响公司绩效的关键因素,改善董事会的特征、提高董事会的质量也就成为建立有效公司治理结构的核心任务。因此,研究董事会特征与公司经营绩效的关系具有实际意义。  相似文献   

This study examines the effect of CEO ownership on firm performance. The findings suggest that CEO ownership and firm performance are jointly determined. Firm performance affects CEO ownership positively and in turn, CEO ownership has a positive effect on firm performance. Our results also show that firms managed by founder CEOs have better performance and that the CEO duality structure is beneficial in a turbulent environment.  相似文献   

股市公共性:股权分置改革的理论根据   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文对股权分置改革中的几个主要理论进行了分析,认为“流通股含权”说、“合同”说等是不能成立的;从政府政策的公共利益出发,提出了股市公共性学说。强调这一学说是支持股权分置改革的理论依据,据此分析了股权分置改革中的一系列政策举措。  相似文献   

上市公司重大资产重组的业绩改善研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,我国上市公司的重大资产重组事件频频发生。本文考察了2001年进行重大资产重组的71家上市公司,分析其重组前后的业绩变化。重大资产重组后企业盈利能力指标得到了显著改善,现金流管理、财务稳健性和经营能力指标的提高不显著。公司重组后第2年的业绩改善要高于重组后的2年平均业绩改善,表明我国上市公司的重组是实质性重组而非报表性重组。  相似文献   

国企上市公司的资本结构是否合理,将影响到企业资本控制的完善,决定着国有企业的前途,关系着中国经济体制改革的成败。为了探索以上二者间的关系,以我国10家国企上市公司在2009年-2013年这五年数据当作样本,通过回归分析进行调查研究,并且针对性地提出了建议。分析结果得出,国企上市公司股东权益比率和公司绩效正相关,资产负债率和公司绩效关系不确定。  相似文献   

我国中药类上市公司经营业绩实证分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中药是中华民族的瑰宝,中药产业是我国少数具有国际化比较优势的领域之一.本文通过对2006年我国证券市场上29家中药类上市公司建立经营业绩综合评价的因子分析模型,得出了这29家中药类上市公司经营业绩的综合得分和排序,并综合评价其经营业绩并分析其原因,以期了解我国中药类上市公司的经营状况并为其提高业绩提供数据借鉴,更进一步地希望能为我国中药产业的发展提供一定的决策依据.  相似文献   

我国上市公司换股并购绩效的实证研究   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
换股并购作为公司战略并购的支付方式,不仅是上市公司并购采用的支付方式,也是国有独资公司通过并购实现整体上市的有效手段。本文以1998—2007年间沪深两市发生换股并购的上市公司为研究对象,分别采用累积超常收益(CAR)与连续持有超常收益(BHAR)考察了换股并购的短期与长期绩效。结果表明:短期内主并公司股东获得了正的累积超常收益;但长期内大多数主并公司股东遭受了显著的财富损失。最后,作者深入分析了换股并购绩效低的原因并提出了提高绩效的对策。  相似文献   

本文通过选取2011~2015年中国航空工业18家上市公司的指标数据,构建多元回归模型,分析了其股权布局、技术创新及业务管理3个层面的因素对绩效的作用情况。结果表明:国有持股比重与经营绩效的关系呈显著倒“U”型,且以营业利润率(OPR)为被解释变量回归时其临界值为56.06%,而国有股比例均值是52.03%,尚处于临界值内,由此可知目前的国有持股尚能促进公司绩效的提升,但以总资产收益率(ROA)回归时则有超出临界值(51.32%)的风险;还有股权的集中程度、研发经费的投入力度对绩效均有正面影响,但后者有1年的滞延期;而销售成本率对绩效却有明显的抑制作用。最后,根据实证结果,为我国航空工业的发展提出几点建议。  相似文献   

随着我国证券市场的发展,由于可转换债券具有股票和债券的双重性质以及具有筹资和避险的双重功能受到了更多企业的关注.国内外的金融理论普遍认为,可转换债券的出现有助于改善公司的绩效,那么在我国资本市场上,发行可转换债券后的绩效表现如何呢?出现这种情况的原因又是如何?针对这些问题,本文从实证方面进行了研究.  相似文献   

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