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This article describes and discusses a unique project in the field of RP, CAL and Learning Styles. Reflective Practice (RP) is a method that can be used to assist the student to learn from experience using a carefully structured framework. This has been shown to result in new learning and improved practice. In PHEC the application of RP is seen as essential for clinical effectiveness and continuing professional development in paramedic practices. Evidence from Canada indicates that while PHEC work would be expected to attract convergers (as categorised by Kolb, 1984), in fact, the data did not support that expectation. No particular learning style was dominant. The teaching process for RP at the University of Hertfordshire normally uses the lecture‐discussion method between teacher/facilitators and students based largely on the presentation of scenarios and case studies with a wide‐ranging, but focused dialogue and discussion. The design problem discussed here was to provide computer–student interaction which offers the students additional opportunities to develop their own preferred styles as well as to achieve the same learning outcomes as the taught content.  相似文献   

Various theoretical approaches uphold the relevance of the relationship between the form of management and performance. Different management styles influence the relationships of agencies [Jensen, M.C. (1998). Foundations of organizational strategy. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press], the cost of governing transactions [Williamson, O.E. (1985). The economics institutions of capitalism: Firms, markets, relational contracting. New York, NY: Free Press], and the allocation of resources between the exploitation and exploration of activities [March, J.G. (1991). Exploration and exploitation in organizational learning. Organization Science, 2(1), 71–87], and this is manifested in firm performance. In light of these assumptions, this article presents an empirical verification of the relationship between the management of franchises and their performance, examining how different styles of management on the part of franchisers over their franchisees have significant effects on the growth and profits of franchiser firms.  相似文献   


This paper proposes that literature (e.g., short stories, folktales, etc.) may be a valuable tool in helping to adapt teaching methods to the online environment, particularly in the case of developing experiential exercises that are compatible with either synchronous or asynchronous online learning. In addition, literature can help students to become better international managers, and builds skills valued by curriculum experts and future employers, including communication skills, team building skills, and contextual understanding of cultural diversity issues. The paper includes an example of how to use the folk tale “Stone Soup” to develop an introductory exercise for an international management class.  相似文献   

2001年我国船舶工业快速发展,全年造船完工390万吨,比上年增加12.7%,特别是中国船舶工业集团公司和中国船舶重工集团公司完工近300万吨,比上年有较大幅度的增长,创造了历史新水平。根据国家有关部门预测:“十五”末中国的造船能力将达到1000万吨,中国船舶工业集团公司和中  相似文献   

随着中国的发展和与西方国家联系的日益频繁,越来越多的人需要有能用英语与人交流的能力,英语教学是为了教会学生用英语进行相互交流,并能准确表达自己的想法,适应各种社交需求.但是我们的传统教学法却不能满足以上需求.近来,交际教学法被引入了中国的英语教学中.本文将论谜大学英语老师在此过程中将会面临的挑战以及应对的办法.  相似文献   

This article reports on collaboration between a research university and a consortium of leading public and private sector organisations to enable their senior executives ‘to get our arms around this thing called IT’. The project started in 1995 and ran for almost four years. The learning materials were developed with the participants at face‐to‐face meetings mediated by group decision support software. The initial requirement for paper‐based out‐puts was soon augmented with bespoke software, CD‐ROM and online databases accessed via an extranet and then an interactive website. An action research approach was used to observe and measure the effectiveness of a theoretical model – the Executive Learning Ladder. During one 12‐month period, 50 events involved 561 executives. Analysis of the results indicated that sense‐making was accelerated when conducted within peer‐groups before being ‘cascaded’ to less experienced managers. Senior executives preferred metaphors that triggered connections whereas their subordinates tended to display an appetite for extensive case study portfolios. The report concludes with a discussion of the successes and failures of the Executive Learning Ladder and its potential as a generalisable model for executive development in the ICT domain.  相似文献   

This paper reports the findings of a preliminary investigation of the relationships between the export performance and behavior of firms and the search for market information by the principal international marketing executives of these firms. The first part of the study deals with acquiring objective market information, and the second part is concerned with the acquisition of experiential market knowledge. While the findings of the experiential portion are inconclusive, the use of learning theory in this aspect of the work provides direction for future research in this area.  相似文献   

[本刊讯]由中国船舶工业行业协会组织的修船价格本编委审查会议2月13~16日在山东荣成召开.出席会议的有中国船舶工业集团公司、中国船舶重工集团公司、中远工业公司、中国海运集团工业公司、中国水产集团公司、中国海军以及部分省、直辖市、自治区所属的修船企业、中外合资企业、船务工程公司等35个单位,57位代表.会上中国船舶工业行业协会理事长到会做了讲话.  相似文献   

学习兴趣是引导学生进行积极主动学习和持续性的内在动力,与被动的强制性学习相比,学生带有浓厚的学习兴趣进行学习能够使学生对基础知识的掌握程度更加牢固,此外,良好的学习兴趣还可激发学生学习的主动性.基于学习情趣的培养对学生学习的重要作用,在高校积极推进教学改革的过程中,学校在开展篮球体育教学活动的过程中,要努力培养学生的学习兴趣.本文对目前学习兴趣在体育教学过程中的培养状况以及怎样在篮球教学过程中激发和培养学生的学习兴趣提出了具体的改进措施.  相似文献   

中国船舶工业物资总公司为提高领导干部的政治业务素质、领导艺术和领导方法,以适应形势发展,保证"十五"规划的实现,举办了领导干部培训班,并开展了提高自身素质,"做一名合格领导干部"活动.借此机会,本人认真研读了《邓小平同志论领导干部廉洁自律》、《企业领导的方法和艺术》、《给领导者的100个思路》、《国有大中型企业建立现代企业制度和加强管理的规范》等书籍.现结合工作中的实际情况,谈谈自己的学习体会,作为今后的努力方向.  相似文献   

加入世贸,是我国对外开放的里程碑,"入世"受冲击最直接的是政府——尽管企业是冲击结果的最终承受者,因为 WTO 是以国家或地区为成员的"国际经济俱乐部",企业不具备成员资格,哪怕企业富可敌国。所以,与国际惯例接轨,首先是政府的行政行为必须与国际接轨,依法行政。广东省外经贸厅副厅长黄永智称依法行政的重要性主要体现在两点:第一,树立法律权威。行政机关是国家机关中对经济和社会发展影响最大、与公民关系最为密切的机构。国家颁布的现行法律、法规、有80%是由行政机关执行的。过去,认为只有"公检法"是执法机关,而不把行政机关也  相似文献   

The objective and aim of the study was to compile empirical data to quantify the underestimation of the true burden of drowning and to compare drowning rates using commonly reported codes compared with those revealed by use of the full range of drowning codes in ICD version 10. The authors reviewed mortality data (1999-2002) from Australia and the USA and compiled data to compare the burden of 'unintentional drowning' with that of 'all drowning'. In both Australia and the USA, drowning mortality is more than 35% higher when a full range of codes is examined. A more comprehensive representation of the drowning problem is needed to assist in strengthening prevention activities.  相似文献   

This study aims to examine the key training factors that significantly impact the learning outcomes of trainees. A comprehensive framework is proposed to investigate the interrelationships among various training components, trainer performance, training usefulness, and their effects on metacognition and learning. Empirical testing of the model is conducted using the partial least squares structural equation modelling approach, analyzing data collected from 322 public servants in North India. The findings reveal that almost all the focal factors comprising a training programme, such as the usefulness of training, trainer performance and metacognition, positively influence trainees' learning. While training agencies should consider all components of the training programme, the perceived usefulness, trainer performance and trainees' metacognition are particularly influential factors in facilitating learning. Training components and trainer performance predict the usefulness of training. This study integrates all focal factors of a training programme into a comprehensive framework using employee data, explaining a significant portion (45%–64%) of the variance in trainees' learning. These findings emphasize the importance of addressing these focal factors thoughtfully when designing and implementing effective training programmes.  相似文献   

近日,备受关注的国内轻型商用车业第一款拥有外表和内饰自:主知识产权的高端产品——东风金霸在东莞和南京两地隆重上市。  相似文献   

The authors examine the determinants of the effective implementation of game-based learning (GBL) for experiential learning. They focus on the successful GBL initiative called Management Game (MG) and adopt the theory-driven deductive thematic analysis approach of Boyatzis along with the Matsuo model as theoretical rationale. Overall, the findings show that MG is an effective GBL that addresses the five seminal factors of the Matsuo model. Further, the study sheds light on the optimal structure of the successful GBL that allows learners to effectively acquire knowledge and skills. Several implications of the study are discussed in the conclusion together with the limitations of the study.  相似文献   

Worldwide, organizations are keen to ensure that they achieve a performance return from the large investment they make in employee training. This study examines the way in which workgroup identification facilitates trainees’ motivation to transfer learning into workplace performance. A 2 × 2 longitudinal study evaluated the effects of a new generic professionalization training program (NGP) – which tapped into distal work identities, and a standard local professionalization program (SLP) – which spoke more to localized work identities, on participant's motivation to transfer their learning to the workplace. The study found that, compared to participants on the SLP (n = 31), participants on the NGP (n = 35) indicated a reduction in 4 measures (perceived utility of training; workplace participation; relatedness and workplace identification). The authors draw on the social identity approach to illustrate how a reduction in these variables is indicative of a reduction in motivation to transfer learning to the workplace. In short, training which does not speak to meaningful localized identities results in reduced motivation to transfer compared to training that does speak to those identities. More broadly, the study demonstrates the capacity of the social identity approach to meet the increasing demands of training researchers for a comprehensive, multi‐dimensional, theoretical framework through which to understand the interplay of trainee and contextual factors that contribute to effective learning and performance in the workplace.  相似文献   

While traditional models of training such as behavioral modeling (BMT) have been found to enhance training transfer, research suggests that more active learning strategies such as error management (EMT) and team‐based learning (TBL) may be more effective. This paper analyzes BMT, EMT and TBL strategies to train employees on new enterprise resources planning (ERP) software and discusses which training leads to successful procedural and declarative knowledge transfer, knowledge retention and application, and tangible business outcomes. TBL was predicted to be the most effective training type, as it models several components needed to use ERP software in the actual job setting. Overall and procedural knowledge as well as knowledge application scores improved most for TBL participants, while declarative knowledge improved the most in the EMT condition. During training, all conditions showed significant improvement in knowledge application; however, the TBL condition showed the highest knowledge application gains. This paper discusses the elements of TBL that support its use as an effective strategy to increase knowledge transfer in an organizational context.  相似文献   

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