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《Journal of Retailing》2015,91(3):410-421
Integrating theory related to psychological distance and elaboration on potential outcomes, hypotheses are offered that predict that consumers’ elaboration levels moderate the effect of temporal distance on choice of energy efficient products. In three experiments, the authors examine the influence of temporal and psychological distance and the moderating effect of a consumer's propensity to elaborate on potential outcomes (EPO) in retail choice-based situations. Results support these predictions with consumers lower in elaboration more likely to choose an energy efficient product when perceived distance is proximal versus distal, while the distance effect has less of an influence on consumers prone to higher elaboration. We test the effect of distance perceptions within a retail lab environment, as well as across ad and retail contexts. These results will help marketers better understand how to promote products in ad versus retail-based contexts and across different consumer groups. Findings offer implications for theory, retailers, product marketers, and NGO's interested in promoting energy efficient choices.  相似文献   


Our study sought to determine whether a consumer's search-purchase (S-P) strategy could provide a viable market segmentation tool for understanding consumer's channel choice behavior in today's increasingly complex, multichannel market environment. We collected data (N = 519) nationwide, using a self-administered mail survey and focusing on two product categories (books and apparel). Based on the respondent's search-purchase channel behavior, we identified nine segments and deemed three as viable: the Physical/Physical S-P strategist, the Cross/Cross S-P strategist, and the Cross/Physical S-P strategist. Our findings indicate that a consumer's S-P channel choice strategy is indeed a viable segmentation tool; furthermore, a consumer's S-P channel choice strategy is influenced by the consumer's level of sophistication in regard to the technology and by the benefits sought. We conclude by speculating on the uses that retailers could make of our study, and we propose several possible subjects for future studies.  相似文献   

This paper examines the factors that influence competitive showrooming, whereby consumers visit an offline retail store to gather information but make their purchase online at a competing retailer. We survey 556 respondents to study how the benefits and costs of showrooming influence the consumer's decision to showroom. Not surprisingly, we find that expected average price savings from showrooming are positively associated with showrooming. In addition, however, the perceived dispersion in online prices is also positively related to showrooming. Moreover, we find that non-price factors play a key role in consumers' showrooming decisions: perceived gains in the quality of the product purchased when showrooming (measured as the fit with a consumer's need) and waiting time for service in the brick-and-mortar store are positively associated with showrooming. Online search costs are negatively related to showrooming. Time pressure that consumers face when shopping is negatively associated with their propensity to showroom. We discuss implications for researchers and retail managers. For example, managers of offline retail stores can curtail showrooming by increasing the number of sales personnel available in-store instead of providing currently employed personnel with more training. To encourage showrooming, managers of online retailers should make it easier for the customer to search online.  相似文献   

The purpose behind the development of this research article is to assess the impact of sales promotions benefits on consumer perceived value and examine the moderating effect of product categories on the relation between sales promotions, their benefits, and consumer perceived value. The study used a sample of 400 consumers from India and ‘Structure Equation Modelling’ technique is applied to evaluate the research assumption. Finally, the moderating effect of the product category is evaluated by utilizing ‘Multi-Group Analysis' technique. Research findings reveal that the product category moderates the consumer's perceived value for hedonic and utilitarian benefits of sales promotion tools. It is found that utilitarian benefits of sales promotion have more impact on consumer perceived value in the context of personal care product while hedonic benefits are having more impact on consumer perceived value in the context of food products. A sales promotion plan can be made more effective when it is hedonic benefit oriented in the case of food products and utilitarian benefit oriented in the case of personal care products. The findings of this research can be useful for marketers to develop an effective sales promotion strategy considering the category wise differential impact of sales promotions benefits.  相似文献   

Using a novel dataset from the Netherlands' banking sector, we examine how macroeconomic, bank‐specific, and account‐specific characteristics affect the interest rates of banking products. Our results show that interest rates have become more sensitive to bank risk since the onset of the global financial crisis. More generally, we show that time deposits reflect more closely the economic environment than bank interest rates on savings accounts do. Interest rates on deposit products vary not only across, but also within banks (i.e., across account of individual banks). We find that maturity‐increasing conditions (i.e., withdrawal fees for savings accounts and product maturity for time deposits) positively influence a product's interest rate.  相似文献   

Consumer evaluations of products are not entirely based on the absolute attributes or value of the product, but rather on the discrepancy between the product's attributes and the expectations consumers have for that product. Following the Dowling and Staelin model on perceived risk, an evaluation was made of how alternative product closures interplay with consumers' situational use, subjective knowledge, level of self-confidence, and gender to influence the purchase decision.

The results provide support for the importance of such factors as situational use, the consumer's gender, level of self-confidence, and subjective knowledge, and how the style of closure affects the purchase decision. Managerial implications of the findings are mentioned.  相似文献   

Means–end chain theory proposes that knowledge held in consumer's memory is organized in a hierarchy with concrete thoughts linked to more abstract thoughts in a sequence progressing from means (i.e., product features), to psychological and social consequences, and finally to ends (i.e., fulfillment of personal values). This article proposes several advances in the theory. First, specific buying and consumption situations serve as frames of reference when consumers are thinking about products and alternative features of products and brands. Second, states of psychological imbalance may occur in consumers' minds among linkages retrieved automatically for features–consequences and consequences–values; thus, Heider's balance theory informs means–end chain theory and research. The theoretical and practical usefulness of means–end research increases from asking consumers to name an acceptable alternative to the product and brand used in a recent consumption situation, as well as an unacceptable option, and to describe the features–consequences–values of these options; consequently, Fournier's alternative relationships of consumer–brands (e.g., casual friendships, marriages, enmities) become relevant for means–end chain theory. To examine the propositions empirically, the article describes psychological schemas for four means–end chains that link two consumers' recent lived consumption situations to personal values. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

One of the strategies employed by companies to differentiate themselves from others, in the food market, has been to market organic products according to the assumption that environmental values are an important influence on people's behavior. However, studies of the behavior of organic food consumers show that there is some debate on this subject. Although some studies associate organic food consumption with motives and attitudes in which the environment plays a predominant role, a greater number conclude that the motives for consuming this type of food are basically egoistic (related to health, food safety, or the quality or flavor of the food). This can lead to problems in deciding the central thrust of the marketing strategy. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the meaning and interpretations placed on the term “organic,” and how they are integrated, as a way to explain consumption behavior. Qualitative research methods were adopted for this purpose. Four focus group sessions with different sociodemographic profiles, held in the cities of Madrid and Seville, in Spain, displayed two evident paradoxes, which could indicate that environmental motives are not important for consumers in this market. It is concluded that the term “organic” plays an important role as a heuristic cue to superiority, irrespective of the consumer's knowledge about the real features of organic food. Three alternative models are presented to explain consumer behavior. These results could be useful to food companies, largely in connection with positioning this type of product and with their communications policy.  相似文献   

Independent test reports represent an important element in the sphere of consumer information. Evaluation of the impact of previous information and the search for better policies in future would certainly be useful. What is needed at this point is a scientific analysis oftest-report efficiency. Data concerning the dissemination and use of test reports exist but do not provide sufficient information to describe the further and more substantial benefits of testing institutions. It is the purpose of this paper to set out an approach to such an analysis of test efficiency by suggesting a set of evaluative criteria and a conceptualisation of some of the major problems involved in the empirical analysis of test efficiency. First of all, the actual and potential goals of testing institutions are formulated, since it is out of this set of goals that one can draw a list of appropriate test efficiency criteria. Such criteria include: (a) the consumer's knowledge of relevant products, prices, and services; (b) improvement of the consumer's purchasing decisions in terms of his own needs and scarce resources as well as of environmental protection; (c) improvement and stabilisation of regulative mechanisms, particularly the consumer's influence on the marketing system. Secondly, the various areas of test-report effects are analysed. In this context most authors concentrate solely upon the consumer and his purchasing behavior. The question presents itself, however, whether test effects upon the marketing system can be neglected. Considering the direct and the indirect impact of test reports on product marketing (both for merchants and for producers) and on the “consumer interest,” the answer is clearly in the negative. If test reports lead to changes, for example, in product quality and price, benefits to consumers can be said to exist even if consumers themselves do not use test reports in their actual purchasing decisions (“non-use benefits"). Such impact of test reports can be of great value especially to the poor. The body of this paper then deals with various efficiency indicators both in the consumer and in the marketing system. The indicators presented in the consumer section include: (i) perception of needs; (2) perception of relevant products (quality, price, etc.); (3) simplification in the purchase decision; (4) articulation of needs; (5) results in the context of bargaining over price and service; (6) product quality and satisfaction with the product and service; (7) post-decisional articulation of dissatisfaction and complaining behaviour; (8) external effects of consumption on scarce resources and environment. Efficiency indicators concerningmarketing effects are those of the following factors: (1) products; (2) prices; (3) channelling and distribution; (4) communication and information. In addition, such structural variables as competition effects and quality consciousness are treated. Where available, empirical data related to these various effects of test reports are also reported. The final section of this paper deals with the question of whether and to what extent certain effects can be seen as a result of consumer test reports. The problem of causality endemic to such analyses of efficiency in complex social systems cannot be resolved, of course, as it can in controlled experimental situations. Some other approaches to the establishment of causal indicators are therefore considered. Generally speaking, the chief concern of this paper lies in the development of a social-scientific basis for future consumer information policies, although a substantial part of the approach presented here can clearly be of value in many other areas of consumer policy. Er möchte Herrn Prof. Dr. Hans Raffée für wertvolle Anregungen herzlich danken.  相似文献   

Compulsive buying behavior is detrimental to the well-being of the consumers, brands, and the economy. Therefore, the current study aims to understand how the self-conceptual traits and values underline the corridors to the compulsive buying behavior of fashion apparel products. We collected self-administered data from systematically selected 744 young shopping mall consumers and employed structural equation modeling (SEM) via maximum likelihood method for analysis. Self-conceptual traits (physical and achievement vanity), materialism, and brand consciousness play a pivotal role in the development of compulsive buying behavior in young consumers of Pakistan. Furthermore, the presence of materialistic attitude and brand consciousness in consumers firmly explains vanity-driven consumer's excessive, chronic, and unneeded purchasing of fashion appeal products. Policymakers and fashion apparel marketers should limit the excessive use of self-oriented and self-defining appeals in their marketing campaigns and focus on strategies that build consumer relationships with brands based on mutual benefits and welfare.  相似文献   

Researchers have investigated the role of sensory attributes and organic labels on consumers’ preferences and perceptions of food, but few has examined whether sensory attributes are relevant for consumers who prefer organic food and the extent to which sensory attributes influence consumer's marginal willingness to pay for organic food. The objective of this study is to determine how sensory attributes and organic label work together to influence consumer's stated preference and marginal willingness to pay for orange juice. To achieve this, we conducted a blind sensory evaluation of two orange juices followed by a discrete choice experiment to determine the extent to which consumer's stated preference for orange juice labelled as organic is affected by sensory experience preceding the choice experiment. Random parameter logit models and latent class conditional logit models are used to explain stated preference. Results indicate that the effect of sensory attributes on consumer's marginal willingness to pay differed by organic juice and conventional juice.  相似文献   

In this study, we examine the mediating role of a consumer's personal reciprocity in the relationships between brand trust, brand loyalty and product familiarity, and future purchase intentions. Data from 308 printer users in Hong Kong reveals that a consumer's personal reciprocity partially mediates the relationships between brand trust and brand loyalty, and future purchase intentions. The theoretical implication is that personal reciprocity not only enhances consumers' future purchase intentions but also provides an alternative path linking brand trust and brand loyalty to consumers' future purchase intentions. The managerial implication is that by capitalising on a consumer's personal reciprocity in the context of consumer-firm relationships, firms can improve their performance in retaining existing customers.  相似文献   

Storytelling can arouse consumers' emotions and affect purchasing behavior through desires and attitudes. While the marketing literature discusses storytelling, there is a lack of consensus because of the diverse conceptual and operational definitions used. To untangle the complexities and consolidate the fragmented knowledge about storytelling in marketing, this research examines how the marketing literature has addressed the influence of storytelling on consumers' purchasing behavior. The findings aid in understanding how the topic has been discussed from a marketing perspective in consumer behavior studies. Through a systematic literature review using a bibliometric analysis, we demonstrate that the marketing literature features four strands about the uses of storytelling to influence consumers' purchasing behavior. First, storytelling stimulates the consumer's identification with the brand. Second, storytelling allows consumers to experience emotional value. Third, storytelling supports engagement behaviors. Finally, storytelling has a downside in that it also propagates harmful speech. This study concludes with a roadmap for future research about how storytelling impacts consumers' purchasing behavior.  相似文献   

The present research builds upon the touch literature to show that the salience of haptic product attributes related to product surface texture (smooth, rough) and weight (light weight, heavy weight) influence consumer product impressions. We propose that haptic cue congruity across texture and weight drive consumer product impressions depending on a consumer's need for touch (NFT). We show that high autotelic‐NFT consumers who touch for sensory pleasure enjoyed the incongruity between smooth texture and heavy weight haptic cues, and consequently showed favorable evaluations towards exciting brands. In contrast, low autotelic‐NFT consumers prefer the anticipated match between smooth texture and light weight haptic cues, which conformed to their expectation about the nature of a sophisticated brand personality. Further, we show how the interactive effect of haptic attributes and a consumer's autotelic‐NFT on willingness to purchase is mediated by product personality. Implications for theory and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

The study investigates the benefits of using a verbal analysis protocol combined with wireless audiovisual observation technology to collect information about consumer behaviour in real‐life environments. A sample of consumers (n = 36) were given a task to select food products in 11 different categories in a supermarket. Combining methods enabled simultaneous collection of multiple forms of qualitative and quantitative data by recording data simultaneously from different perspectives: the consumer's visual range; the wider shopping environment, to provide context; the consumer's verbalizations. Qualitative data on extrinsic and intrinsic factors that affect decision making and quantitative data on product selection time were taken as an example of rich and real‐time data obtained using the combined methods. Audiovisual material was analysed by Usability Test Software 2.0, verbal analysis data were sorted by a database programme and quantitative data were processed using SPSS 17.0. The study design provided sensitive verification of the nature of consumer interaction with the shopping environment: e.g. during the product selection time (average 23 ± 10 s/product), the interaction with the environment varied between individuals and among products selected. The approach represents a useful technique to enable the value of consumer input to direct innovation in consumer‐oriented product development. It also offers new perspectives to consumers and authorities and related organizations to understand shopping behaviour and the role of critical factors behind the food choices at the supermarket.  相似文献   

This study examines the effects of brand's sports sponsorship in social media on brand consumer's congruity and brand relationship quality. The study included a survey of targeting consumers whose ages range between early twenties and late forties; data from 322 respondents were collected. The results are as follows. First, brand's sports sponsorship in social-media activities relating to sports brands has significant effects on brand consumer's congruity. Second, this congruity significantly influences brand relationship quality. Third, male consumers, who have previously purchased products and services associated with a sports brand, perceive the sponsor's brand image more positively when they are exposed to the sponsor's brand's sports sponsorship in social-media activities, compared to those consumers having no previous purchases of the sponsored brand. Lastly, consumers in their forties with prior experience consuming the sponsor's brand products are most affected by the level of self-congruity with the sports brand compared to younger or older consumers.  相似文献   

This article analyses the influence of perceived quality measured across intrinsic and extrinsic attributes on satisfaction and consumer loyalty for a traditional food product as with PDO (Protected Designation of Origin) olive oil “Aceite del Bajo Aragón.” In addition, the article highlights the influence of consumer's degree of knowledge on these relationships. The results suggest that the main drivers to explain consumers' satisfaction and loyalty are the perceived quality of the intrinsic attributes (color, appearance, flavor, etc.). However, when consumers are classified attending to their degree of knowledge the main explanatory variable of satisfaction and loyalty of the more experienced consumers are the extrinsic attributes of the product (brand name, place of origin, images associated to the product, etc.). These findings allow us to develop important managerial implications for building a brand image for a PDO.  相似文献   


In this paper we bring together the concepts of Relationship Marketing (RM) in the marketing literature and Customer Relationship Management (CRM) in Information Systems (IS) literature to identify and assess emergent Internet-based Information Technologies (IT) that add value for consumers. We focus on the customer's perspective by identifying the key benefits consumers seek when they enter into IT-mediated interactions with sellers. We review the IS-CRM literature and identify 8 critical IT categories that have the potential for changing how buyers and sellers establish and maintain relationships in the Internet era. Subsequently, we introduce a conceptual model, which considers the nature of the consumer's involvement with sellers through emergent Internet-based technologies in juxtaposition to potential technology-based benefits to consumers. We then discuss the implications of this proposed direction. Finally, we discuss a future research agenda, which considers the use of IT in relationship management.  相似文献   

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