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This article examines managers' experiences of introducing a team‐based work system in a manufacturing firm, and their efforts to manage this. Drawing on a social constructionist view, findings are presented that point to the plurality of ‘world views’ held among managers responsible for the delivery of change and to the socially contested nature of teamworking. Implications of these findings are pursued, including the need for change agents and human resource development (HRD) specialists to build sufficient time for review and reflection into change programmes. This is central to developing more skilled approaches to balancing inherent tensions in the employment relationship and processes of change, and in creating opportunities for more fluid and open dialogue among different groups and individuals within management in order to enhance processes of learning and understanding.  相似文献   

In this paper the simulation of crisis phenomena in complex social systems is explored. Analogies from complex physical systems containing a “large” number of objects are used to guide the modeling effort. A list processing program is developed that simulates the changing racial balance in urban areas.  相似文献   

资本主义与城市社会变迁--新马克思主义城市理论视角   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
新马克思主义城市理论是对20世纪60年代以来西方城市社会发展和变迁中出现的城市问题进行的一种理论解读.它认为在现代资本主义社会,城市屈从于一个更大系统,是资本主义体系的一部分,对城市的理解和认识必须放到资本主义生产方式理论框架下去考察,资本主义体系包含着内在的基本矛盾,正是这些基本矛盾影响并决定着资本主义城市社会的发展,城市的变迁连接、反映并调节着资本主义基本矛盾,是与资本积累、资本循环、劳动力再生产等资本主义运作过程相联系的,体现了资本主义的运作逻辑.新马克思主义城市理论发展并创新了马克思主义理论,为丰富和发展城市社会学理论做出了很大贡献.  相似文献   

中国本土化城市形态论   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
针对中国城市正在表现为城市文化与城市文脉的断裂,城市记忆出现空白,城市形态从物理的、空间的、文化的、心理的层面出现断裂这些现象,全面反思了中国城市形态的各种主要问题,提出了城市形态本土化主张,强调了中国本土化城市形态的人与自然和谐为本的理念,并将之上升为一个民族经济与社会文化发展可持续力的构建和民族自信力的重构问题.  相似文献   

基于空间生产的理论,分析了城市户外广告媒体的空间生产层次,即符号消费的广告生产和广告媒体的空间生产。在此基础上,阐述了政府、市民与广告活动主体之间的利益博弈,认为其根源在于空间生产中的资本霸权、体制冲突和政府的权力滥用,所以必须要强化广告空间资源的规划监管,完善利益分享与利益补偿机制,构建横向与纵向的利益协调机制。  相似文献   

为降低交易费用、促进分工、推动经济增长,社会发生从计划经济体制向市场经济体制的制度变迁.在制度变迁过程中,城市规划也需要支付必要的市场交易成本.政府要在招商引资中通过城市规划主导城市空间演化方向,在城市经营中加强成本意识、营销意识.为适应制度变迁和公共服务的要求,城市规划的管理和编制都面临组织变革.  相似文献   

张沛 《城市问题》2001,(1):7-10,58
一、城市规划优化决策研究的重要意义  城市规划是指根据一定时期城市经济与社会发展的目标,确定城市性质、规模和发展方向,合理利用城市土地,协调城市空间功能布局及进行各项建设的综合部署和全面安排。从特点看,城市的社会、经济、环境等各项要素互为前提,互相制约,城市规划需要对城市的各项要素进行统筹安排,使之各得其所,协调发展,具有很强的综合性;城市规划中许多重大问题的解决都必须以国家有关方针政策为依据,具有很强的政策性;城市规划要根据地方特点,因地制宜地规划、建设与管理,具有地方性;城市规划既要解决当前建设问题,又要合…  相似文献   

A unified theory of structural change   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper uses dynamic general equilibrium and computational methods, inspired by the multi-sector growth model structure in Stephen Turnovsky's work, to develop a theory that unifies two of the traditional explanations of structural change: sector-biased technical change and non-homothetic preferences. The theory is based on an overlapping-generations growth model with endogenous technical change and non-homothetic preferences. An expanding-variety setup with two different R&D technologies, agricultural, and non-agricultural, is employed. The analysis, based on numerical simulations, shows that the biased technical change hypothesis finds most support in the data. It also points to production-side specific factors, such as asymmetries in cross-sector knowledge spillovers, as explanatory factors of the bias in technical change.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the impacts of a transportation system change on urban spatial structure in the case where there are two competitive transport modes. Furthermore the effect of improvement of the transportation system on users' welfare is examined and compared between two modes.  相似文献   

新城市发展理论评述   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
全球化与信息化给城市发展带来重大影响 ,本文评述了现代西方提出的主要的城市发展理论或假说 ,总结了信息时代城市发展的若干特点。  相似文献   

城市创新系统理论研究综述   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
李飞  张晓立  覃巍 《城市问题》2007,(10):29-33
首先,阐明并追溯了城市创新系统的定义、学术史渊源和理论来源,其后,从组织结构、功能特征、运作机制、系统构建、评价体系等方面对城市创新系统研究进行了回顾和理论总结,并指出了当前研究中存在的问题.  相似文献   

The world’s urban population is expected to grow fifty percent by the year 2050 and exceed six billion. The major challenges confronting cities, such as sustainability, safety, and equality, will depend on the infrastructure developed to accommodate the increase. Urban planners have long debated the consequences of vertical expansion—the concentration of residents by constructing tall buildings—over horizontal expansion—the dispersal of residents by extending urban boundaries. Yet relatively little work has predicted the vertical expansion of cities and quantified the likelihood and therefore urgency of these consequences.We regard tall buildings as random exceedances over a threshold and use extreme value theory to forecast the skyscrapers that will dominate the urban skyline in 2050 if present trends continue. We predict forty-one thousand skyscrapers will surpass 150 meters and 40 floors, an increase of eight percent a year, far outpacing the expected urban population growth of two percent a year. The typical tall skyscraper will not be noticeably taller, and the tallest will likely exceed one thousand meters but not one mile. If a mile-high skyscraper is constructed, it will hold fewer occupants than many of the mile-highs currently designed. We predict roughly three-quarters the number of floors of the Mile-High Tower, two-thirds of Next Tokyo’s Sky Mile Tower, and half the floors of Frank Lloyd Wright’s The Illinois—three prominent plans for a mile-high skyscraper. However, the relationship between floor and height will vary considerably across cities.  相似文献   

城市土地供给制度的改革与创新   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
张洪 《城市问题》2004,(1):62-65
依据制度经济学理论和国外不动产及城市土地管理的理论与实践,讨论了我国当前城市土地供给管理的制度性缺陷和技术性缺陷,并从如何完善国土资源部正在推行的城市土地储备交易制度,提出了构想.  相似文献   

北京城市办公业发展与城市变化阶段分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
办公业发展作为城市经济转型的组成部分,在北京城市变化中经历了4个阶段:(1)变消费城市为生产城市——办公业萌芽期。新中国成立后至改革开放前,北京城市大力发展工业,变消费城市为生产城市。这一时期由于政治上的原因,外商驻京机构很少;而国内金融、保险、房地产、信息行业基本处于萌芽阶段。因而,该时期无真正意义上的办公业。(2)现代化城市——办公业起步期。改革开放至20世纪80年代中后期,北京向现代化城市迈进,商务管理职能为主体的办公业开始萌芽,城市经济结构发生了变化,第三产业中生产性服务业开始兴起。(3)国际化大都市——办公业起飞期。从20世纪90年代中后期至21世纪早期,北京开始向国际化大都市靠近,相对形成了几个办公区域,如CBD商务办公区域、中关村高科技办公区域、复兴门金融办公区域等。生产性服务业占据主导地位。(4)现代化国际城市-办公业飞速发展期。2008年奥运申办成功后,北京城市发展又处于一个转型期,以公司办公为核心的办公业空间集聚使北京城市发生新的变化。  相似文献   

随着城市建设的不断升级,城市内河的旅游开发已成为城市建设和城市旅游开发的热点。传统的城市内河规划注重的是人工建设和美化、亮化工程。用反规划理论对城市内河开发进行研究,试图打破传统城市内河开发的思维模式,使城市内河恢复其自然状态,做到天人和谐共生。  相似文献   

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